391 research outputs found

    Sonderbericht 2016. FrĂĽhkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung im Landkreis MĂĽhldorf a. Inn

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    Mit dem Sonderbericht 2016 „Frühkindliche Bildung, Betreuung und Erziehung im Landkreis Mühldorf a. Inn“ – einem Kooperationsprojekt der Bereiche Bildungsmonitoring (Lernen vor Ort) und Jugendhilfeplanung (Amt für Jugend und Familie) – wird die Bildungsberichterstattung im Landkreis Mühldorf a. Inn fortgeführt. Neben Angeboten und Bildungsbeteiligung in der Kindertagesbetreuung, Inklusion und dem Übergang vom Kindergarten in die Grundschule stellt die Qualität und Qualitätsentwicklung im frühkindlichen Bereich im Sonderbericht einen Schwerpunkt dar. Erstmalig in der Bildungsberichterstattung für den Landkreis Mühldorf a. Inn können mit dem Sonderbericht kleinräumige Daten abgebildet werden, welche eine differenzierte Betrachtung der Ergebnisse unterhalb der Kreisebene ermöglichen. (Hrsg.

    Using Natural Language Processing to Increase Modularity and Interpretability of Automated Essay Evaluation and Student Feedback

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    For English teachers and students who are dissatisfied with the one-size-fits-all approach of current Automated Essay Scoring (AES) systems, this research uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques that provide a focus on configurability and interpretability. Unlike traditional AES models which are designed to provide an overall score based on pre-trained criteria, this tool allows teachers to tailor feedback based upon specific focus areas. The tool implements a user-interface that serves as a customizable rubric. Students’ essays are inputted into the tool either by the student or by the teacher via the application’s user-interface. Based on the rubric settings, the tool evaluates the essay and provides instant feedback. In addition to rubric-based feedback, the tool also implements a Multi-Armed Bandit recommender engine to suggest educational resources to the student that align with the rubric. Thus, reducing the amount of time teachers spend grading essay drafts and re-teaching. The tool developed and deployed as part of this research reduces the burden on teachers and provides instant, customizable feedback to students. Our minimum estimation for time savings to students and teachers is 117 hours per semester. The effectiveness of the feedback criteria for predicting if an essay was proficient or needs improvement was measured using recall. The recall for the model built for the persuasive essays was 0.96 and 0.86 for the source dependent essay model

    The prevailing dermoscopic vascular pattern in melanoma is influenced by tumor thickness and pigmentation type.

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    In non-pigmented skin tumors the diagnosis is mainly based on the evaluation of the vascular morphology and vessels\ub4 distribution dermoscopically [1-4]. However, up to date, no study formally correlated the prevailing vascular morphology with the thickness of melanoma according to Breslow and amount of pigmentation

    Dermoscopy in the era of dermato-oncology: from bed to bench side and retour

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    Today dermoscopy is standard-of-care in the diagnosis and management of patients with benign and malignant skin tumors because it increases the diagnostic accuracy of skin lesions compared to the naked-eye examination up to 25%. Despite its role in the routine dermato-oncology, it increasingly gained interest as a bridge connecting clinical with basic molecular research in dermato-oncology. Here, we correlate dermoscopy patterns of nevi and melanomas with high and low susceptibility genes and somatic mutations, provide an overview on the clinical and dermoscopic patterns of cutaneous melanoma subtypes, and highlight the role of dermoscopy in the diagnosis of skin eruptions during systemic treatments of advanced melanoma including targeted therapies and immunotherapies

