9 research outputs found

    Analysis of anthocyanin content in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruit crude drugs by high-performance liquid chromatography method

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    Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) is rich in flavonoids (major part anthocyanins), tannins, phenolic and organic acids, and other biologically active compounds. Anthocianins possess a broad spectrum of therapeutic properties. Variation in anthocyanin content of bilberry fruit crude drugs is significant in optimizing collection conditions. Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) crude drug samples were collected in July–September of 2006 in natural environment in the territory of Lithuania. Ultrasonic extraction was applied using methanol as solvent. Acidic hydrolysis was performed. Qualitative and quantitative composition of five major anthocyanidins (delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, peonidin, and malvidin) was estimated by high-performance liquid chromatography in frozen fruits. Cyanidin predominated in all crude drug samples. Dynamics of variation in qualitative and quantitative composition of anthocyanidins was estimated in bilberry fruits collected during vegetation period. The greatest total amount of all analyzed anthocyanidins was determined at the end of investigated period. Variation in qualitative and quantitative content of anthocyanidins in bilberry fruits collected in different regions of Lithuania was estimated as well. The greatest total amounts of anthocyanidins were found in samples collected in Krikštoniai forest (1.78%) and Prienai pinewood (2.13%) and the lowest amounts – in samples collected in Balkasodis forest (1.14%) and Ryliškės forest (0.99%). Significant variation in anthocyanidin content reaching 28.40% (delphinidin) was determined in bilberry fruits. It is important for the standardization of bilberry fruit crude drugs

    Diversity evaluation of anthocyanins and biological activity of plants of the genus blueberry (Vaccinium L.)

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    When preparing the medicinal plant raw material purveyance and ensuring the safety and efficacy of medicinal preparations in the process of production, it is advisable to evaluate the variation in anthocyanin and anthocyanidin composition in bilberry and blueberry fruits. The aim of the study is to investigate chemical composition of naturally growing bilberry and introduced blueberry fruit anthocyanins in Lithuania, to examine its variation and biological impact. The HPLC method has been designed and optimized for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of anthocyanidins in Vaccinium myrtillus L. fruit extracts. The parameters of the developed HPLC method validation stages ensure the method adequacy and reliability of qualitative and quantitative assay of anthocyanidins. Chemical composition and its variation of anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in Vaccinium myrtillus L. fruit raw materials have been examined. Qualitative and quantitative composition analysis of herbal material active compounds - anthocyanins and anthocyanidins - in Vaccinium myrtillus L., collected in natural cenopopulations, is useful in assessing chemical diversity of local plant resources. In order to select the most valuable naturalized species and develop blueberry cultivation in Lithuanian natural conditions, it is necessary to carry out composition analysis of the blueberry fruit anthocyanins and anthocyanidins, cultivated in the Botanical institute of the field collections. Antiradical properties of Vaccinium L. genus of plant fruit extracts have been tested, effects of Vaccinium myrtillus L. fruit aqueous and ethanolic extracts on rat heart‘s mitochondrial functions have been defined

    Study of diversity of anthocyanin composition in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruits

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    Qualitative and quantitative composition of anthocyanins in bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) fruits was assayed. The aim of our study was to evaluate total anthocyanin content and their composition in bilberries collected from various regions and at different time. For the quantification of total anthocyanins in frozen fruits, the spectrophotometrical assay was performed. The highest amount of anthocyanins in bilberry fruits, collected in Lithuania, was found in samples from Šilutė (0.399%), the lowest one – from Valkininkai region (0.264%), but higher amounts of anthocyanins were found in the samples collected in Russia (Archangelsk region) and Sweden (Stockholm region). High-performance liquid chromatography was applied for qualitative evaluation of individual anthocyanins in the different material. Quantification of anthocyanidin content was performed after acidic hydrolysis of anthocyanin glycosides. Chromatographic analysis has shown that there are no differences in qualitative composition of anthocyanidins. In all samples, cyanidin was found in the highest quantities (mean amount 0.053 µg/mL). Delphinidin and petunidin was found in quantities 2.5 fold lower than cyanidin, and malvidin and peonidin were found in the smallest quantities. Only in the blueberries collected in Sweden, malvidin was found in the highest amount. It was 1.5 fold higher than amounts of petunidin and delphinidin

    Composition of sugars in wild and cultivated lingonberries (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.)

