113 research outputs found

    Development of Video Media to Increase Dribbling Learning Result in a Sport Games

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    Abstract: Physical sports and healthy Education is one of the subjects that students like especially football game. Dribbling video media on football games is one of the solutions that are expected to motivate students to learn independently, creatively, effectively and efficiently. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the learning material of football game technique. technique to attract interest and reduce the saturation of learning in the students of class X Computer and Network Engineering (TKJ) which is designed interesting and specially designed in the form of CD media and dribbling technique skill manual on football game. Model development of dribbling video media learning on football game used is Dick and Carey model. Media video dribbling on the game of football and tested through 2 stages, namely (1) Expert test that is the review of the content experts / learning materials; learning media experts; and design experts, (2) Field test is individual group testing; small group trial; and large group trials. Based on the responses given by experted on dribbling video media on football games is like to use. Based on the responses given by the students of class X TKJ semester 2 as respondents to dribbling video media product on football game is feasible to be used by students of class X TKJ semester 2

    Pengembangan E-Modul Pembelajaran Agama Kristen Menggunakan Scaffolding untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Metakognitif Komunitas Remaja Kristen Sumba

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    Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan modul elektronik menggunakan scaffolding dalam pembelajaran agama Kristen bagi komunitas remaja Kristen Sumba, serta menguji kelayakannya. Model pengembangan yang digunakan adalah model ADDIE yang mencakup langkah Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation. Produk E-modul menggunakan scaffolding ini memiliki tingkat kelayakan materi 97,5%, kelayakan desain pembelajaran 96,25%, dan kelayakan media pembelajaran 95%. Sedangkan tingkat kelayakannya berdasarkan uji coba perorangan  adalah 99,16 %, berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil adalah 96,67% dan berdasarkan uji coba lapangan 94,71% dengan kualifikasi sangat layak dan tidak perlu direvisi. Selain itu, hasil uji efektivitas penggunaan e-modul masuk kualifikasi efektif berdasarkan pre test dan post test.Abstract: The aim of this research is to produce an electronic module that uses scaffolding in Christian Instructional for Sumba Christian Adolescence Community, as well as examining the feasibility. The Development Model used is the ADDIE model which completes the steps of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This product has a material level of 97,5%, the feasibility of instructional design 96,25%, and feasibility of instructional media expert 95%.  Additionally, the trial rate based on individual trials is 99,16%, based on small group trials is  96,67%, and based on field trials 94,71% with very decent qualifications and do not need to be revised. In addition, the result of the effectiveness of the use of e-modules into effective qualifications based on pre-test and post-test

    The Effect of Giving Letters Versus Card Games and Bincer Games and Learning Motivation on the Language Ability of Early Children

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    This study aimed to investigate the impact of providing letter card games compared to binary games and learning motivation on language skills among early childhood students. The hypothesis posited that there is a significant influence of providing letter card games versus binary games and learning motivation on the language skills of early childhood students at Bintang Sembilan Kindergarten and Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten 75 Lamongan in 2022. The study involved 25 students from Bintang Sembilan Kindergarten and 15 students from Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten 75 Lamongan. A Random Assignment Posttest Control Group Design was utilized in this research, consisting of two groups: the experimental class and the control class. Data were collected through quasi-experimental methods, allowing for control of variables relevant to the experiment. Data analysis involved the use of the two-way ANOVA test formula, the Normality test, and the Homogeneity test. The results of the study indicated statistical significance across all three tests, confirming the effectiveness of the experimental design. The Pearson test confirmed the alternative hypothesis, concluding that there is indeed an effect of providing letter card games versus binary games, along with learning motivation, on the language skills of early childhood students in Bintang Sembilan Kindergarten and Kemala Bhayangkari Kindergarten 75 Lamongan in 202

    Development of Android Applications SAJ (Sinau Aksara Jawa) as Javanese Script Learning Media Using the Addie Model

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    This study aims to develop learning media based on Android for Javanese language lessons on Javanese script material. With this learning media, students are expected to be able to learn more effectively and efficiently because they can learn anytime and anywhere. The model used in this development is the ADDIE development model which has 5 steps, namely: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development, (4) implementation, (5) Evaluation. The results of this development research are in the form of an android-based Javanese script learning application called SAJ (Sinau Javanese Script). In the development process to get a product that is by the objectives, it is continuously validated by content experts, design experts, media experts, and student responses. The results of the validation by content experts obtained a total score of 67 percentage 94% very feasible category, from design experts obtained a total score of 49 with a percentage of 94% very feasible category, while media experts obtained a score of 67 percentage 93% very feasible category. The test was carried out twice, the first was a small group with a percentage of 95.7% in the very feasible category, the field test obtained a percentage of 96.9% in the very feasible category. Thus, students can use the product developed as a medium for learning Javanese script

