1,938 research outputs found

    Compilability of Abduction

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    Abduction is one of the most important forms of reasoning; it has been successfully applied to several practical problems such as diagnosis. In this paper we investigate whether the computational complexity of abduction can be reduced by an appropriate use of preprocessing. This is motivated by the fact that part of the data of the problem (namely, the set of all possible assumptions and the theory relating assumptions and manifestations) are often known before the rest of the problem. In this paper, we show some complexity results about abduction when compilation is allowed

    Electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol sobre catalizadores de naturaleza amorfa de composición Ni59Nb40Pt1 y Ni59Nb39Pt2

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    La ecotoxicidad de las disoluciones provenientes de las pilas de combustible de etanol directo (DEFC) disminuyetras el proceso de electrooxidación con electrodos de naturalezaamorfa. Esta disminución es función del potencialaplicado y de la composición del electrodo utilizado.El proceso de electrooxidación del etanol y bioetanol, sucedetras una secuencia de reacciones, donde se formanvarios productos intermedios que pueden afectar al procesogeneral de electrooxidación de los alcoholes.El bioetanol, se está estudiando como combustible alternativoal etanol para las DEFC, pero se comporta de formadiferente, en cuanto a su electrooxidación. Se han obtenidoresultados diferentes al electrooxidar disoluciones deetanol y de bioetanol

    La incorporación de las mujeres a las Fuerzas Armadas: el caso español y su percepción pública en perspectiva comparada

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    Este trabajo examina la incorporación de las mujeres en las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA) españolas. Desde un punto de vista teórico, el estudio se enmarca dentro de las discusiones acerca de la participación de las mujeres en las instituciones militares y de las diversas teorías sobre los factores que influyen y explican este proceso. Además, el examen empírico del caso español se contextualiza en términos comparados con información general relativa a la feminización de las fuerzas militares de los países de la OTAN y más particularmente del caso de EEUU. A la luz de la política de incorporación femenina a las FFAA españolas se concluye que desde un punto de vista institucional el proceso se encuentra básicamente completado y además con un porcentaje de feminización de los más altos entre los países miembros de la OTAN. En cuanto a la dimensión social del cambio y de su percepción pública, sin embargo, existen importantes contradicciones y los estereotipos culturalmente arraigados continúan aislando a las mujeres de tareas tradicionalmente percibidas como masculinas

    Utilización de aditivos para mejorar la sensibilidad de las mezclas bituminosas al calentamiento con microondas

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    This study examines the potential of adding electric arc furnace slag to bituminous mixtures to be heated by microwaves. The susceptibility of bituminous mixtures to microwave energy is limited and so, in order to improve the energy performance of the heating process, it is necessary to incorporate additives or components to the mixture so as to improve the capacity for microwave heating. The article presents the results of adding various components, (steel wool, scrap tire wire, silicon carbide, iron filings) and an alternative aggregate: electric arc furnace slag. According to the results obtained in the laboratory, slag addition of at least 5% by weight of the bituminous mixture represents the best option for both technical and economic reasons. The results may promote the valorization of this steel industry residue in bituminous mixtures by improving microwave heating response.El presente trabajo examina el potencial de añadir escorias siderúrgicas de horno de arco eléctrico en mezclas bituminosas cuando se calientan con energía de microondas. La susceptibilidad de las mezclas bituminosas a las microondas es limitada y con el objetivo de incrementarla es necesario incorporar aditivos o componentes que sí son susceptibles. El artículo presenta los resultados obtenidos con varios aditivos (lana de acero, alambre metálico reciclado de neumáticos fuera de uso, carburo de silíceo y limaduras de hierro) y un árido alternativo: escorias de horno de arco eléctrico. De acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos en el estudio, la incorporación de escorias en al menos un 5% en masa de la mezcla bituminosa representa la mejor opción por motivos técnicos y económicos. Este resultado puede potenciar la valorización de este residuo de la industria del acero en mezclas bituminosas para mejorar su respuesta al calentamiento con energía microondas

    Assessing the Effectiveness of a Gamified Social Network for Applying Privacy Concepts: An Empirical Study with Teens

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    [EN] The concept of privacy in online social networks (OSNs) is a challenge, especially for teenagers. Previous works deal with teaching about privacy using educational online content, and media literacy. However, these tools do not necessarily promote less risky behaviors, and do not allow the assessment of users' behavior after the learning period. Moreover, few research studies about the effects of social gamification have been performed for this population segment (i.e., teenagers). To address this problem in this article, we propose the use of gamification in an OSN called Pesedia to facilitate the teaching/learning process, and assess its effectiveness in promoting suitable privacy behaviors. We tested our proposal comparing teenagers' performance in two editions of a course about social networks, and privacy (with, and without gamification) for one month. We measured the impact of gamification in the participants' behaviors toward privacy concepts as a consequence of the privacy teaching/learning process, and the participants' engagement in the educational process. The results show that there are significant differences in participants' behavior regarding privacy, and engagement in the gamified social network. Moreover, there is also a significant difference in participants' engagement for the gamified male participants. The gamified social network proposed in this article may be relevant, and useful for educators who wish to develop, and enhance teenagers' privacy skills, or for a broader base of aspects related to the development of digital competences, and technology in education.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Government Project TIN2017-89156-R, and in part by the FPI under Grant BFS-2015-074498. (Corresponding author: Elena Del Vol.)Alemany-Bordera, J.; Del Val, E.; García-Fornes, A. (2020). Assessing the Effectiveness of a Gamified Social Network for Applying Privacy Concepts: An Empirical Study with Teens. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. 13(4):777-789. https://doi.org/10.1109/TLT.2020.3026584S77778913

