283 research outputs found

    Interaction of glutathione transferase from horse erythrocytes with 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole

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    7-Chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole reacts with two thiol groups of the dimeric horse erythrocyte glutathione transferase at pH 5.0, with strong inactivation reversible on dithiothreitol treatment. The inactivation kinetic follows a biphasic pattern, similar to that caused by other thiol reagents as recently reported. Both S-methylglutathione and 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene protect the enzyme from inactivation. Analysis of the reactive SH group-containing peptide gives the sequence Ala-Ser-Cys-Leu-Tyr, identical with that of the peptide that contains the reactive cysteine 47 of the human placental transferase. In the presence of glutathione, the enzyme is not inactivated by this reagent, but it catalyzes its conjugation to glutathione. At higher pH values, 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole reacts with 2 tyrosines/dimer and lysines, as well as with cysteines. Reaction with lysine seems essentially without effect on activity; whether the reactive tyrosines are important for activity could not be determined using this reagent only. However, 2 tyrosines among the 4 that are nitrated by tetranitro-methane are important for activity

    Chronic oleoylethanolamide treatment decreases hepatic triacylglycerol level in rat liver by a pparÎł/srebp-mediated suppression of fatty acid and triacylglycerol synthesis

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    none11noOleoylethanolamide (OEA) is a naturally occurring bioactive lipid belonging to the family of N-acylethanolamides. A variety of beneficial effects have been attributed to OEA, although the greater interest is due to its potential role in the treatment of obesity, fatty liver, and eating-related disorders. To better clarify the mechanism of the antiadipogenic effect of OEA in the liver, using a lipidomic study performed by1H-NMR, LC-MS/MS and thin-layer chromatography analyses we evaluated the whole lipid composition of rat liver, following a two-week daily treatment of OEA (10 mg kg−1 i.p.). We found that OEA induced a significant reduction in hepatic triacylglycerol (TAG) content and significant changes in sphingolipid composition and ceramidase activity. We associated the antiadipogenic effect of OEA to decreased activity and expression of key enzymes involved in fatty acid and TAG syntheses, such as acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, diacylglycerol acyltransferase, and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1. Moreover, we found that both SREBP-1 and PPARγ protein expression were significantly reduced in the liver of OEA-treated rats. Our findings add significant and important insights into the molecular mechanism of OEA on hepatic adipogenesis, and suggest a possible link between the OEA-induced changes in sphingolipid metabolism and suppression of hepatic TAG level.openRomano A.; Friuli M.; Del Coco L.; Longo S.; Vergara D.; Del Boccio P.; Valentinuzzi S.; Cicalini I.; Fanizzi F.P.; Gaetani S.; Giudetti A.M.Romano, A.; Friuli, M.; Del Coco, L.; Longo, S.; Vergara, D.; Del Boccio, P.; Valentinuzzi, S.; Cicalini, I.; Fanizzi, F. P.; Gaetani, S.; Giudetti, A. M

    An integrated metabolomics approach for the research of new cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers of multiple sclerosis

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    (1) Lipid profiling in MuS and OND patients. (2) Search of alterations associated with MuS. (3) Characterization of differences

    LIMPIC: a computational method for the separation of protein MALDI-TOF-MS signals from noise

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    BACKGROUND: Mass spectrometry protein profiling is a promising tool for biomarker discovery in clinical proteomics. However, the development of a reliable approach for the separation of protein signals from noise is required. In this paper, LIMPIC, a computational method for the detection of protein peaks from linear-mode MALDI-TOF data is proposed. LIMPIC is based on novel techniques for background noise reduction and baseline removal. Peak detection is performed considering the presence of a non-homogeneous noise level in the mass spectrum. A comparison of the peaks collected from multiple spectra is used to classify them on the basis of a detection rate parameter, and hence to separate the protein signals from other disturbances. RESULTS: LIMPIC preprocessing proves to be superior than other classical preprocessing techniques, allowing for a reliable decomposition of the background noise and the baseline drift from the MALDI-TOF mass spectra. It provides lower coefficient of variation associated with the peak intensity, improving the reliability of the information that can be extracted from single spectra. Our results show that LIMPIC peak-picking is effective even in low protein concentration regimes. The analytical comparison with commercial and freeware peak-picking algorithms demonstrates its superior performances in terms of sensitivity and specificity, both on in-vitro purified protein samples and human plasma samples. CONCLUSION: The quantitative information on the peak intensity extracted with LIMPIC could be used for the recognition of significant protein profiles by means of advanced statistic tools: LIMPIC might be valuable in the perspective of biomarker discovery

    Active focal segmental glomerulosclerosis is associated with massive oxidation of plasma albumin

