43 research outputs found
Replacing an Existing Product's Production Within a Similar Product Production by Using a Replacement Technique
Existing processes for specific products cannot sustain operational profitably over a long period. The product’s price is not much higher than the raw material costs and it is necessary to make certain modifications by using savings or replacements during product production. In our case, the production of methanol having a low market value would be replaced by the production of dimethyl ether (DME). This would create greater demand, especially from the environmental perspective, and can be achieved by using replacement technique. We want to keep and transfer as many of the existing units from the previous production to the new production. Dimethyl ether is an organic compound with the formula CH3OCH3. It is a colourless gas that is a useful precursor to other organic compounds, and an aerosol propellant. DME can act as a clean fuel when burned in engines properly optimized for DME. The direct production of DME would be cheaper than indirect when applied for new buildings. The same applies for retrofits, or the replacing of existing methanol - specific production – a similar DME product plant would be more rational for the direct production of DME, because of greater efficiency, productivity of DME production, profit, and for 20 % more electricity generation.Key words: Dimetyl ether; Replacement; Methanol process; Indirect method; Direct method; Retrofi
Essays on Conflicts and Human Capital Accumulation
V první kapitole disertační práce ukazujeme, že úmrtnost rodičů je spojena s řadou negativních vlivů na dítě. Tento článek pojednává o vlivu otcovské úmrtnosti na zdraví dětí a jejich školní výsledky. Studovanými skupinami jsou děti veteránů narozených v Chorvatsku a výzkum se týká všech úmrtí a úrazů otců, které vyplynuly z chorvatsko-srbské války v letech 1991-1995. S využitím propojených administrativních dat jsem našel velký negativní vliv otcovy smrti na studijní průměr potomka na střední škole, na školní absence, problémy s chováním a hospitalizace. Problém potenciálně nenáhodné otcovské úmrtnosti řeším použitím rozdílů v rozsahu úrazů nebo smrti uvnitř vojenských jednotek. V podstatě předpokládám, že všichni členové jedné vojenské jednotky mají podobnou pravděpodobnost úmrtí nebo zranění, protože bojovali ve stejných bitvách. Také jsem schopen nastínit důležitý mechanismus, který je základem odhadovaných efektů. Přeživší manželky těch, kteří byli usmrceni nebo zraněni, byly dobře odškodněny, takže smrt otce neměla negativní vliv na příjmy domácností. Zjistil jsem, že úmrtí nebo zranění otce, ke kterým došlo během před narozením dítěte (in utero), mají mnohem větší účinky než úmrtí nebo zranění v raném dětství, což naznačuje, že většina negativních vlivů je důsledkem stresu matek. Je...vi Abstract In the first chapter of the dissertation, parental mortality is associated with a range of negative child outcomes. This paper studies the effect of paternal mortality on children's health and schooling outcomes using the universe of veterans' children born in Croatia, and all of the paternal deaths and injuries resulting from the 1991-1995 Croatian-Serbian war. Using linked administrative data, I find large negative effects of paternal death on high-school GPA, school absences, behaviour problems, and hospitalisations. I address potentially non-random selection into paternal death by using within-military unit differences in the extent of injury or death, essentially assuming that the members of a military unit all had similar probabilities of being killed or injured because they fought in the same battles. I am also able to shed light on an important mechanism underlying the estimated effects. Surviving spouses of those killed or injured were well compensated, so that the death of a father did not have a negative effect on household incomes. I find that a death or injury that occurred during the in-utero period has much larger effects than a death or injury in early childhood, suggesting that much of the negative effect is due to maternal stress In the second chapter, we answer the following...CERGEFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě
Data deduplication in a data store
In our thesis we presented the area of data deduplication and implemented an algorithm for object storage with support for elimination of duplicate chunks within those objects. In the first part we presented storage system as a tree-likestructure of directories and files. We described the features of storage system and simple ways of storing data on a medium. We examined in detail the properties of distributed storage system Ceph, it's components and operation. In the second part we presented deduplicatin as an important feature of modern storage systems. We surveyed deduplication techniques for centralized as well as distributed systems. In the last part we implemented an example of deduplication technique along with a simple object storage system. Using the described techniques we implemented detection of variable-length duplicated chunks within objects and added CLI tools for manipulating objects in the store
