1,416 research outputs found

    Alternative Geldkonzepte – ein Literaturbericht

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    In der gegenwärtigen Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise werden wieder vermehrt Alternativen zum bestehenden Geldsystem diskutiert. Das vorliegende Discussion Paper bietet einen Literaturüberblick zu ausgewählten alternativen Geldkonzepten. Zum einen werden Ansätze der Systemergänzung durch Komplementärwährungen identifiziert, welche meist auf lokaler oder regionaler Ebene Dysfunktionalitäten des staatlichen Geldes ausgleichen wollen. Zum anderen werden verschiedene Vorschläge zur umfassenden Systemreform diskutiert, bei denen die Steuerung der Geldmenge entweder zentral durch gestärkte Zentralbanken oder dezentral durch die Marktteilnehmer selbst vorgesehen ist. Der vorliegende Bericht zeigt, inwieweit die dargestellten Konzepte sich im Hinblick auf die ihnen zugrunde liegende Problemanalyse, auf die Bedeutung der verschiedenen Geldfunktionen, auf die Steuerungsebenen und -mechanismen sowie ihrer grundlegenden Zielsetzungen unterscheiden.In the present economic and financial crisis, alternatives to the current money system have increasingly become the subject of debate. This paper reviews the literature on selected alternative concepts of money. It identifies approaches that complement the established system with parallel currencies and seek to reduce its dysfunctions at the local and regional level. It then discusses various proposals for a comprehensive reform of the system, which involve controlling the quantity of money either centrally by strengthening central banks, or decentrally via the market. Finally, it shows how the concepts differ regarding how they analyze the problem, which functions of money they focus on, where they identify levels and mechanisms of control, and what their fundamental objectives are.1 Einleitung 2 Zur Kritik am vorherrschenden Geld- und Finanzsystem 2.1 Geldmengensteuerung 2.2 Inflation, Finanzmarktspekulation und Blasen 2.3 Wachstumszwang 2.4 Zinssystem 3 Alternative Geldkonzepte zwischen Systemreform und Systemergänzung 3.1 Vorab: Impulse zur Erhöhung der Geldumlaufgeschwindigkeit 3.2 Systemergänzung durch Komplementärwährungen 3.2.1 Zivilgesellschaftliche Komplementärwährungen Typ I: LETS und Tauschringe Typ II: Zeitwährungen und Time Banks Typ III: Regionalgelder Typ IV: Komplementärwährungen unter direkter kommunaler Beteiligung 3.2.2 Von Unternehmen herausgegebene Komplementärwährungen B2C: Bonusmeilen und Paybacksysteme B2B: Barter-Club-Verrechnungssysteme 3.3 Systemreform 3.3.1 Zentrale Steuerung der Geldschöpfung 100%-Geld und Chicago-Plan: Full Reserve Banking Vollgeld und Monetative: Wiederherstellung des staatlichen Geldregals Ressourcendeckung Mehrgeldsteuer 3.3.2 Währungspluralismus Denationalisierung des Geldes und Free Banking Ecology of Money und Demokratisierung von Währungen Weltwährungen Parallele Staatswährungen 3.3.3 Freigeld 4 Vergleich der Konzepte anhand ausgewählter Merkmale 4.1 Reichweite: Ausbreitung und Teilnehmerkreis 4.2 Geldfunktionen 4.2.1 Tauschmittel (medium of exchange) 4.2.2 Recheneinheit und Wertmaßstab (unit of account) 4.2.3 Wertaufbewahrung (store of value) 4.2.4 Vergemeinschaftung 4.3 Geldmedium und Geldschöpfung 4.3.1 Medium 4.3.2 Mechanismen und Ebenen der Geldschöpfung Ebene Deckung 4.4 Finanzierung und Kostendeckung 4.5 Zielsetzung 5 Fazit 6 Literatu

    Prevalence and association of single nucleotide polymorphisms with sarcopenia in older women depends on definition

