49 research outputs found

    The role of liquidity in asset pricing: the special case of the Portuguese Stock Market

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    Purpose – The aim of this paper is to examine the role of liquidity in asset pricing in a tiny market, such as the Portuguese. The unique setting of the Lisbon Stock Exchange with regards to changes in classification from an emerging to a developed stock market, allows an original answer to whether changes in the development of the market affect the role of liquidity in asset pricing. Design/methodology/approach – The authors propose and compare two alternative implications of liquidity in asset pricing: as a desirable characteristic of stocks and as a source of systematic risk. In contrast to prior research for major stock markets, they use the proportion of zero returns which is an appropriated measure of liquidity in tiny markets and propose the separated effects of illiquidity in a capital asset pricing model framework over the whole sample period as well as in two sub-samples, depending on the change in classification of the Portuguese market, from an emerging to a developed one. Findings – The overall results of the study show that individual illiquidity affects Portuguese stock returns. However, in contrast to previous evidence from other markets, they show that the most traded stocks (hence the most liquid stocks) exhibit larger returns. In addition, they show that the illiquidity effects on stock returns were higher and more significant in the period from January 1988 to November 1997, during which the Portuguese stock market was still an emerging market. Research limitations/implications – These findings are relevant for investors when they make their investment decisions and for market regulators because they reflect the need of improving the competitiveness of the Portuguese stock market. Additionally, these findings are a challenge for academics because they exhibit the need for providing alternative theories for tiny markets such as the Portuguese one. Practical implications – The results have important implications for individual and institutional investors who can take into account the peculiar effect of liquidity in stock returns to make proper investment decision. Originality/value – The Portuguese market provides a natural experimental area to analyse the role of liquidity in asset pricing, because it is a tiny market and during the period studied it changed from an emerging to a developed exclusively focuses on the US and major European stock markets, whereas studies for the Portuguese one are scarce. In this context, the study provides an alternative methodological approach with results that differ from those theoretically expected. Thus, these findings are a challenge for academics and open a theoretical and a practical debatestock market. Moreover, the authors have to highlight that previous evidence almost.Propósito – El objetivo de este trabajo es examinar el papel de la liquidez en el precio de los activos en un mercado pequeño, como el portugués. El entorno único de la Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa con respecto a los cambios en la clasificación de un mercado de valores emergente a uno desarrollado, permite una respuesta original a si los cambios en el desarrollo del mercado afectan el papel de la liquidez en el precio de los activos. Diseño / metodología / enfoque – Los autores proponen y comparan dos implicaciones alternativas de la liquidez en el precio de los activos: como característica deseable de las acciones y como fuente de riesgo sistemático. A diferencia de la investigación anterior para los principales mercados de valores, utilizan la proporción de rendimientos cero, que es una medida apropiada de liquidez en mercados pequeños y proponen los efectos separados de la iliquidez en un marco de modelo de precios de activos de capital durante todo el período de la muestra, así como en dos submuestras, en función del cambio de clasificación del mercado portugués, de emergente a desarrollado. Recomendaciones – Los resultados generales del estudio muestran que la falta de liquidez individual afecta la rentabilidad de las acciones portuguesas. Sin embargo, en contraste con la evidencia previa de otros mercados, muestran que las acciones más negociadas (por lo tanto, las acciones más líquidas) exhiben mayores retornos. Además, muestran que los efectos de la iliquidez en la rentabilidad de las acciones fueron mayores y más significativos en el período de enero de 1988 a noviembre de 1997, durante el cual la bolsa portuguesa todavía era un mercado emergente. Limitaciones / implicaciones de la investigación – Estos hallazgos son relevantes para los inversores cuando toman sus decisiones de inversión y para los reguladores del mercado porque reflejan la necesidad de mejorar la competitividad del mercado de valores portugués. Además, estos hallazgos son un desafío para los académicos porque muestran la necesidad de brindar teorías alternativas para mercados pequeños como el portugués. Implicaciones prácticas – Los resultados tienen implicaciones importantes para los inversores individuales e institucionales que pueden tener en cuenta el efecto peculiar de la liquidez en la rentabilidad de las acciones para tomar decisiones de inversión adecuadas. Originalidad / valor – El mercado portugués proporciona un área experimental natural para analizar el papel de la liquidez en el precio de los activos, porque es un mercado pequeño y durante el período estudiado cambió de un emergente a uno desarrollado y se enfoca exclusivamente en los EE. UU. Y los principales mercados bursátiles europeos, mientras que los estudios para los portugueses son escasos. En este contexto, el estudio ofrece un enfoque metodológico alternativo con resultados que difieren de los teóricamente esperados. Por lo tanto, estos hallazgos son un desafío para los académicos y abren un mercado de valores de debate teórico y práctico. Por otra parte, los autores tienen que destacar que casi la evidencia previa

    Intraday linkages between the Spanish and the US stock markets: evidence of an overreaction effect