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    The basic mechanism for idiopathic FSGS still is obscure. Indirect evidence in humans and generation of FSGS by oxidants in experimental models suggest a role of free radicals. In vitro studies demonstrate a main role of plasma albumin as antioxidant, its modification representing a chemical marker of oxidative stress. With the use of complementary liquid chromatography electron spray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS) and biochemical methods, plasma albumin was characterized in 34 patients with FSGS; 18 had received a renal transplant, and 17 had IgM mesangial deposition. Patients with FSGS that was in remission or without recurrence after transplantation had normal plasma albumin, and the same occurred in patients with primary and secondary nephrites and with chronic renal failure. In contrast, patients with active FSGS or with posttransplantation recurrence had oxidized plasma albumin. This finding was based on the characterization of albumin Cys 34 with an mass-to-charge ratio of 511.71 in triple charge that was consistent with the formation of a cysteic acid carrying a sulfonic group (alb-SO3-). The exact mass of albumin was increased accordingly (+48 Da) for incorporation of three oxygen radicals. Direct titration of the free sulfhydryl group 34 of plasma albumin and electrophoretic titration curves confirmed loss of free sulfhydryl group and formation of a fast-moving isoform in all cases with disease activity. This is the first demonstration of in vivo plasma albumin oxidation that was obtained with an adequate structural approach. Albumin oxidation seems to be specific for FSGS, suggesting some pathogenetic implications. Free radical involvement in FSGS may lead to specific therapeutic interventions

    12 Sex-related differential susceptibility to ponatinib-induced cardiotoxicity and its relationship to modulation of notch signalling in a muine model

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    Abstract Aims Ponatinib (PON), a tyrosine kinase inhibitor approved in chronic myeloid leukaemia, has proven cardiovascular toxicity. Although sex is a risk factor for PON-induced cardiotoxicity in humans, little is known about its mechanisms, in general, and sex-related mechanisms in particular. To determine the mechanisms of sex-related PON-induced cardiotoxicity and identify potential rescue strategies in a murine model. Methods Twenty-four-month-old male and female C57B5 mice were treated with 3 mg/kg/day of PON or vehicle via oral gavage for 28 days, with/without siRNA-Notch1 or siRNA-scrambled via tail vein every 3 days. Results PON + scrambled siRNA-treated male mice had a higher number of TUNEL-positive cells, a higher percentage of senescence-associated ÎČ-galactosidase positive senescent cardiac areas, as well as a lower reactivity degree for the survival marker Bmi1 than female counterparts. Proteomics analysis of cardiac tissue showed upstream activation of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) type 2, downstream activation of cell death and production of reactive oxygen species in PON + scrambled siRNA- compared to vehicle or PON + Notch1 siRNA-treated male mice. Upstream analysis showed beta-estradiol activation, while downstream analysis showed activation of cell survival and inhibition of cell death in PON + scrambled siRNA compared to vehicle-treated female mice. PON + scrambled siRNA-treated mice also showed a down-regulation of cardiac actin, which was more marked in male; as well as vessel density, which was more marked in female mice. Female hearts showed a greater extent of cardiac fibrosis than male counterparts at baseline, with no significant changes after PON treatment. In contrast, PON + scrambled siRNA-treated mice had less fibrosis than vehicle or PON + Notch1-siRNA-treated mice. Left ventricular systolic dysfunction shown in PON + scrambled siRNA-treated male mice and—to a lesser extent—by female mice was similarly reversed in both PON + Notch1-siRNA-treated male and female mice (Table 1). Conclusions We found a sex-related differential susceptibility and Notch1 modulation in PON-induced cardiotoxicity. This can improve our understanding of sex-related differences and help identify biomarkers in PON cardiotoxicity

    The Epidemiologic Study in San Valentino

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    The efficacy of a 2-month treatment with oral colostrum in the prevention of flu episodes compared with antiinfluenza vaccination was evaluated. Groups included healthy subjects without prophylaxis and those receiving both vaccination and colostrum. After 3 months of follow-up, the number of days with flu was 3 times higher in the non-colostrum subjects. The colostrum group had 13 episodes versus 14 in the colostrum + vaccination group, 41 in the group without prophylaxis, and 57 in nontreated subjects. Part 2 of the study had a similar protocol with 65 very high-risk cardiovascular subjects, all of whom had prophylaxis. The incidence of complications and hospital admission was higher in the group that received only a vaccination compared with the colostrum groups. Colostrum, both in healthy subjects and high-risk cardiovascular patients, is at least 3 times more effective than vaccination to prevent flu and is very cost-effective

    Proteomic insights in extracellular microvesicles from multiple sclerosis patients

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    To date the most important biomarkers for Multiple Sclerosis (MuS) diagnosis are the oligoclonal bands (OCBs) in CSF and Link Index. CSF is the body fluid that might better provide information about the pathological processes occurring in the CNS, because of its proximity. Anyway, it is obtained through an invasive procedure, thus tears, may represent an useful alternative source of biomarkers. Emerging evidences showed that distinct types of brain cells release high number of Extracellular Vesicles (EVs), that play important roles in the CNS, and represent a relevant source of biomarkers, relative free from confounding factors. In the present study, we analysed EVs from MuS patients obtained from tears and CSF samples. In details, 50ÎŒl of CSF or 50 ÎŒl of tears/sample were processed by a common flow cytometry no-lyse and no-wash method, in order to identify EVs. Exosomes and microvesicles (MVs) were sorted (70 ÎŒm nozzle, FACSAria III cell sorter, BD) from pooled CSF samples on the basis of their positivity to specific tetraspainins (for exosomes) or markers identifying each MV subset. Fractions were analysed by electron microscopy and Dynamic Light Scattering. Purified MV fractions undergone to FASP tryptic digestion and nanoLC-ESI-QTOF-MS/MS based shotgun proteomic approach. Identified MVs proteins were processed by Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) and PANTHER - Gene List Analysis. Our data shows the presence of subpopulations of extracellular MVs of neuronal and microglia origins in tears , indicating a cross talk between the two compartment. We also identified 55 proteins (FD
