567 research outputs found

    Effective description of brane terms in extra dimensions

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    We study how theories defined in (extra-dimensional) spaces with localized defects can be described perturbatively by effective field theories in which the width of the defects vanishes. These effective theories must incorporate a ``classical'' renormalization, and we propose a renormalization prescription a la dimensional regularization for codimension 1, which can be easily used in phenomenological applications. As a check of the validity of this setting, we compare some general predictions of the renormalized effective theory with those obtained in a particular ultraviolet completion based on deconstruction.Comment: 28 page

    Comment on SU(16) grand unification

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    In a recent paper on SU(16) grand unification, because of the presence of intermediate-energy gauge groups containing products of U(1) factors which are not orthogonal among themselves, the renormalization-group treatment has a few small errors. I correct it. I emphasize that one should not switch gauge couplings at the various thresholds. It is easier, and it avoids errors, to use throughout the gauge couplings of the standard model, and compute at each threshold, in the usual way, the extra contributions to the beta functions from the extra non-decoupled fields. I also point out that the SU(16) grand unification theory, due to the large number of scalars present in it, is not asymptotically free. It becomes a strong-coupling theory at energies only slightly larger than the unification scale.Comment: 5 latex pages, 2 tables, no figure

    Patterns of quark mass matrices in a class of Calabi-Yau models

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    We study a class of superstring models compactified in the 3-generation Calabi-Yau manifold of Tian and Yau. Our analysis includes the complete E6E_6-singlet sector, which has been recently evaluated using techniques of spectral and exact sequences. We use the discrete symmetries of the models to find flat directions of symmetry breaking that leave unbroken a low energy matter parity and make all leptoquarks heavy while preserving light Higgs fields. Then we classify the patterns of ordinary quark mass matrices and show that (without invoking effects due to nonrenormalizable terms) only one structure can accommodate the observed value of fermion masses and mixing angles, with preference for a heavy {\it top} quark ( mt≄170m_t\ge 170 GeV for V13≀0.013V_{13}\le 0.013 ). The model, which unifies perturbatively and predicts a realistic structure of quark mass matrices with texture zeroes, is one of the many possible string vacua. However, in contrast with what is often assumed in the search for realistic unified scenarios, it is highly nonminimal near the unification scale and the predicted mass matrices have no simple symmetry properties.Comment: 30 (including Tables and Figures), UG-FT-38/9

    Quark mixings and flavor changing interactions with singlet quarks

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    Aspects of the quark mixings and flavor changing interactions are investigated in electroweak models with singlet quarks. The effects on the ordinary quark mixing are determined in terms of the quark masses and the parameters describing the mixing between the ordinary quarks q and the singlet quarks Q (q-Q mixing). Some salient features arise in the flavor changing interactions through the q-Q mixing. The unitarity of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix within the ordinary quark sector is violated, and the flavor changing neutral currents (FCNC's) appear both in the gauge and scalar couplings. The flavor changing interactions are calculated appropriately in terms of the q-Q mixing parameters and the quark masses, which really exhibit specific flavor structures. It is found that there are reasonable ranges of the model parameters to reproduce the ordinary quark mass hierarchy and the actual CKM structure even in the presence of q-Q mixing. Some phenomenological effects of the singlet quarks are also discussed. In particular, the scalar FCNC's may be more important in some cases, if the singlet quarks as well as the extra scalar particles from the singlet Higgs fields have masses ∌\sim 100 GeV -- 1 TeV.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures, added reference

    Identifying Unconventional E6_{\bf 6} Models at e+e−e^+ e^- Colliders

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    Recently it was shown that, in the framework of superstring inspired \E models, the presence of generation dependent discrete symmetries allows us to construct a phenomenologically viable class of models in which the three generations of fermions do not have the same embedding within the fundamental {\bf 27} dimensional representation of E6_6. In this scenario, these different embeddings of the conventional fermions imply that the left-handed charged leptons and the right-handed dd-type quarks are coupled in a non--universal way to the new neutral gauge bosons (ZΞ)(Z_\theta) present in these models. It was also shown that a unique signature for this scenario, would be a deviation from unity for the ratio of cross sections for the production of two different lepton species in e+e−e^+e^- annihilation. However, several different scenarios are possible, depending on the particular assignment chosen for eLe_L, ÎŒL\mu_L and τL\tau_L and for the right-handed dd-type quarks, as well as on the type of ZΞZ_\theta boson. Such scenarios can not be disentangled from one another by means of cross section measurements alone. In this paper we examine the possibility of identifying the pattern of embeddings through measurements of polarized and unpolarized asymmetries for fermion pair-production at the 500 GeV e+e−e^+e^- Next Linear Collider (NLC). We show that it will be possible to identify the different patterns of unconventional assignments for the left-handed leptons and for the bRb_R quark, for ZΞZ_\theta masses as large as ∌1.5\sim 1.5 TeV.Comment: Plain Tex, 15 pages, + 9 figure available upon request ([email protected] or [email protected]), UM-TH 93--1