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    © 2020, The Author(s). The prevalence of sarcopenia depends on the definition used. There are, however, consistent sarcopenic characteristics, including a low muscle mass and muscle strength. Few studies have investigated the relationship between sarcopenia and genotype. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 307 community-dwelling ≥60-year-old women in South Cheshire, UK. Handgrip strength was assessed with a handgrip dynamometer and skeletal muscle mass was estimated using bioelectrical impedance. DNA was extracted from saliva (∼38%) or blood (∼62%) and 24 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped. Three established sarcopenia definitions - %Skeletal Muscle Mass (%SMM), Skeletal Muscle Mass Index (SMI) and European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) - were used to assess sarcopenia prevalence. Binary logistic regression with age as covariate was used to identify SNPs associated with sarcopenia. The prevalence of sarcopenia was: %SMM 14.7%, SMI 60.6% and EWGSOP 1.3%. Four SNPs were associated with the %SMM and SMI definitions of sarcopenia; FTO rs9939609, ESR1 rs4870044, NOS3 rs1799983 and TRHR rs7832552. The first three were associated with the %SMM definition, and TRHR rs7832552 with the SMI definition, but none were common to both sarcopenia definitions. The gene variants associated with sarcopenia may help proper counselling and interventions to prevent individuals from developing sarcopenia

    An evaluation of common markers of muscle denervation in denervated young-adult and old rat gastrocnemius muscle.

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    A large part of age-related muscle wasting is due to incomplete reinnervation of fibres that have become denervated following motoneuron loss. Neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) and sodium channel NaV1.5 are considered markers for denervation, but the time course of changes in their expression following denervation has never been systematically evaluated in young-adult and old muscle. To assess the time course of denervation-induced changes in their expression, the left gastrocnemius muscle in 15 young-adult (5-month) and 10 old (25-month) male Wistar rats was denervated for 1, 2 or 4 weeks, while the right muscle served as an internal control. Sections were stained for α-bungarotoxin, to visualise the neuromuscular junctions, combined with NCAM, polysialylated NCAM (PSA-NCAM) or NaV1.5. In young-adult animals, denervation induced a transient decrease in junctional and cytoplasmic NCAM expression, while in the old NCAM expression was increased after 2 weeks. Cytoplasmic PSA-NCAM was increased in both young-adult and old fibres after 2 weeks denervation with a further increase after 4 weeks in the young only. The junctional PSA-NCAM was transiently increased or decreased in the young and old muscles, respectively. NaV1.5 expression decreased after 1 and 2 weeks of denervation in NaV1.5 in young muscle fibres before returning to control levels, whereas old muscle fibres displayed a transient increase after 1 week followed by a decrease and a return to control levels after 2 and 4 weeks respectively. In conclusion, NCAM and NaV1.5 are not unequivocally elevated with denervation and consequently are not adequate markers of fibre denervation

    Lake Kivu expedition : geophysics, hydrography, sedimentology (preliminary report)

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    In March 1971, seven members of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution were engaged in a multidisciplinary study of Lake Kivu. This expedition represents part of a long-range program concerned with the structural and hydrographical settings of the East African Rift Lakes and their relationships to the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden Rifts. The program started in May 1963 with a geophysical study on Lake Malawi (von Herzen and Vacquier, 1967). Several expeditions of our Institution into the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden area in 1964, 1965 and 1966 (Degens and Ross, 1969) provided detailed geological information on the "northern" extension of the East African Rift. And finally our study of last year on Lake Tanganyika c1osed a major gap in the program; it allowed us to out1ine a model on the evolution of a rift which starts with (i) bulging of the earth's crust, (ii) block-faulting, (iii) volcanism and hydrothermal activity, and which has its final stage in (iv) sea floor spreading (Degens et al. 1971). In the case of Lake Tanganyika, only the second stage of this evolution series has been reached, i.e. block-faulting. In contrast, the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden had already evolved to active sea floor spreading, almost 25 million years ago. Somewhere along the line between Lake Tanganyika and the Gulf of Aden must lie the "missing link" of this evolution series. Lake Kivu, almost 100 miles to the north of Lake Tanganyika is situated at the highest point of the Rift Valley and is surrounded by active volcanoes and geothermal springs. As recently as 1944, lava flows reached the lake shore. This lake was therefore, a natural choice to test our hypothesis on the origin and development of rifts. Furthermore, the occurrence of large quantities of dissolved gases, e.g., CO2 and methane, represented an interesting geochemical phenomenon worthwhile to investigate.Supported by the National Science Foundation with Grants GA 19262, GB 20956, and GU 3927; grants from the Petroleum Research Fund of the American Chemical Society PRF#1943A2; and by private research funds of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Static one-leg standing balance test as a screening tool for low muscle mass in healthy elderly women