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Model Pembelajaran Tipe Teams Assisted Individual (TAI) dan Think Pair Share (TPS) terhadap Prestasi Belajar Ditinjau dari Motivasi Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen semu. Model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI diberikan pada kelas eksperimen 1 dengan jumlah 25 siswa, sedang model pembelajaran kooperatif TPS diberikan pada kelas eksperimen 2 dengan jumlah 26 siswa. Sedangkan variabel dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga variabel yaitu Variabel Bebas, Variabel Moderator dan Variabel Terikat. Berdasarkan uji validitas nilai rhitung > r tabel (pada signifikan 0,05,  dan r  tabel sebesar 0,220 ).  Maka Ho diterima artinya skor butir indikator berkolerasi positif dengan skor faktor (total), sehingga butir pernyataan dinyatakan valid. Dari hasil pengukuran reliabilitas diperoleh apa untuk instrumen 0,787 >  0,5. maka Ho diterima skor butir indikator berkolerasi positif dengan skor faktor (total), dengan demikian butir-butir soal yang digunakan untuk mengetahui prestasi belajar siswa dinyatakan reliabel. Dari uji normalitas dan uji homogenitas varian diketahui bahwa data nilai  prestasi belajar matematika memenuhi asumsi distribusi normal dan varians dan homogen sehingga dapat dilanjutkan pada analisis Anova 2 jalur. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa uji persyaratan analisis Anova 2 jalur telah terpenuhi dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TAI  lebih baik daripada menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe TPS

    Pengembangan Media Video Podcast Pada Pembelajaran Sejarah Kelas XI Materi Pendudukan Bangsa Jepang Di Indonesia

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    This development and research is aimed at producing video podcast media products with the latest innovations for the learning process of Indonesian history, material on the Japanese population in Indonesia, which these media products are a complement to the learning process. By using Research and Development (R&D), this research and development refers to the Lee & Owen model. By using the stages, namely analysis, design, development and implementation. And the results of the due diligence have been tested by media experts, material experts, and students with good positive responses. So it can be concluded that the video podcast media product is suitable for use in the learning process in class XI SMA 2 Muhammadiyah Singaraja. As high as this video podcast media is the latest innovation in class and improves student learning.AbstrakPengembangan dan penelitian ini adalah bertujuan menghasilkan produk media video podcast dengan inovasi terbaru untuk proses pembelajaran sejarah Indonesia materi kependudukan bangsa Jepang di Indonesia, yang produk media ini sebagai pelengkap dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan menggunakan Research and Development (R&D) penelitian dan pengembangan ini mengacu pada model Lee & Owen. Dengen menggunakan tahapan yaitu analisis, design, development dan implementation. Dan hasil uji kelayakan sudah di uji coba oleh ahli media, ahli materi, dan siswa dengan  tanggapan positif yang baik. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa produk media video podcast layak digunakan dalam  proses pembelajaran dikelas XI SMA 2 Muhammadiyah Singaraja. Sehinggi media video podcast ini menjadi inovasi terbaru dikelas dan meningkatkan proses belajar siswa

    Pengembangan E-modul Geografi berbasis Spatial Thinking

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    Pengembangan E-Modul Geografi berbasis Berpikir Spasial untuk Siswa SMA kelas XI bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul yang dapat membantu siswa dalam berpikir spasial serta mengetahui kelayakan e-modul sebagai bahan ajar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan yang berorientasi pada produk multimedia, yaitu emodul. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Lee&Owen yang terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu: analisis kebutuhan, desain, pengembangan, implementasi dan evaluasi. Hasil validasi produk yang dikembangkan mendapatkan kriteria sangat layak dengan skor rata – rata sebesar 90,78%. Aspek Materi diperoleh skor 82,14%, aspek media 92% dan aspek desain pembelajaran sebesar 98,2%. Berdasarkan respon pengguna yaitu siswa modul mendapat skor 89,3% dan guru geografi memberikan skor 90% artinya modul memiliki kriteria yang sangat baik untuk dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar pendamping untuk siswa.