    Nonlinear elasto–plastic performance prediction of materials stabilized with bitumen emulsion in rural road pavements

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    [Abstract:] This article presents numerical modelling of rural road pavement sections recycled in situ with two materials stabilized with bitumen emulsion. The two materials stabilized with bitumen emulsion are base course materials comprising 25% reclaimed asphalt pavement and 75% natural aggregates with and without 1% cement. A 3D-finite difference model was used to determine the response of these pavement sections when subjected to two types of loads with four types of soil subgrades of varying resistances. A nonlinear elasto–plastic Mohr-Coulomb model was used in the two materials stabilized with bitumen emulsion, and a nonlinear model was adopted in the four soil subgrades. Both the resilient and permanent behaviours of these materials were modelled. An analysis was conducted on rutting and fatigue resistances of the base course materials. The base course material containing 1% cement is more resistant and is apt for use in lightly trafficked rural roads. Both base course materials stabilized with bitumen emulsion will first fail from rutting before fatigue

    Experimental Study of Tapping Wear Mechanisms on Nodular Cast Iron

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    AbstractTapping by cutting is one of the most common operations in manufacturing. This multi-teeth tool, known as a tap, cuts the thread in a hole when the piece has a high added value. The thread quality is ensured when the tap is new or slightly worn, yet when tap wear is high; the quality of profiles exceeds tolerance limits and therefore a defect occurs in the manufacturing line.The aim of this paper is to study the tap wear of titanium nitride coated taps measured on nodular cast iron. The level of tap wear is determined by optical images and the wear mechanics are classified by scanning images and energy dispersion spectroscopy analysis. The results highlight that the critical part in measured taps is between the last chamfer and the first cylinder teeth and, consequently, the thread profile is under-sized. Beside adhesive wear, coating removal and chipping are the main wear aspects during tapping operations

    Mechanical properties and behaviour of in situ materials which are stabilised with bitumen emulsion

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    [Abstract:] This article presents a critical review of the mechanical properties of in situ materials which are stabilised with bitumen emulsion. A description is provided of the types of materials that are stabilised with bitumen emulsion presently available and different hypotheses about their behaviour and different properties are put forth. The two main categories of mechanical properties investigated in the laboratory by means of mechanical test are addressed: (a) properties similar to those of granular materials in accordance with their stress-dependent behaviour and (b) properties resembling hot mix asphalt materials in accordance with their temperature and time-dependent viscoelastic behaviour. The article concludes with several final remarks on the structural behaviour and mechanical properties of these materials

    Modelización numérica en 3D de materiales reciclados en frío in situ con emulsión bituminosa en carreteras de bajo tráfico de la República Sudafricana

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    Esta XII Jornada tuvo lugar en Madrid, el 30 y 31 de mayo de 2017.[Resumen:] En esta comunicación se hace una modelización numérica de secciones de firme recicladas “in situ” con emulsión asfáltica. Se analizan firmes constituidos por un 25 % de material bituminoso fresado (Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement, RAP) y un 75 % de áridos naturales (capa granular), tanto con un 1 % de cemento como sin él. Se modeliza el comportamiento resiliente y permanente de estos materiales. Se calculan las respuestas del firme bajo una carga de ruedas gemelas, con cuatro tipos de explanadas de diversas características. Se obtiene la ley de variación del módulo resiliente para las cuatro explanadas y para los dos materiales reciclados (con cemento y sin cemento). Se analiza finalmente la deformación permanente de estos materiales reciclados

    Detection and nudge-intervention on sensitive information in social networks

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    [EN] Detecting sensitive information considering privacy is a relevant issue on Online Social Networks (OSNs). It is often difficult for users to manage the privacy associated with their posts on social networks taking into account all the possible consequences. The aim of this work is to provide information about the sensitivity of the content of a publication when a user is going to share it in OSN. For this purpose, we developed a privacy-assistant agent that detects sensitive information. Based on this information, the agent provides a message through a nudge mechanism warning about the possible risks of sharing the message. To avoid being annoying, the agent also considers the user's previous behaviour (e.g. if he previously ignored certain nudges) and adapts the messages it sends to give more relevance to those categories that are more important to the user from the point of view of the privacy risk. This agent was integrated into the social network Pesedia. We analysed the performance of different models to detect a set of sensitive categories (i.e. location, medical, drug/alcohol, emotion, personal attacks, stereotyping, family and association details, personal details and personally identifiable information) in a dataset of tweets in Spanish. The model that obtained the best results (i.e. F1 and accuracy) and that was finally integrated into the privacy-assistant agent was transformer-based.This work is supported by the Spanish Government project TIN2017-89156-R.Alemany, J.; Botti-Cebriá, V.; Del Val Noguera, E.; García-Fornes, A. (2022). Detection and nudge-intervention on sensitive information in social networks. Logic Journal of IGPL. 30(6):942-953. https://doi.org/10.1093/jigpal/jzac00494295330