22 research outputs found

    Microbial community structure and dynamics in thermophilic composting viewed through metagenomics and metatranscriptomics

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    Composting is a promising source of new organisms and thermostable enzymes that may be helpful in environmental management and industrial processes. Here we present results of metagenomicand metatranscriptomic-based analyses of a large composting operation in the Sao Paulo Zoo Park. This composting exhibits a sustained thermophilic profile (50 degrees C to 75 degrees C), which seems to preclude fungal activity. The main novelty of our study is the combination of time-series sampling with shotgun DNA, 16S rRNA gene amplicon, and metatranscriptome high-throughput sequencing, enabling an unprecedented detailed view of microbial community structure, dynamics, and function in this ecosystem. The time-series data showed that the turning procedure has a strong impact on the compost microbiota, restoring to a certain extent the population profile seen at the beginning of the processand that lignocellulosic biomass deconstruction occurs synergistically and sequentially, with hemicellulose being degraded preferentially to cellulose and lignin. Moreover, our sequencing data allowed near-complete genome reconstruction of five bacterial species previously found in biomass-degrading environments and of a novel biodegrading bacterial species, likely a new genus in the order Bacillales. The data and analyses provided are a rich source for additional investigations of thermophilic composting microbiology.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Provost's Office for Research of the University of Sao PauloCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Sao Paulo, Inst Quim, Dept Bioquim, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Programa Pos Graduacao Interunidades Bioinformat, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Escola Artes Ciencias & Humanidades, Sao Paulo, Brazil|Fundacao Parque Zool Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Ciencias Biol, Sao Paulo, BrazilBiocomplex Inst Virginia, Blacksburg, VA USADepartamento de Ciências Biológicas, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2011/50870-6Web of Scienc

    Metagenomic analysis of a tropical composting operation at the São Paulo Zoo Park reveals diversity of biomass degradation functions and organisms.

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    Composting operations are a rich source for prospection of biomass degradation enzymes. We have analyzed the microbiomes of two composting samples collected in a facility inside the Sao Paulo Zoo Park, in Brazil. All organic waste produced in the park is processed in this facility, at a rate of four tons/day. Total DNA was extracted and sequenced with Roche/454 technology, generating about 3 million reads per sample. To our knowledge this work is the first report of a composting whole-microbial community using high-throughput sequencing and analysis. The phylogenetic profiles of the two microbiomes analyzed are quite different, with a clear dominance of members of the Lactobacillus genus in one of them. We found a general agreement of the distribution of functional categories in the Zoo compost metagenomes compared with seven selected public metagenomes of biomass deconstruction environments, indicating the potential for different bacterial communities to provide alternative mechanisms for the same functional purposes. Our results indicate that biomass degradation in this composting process, including deconstruction of recalcitrant lignocellulose, is fully performed by bacterial enzymes, most likely by members of the Clostridiales and Actinomycetales orders.FAPESP 2009/52030-5RCNPqCAPE

    Computational analysis of variation in microbial metabolic potential from metagenomes

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar, através de uma abordagem metagenômica/computacional, a variação do conteúdo gênico e do potencial metabólico das comunidades microbianas associadas a dois ambientes da Fundação Parque Zoológico de São Paulo: um reservatório artificial, o Lago São Francisco e o sistema de compostagem de resíduos do parque. Para o estudo do primeiro ambiente, amostras foram coletadas mensalmente no Lago São Francisco de outubro de 2012 a setembro de 2013 e submetidas ao sequenciamento metagenômico. Esse estudo mostrou que agrupamentos de amostras de uma mesma estação são estatisticamente suportados. As coocorrências de espécies, com suporte estatístico alto, foram estabelecidas e representadas em uma rede separada em 60 grupos ou módulos. A maioria dos grandes módulos foram formados quase exclusivamente por espécies do mesmo filo, indicando possíveis mecanismos de resposta a fatores ambientais e à presença de nutrientes ao invés da pura interação entre espécies. Os fatores que levaram à variação dos táxons também influenciaram o potencial metabólico da comunidade: embora os módulos metabólicos de forma geral estivessem distribuídos ao longo dos meses, alguns se destacaram pela variação intensa, principalmente na amostra de novembro de 2012. Para o estudo do segundo ambiente, foram analisados dois conjuntos de dados de sequenciamento metagenômico gerados a partir de amostras seriadas coletadas ao longo do processo de compostagem. Nos dias iniciais do processo de compostagem, os mais discrepantes, houve uma super-representação de módulos metabólicos relacionados principalmente ao metabolismo de carboidratos e à síntese de aminoácidos. Em conjunto, os dados obtidos nesse estudo indicaram uma comunidade microbiana com potencial metabólico variando direcionalmente em função dos compostos inicialmente presentes ou oriundos do substrato, em função da presença de oxigênio e em função da etapa do processo.This project aimed to analyze, through a computational approach, the change of gene content and metabolic potential in metagenomes from two microbiomes from São Paulo Zoo Park Foundation: an artificial reservoir, Lake São Francisco, and the compost systems in the park. For the study on the first microbiome, samples were monthly collected in Lake São Francisco from October 2012 to September 2013 and submitted to metagenomic sequencing. This study showed that clustering of the samples from a same season is statistically supported. The species co-occorrences, with high statistical support, were established and represented in a network composed by 60 groups or modules. The most biggest modules were formed almost exclusively by species of the same phylum, pointing possible response mechanisms to environmental factors and to presence of nutrients instead of the simple species interaction. The factors which leaded to taxa variation also influenced the metabolic potential of the community: although the metabolic modules generally are spreaded through the months, some highlighted because the intense variation, mainly in the sample from November 2012. For the latter environment, two metagenomic datasets were analyzed from serial samples collected throughout the composting process. In the initial days of composting process, the most discrepant, there was an uprepresentation of metabolic modules related to carbohydrates metabolism and amino acids synthesis. All data in this study indicated a microbial community with metabolic potential varying according to nutrientes, oxygen presence and process stage