    Tes Berbasis Web Tool Quiz Pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA Di Masa Pandemi

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    This study aims to develop a product in the form of a web-based test tool quiz from the provider, namely quizizz with explanatory text material for Indonesian high school subjects in the third semester of a 2-year program. The method used is Research and Development (R&D) which is widely used to develop, and produce, a particular product, especially in the field of education. The development model used refers to the model with the steps of Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The trial application in the field was hybrid by dividing students into two groups due to restrictions on school mobility in the COVID-19 era. The results showed that this product had met the criteria for use by material experts and media experts and students responded positively even though some things were responded to negatively. However, the web-based quiz tool test is generally interesting and suitable for use in learning during the pandemic, because it can be used both inside and outside the classroomAbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk berupa tes berbasis web tool  quiz dari penyedianya yaitu quizizz dengan materi teks eksplanasi mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia SMA semester III program 2 tahun. Metode yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D) yang banyak digunakan untuk mengembangkan, dan menghasilkan, suatu produk tertentu terutama di bidang pendidikan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan mengacu pada model dengan langkah Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). Uji coba penerapan di lapangan secara hybrid dengan membagi pebelajar menjadi dua kelompok karena adanya pembatasan mobilitas sekolah era COVID-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa produk ini telah memenuhi kriteria layak untuk digunakan dari ahli materi dan ahli media serta pebelajar menanggapi secara positif meskipun beberapa hal ditanggapi secara negatif. Namun demikian, tes berbasis web tool  quiz secara garis besar menarik dan layak untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran di masa pandemi, karena bisa digunakan untuk di dalam kelas maupun luar kelas

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Materi Vektor Berbasis Pembelajaran Elektronik

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    Abstrak: Saat ini ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berkembang dengan cepat termasuk dalam dunia pendidikan..Untuk menghasilkan perangkat belajar, yaitu  Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), bahan belajar, Lembar Kerja Siswa (LKS), dan kuis materi vektor berbasis E-Learning untuk siswa kelas X MIPA merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Produk ini dirancang agar siswa dapat belajar di mana dan kapan saja dia mau di kelas maupun di luar kelas. Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini didasarkan pada teori perkembangan Model 4-D perangkat yang dikembangkan oleh Thiagajaran dk, yang terdiri dari empat tahap pengembangan yaitu; pendefinisian, desain, pengembangan dan penyebaran, yang dalam penelitian ini tahap penyebaran (disseminate) tidak dilakukan. Diperlukan penyesuaian Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) pada materi vektor berbasis e-learning untuk siswa kelas X MIPA.Abstract: Nowadays, the development of science and technology have been rapidly developed, including education. To produce learning tools, namely the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) , learning materials, Student Worksheets (LKS), and vector quiz materials based on E-Learning for students of Class X MIPA are the objectives of this study. This product is designed to provide wider opportunities for students without having to limit the time (hours) of learning in class. The development of learning tools in this study is based on the theory of the development of the 4-D, namely; defining. design; development,  and dissemination, which in this study the dissemination stage was not carried out. It is necessary to adjust the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) on vector material based on e-learning for students of Class X MIPA

    Pengembangan Kuis Interaktif Untuk Metode Drill And Practice Dengan Memanfaatkan Fitur Media Sosial

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    The aim of this research and development is to create a product for implement sosial media into drill and practice learning method. This quiz allows use of augmented reality and motion sensors technology. Taking advantage of features on Instagram sosial media, namely filters on Instagram stories, make this product accessible to anyone. This product also allows it to be used on smartphones of various types. The subject matter of “Things in The Classroom and Our Bag” in English for Class VII SMP. The ADDIE development paradigm was used to guide this project through the stages of analysis, design, development, implementation, and assessment. Products are validated by media experts and English subject matter experts. Student from SMP Muhammadiyah 1 in Malang City who are in seventh grade are the focus of this interactive quiz. It performed well in the product validation test, so that the product developed is suitable for use with the aim of increasing attractiveness during learning, as well as student motivation.AbstrakTujuan dari penelitian dan pengembangan ini untuk menghasilkan sebuah produk untuk memanfaatkan penggunaan media sosial pada metode pembelajaran drill and practice. Kuis ini menggunakan dukungan teknologi berupa augmented reality dan sensor gerakan. Memanfaatkan fitur pada media sosial Instagram yaitu filter pada Instagram story menjadikan produk ini bisa diakses oleh siapa saja. Produk ini juga memungkinkan untuk digunakan pada smartphone dengan berbagai tipe. Pokok bahasan materi “Things in The Classroom and Our Bag” mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII SMP. Pengembangan ini telah melalui tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi sesuai dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Produk divalidasi oleh ahli media dan ahli materi mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Sasaran objek uji coba kuis interaktif ini adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Malang. Pada uji validasi produk mendapatkan respon yang baik, sehingga produk yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dengan tujuan meningkatkan daya tarik pada saat berlangsungnya pembelajaran, serta motivasi siswa
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