    The Effective Lagrangian for Bulk Fermions in Models with Extra Dimensions

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    We compute the dimension 6 effective Lagrangian arising from the tree level integration of an arbitrary number of bulk fermions in models with warped extra dimensions. The coefficients of the effective operators are written in terms of simple integrals of the metric and are valid for arbitrary warp factors, with or without an infrared brane, and for a general Higgs profile. All relevant tree level fermion effects in electroweak and flavor observables can be computed using this effective Lagrangian.Comment: 22 pages. V2: typos corrected, matches published versio

    Testing the handedness of a heavy Wâ€ČW^{\prime} at future hadron colliders

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    We show that the associated production pp→Wâ€ČWpp\to W^{\prime}W, and the rare decay pp→Wâ€Č→ℓˉℓWpp\to W'\to \bar\ell\ell W are useful tests of Wâ€ČW' couplings to fermions at future hadron colliders. For MWâ€Č∌(1−3)M_{W'}\sim (1 - 3) TeV they would allow a clean determination on whether the Wâ€ČW' couples to V−AV-A or V+AV+A currents. As an illustration a model in which the Wâ€Č±W^{\prime\pm} couples only to V−AV-A currents is contrasted to the left-right symmetric models which involve V+AV+A currents.Comment: UPR-0579T 16 pages, 3 figures (not included

    Multi-Lepton Collider Signatures of Heavy Dirac and Majorana Neutrinos

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    We discuss the possibility of observing multi-lepton signals at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) from the production and decay of heavy Standard Model (SM) singlet neutrinos added in extensions of SM to explain the observed light neutrino masses by seesaw mechanism. In particular, we analyze two `smoking gun' signals depending on the Dirac or Majorana nature of the heavy neutrino: (i) for Majorana case, the same-sign di-lepton signal which can be used as a probe of lepton-number violation, and (ii) for Dirac case, the tri-lepton signal which conserves lepton number but may violate lepton flavor. Within a minimal Left-Right symmetric framework in which these additional neutrino states arise naturally, we find that in both cases, the signals can be identified with virtually no background beyond a TeV, and the heavy gauge boson W_R can be discovered in this process. This analysis also provides a direct way to probe the nature of seesaw physics involving the SM singlets at TeV scale, and in particular, to distinguish type-I seesaw with purely Majorana heavy neutrinos from inverse seesaw with pseudo-Dirac counterparts.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures; typo in eq. 5 fixed; matches published versio

    Brane-localized Kinetic Terms in the Randall-Sundrum Model

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    We examine the effects of boundary kinetic terms in the Randall-Sundrum model with gauge fields in the bulk. We derive the resulting gauge Kaluza-Klein (KK) state wavefunctions and their corresponding masses, as well as the KK gauge field couplings to boundary fermions, and find that they are modified in the presence of the boundary terms. In particular, for natural choices of the parameters, these fermionic couplings can be substantially suppressed compared to those in the conventional Randall-Sundrum scenario. This results in a significant relaxation of the bound on the lightest gauge KK mass obtained from precision electroweak data; we demonstrate that this bound can be as low as a few hundred GeV. Due to the relationship between the lightest gauge KK state and the electroweak scale in this model, this weakened constraint allows for the electroweak scale to be near a TeV in this minimal extension of the Randall-Sundrum model with bulk gauge fields, as opposed to the conventional scenario.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, LaTex. Discussion and figure added addressing the effects of this analysis on the hierarch

    Tree-level FCNC in the B system: from CP asymmetries to rare decays

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    Tree-level Flavor-Changing Neutral Currents (FCNC) are characteristic of models with extra vector-like quarks. These new couplings can strongly modify the B^0 CP asymmetries without conflicting with low--energy constraints. In the light of a low CP asymmetry in B --> J/\psi K_{S}, we discuss the implications of these contributions. We find that even these low values can be easily accommodated in these models. Furthermore, we show that the new data from B factories tend to favor an O(20) enhancement of the b --> d l \bar{l} transition over the SM expectation.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted version in PRD. Updated analysis with the new results from BaBar and BELLE. Figures enlarged, small typos corrected. Conclusions essentially unchange
