128 research outputs found

    EMN Quantum Strategic Agenda

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    By 2030 quantum technologies will be ubiquitous, but we are not there yet. Today quantum technologies are being steadily deployed into mainstream marketplaces, with both large and start-up companies beginning to develop and integrate quantum devices into their product lines. Enhancing confidence in these technologies is essential to their success. This in turn relies on validation and certification, based on internationally agreed standards and metrological traceability, implemented by independent experts. EURAMET ́s European Metrology Network for Quantum Technologies supports this technological transformation

    ETSI GS QKD 016 V1.1.1 - Quantum Key Distribution (QKD); Common Criteria Protection Profile - Pair of Prepare and Measure Quantum Key Distribution Modules

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    The present document specifies a Protection Profile (PP) for the security evaluation of pairs of Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) modules under the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation (CC v3.1 rev5). The present document is applicable to a pair of QKD modules operating a prepare and measure QKD protocol that can form a complete QKD system when connected by an appropriate point-to-point QKD link. The PP specifies high-level requirements for the physical implementation through to the output of final secret keys

    Measurement of Coupling PDC photon sources with single-mode and multimode optical fibers

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    We investigate the coupling efficiency of parametric downconversion light (PDC) into single and multi-mode optical fibers as a function of the pump beam diameter, crystal length and walk-off. We outline two different theoretical models for the preparation and collection of either single-mode or multi-mode PDC light (defined by, for instance, multi-mode fibers or apertures, corresponding to bucket detection). Moreover, we define the mode-matching collection efficiency, important for realizing a single-photon source based on PDC output into a well-defined single spatial mode. We also define a multimode collection efficiency that is useful for single-photon detector calibration applications.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Orientation paper: suggestions to develop research projects in testing and measurements for the upcoming European Partnership on Metrology (EPM) Calls in 2024

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    The purpose of the document, in agreement with EMN-Q mission to support competitiveness and innovation of the emerging European Quantum Industry by metrology science, services, and knowledge transfer, is to identify the priorities related to the development of quantum technologies at the European Level. The EMN-Q is ideally positioned to identify the gaps in measurement capabilities and standards necessary for advancing quantum technologies and to collaboratively develop the solutions necessary to serve the rapidly growing needs of stakeholders. This orientation paper is particularly focused on the Calls Digital Transformation and Normative. This orientation paper is based on three main elements: the European Digital Strategy, the EMN-Q strategic Research Agenda, the “Standardization Roadmap on Quantum Technologies written by the CEN-CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies (FGQT)” (Document FGQT Q04 Release 1 – March 2023

    Intensity correlations, entanglement properties and ghost imaging in multimode thermal-seeded parametric downconversion: Theory

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    We address parametric-downconversion seeded by multimode pseudo-thermal fields. We show that this process may be used to generate multimode pairwise correlated states with entanglement properties that can be tuned by controlling the seed intensities. Multimode pseudo-thermal fields seeded parametric-downconversion represents a novel source of correlated states, which allows one to explore the classical-quantum transition in pairwise correlations and to realize ghost imaging and ghost diffraction in regimes not yet explored by experiments.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    The quantum-classical transition in thermally seeded parametric downconversion

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    We address the pair of conjugated field modes obtained from parametric-downconversion as a convenient system to analyze the quantum-classical transition in the continuous variable regime. We explicitly evaluate intensity correlations, negativity and entanglement for the system in a thermal state and show that a hierarchy of nonclassicality thresholds naturally emerges in terms of thermal and downconversion photon number. We show that the transition from quantum to classical regime may be tuned by controlling the intensities of the seeds and detected by intensity measurements. Besides, we show that the thresholds are not affected by losses, which only modify the amount of nonclassicality. The multimode case is also analyzed in some detail.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The quantum-classical transition in thermally seeded parametric downconversion

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    We address the pair of conjugated field modes obtained from parametric-downconversion as a convenient system to analyze the quantum-classical transition in the continuous variable regime. We explicitly evaluate intensity correlations, negativity and entanglement for the system in a thermal state and show that a hierarchy of nonclassicality thresholds naturally emerges in terms of thermal and downconversion photon number. We show that the transition from quantum to classical regime may be tuned by controlling the intensities of the seeds and detected by intensity measurements. Besides, we show that the thresholds are not affected by losses, which only modify the amount of nonclassicality. The multimode case is also analyzed in some detail.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental Test of an Event-Based Corpuscular Model Modification as an Alternative to Quantum Mechanics

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    We present the first experimental test that distinguishes between an event-based corpuscular model (EBCM) [H. De Raedt et al.: J. Comput. Theor. Nanosci. 8 (2011) 1052] of the interaction of photons with matter and quantum mechanics. The test looks at the interference that results as a single photon passes through a Mach-Zehnder interferometer [H. De Raedt et al.: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 74 (2005) 16]. The experimental results, obtained with a low-noise single-photon source [G. Brida et al.: Opt. Expr. 19 (2011) 1484], agree with the predictions of standard quantum mechanics with a reduced χ2\chi^2 of 0.98 and falsify the EBCM with a reduced χ2\chi^2 of greater than 20