    The Exometabolome of Xylella fastidiosa in Contact with Paraburkholderia phytofirmans Supernatant Reveals Changes in Nicotinamide, Amino Acids, Biotin, and Plant Hormones.

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    Microbial competition within plant tissues affects invading pathogens fitness. Metabolomics is a great tool for studying their biochemical interactions by identifying accumulated metabolites. Xylella fastidiosa, a Gram-negative bacterium causing Pierces disease (PD) in grapevines, secretes various virulence factors including cell wall-degrading enzymes, adhesion proteins, and quorum-sensing molecules. These factors, along with outer membrane vesicles, contribute to its pathogenicity. Previous studies demonstrated that co-inoculating X. fastidiosa with the Paraburkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN suppressed PD symptoms. Here, we further investigated the interaction between the phytopathogen and the endophyte by analyzing the exometabolome of wild-type X. fastidiosa and a diffusible signaling factor (DSF) mutant lacking quorum sensing, cultivated with 20% P. phytofirmans spent media. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and the Method for Metabolite Annotation and Gene Integration (MAGI) were used to detect and map metabolites to genomes, revealing a total of 121 metabolites, of which 25 were further investigated. These metabolites potentially relate to host adaptation, virulence, and pathogenicity. Notably, this study presents the first comprehensive profile of X. fastidiosa in the presence of a P. phytofirmans spent media. The results highlight that P. phytofirmans and the absence of functional quorum sensing affect the ratios of glutamine to glutamate (Gln:Glu) in X. fastidiosa. Additionally, two compounds with plant metabolism and growth properties, 2-aminoisobutyric acid and gibberellic acid, were downregulated when X. fastidiosa interacted with P. phytofirmans. These findings suggest that P. phytofirmans-mediated disease suppression involves modulation of the exometabolome of X. fastidiosa, impacting plant immunity

    Transcriptome and Secretome Analyses of Endophyte <i>Methylobacterium mesophilicum</i> and Pathogen <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> Interacting Show Nutrient Competition

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    Xylella fastidiosa is the causal agent of several plant diseases affecting fruit and nut crops. Methylobacterium mesophilicum strain SR1.6/6 was isolated from Citrus sinensis and shown to promote plant growth by producing phytohormones, providing nutrients, inhibiting X. fastidiosa, and preventing Citrus Variegated Chlorosis. However, the molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction among these microbes are still unclear. The present work aimed to analyze physiological and molecular aspects of M. mesophilicum SR1.6/6 and X. fastidiosa 9a5c in co-culture. The transcriptome and secretome analyses indicated that X. fastidiosa down-regulates cell division and transport genes and up-regulates stress via induction of chaperones and pathogenicity-related genes including, the lipase-esterase LesA, a protease, as well as an oligopeptidase in response to M. mesophilicum competition. On the other hand, M. mesophilicum also down-regulated transport genes, except for iron uptake, which was up-regulated. Secretome analysis identified four proteins in M. mesophilicum exclusively produced in co-culture with X. fastidiosa, among these, three are related to phosphorous uptake. These results suggest that M. mesophilicum inhibits X. fastidiosa growth mainly due to nutrient competition for iron and phosphorous, thus promoting X. fastidiosa starvation, besides producing enzymes that degrade X. fastidiosa cell wall, mainly hydrolases. The understanding of these interactions provides a direction for control and management of the phytopathogen X. fastidiosa, and consequently, helps to improve citrus growth and productivity