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    This paper focuses on short-term information transmission between the US stock market, properly the DOW index, and the main Spanish stock index, IBEX-35, in its early and final hours. We follow the approaches of Lin, Engle and Ito (1994), Susmel and Engle (1994) and Baur and Jung (2005) who use a GARCH model to analyze the influence of the previous daytime and overnight returns and volatility of the DOW upon the overnight returns and daytime returns of the IBEX from Open-to-3:30 and from 3:30-to-Close. The results suggest that the Spanish stock market usually has a low price movement till Wall Street opens. Additionally, they indicate that the Spanish market reacts quickly to the news, basically in the first four minutes following the opening of the US market. Furthermore, we find the existence of an overreaction effect during the two hours before the closing of the Spanish market

    Transmisión de información y carteras óptimas en el mercado bursátil español

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    ResumenEn este trabajo se analiza la transmisión de información y la formación de carteras de mínimo riesgo óptimas entre las empresas de mayor, mediano y pequeño tamaño del mercado de valores español representadas, respectivamente, por los índices bursátiles IBEX 35, IBEX MEDIUM CAP e IBEX SMALL CAP. La comparación de dos modelos de volatilidad, uno multivariante simétrico y otro asimétrico con cambios estructurales, muestra que existen diferencias en la transmisión de volatilidad. Las carteras de mínimo riesgo, por su parte, están formadas en todos los escenarios posibles analizados por la combinación de las empresas de mediano y pequeño tamaño (con una mayor ponderación de las empresas medianas) siendo, incluso, menor el riesgo cuando se consideran los efectos asimétricos y los cambios estructurales en la volatilidad. Estos resultados, pues, refuerzan el interés por conocer las características de este tipo de empresas frente a las que componen el IBEX 35.AbstractThis article examines the transmission of volatility and the creation of optimal risk minimizing portfolios among large-, medium- and small-capitalization companies of the Spanish stock market, which are represented by the IBEX 35, IBEX MEDIUM CAP and IBEX SMALL CAP indexes respectively. A comparison of two volatility models, a symmetric and an asymmetric multivariate GARCH model with structural changes, shows that there are differences in the transmission of volatility. We demonstrate that, in all the possible scenarios analyzed, the risk minimizing portfolio is composed of medium and small indexes with a higher weight of medium firms. The risk is even lower when asymmetric effects and structural changes are taken into account. These results therefore illustrate the importance of knowing the main characteristics of these firms with respect to those than compose the IBEX 35 index

    Sustainable development, sustainability leadership and firm valuation: differences across Europe

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    Artigo em revista científicaSustainable development is nowadays a high priority for firms all over the world. Consequently, numerous firms have increased their social responsibility initiatives, reinforcing the credibility and trust of their stakeholders. However, prior research about the relevance of sustainability leadership for the European investment community is scarce. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine whether sustainability leadership – proxied by membership of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe – is value relevant for investors on the 10 major European stock markets over the 2001–2013 period. Our overall results reveal that there exist significant differences across markets. These findings are relevant especially for investors, but also for the managers of listed firms, market regulators and policymakers. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environmentinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Profitability of technical trading rules in the Brazilian stock market

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    Objetivo: El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido analizar las diferentes estrategias comerciales para el mercado de valores brasileño. Este análisis se centra en la comparación y combinación de diferentes reglas activas contra la regla pasiva de compra y retención. Antecedentes: El papel de líder regional del mercado de valores brasileño ha atraído la atención de los inversores, que ahora lo consideran una alternativa válida cuando buscan diversificar sus carteras. Por consiguiente, un uso adecuado de las Reglas Técnicas de Comercio (RTC) podría ayudar a los inversores a obtener los beneficios deseados de sus inversiones. Método: Se compara el rendimiento de las estrategias activas basadas en las TTR clásicas con una propuesta basada en el indicador de momentum, y luego todas ellas con las obtenidas de la estrategia pasiva de compra y retención. Se emplean pruebas de comprobación de la realidad y de capacidad de predicción superior para tener en cuenta el posible sesgo de fisgoneo de los datos. Los resultados: Se muestra que las reglas clásicas tienen un peor rendimiento que una regla propuesta basada en la Tasa de Cambio. Además, cuando empleamos una ETF que rastrea las compañías más pequeñas, obtenemos rendimientos más altos que los obtenidos para las compañías más grandes. Contribuciones: Este análisis es especialmente interesante porque, hasta donde sabemos, no hay evidencia empírica en ese sentido para el mercado de valores brasileño. Además, ampliamos la evidencia anterior centrándonos en tres ETF que rastrean las empresas grandes, medianas y pequeñas del mercado de valores brasileño y, por lo tanto, los resultados obtenidos de nuestro análisis proporcionarán una mejor visión de las oportunidades de inversión que la evidencia empírica anterior ha mostrado.Objective: The objective of this paper has been to analyze different trading strategies for the Brazilian stock market. This analysis is focused on the comparison and combination of different active rules against the passive rule of buy-and-hold. Background: The role of regional leader of the Brazilian stock market has attracted the attention of the investors, who now consider it a valid alternative when seeking to diversify their portfolios. Consequently, an adequate use of the Technical Trading Rules (TTR) could help investors obtain the desired profits on their investments. Method: We compare the performance of active strategies based on classical TTRs with a proposal based on the momentum indicator, and then all of them with those obtained from the passive strategy of buy-and-hold. Reality Check and Superior Predictive Ability tests are employed to account for possible data snooping bias. Results: It is shown that the classical rules perform worse than a proposed rule based on the Rate of Change. Additionally, when we employ an ETF which tracks the smaller companies, we obtain higher performances than those obtained for larger companies. Contributions: This analysis is especially interesting because, to our knowledge, there is no empirical evidence in that sense for the Brazilian stock market. Additionally, we extend the previous evidence by focusing on three ETFs that track large, medium and small companies of the Brazilian stock market and, therefore, the results obtained from our analysis will provide a better vision of the investment opportunities than what the previous empirical evidence has shown.• Junta de Extremadura. V Plan Regional de Investigación y Desarrollo. Ayuda GR15027peerReviewe