The Impact of Delay: Evidence from Formal Out-of-Court Restructuring
Bankruptcy restructuring procedures are used in most legal systems to decide the fate of businesses facing financial hardship. We study how bargaining failures in such procedures impact the economic performance of participating firms in the context of Croatia, which introduced a "pre-bankruptcy settlement" (PBS) process in the wake of the Great Recession of 2007 - 2009. Local institutions left over from the communist era provide annual financial statements for both sides of more than 180,000 debtor-creditor pairs, enabling us to address selection into failed negotiations by matching a rich set of creditor and debtor characteristics. Failures to settle at the PBS stage due to idiosyncratic bargaining problems, which effectively delays entry into the standard bankruptcy procedure, leads to a lower rate of survival among debtors as well as reduced employment, revenue, and profits. We also track how bargaining failures diffuse through the network of creditors, finding a
significant negative effect on small creditors, but not others. Our results highlight the impact of delay and the importance of structuring bankruptcy procedures to
rapidly resolve uncertainty about firms' future prospects
Some examples of interactions between certain rare earth elements and soil
The rare earth elements represent an increasingly more and more
important industrial resource. The increased use may result in waste generation, and their impact upon the environment quality has not been studied
sufficiently. Their interaction with soil has been studied in this paper. The
Freundlich adsorption isotherm has been determined for lanthanum, erbium
and gadolinium at three different soil types (humus, clay and sand type),
whereas the sequential extraction at these soil types has been applied for lanthanum and neodymium. The interaction of certain rare earth elements with
soil components has been tested as well as the quantity in which these elements
are bound to soil and later on extracted in solutions. The objective was to determine the soil capacity for disposal, first of all, of the electronic waste that contains these elements and to assume their fate in the environment.Supplementary material: [https://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/5139
Photocatalytic degradation of textile dye with hydrothermally modified nanoanatase
The environmental friendly materials based on titanium oxides are often chosen
for the industrial application due to their extraordinary characteristics (biological
and chemical stability, good photocatalitic activity, wide band gap and costeffectiveness). On the other hand, the hydrothermal process in alkaline solutions
became a very important treatment in the production of titania and titanate
nanostructures. The aim of this work was to investigate how different conditions of
hydrothermal treatment could modify the structural, microstructural and
photocatalytic properties of starting nanoanatase.
Nanoanatase powder was hydrothermally treated with NaOH solution (c =
5 mol/dm) at different temperatures (T = 110, 135 and 160 °C) and durations (t = 6,
12 and 18 h). The obtained samples were washed out with distilled water,
centrifuged and dried. Nine specimens are prepared and labeled as AT–t
, where T is
temperature of the treatment and t is duration of the treatment. The nanocrystalline
samples were characterized by XRD, TEM/SAED and FESEM techniques. The
photocatalytic activity was tested on the Reactive Orange 16 (RO16) textile azo dye.
The XRD analysis showed that the hydrothermal treatment caused the formation
of a secondary phase (H2Ti2O5·H2O, PDF 47–0124) besides anatase. This is due to
the reaction between anatase and NaOH. The increase of temperature and/or time
increases the amount of secondary phase. For example, the specimen A110–6 contains
about 12 wt.% of H2Ti2O5·H2O, while the content of this phase amounts about
37 wt.% in A135–12. The average crystallite size of all samples was smaller than 20
nm. This was comfirmed by TEM. The FESEM revealed soft agglomerates created
from nanoparticles.
The photocatalytic experiments showed that the presence of secondary phase
decreases the photocatalytic activity. For example, A110–6 decolorized 35 % of the
RO16 dye within 90 minutes, while A135–12 degraded only 15% of the same dye in
the same time interval
Proizvodnja i percepcija govora
Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa
Proizvodnja i percepcija govora
Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa.Zbornik radova okupio je 57 domaćih i inozemnih autora/ica, koji/e kroz 33 rada, iz različitih istraživačkih kutova, obrađuju recentne teme o proizvodnji i percepciji govora, te o njihovoj međuovisnosti u govornom procesu. Knjiga je posvećena profesoru Damiru Horgi povodom njegova sedamdesetog rođendana.
Uz svaki rad naveden je sažetak na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Zbornik je objavljen u suizdavaštvu Odsjeka za fonetiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Odjela za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva i FF-pressa