    The Exometabolome of <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> in Contact with <i>Paraburkholderia phytofirmans</i> Supernatant Reveals Changes in Nicotinamide, Amino Acids, Biotin, and Plant Hormones

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    Microbial competition within plant tissues affects invading pathogens’ fitness. Metabolomics is a great tool for studying their biochemical interactions by identifying accumulated metabolites. Xylella fastidiosa, a Gram-negative bacterium causing Pierce’s disease (PD) in grapevines, secretes various virulence factors including cell wall-degrading enzymes, adhesion proteins, and quorum-sensing molecules. These factors, along with outer membrane vesicles, contribute to its pathogenicity. Previous studies demonstrated that co-inoculating X. fastidiosa with the Paraburkholderia phytofirmans strain PsJN suppressed PD symptoms. Here, we further investigated the interaction between the phytopathogen and the endophyte by analyzing the exometabolome of wild-type X. fastidiosa and a diffusible signaling factor (DSF) mutant lacking quorum sensing, cultivated with 20% P. phytofirmans spent media. Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and the Method for Metabolite Annotation and Gene Integration (MAGI) were used to detect and map metabolites to genomes, revealing a total of 121 metabolites, of which 25 were further investigated. These metabolites potentially relate to host adaptation, virulence, and pathogenicity. Notably, this study presents the first comprehensive profile of X. fastidiosa in the presence of a P. phytofirmans spent media. The results highlight that P. phytofirmans and the absence of functional quorum sensing affect the ratios of glutamine to glutamate (Gln:Glu) in X. fastidiosa. Additionally, two compounds with plant metabolism and growth properties, 2-aminoisobutyric acid and gibberellic acid, were downregulated when X. fastidiosa interacted with P. phytofirmans. These findings suggest that P. phytofirmans-mediated disease suppression involves modulation of the exometabolome of X. fastidiosa, impacting plant immunity

    Comparative Genomics of <i>Xylella fastidiosa</i> Explores Candidate Host-Specificity Determinants and Expands the Known Repertoire of Mobile Genetic Elements and Immunity Systems

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    Xylella fastidiosa causes diseases in many plant species. Originally confined to the Americas, infecting mainly grapevine, citrus, and coffee, X. fastidiosa has spread to several plant species in Europe causing devastating diseases. Many pathogenicity and virulence factors have been identified, which enable the various X. fastidiosa strains to successfully colonize the xylem tissue and cause disease in specific plant hosts, but the mechanisms by which this happens have not been fully elucidated. Here we present thorough comparative analyses of 94 whole-genome sequences of X. fastidiosa strains from diverse plant hosts and geographic regions. Core-genome phylogeny revealed clades with members sharing mostly a geographic region rather than a host plant of origin. Phylogenetic trees for 1605 orthologous CDSs were explored for potential candidates related to host specificity using a score of mapping metrics. However, no candidate host-specificity determinants were strongly supported using this approach. We also show that X. fastidiosa accessory genome is represented by an abundant and heterogeneous mobilome, including a diversity of prophage regions. Our findings provide a better understanding of the diversity of phylogenetically close genomes and expand the knowledge of X. fastidiosa mobile genetic elements and immunity systems

    Characterization of novel hydrocarbon-degrading Gordonia paraffinivorans and Gordonia sihwensis strains isolated from composting.

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    Hydrocarbons are important environmental pollutants, and the isolation and characterization of new microorganisms with the ability to degrade these compounds are important for effective biodegradation. In this work we isolated and characterized several bacterial isolates from compost, a substrate rich in microbial diversity. The isolates were obtained from selective culture medium containing n-hexadecane, aiming to recover alkane-degraders. Six isolates identified as Gordonia by MALDI-TOF and 16S rRNA sequencing had the ability to degrade n-hexadecane in three days. Two isolates were selected for genomic and functional characterization, Gordonia paraffinivorans (MTZ052) and Gordonia sihwensis (MTZ096). The CG-MS results showed distinct n-hexadecane degradation rates for MTZ052 and MTZ096 (86% and 100% respectively). The genome sequence showed that MTZ052 encodes only one alkane degrading gene cluster, the CYP153 system, while MTZ096 harbors both the Alkane Hydroxylase (AH) and the CYP153 systems. qPCR showed that both gene clusters are induced by the presence of n-hexadecane in the growth medium, suggesting that G. paraffinivorans and G. sihwensis use these systems for degradation. Altogether, our results indicate that these Gordonia isolates have a good potential for biotransformation of hydrocarbons