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    Background: Identification of simple screening tools for detecting lower skeletal muscle mass may be beneficial for planning effective interventions in the elderly. Aims: We aimed to (1) establish a threshold for one-leg standing balance test (OLST) time for low muscle mass, and (2) test the ability of that threshold to assess muscular impairments in a poor balance group. Methods: Eyes-open OLST (maximum duration 30 s) was performed with right and left legs in 291 women (age 71 ± 6 years). OLST time was calculated as the sum of the OLST time of right and left legs. Fat-free mass (FFM), skeletal muscle mass (SMM), fat mass, biceps brachii and vastus lateralis sizes; handgrip strength (HGS), elbow flexion maximum torque (MVC ) and knee extension maximum torque (MVC ) were measured. Muscle quality was calculated as MVC /FFM and physical activity was assessed by questionnaire. Low muscle mass was defined as SMM of 22.1%, a previously established threshold for pre-sarcopenia. Results: The OLST threshold time to detect low muscle mass was 55 s (sensitivity: 0.63; specificity: 0.60). The poor balance group (OLST < 55 s) had higher fat mass (3.0%, p < 0.001), larger VL thickness (5.1%, p = 0.016), and lower HGS (− 10.2%, p < 0.001), MVC (− 8.2%, p = 0.003), MVC (− 9.5%, p = 0.012), MVC /FFM (− 11.0%, p = 0.004) and physical activity (− 8.0%, p = 0.024) compared to the normal balance group. While after adjusting age, the differences exist for HGS, fat mass and VL thickness only. Discussion: An OLST threshold of 55 s calculated as the summed score from both legs discriminated pre-sarcopenic characteristics among active, community-dwelling older women with limited potential (sensitivity 0.63, specificity 0.60). Conclusion: OLST, which can be performed easily in community settings without the need for more complex muscle mass measurement, may help identify women at risk of developing sarcopenia. EF KE KE relative EF KE K

    Sarcopenia, obesity, and sarcopenic obesity: Relationship with skeletal muscle phenotypes and single nucleotide polymorphisms

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    Obesity may aggravate the effects of sarcopenia on skeletal muscle structure and function in the elderly, but no study has attempted to identify the gene variants associated with sarcopenia in obese women. Therefore, the aims of the present study were to: (1) describe neuromuscular function in sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic women with or without obesity; (2) identify gene variants associated with sarcopenia in older obese women. In 307 Caucasian women (71 ± 6 years, 66.3 ± 11.3 kg), skeletal muscle mass was estimated using bioelectric impedance, and function was tested with a 30 s one-leg standing-balance test. Biceps brachii thickness and vastus lateralis cross-sectional area (VLACSA) were measured with B-mode ultrasonography. Handgrip strength, maximum voluntary contraction elbow flexion (MVCEF), and knee extension torque (MVCKE) were measured by dynamometry, and MVCKE/VLACSA was calculated. Genotyping was performed for 24 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), selected based on their previous associations with muscle-related phenotypes. Based on sarcopenia and obesity thresholds, groups were classified as sarcopenic obese, non-sarcopenic obese, sarcopenic non-obese, or non-sarcopenic non-obese. A two-way analysis of covariance was used to assess the main effects of sarcopenia and obesity on muscle-related phenotypes and binary logistic regression was performed for each SNP to investigate associations with sarcopenia in obesity. There were no significant obesity * sarcopenic status interactions for any of the investigated muscle-related phenotypic parameters. Neither sarcopenia nor obesity had a significant effect on biceps brachii thickness, but sarcopenia was associated with lower VLACSA (p = 0.003). Obesity was associated with lower MVCEF (p = 0.032), MVCKE (p = 0.047), and MVCKE/VLACSA (p = 0.012) with no significant effect of sarcopenia. Adjusted for age and height, three SNPs (ACTN3 rs1815739, MTHFR rs1801131, and MTHFR rs1537516) were associated with sarcopenia in obese participants. Sarcopenia was associated with a smaller muscle size, while obesity resulted in a lower muscle quality irrespective of sarcopenia. Three gene variants (ACTN3 rs1815739, MTHFR rs1801131, and MTHFR rs1537516) suspected to affect muscle function, homocysteine metabolism, or DNA methylation, respectively, were associated with sarcopenia in obese elderly women. Understanding the skeletal muscle features affected by sarcopenia and obesity, and identification of genes related to sarcopenia in obese women, may facilitate early detection of individuals at particular risk of sarcopenic obesity

    Dietary protein requirement threshold and micronutrients profile in healthy older women based on relative skeletal muscle mass

