4,232 research outputs found

    Hematoma epidural cervical tras latigazo cervical

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    Se describe un hematoma epidural a nivel cervical en un varón de 43 años, tras un traumatismo menor tipo latigazo cervical. Su sintomatología inicial obligó a descartar patología cardiaca llegándose al diagnóstico tras estudio mediante resonancia nuclear magnética. El cuadro clínico parcial y no progresivo desaconsejó la cirugía, observándose su reabsorción con nuevo control de resonancia. Se realza una revisión de la bibliografía, señalándose las principales características de esta entidad poco frecuente.We repor a case of cervical epidural hematoma in a 43 year-old man, after soft-tissue cervical spine strain (known as a “whiplast”). At the beginnig, because previous presumptive cardiac pain in this patient, we need to discart cardiac cause. We made the diagnostic of cervical epidural hematoma with the use of magnetic resonance imaging. The incomplete, not severe and nonprogressing defficits led us to conservative treatment; and the hematoma resolved spontaneously, as documented with a new magnetic resonance imaging. The medical literature relating to this uncommon entity has been reviewe

    Nanoscale electrical characterization of arrowhead defects in GalnP thin films grown on Ge

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    In this work the authors present an electrical characterization of the so called arrowhead defects (ADs) in GaInP thin films grown on Ge(100) substrates misoriented by 6° toward (111). The samples have been evaluated by means of conductive atomic force microscopy (C-AFM) and Kelvin probe force microscopy (KPFM). It is shown that the ADs have terminating planes which are composed from two alternating subplanes inclined 12° (close to {105} plane) and 6° (close to {109}) with respect to the (100) plane. The terminating planes of the arrowhead defects possess higher conductivity compared to their surrounding. The terminating planes differ also in their electrical behavior from each other, demonstrating different values of conductivity (C-AFM) and bucking voltages (KPFM). The difference in current densities between two terminating planes was found to be ∼ 170±35 μA/m2 at −3 V, and the difference in the bucking voltages was ∼ 70 mV at 5 V of the electrical excitation signal in the lift mode. It is suggested that the distinctive electrical behavior of the ADs is caused by an ordering effect which leads in this case to the degraded electrical properties of the ADs

    Modeling GHG emissions, N and C dynamics in Spanish agricultural soils.

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    To date, only few initiatives have been carried out in Spain in order to use mathematical models (e.g. DNDC, DayCent, FASSET y SIMSNIC) to estimate nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) dynamics as well as greenhouse gases (GHG) in Spanish agrosystems. Modeling at this level may allow to gain insight on both the complex relationships between biological and physicochemical processes, controlling the processes leading to GHG production and consumption in soils (e.g. nitrification, denitrification, decomposing, etc.), and the interactions between C and N cycles within the different components of the continuum plant-soil-environment. Additionally, these models can simulate the processes behind production, consumition and transport of GHG (e.g. nitrous oxide, N2O, and carbon dioxide, CO2) in the short and medium term and at different scales. Other sources of potential pollution from soils can be identified and quantified using these process-based models (e.g. NO3 y NH3)

    Systematic review of fatty acid composition of human milk from mothers of preterm compared to full-term infants

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    Background: Fatty acid composition of human milk serves as guidance for the composition of infant formulae. The aim of the study was to systematically review data on the fatty acid composition of human milk of mothers of preterm compared to full-term infants. Methods: An electronic literature search was performed in English (Medline and Medscape) and German (SpringerLink) databases and via the Google utility. Fatty acid compositional data for preterm and fullterm human milk were converted to differences between means and 95% confidence intervals. Results: We identified five relevant studies publishing direct comparison of fatty acid composition of preterm versus full-term human milk. There were no significant differences between the values of the principal saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. In three independent studies covering three different time points of lactation, however, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) values were significantly higher in milk of mothers of preterm as compared to those of full-term infants, with an extent of difference considered nutritionally relevant. Conclusion: Higher DHA values in preterm than in full-term human milk underlines the importance of using own mother's milk for feeding preterm babies and raises the question whether DHA contents in preterm formulae should be higher than in formulae for full-term infants. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Spectral and Localization Properties for the One-Dimensional Bernoulli Discrete Dirac Operator