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    Products of lingonberries are widely used in the human diet; they are also promising beauty and health therapeutic candidates in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is important to examine the sugar profile of these berries, due to potential deleterious health effects resulting from high sugar consumption. The aim of this study was to determine the composition of sugars in wild clones and cultivars or lower taxa of lingonberries by HPLC-ELSD method of analysis. Acceptable system suitability, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, and accuracy of this analytical method were achieved. The same sugars with moderate amounts of fructose, glucose, and low amounts of sucrose were found in wild and cultivated lingonberries. Cultivar 'Erntekrone' and wild lingonberries collected from full sun, dry pine tree forests with lower altitude and latitude of the location, distinguished themselves with exclusive high contents of sugars. The changes in the sugar levels during the growing season were apparent in lingonberries and the highest amounts accumulated at the end of the vegetation. According to our findings, lingonberries seem to be an appropriate source of dietary sugars

    Farmacinės botanikos ir farmakognozijos sąvokos : mokomoji knyga

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    Aprobavo Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Farmacijos fakulteto taryba ir LSMU Leidybos komisija 2014-10-22. Protokolas Nr. 8/14. Recenzentai : Jurga Bernatonienė, Kristina Ramanauskienė, Rūta MarksienėBibliogr.: p. 245-247Mokomoji knyga skirta biomedicinos srities farmacijos studentams. Ja galės naudotis ir kitų biomedicinos srities specialybių studentai: biologai, biochemikai, miškininkai, ekologai ir kt. Knyga turėtų būti vertinga biomedicinos srities praktikams, farmacijos pramonės ir atitinkamų mokslo įstaigų darbuotojams, tiriantiems vaistinę augalinę žaliavą. Žinyne pateikta farmacinės botanikos sąvokos, apimančios bendruosius augalų anatomijos, morfologijos, sistematikos terminus. Augalo sandaros sąvokos apibūdinamos trimis lygmenimis: ląstelės, audinių ir organų. Leidinio tikslas – padėti Farmacijos fakulteto studentmas pasirengti ir atlikti tam tikrų taksonominių atstovų anatomijos morfologijos ir sistematikos laboratorinius darbus, išmokti teorinę kurso dalį. Farmacinės botanikos kursas būtinas vėliau studijuojant farmakognoziją, Jo metu studentai įgyja augalų analizės įgūdžių, susipažįsta su augalų audinių bei organų sandara, kuri reikalinga atliekant mikroskopinę vaistinės augalinės žaliavos analizę ir aprašant morfologinius jos ypatumus, tiriant augalų kilmę ir evoliuciją. Farmakognozijos sąvokos sudarytos remiantis biologiškai aktyvių junginių (pirminių ir antrinių metabolitų) klasifikacija, kuri grindžiama chemine junginių sandara. Knygoje pateikti biologiškai aktyvių junginių sisteminiai (IUPAC) ir nesisteminiai pavadinimai, vertinti farmakologiniai junginių ypatumai, vaistiniai augalai, kaupiantys tam tikrus cheminius junginius. Leidinyje apibūdinami fitocheminės kokybinės ir kiekybinės analizės metodai, instrumentinė analizė, naudojami reagentai. Farmacinės botanikos ir farmakognozijos sąvokos surašytos abecėlės tvarka, kad studentas galėtų lengvai rasti ieškomą sąvokąBotanikos sodasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Medicinos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Farmacinės botanikos ir farmakognozijos sąvokos : mokomoji knyga

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    Aprobavo Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Farmacijos fakulteto taryba ir LSMU Leidybos komisija 2014-10-22. Protokolas Nr. 8/14. Recenzentai : Jurga Bernatonienė, Kristina Ramanauskienė, Rūta MarksienėBibliogr.: p. 245-247Mokomoji knyga skirta biomedicinos srities farmacijos studentams. Ja galės naudotis ir kitų biomedicinos srities specialybių studentai: biologai, biochemikai, miškininkai, ekologai ir kt. Knyga turėtų būti vertinga biomedicinos srities praktikams, farmacijos pramonės ir atitinkamų mokslo įstaigų darbuotojams, tiriantiems vaistinę augalinę žaliavą. Žinyne pateikta farmacinės botanikos sąvokos, apimančios bendruosius augalų anatomijos, morfologijos, sistematikos terminus. Augalo sandaros sąvokos apibūdinamos trimis lygmenimis: ląstelės, audinių ir organų. Leidinio tikslas – padėti Farmacijos fakulteto studentmas pasirengti ir atlikti tam tikrų taksonominių atstovų anatomijos morfologijos ir sistematikos laboratorinius darbus, išmokti teorinę kurso dalį. Farmacinės botanikos kursas būtinas vėliau studijuojant farmakognoziją, Jo metu studentai įgyja augalų analizės įgūdžių, susipažįsta su augalų audinių bei organų sandara, kuri reikalinga atliekant mikroskopinę vaistinės augalinės žaliavos analizę ir aprašant morfologinius jos ypatumus, tiriant augalų kilmę ir evoliuciją. Farmakognozijos sąvokos sudarytos remiantis biologiškai aktyvių junginių (pirminių ir antrinių metabolitų) klasifikacija, kuri grindžiama chemine junginių sandara. Knygoje pateikti biologiškai aktyvių junginių sisteminiai (IUPAC) ir nesisteminiai pavadinimai, vertinti farmakologiniai junginių ypatumai, vaistiniai augalai, kaupiantys tam tikrus cheminius junginius. Leidinyje apibūdinami fitocheminės kokybinės ir kiekybinės analizės metodai, instrumentinė analizė, naudojami reagentai. Farmacinės botanikos ir farmakognozijos sąvokos surašytos abecėlės tvarka, kad studentas galėtų lengvai rasti ieškomą sąvokąBotanikos sodasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas. Medicinos akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Розробка методу визначення морфолінію тіазотату з використанням економічного та екологічного методу визначення ГХ/МС з детектором FID