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    Although multiple nutrients have shown protective effects with regard to preserving muscle function, the recommended amount of dietary protein and other nutrients profile on older adults for maintenance of high muscle mass is still debatable. The aims of this paper were to: (1) identify dietary differences between older women with low and high relative skeletal muscle mass, and (2) identify the minimal dietary protein intake associated with high relative skeletal muscle mass and test the threshold ability to determine an association with skeletal muscle phenotypes. Older women (n = 281; 70 ± 7 years, 65 ± 14 kg), with both low and high relative skeletal muscle mass groups, completed a food questionnaire. Skeletal muscle mass, fat-free mass (FFM), biceps brachii thickness, vastus lateralis anatomical cross-sectional area (VLACSA ), handgrip strength (HGS), maximum elbow flexion torque (MVCEF ), maximum knee extension torque (MVCKE ), muscle quality (HGS/Body mass), and fat mass were measured. Older women with low relative skeletal muscle mass had a lower daily intake of protein, iodine, polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), Vit E, manganese, milk, fish, nuts and seeds (p < 0.05) compared to women with high relative skeletal muscle mass. The minimum required dietary protein intake for high relative skeletal muscle mass was 1.17 g/kg body mass/day (g/kg/d) (sensitivity: 0.68; specificity: 0.62). Women consuming ≥1.17 g/kg/d had a lower BMI (B = −3.9, p < 0.001) and fat mass (B = −7.8, p < 0.001), and a higher muscle quality (B = 0.06, p < 0.001). The data indicate that to maintain muscle mass and function, older women should consume ≥1.17 g/kg/d dietary protein, through a varied diet including milk, fish and nuts that also contain polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) and micronutrients such as iodine, Vit E and manganese

    Blunted angiogenesis and hypertrophy are associated with increased fatigue resistance and unchanged aerobic capacity in old overloaded mouse muscle.

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    We hypothesize that the attenuated hypertrophic response in old mouse muscle is (1) partly due to a reduced capillarization and angiogenesis, which is (2) accompanied by a reduced oxidative capacity and fatigue resistance in old control and overloaded muscles, that (3) can be rescued by the antioxidant resveratrol. To investigate this, the hypertrophic response, capillarization, oxidative capacity, and fatigue resistance of m. plantaris were compared in 9- and 25-month-old non-treated and 25-month-old resveratrol-treated mice. Overload increased the local capillary-to-fiber ratio less in old (15 %) than in adult (59 %) muscle (P < 0.05). Although muscles of old mice had a higher succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity (P < 0.05) and a slower fiber type profile (P < 0.05), the isometric fatigue resistance was similar in 9- and 25-month-old mice. In both age groups, the fatigue resistance was increased to the same extent after overload (P < 0.01), without a significant change in SDH activity, but an increased capillary density (P < 0.05). Attenuated angiogenesis during overload may contribute to the attenuated hypertrophic response in old age. Neither was rescued by resveratrol supplementation. Changes in fatigue resistance with overload and aging were dissociated from changes in SDH activity, but paralleled those in capillarization. This suggests that capillarization plays a more important role in fatigue resistance than oxidative capacity

    Listening In on the Past: What Can Otolith δ18O Values Really Tell Us about the Environmental History of Fishes?

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    Oxygen isotope ratios from fish otoliths are used to discriminate marine stocks and reconstruct past climate, assuming that variations in otolith δ18O values closely reflect differences in temperature history of fish when accounting for salinity induced variability in water δ18O. To investigate this, we exploited the environmental and migratory data gathered from a decade using archival tags to study the behaviour of adult plaice (Pleuronectes platessa L.) in the North Sea. Based on the tag-derived monthly distributions of the fish and corresponding temperature and salinity estimates modelled across three consecutive years, we first predicted annual otolith δ18O values for three geographically discrete offshore sub-stocks, using three alternative plausible scenarios for otolith growth. Comparison of predicted vs. measured annual δ18O values demonstrated >96% correct prediction of sub-stock membership, irrespective of the otolith growth scenario. Pronounced inter-stock differences in δ18O values, notably in summer, provide a robust marker for reconstructing broad-scale plaice distribution in the North Sea. However, although largely congruent, measured and predicted annual δ18O values of did not fully match. Small, but consistent, offsets were also observed between individual high-resolution otolith δ18O values measured during tag recording time and corresponding δ18O predictions using concomitant tag-recorded temperatures and location-specific salinity estimates. The nature of the shifts differed among sub-stocks, suggesting specific vital effects linked to variation in physiological response to temperature. Therefore, although otolith δ18O in free-ranging fish largely reflects environmental temperature and salinity, we counsel prudence when interpreting otolith δ18O data for stock discrimination or temperature reconstruction until the mechanisms underpinning otolith δ18O signature acquisition, and associated variation, are clarified
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