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    A 1D Dirac tight-binding model is considered and it is shown that its nonrelativistic limit is the 1D discrete Schr?odinger model. For random Bernoulli potentials taking two values (without correlations), for typical realizations and for all values of the mass, it is shown that its spectrum is pure point, whereas the zero mass case presents dynamical delocalization for specific values of the energy. The massive case presents dynamical localization (excluding some particular values of the energy). Finally, for general potentials the dynamical moments for distinct masses are compared, especially the massless and massive Bernoulli cases.Comment: no figure; 24 pages; to appear in Journal of Mathematical Physic

    Caracterização de cultivares e linhagens elite de feijoeiro-comum para teores de ferro e zinco nos grãos.

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    O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar cultivares/linhagens elite de feijoeiro-comum com altos teores de ferro e zinco.Pôster - pós-graduação

    Caracterização de cultivares e linhagens elite de feijoeiro-comum para altos teores de ferro e zinco nos grãos.

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    A deficiência de micronutrientes atinge grande parte da população mundial, principalmente a população de baixa renda. Com intuito de suprir essa deficiência vários programas de biofortificação vêm sendo conduzidos, inclusive para feijão, visando os aumentos dos teores de ferro e zinco. O objetivo desse trabalho foi identificar cultivares/linhagens elite de feijoeiro-comum com altos teores de ferro e zinco

    Challenges for the balanced attribution of livestock’s environmental impacts: the art of conveying simple messages around complex realities

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    Meat production is often listed among the largest contributors to climate change, and is usually associated with biodiversity damage, feed-food competition, and water scarcity. This assumption is largely based on the biogenic methane (CH4) emissions of the global herd of ruminants and its occupation of land. Environmental assessments of the livestock sector are all too frequently stated in simplistic terms, making use of a myopic selection of metrics, and overlooking underlying heterogeneity and complexities. One example of such oversimplification is the comparison of the warming effect of different greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, and N2O), which are associated with a series of challenges due to their own heterogeneous atmospheric ‘behavior’. Whilst useful for certain research questions, standardizations such as the commonly used GWP100 hide many complex issues. These issues include considering different emission profiles of production systems (e.g., low-methane porcine vs. high-methane ruminant), the need to factor in CO2 and CH4 sinks, the different atmospheric lifetimes of each gas and subsequent atmospheric warming potential, and compensatory background emissions in alternative rewilding scenarios. Whilst poorly managed land negatively affects biodiversity, well-managed land strategies, including those pertaining to livestock production, can lead to favorable outcomes (e.g., biodiverse swards that encourage pollination and beneficial microfauna). Similarly, the assessment of water wastage and land use requires contextualized approaches. This highlights the importance of addressing agricultural heterogeneity in systems analysis, including Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). To further reflect the food-environment nexus, nutritional LCA (nLCA) incorporates considerations of food. optimizing e.g. nutritional sustenance and reducing, in theory, the amount of food we consume through meal-level assessment - rather than focusing on a single product.• Being more recent than the wider LCA ‘umbrella’ (e.g., Life Cycle Cost Analyses), one current drawback of nLCA is that it can be easily manipulated to favour one product over another, whether plant- or animal sourced, by singling out specific nutrients (e.g., fiber or vitamin C vs. vitamin B12 or digestible amino acid balanced protein). When considering the value of livestock products against their environmental impact, a holistic assessment is needed using balanced metrics and avoiding tunnel vision. Besides factoring in nutrition and co-product benefits, other natural capitals, and societal assets that result from well-managed farm enterprises need to be acknowledged, even if no empirical metric can currently fully account for their true value. Examples include: biodiversity, soil health, land stewardship, and rural community support; especially in a time of extreme variability due to climate, social unrest, and economic crises