42 research outputs found

    Methodology and Precision Research of Wind Farm Power Prediction

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    The article presents a newly developed statistical regression wind farm power change prediction model. Results of the research and the data analysis performed show that the model is able to evaluate factors determining the wind farm gross output and to increase the prediction accuracy. The influence of the regression equation independent variables on the dependent one is determined by the means of the Students ttest, and the levels of varying equation coefficients are established. The transformation of weather density and wind speed product corresponding to the linear stochastic dependence of the variable power characteristic part for the wind power plant is estimated. Expression of the transformation is suitable to use for predicting the wind farm power in the range from the minimum values to the installed ones. The statistical regression model of the wind farm power prediction is presented on the basis of given technique of the linear regression analysis, the exponential regression equation, and variable coefficients of regression equation. Results of power prediction by the given model precision research show that the one-day relative average prediction error does not exceed 7.52 % of the installed value

    Juozas Barzdaitis (1922-1984)

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    1984 m. gruodžio 1 d. mirė pedagogas ir mokslininkas, Lietuvos filosofinės ir ateistinės minties tyrinėtojas, aktyvus mokslinės materialistinės minties propaguotojas filosofijos mokslų daktaras profesorius Juozas Barzdaitis. Jis gimė 1922 m. gegužės 18 d. Šakiuose. Mokėsi Šakių gimnazijoje. Dirbo komjaunimo darbą mokykloje. 1945–1950 studijavo Vilniaus universiteto Teisės fakultete, iki 1975 m. dėstė dialektinį ir istorinį materializmą, filosofijos istoriją, mokslinio ateizmo pagrindus. Nuo 1975 m. iki mirties dirbo MA Filosofijos, sociologijos ir teisės institute, tyrė materialistinės ir ateistinės minties raidą Lietuvoje. Pateikiama J. Barzdaičio darbų bibliografija

    Organizational Agility Conceptual Model

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    Organizational agility is a complex and multidimensional concept. One of the challenges in researching organizational agility is its unified definition and concept. Li terature analysis reveals various dimensions and frameworks are used to analyze organization agili- ty. Many of them focus on narrow industry or only approach the organizational agility concept from limited perspective. This article attempts to combine different approaches and angles to organiza- tional agility to a more cohesi ve and encompassing conceptual model that is applicable to variety industries and organizations. The variety and combination of attributes, characteristics, capabili- ties, and practices make the measurement of organizational agility are analyzed. Building on research main frameworks for analyzing organizational agility concept are identified. Conceptual organiza- tional agility model based on organizational agility attributes, capa- bilities and practices framework is presented. This article contrib- utes to research by providing more unified concept, which can be adapted in studying organizational agility in a wide and global range of organizations, regardless of the industry they operate in

    Dynamic Capabilites for Strategic Flexibility in Retail Firms

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    The purpose of this conceptual paper is to explore the dynamic capabilities that are required to achieve or improve strategic flexibility in retail industry companies. Building on research on strategic flexibility and dynamic capabilities in general, author identifies five main dynamic capabilities, needed for strategic flexibility specifically in retail sector: marketing flexibility, brand building, distribution flexibility, store location and design, and customer relationship management. This paper contributes to the scientific literature by narrowing the focus and adding to retail industry specific research on strategic flexibility and dynamic capabilities

    Dynamic Capabilities for Service Innovation

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    In this paper we try to apply dynamic capabilities framework for service innovations. We aim to develop unified conceptual framework for analyzing and enhancing understanding of dynamic service innovation capabilities, by using existing literature analysis, systematization and synthesis, comparative analysis. We review the existing conceptualizations of dynamic capability in service firms. Then concentrate on the dynamic capabilities necessary for service innovation. Service innovation construct is multidimensional, and many types of different dynamic capabilities are used in research. In order to find those similarities between distinctive sets of dynamic capabilities, we have identified five dimensions that affect dynamic service innovation capabilities: strategy, client, knowledge, network, and technology-focused dimensions. This paper presents conceptual model for identifying dynamic service innovation capability dimensions. Provides model for grouping dynamic capabilities based on dimensions and perspectives. This conceptual model enhances collective understanding of the discipline and directs the attention of firms to dynamic capabilities most important for achieving continuous service innovations; and adds to the knowledge for researchers when analyzing dynamic capabilities in service innovation

    Modern microwave methods in solid state inorganic materials chemistry: from fundamentals to manufacturing

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    Irmija Zaksas (1919-1989)

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    1989 m. lapkričio 13 d. Kaune mirė filosofijos mokslų daktaras, profesorius Irmija Zaksas. Jis gimė 1919 m. kovo 5 d. Šiauliuose, mokytojų šeimoje. 1937-1941 m. studijavo chemiją Vytauto Didžiojo ir Vilniaus universitetuose. Dalyvavo II pasauliniame kare, dirbo žurnalistu, redaktoriumi. Dėstė filosofiją Vilniaus universitete ir Kauno medicinos institute, dirbo Filosofijos, sociologijos ir teisės institute. Paskelbė daugiau kaip 120 mokslinių darbų


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    This report analyses accuracy of wind speed predictions using wind atlases for the application of wind farm project development. The report aims to compare publicly available New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) mesoscale model data with the NEWA microscale model data. Later, NEWA microscale predictions are checked with manual WindPro WAsP calculations, which use real wind statistics. 9 locations (3 surface roughness types and 3 distances to Baltic coast) are examined. The results show three key-findings: first, the NEWA mesoscale and microscale models are most consistent in coastal open-field locations. Second, NEWA microscale model is most consistent with WindPro WAsP calculations in coastal and mid-coastal forested areas. Lastly, WindPro WAsP calculations significantly reduced wind speed estimates for in-land locations

    The Disguised Variable - The Influence of Russian Elite Clans on Russian Foreign Policy

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    This paper analyzes the influence of Russian elite clans on Russian foreign policy-making. The goal of this paper is to discover the missing link that connects the changes in the International System to the formation of Russian foreign policy, more specifically the Russo-Georgian War, the occupation of Crimea, and the intervention in Syria. Therefore, the theory of neo-classical realism is applied to a systematic process analysis in order to trace the chain of causal relations in which the struggle of elite clans influences foreign policy-making. The combination of neo-realism and state capacity analysis complements the approach of neo-classical realism. This paper argues that the beliefs of the elite clans play an important role in shaping Russia’s foreign policy. The elite clans struggle to establish themselves and consolidate their power within the Russian government structures, which affected the shift from pragmatism and a multipolar approach to a transimperialist approach in Russian foreign policy