    The impact of family control on firm's return

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    Family firm is a field of growing interest. The aim of this article is to understand whether CEOs identity impacts family firm’s stock returns. From a sample of Portuguese and Spanish family firms findings show that who manages the firms result in significantly different risk exposure. Moreover, we find that the abnormal return found by Fahlenbrach (2009) to founder-controlled firms disappear when we use valueweighted portfolios and include two new factors: market aggregate illiquidity and debt intensity to the four-factor Carhart model. Finally, our results explain why the majority of family firm is controlled by its founder

    Does family control reduce firm risk?

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    In the current context of instability and financial crisis, understanding firm risk is crucial. In this study we aim to assess firm risk differences between family and non-family firms. Furthermore we analyze the family control impact, measured by both the family ownership and the F-PEC scale, in firm risk. We provide new evidence from family firm studies since we not only analyze the risk topic, almost unexplored, but we also introduce the F-PEC scale, an alternative way to measure the family influence. Using Portuguese quoted firms during the 1999- 2012 period, we find that family influence and control do not impact firm risk. Moreover, the firm size, return and growth opportunities influence it.

    Sustainability reporting in Europe: differences in terms of legislation and valuation

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    Artigo em revista científicaOver the past few years, the number of socially responsible companies has been increasing significantly throughout the world and predominantly in Europe. This trend has accelerated the need to provide credibility, and also to create legislation that supports the information provided. As a result, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) was created with the aim of helping organisations to provide information about sustainability, as well as to assist stakeholders in interpreting it. However, the publication of social responsibility reports represents an additional cost and effort for the companies since it is necessary to provide extra resources and, for this reason, not all companies adopt this measure. Moreover, social responsibility can be a mandatory or voluntary requirement, depending on the country and the rules imposed by the government where the companies operate. In this context, the aim of this study is two-fold. Firstly, we provide a deep analysis about the evolution as well as the similarities and differences among European countries in terms of sustainability reporting over the 2001-2013 period following the GRI criteria. Secondly, we provide evidence about the value relevance of this practice for European firms.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Business growth and public policies for regional development in EUROACE

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    El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar el crecimiento empresarial en la eurorregión ibérica denominada EUROACE durante el periodo 2007-2015. Concretamente, analizamos qué tipo de empresas son las que tienen mayor potencial de crecimiento y qué medidas públicas son las que se deben tomar para facilitar su desarrollo y, de este modo, dinamizar la economía de la eurorregión y crear empleo. Para ello, contrastamos un modelo de regresión dinámico empleando el método generalizado de los momentos en datos de panel. Los principales resultados obtenidos nos indican que las empresas medianas son las que favorecen el crecimiento empresarial y el desarrollo económico de la eurorregión independientemente del efecto país.The aim of this study is to analyze business growth in the Iberian Euro-region called EUROACE during the 2007-2015 period. Specifically, we analyze which type of companies are those that have the greatest growth potential and which public measures are the ones that must be taken to facilitate their development and, in this way, boost the economy of the Euro-region and create employment. To that end, we contrast a dynamic regression model using the generalized method of moments in panel data. Our results indicate that medium-sized companies are those that favor business growth and the economic development of the Euro-region regardless of the country effect

    Rentabilidades anormales y estrategias de inversión en periodos de crisis: el caso español

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    Los periodos de crisis que se han desarrollado en los últimos tiempos en los mercadosbursátiles han conducido a la existencia de un interés cada vez mayor en analizar el comportamientode dichos mercados tras estos periodos y, de esta forma, conocer qué tipo de estrategias se hande aplicar para obtener una mayor rentabilidad. A partir del análisis de las rentabilidades anormalestras los shocks bursátiles sucedidos en los índices de referencia de las mayores, medias y pequeñasempresas del mercado español, el presente trabajo demuestra que la mejor estrategia en términosgenerales tras un shock bursátil es ponerse a corto, y que los mejores resultados de rentabilidadesextraordinarias se obtienen a partir de la inversión en las medias y pequeñas empresas