    Use of noninvasive imaging in the management of skin cancer

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    6Purpose of review: To evaluate noninvasive imaging techniques in the management of skin cancers. Recent findings: In the last decades, a wide range of noninvasive imaging methods has been developed in the field of dermatooncology with the aim to detect and assess the several structural and molecular changes that characterize skin cancer development and progression. Summary: In this review, we discuss the current and emerging applications of noninvasive imaging approaches in skin cancer management, such as digital photography, dermoscopy, ultrasound sonography, reflectance confocal microscopy, optical coherence tomography, electrical impedance techniques, Raman spectroscopy, multispectral imaging, fluorescence imaging, and multispectral optoacustic tomography.partially_openopenGiuffrida, Roberta; Conforti, Claudio; Di Meo, Nicola; Deinlein, Teresa; Guida, Stefania; Zalaudek, IrisGiuffrida, Roberta; Conforti, Claudio; Di Meo, Nicola; Deinlein, Teresa; Guida, Stefania; Zalaudek, Iri

    Treatment of Primary and Metastatic Multifocal Mucosal Melanoma of the Oral Cavity with Imatinib

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    BACKGROUND: Mucosal melanoma of the oral cavity is a rare entity and accounts for less than 1\u20133% of all melanomas. Contrary to cutaneous melanoma, primary oral melanoma more commonly harbors mutations in c-KIT. METHODS: A 64-year-old man presented with asymptomatic, multiple, brown-to-black macules in the oral cavity. A biopsy was taken and histopathology exhibited mucosal melanoma. In molecular analysis, a c-KIT mutation was proven and a CT scan revealed pulmonary metastases. Due to the multifocality of the lesions, the metastases, and the mutation status, a therapy with imatinib was initiated. RESULTS: After 1 year of therapy, progressive disease in the lung was noticed. Therefore, the therapy was switched to a PD-1 antagonist and a CTL-4 antibody. CONCLUSIONS: Our case suggests that imatinib may be considered as first-line treatment for both locally advanced and distant primary multifocal oral melanoma, for which surgery or radiotherapy of the primary tumor is impossible

    Clinical and Dermoscopic Features of Melanocytic Lesions on the Face Versus the External Ear

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    Introduction Melanoma of the external ear is a rare condition accounting for 7-20% of all melanomas of the head and neck region. They present classical features of extra-facial melanomas clinically and dermoscopically. In contrast, facial melanomas show peculiar patterns in dermoscopy. Objectives To evaluate whether there are clinical and/or dermoscopic differences in melanocytic lesions located either at the external ear or on the face. Methods In this retrospective study we reviewed an image database for clinical and dermoscopic images of melanomas and nevi located either on the face or at the level of the external ear. Results 65 patients (37 men; 63.8%) with 65 lesions were included. We found no significant differences in comparing face melanomas with melanomas at the level of the external ear, neither clinically nor dermoscopically. However, we provided evidence for differences in some clinical and dermoscopic features of melanomas and nevi of the external ear. Conclusions In this study, we reported no significant differences in comparing melanomas on the face with melanomas of the external ear, both clinically and dermoscopically. Furthermore, we provided data on clinical and dermoscopic differences comparing nevi and melanoma of the external ear

    "Es geht schon so, man gewöhnt sich daran": Bürgerumfrage in Nürnberg 2020 - Wie die Corona-Pandemie unser Leben verändert hat

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Corona-Pandemie hat das Amt für Stadtforschung und Statistik für Nürnberg und Fürth im vierten Quartal 2020 eine Bürgerbefragung dazu durchgeführt, wie die Corona-Pandemie das Leben verändert hat. 4275 Menschen haben teilgenommen. Sie gaben darüber Auskunft, wie sich die Pandemie auf ihren Alltag und ihr Arbeitsleben ausgewirkt hat. Vor allem Familien und jüngere Menschen belastet die Corona-Krise teilweise stark, nicht zuletzt, da sie einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die berufliche Situation der Menschen hat und die Organisation des Alltags, z. B. durch die Schließung von Schulen und Kindertageseinrichtungen, zu einer Belastungsprobe wird. Viele Nürnbergerinnen und Nürnberger wünschen sich zudem eine sensiblere Maßnahmenpolitik und bessere Prioritätensetzung, aber auch stärkere Kontrolle der Regeln
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