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    One of the main steps in the pharmaceutical development of drugs is the choice of quality control methods. The correctness of the method must be confirmed by validation. In addition, manufacturers take into account various economic and environmental factors. It is especially important to determine the above aspects for domestic and promising drugs, such as the morpholinium thiazotate. The aim. During the development of methods for the routine analysis of medicinal products, attention should be paid to efficiency of analysis, budget, as well as their impact to the environment. Because of this reason, not only new methods for routine analysis should be developed. It is important this methods must be environmentally-friendly and cost-efficient. Materials and methods. The determination of the morpholinium thiazotate was carried out by HPLC using the SunFire C18 (150 mm × 4,6 mm, 5,0 μm) and gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector using the Rxi-5 ms (30 m long, 0.25 mm outer diameter and 0.25 μm liquid stationary phase thickness). Results. Various chromatographic methods for the routine quantitative analysis of morpholinium thiazotate were developed. The most suitable conditions for sample preparation were established. Proposed methods were compared to find the most ecological and economic. Conclusions. Proposed methods were accurate and reliable. However, an environmental impact assessment showed that GC-FID is a more environmentally friendly and economical method of analysis. Using 12 Principles of green analytical chemistry, the overall “analytical GREEnness (AGREE)” scale for the proposed analytical approach was computed 0.72, showing the good greener nature of the proposed analytical approachОдним із головних кроків у фармацевтичній розробці лікарських засобів є вибір методів контролю якості. Правильність методу має бути підтверджена валідацією. Крім того, виробники враховують різні економічні та екологічні фактори. Особливо важливо визначити вищезазначені аспекти для вітчизняних та перспективних препаратів, наприклад, морфоліну тіазотату. Мета. При розробці методів рутинного аналізу лікарських засобів слід приділяти увагу ефективності аналізу, бюджету, а також їх впливу на навколишнє середовище. З цієї причини слід розробляти не лише нові методи рутинного аналізу. Важливо, щоб вони були екологічно чистими та економними. Матеріали та методи. Визначення морфолінію тіазотату проводили методом ВЕРХ з використанням колонки SunFire C18 (150 мм × 4,6 мм, 5,0 мкм) та газової хроматографії з полум’яно-іонізаційним детектором з використанням Rxi-5 ms (довжина 30 м, 0,25 мм  зовнішній діаметр і товщина рідкої стаціонарної фази 0,25 мкм). Результати. Розроблено різноманітні хроматографічні методи рутинного кількісного аналізу морфоліну тіазотату. Встановлено найбільш підходящі умови для пробопідготовки. Порівняно розроблені методи, щоб знайти найбільш екологічні та економічні. Висновки. Всі методи були точними і надійними. Однак оцінка впливу на навколишнє середовище показала, що GC-FID є більш екологічно чистим та економічним методом аналізу. Використовуючи метод 12 принципів «зеленої» аналітичної хімії, загальна шкала «analytical GREEnness (AGREE)» для запропонованого аналітичного підходу була обчислена як 0,72, що свідчить про більш екологічний характер запропонованого аналітичного підходу

    Development of A Method for Determining the Morpholinium Thiazotate Using More Economic and Green GC/MS Assay with an Fid Detector

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    One of the main steps in the pharmaceutical development of drugs is the choice of quality control methods. The correctness of the method must be confirmed by validation. In addition, manufacturers take into account various economic and environmental factors. It is especially important to determine the above aspects for domestic and promising drugs, such as the morpholinium thiazotate. The aim. During the development of methods for the routine analysis of medicinal products, attention should be paid to efficiency of analysis, budget, as well as their impact to the environment. Because of this reason, not only new methods for routine analysis should be developed. It is important this methods must be environmentally-friendly and cost-efficient. Materials and methods. The determination of the morpholinium thiazotate was carried out by HPLC using the SunFire C18 (150 mm × 4,6 mm, 5,0 μm) and gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector using the Rxi-5 ms (30 m long, 0.25 mm outer diameter and 0.25 μm liquid stationary phase thickness). Results. Various chromatographic methods for the routine quantitative analysis of morpholinium thiazotate were developed. The most suitable conditions for sample preparation were established. Proposed methods were compared to find the most ecological and economic. Conclusions. Proposed methods were accurate and reliable. However, an environmental impact assessment showed that GC-FID is a more environmentally friendly and economical method of analysis. Using 12 Principles of green analytical chemistry, the overall “analytical GREEnness (AGREE)” scale for the proposed analytical approach was computed 0.72, showing the good greener nature of the proposed analytical approac