115 research outputs found

    Explorative Vergleichsstudie unter Fitnesscentermitarbeitenden zu Umgangsweisen mit EssstörungsverdachtsfÀllen

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    Hintergrund Menschen die an einer Essstörung erkrankt sind, betreiben oft ein exzessives Trainingsregime. Das Fitnesscenter ist einer der Orte, an welchem dieses Trai-ningsprogramm absolviert werden kann. In einer sehr frĂŒhen Phase der Ziel- und Bedarfsbestimmung allfĂ€lliger PrĂ€ventionsmassnahmen stellt sich die Frage, welche Erfahrungen Fitnessinstruktoren/-instruktorinnen im Umgang mit EssstörungsverdachtsfĂ€llen machen. Ebenfalls stellt sich die Frage nach vor-handenen Ratgebern. Methode Anhand von Experteninterviews wurden Erfahrungen im Umgang mit Ver-dachtsfĂ€llen von Fitnessinstruktoren/-instruktorinnen (n=7) miteinander vergli-chen. Die Analyse erfolgte anhand einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse. Zudem wurden Ratgeber fĂŒr den Umgang mit EssstörungsverdachtsfĂ€llen miteinander verglichen und auf die Interviews bezogen. Ergebnisse Alle Probanden haben im Fitnesscenter bereits EssstörungsverdachtsfĂ€lle be-obachtet. Die Furcht davor, nicht mit Reaktionen der betroffenen Person umge-hen zu können, zusĂ€tzlichen Schaden anzurichten oder ĂŒbergriffig zu sein, sind die hauptsĂ€chlich genannten GrĂŒnde dafĂŒr, VerdachtsfĂ€lle nicht anzusprechen. Alle auf den Umgang mit Essstörungen fokussierten Dokumente empfehlen VerdachtsfĂ€lle anzusprechen. Keiner der Probanden verwendet Ratgeber, fast allen sind entsprechende Dokumente unbekannt. Diskussion Die meisten von den Instruktoren/Instruktorinnen beschriebenen Herausforde-rungen wĂŒrden in den Ratgebern durch konkrete Hilfestellungen aufgegriffen. Eine mögliche ErklĂ€rung fĂŒr die ausbleibende Nutzung ist der geringe Bekannt-heitsgrad. Die untersuchten Dokumente könnten als Ausgangslage fĂŒr die Ent-wicklung eines Ratgebers dienen. Als inhaltliche ErgĂ€nzungen werden die The-men Ungewissheit, Kompromissfindung mit Kunden und Furcht vor Konsequen-zen des Ansprechens vorgeschlagen. Im Hinblick auf PrĂ€ventionsmassnahmen werden AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr kĂŒnftige Arbeiten diskutiert

    Retracing trajectories: the embodied experience of cycling, urban sensescapes and the commute between ‘neighbourhood’ and ‘city’ in Utrecht, NL

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    This paper looks into the experience of “passing through different territories of the city” (Sennett, 2006, p. 3). Despite their importance for making sense of the city as a whole, these experiences are often not acknowledged in urban planning. This paper compares the everyday, embodied experiences of commuter cyclists with the planners’ perspective on Utrecht. ‘On the ground’ data was collected via ride-alongs with 15 inhabitants of the Leidsche Rijn neighbourhood. Our analysis reveals cycling trajectories composed of diverse sensescapes. It paints a much more complex picture of intra-urban divisions and connections than the planners’ perspective of the ‘new’ Leidsche Rijn neighbourhood separated from the ‘old’ city by major infrastructure lines

    Multicone Diamond Waveguides for Nanoscale Quantum Sensing

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    The long-lived electronic spin of the nitrogen-vacancy (NV) center in diamond is a promising quantum sensor for detecting nanoscopic magnetic and electric fields in a variety of experimental conditions. Nevertheless, an outstanding challenge in improving measurement sensitivity is the poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of prevalent optical spin-readout techniques. Here, we address this limitation by coupling individual NV centers to optimized diamond nanopillar structures, thereby improving optical collection efficiency of fluorescence. First, we optimize the structure in simulation, observing an increase in collection efficiency for tall (≄\geq 5 ÎŒ\mum) pillars with tapered sidewalls. We subsequently verify these predictions by fabricating and characterizing a representative set of structures using a reliable and reproducible nanofabrication process. An optimized device yields increased SNR, owing to improvements in collimation and directionality of emission. Promisingly, these devices are compatible with low-numerical-aperture, long-working-distance collection optics, as well as reduced tip radius, facilitating improved spatial resolution for scanning applications.Comment: 22 pages, five figure

    The fibrin-derived Îł377-395 peptide inhibits microglia activation and suppresses relapsing paralysis in central nervous system autoimmune disease

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    Perivascular microglia activation is a hallmark of inflammatory demyelination in multiple sclerosis (MS), but the mechanisms underlying microglia activation and specific strategies to attenuate their activation remain elusive. Here, we identify fibrinogen as a novel regulator of microglia activation and show that targeting of the interaction of fibrinogen with the microglia integrin receptor Mac-1 (αMÎČ2, CD11b/CD18) is sufficient to suppress experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis in mice that retain full coagulation function. We show that fibrinogen, which is deposited perivascularly in MS plaques, signals through Mac-1 and induces the differentiation of microglia to phagocytes via activation of Akt and Rho. Genetic disruption of fibrinogen–Mac-1 interaction in fibrinogen-Îł390-396A knock-in mice or pharmacologically impeding fibrinogen–Mac-1 interaction through intranasal delivery of a fibrinogen-derived inhibitory peptide (Îł377-395) attenuates microglia activation and suppresses relapsing paralysis. Because blocking fibrinogen–Mac-1 interactions affects the proinflammatory but not the procoagulant properties of fibrinogen, targeting the Îł377-395 fibrinogen epitope could represent a potential therapeutic strategy for MS and other neuroinflammatory diseases associated with blood-brain barrier disruption and microglia activation

    Nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance with a 1.9-nm-deep nitrogen-vacancy sensor

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    We present nanoscale nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements performed with nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers located down to about 2 nm from the diamond surface. NV centers were created by shallow ion implantation followed by a slow, nanometer-by-nanometer removal of diamond material using oxidative etching in air. The close proximity of NV centers to the surface yielded large 1H NMR signals of up to 3.4 lT-rms, corresponding to ~330 statistically polarized or ~10 fully polarized proton spins in a (1.8 nm)3 detection volume

    Reliability of 3D planning and simulations of medial open wedge high tibial osteotomies

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    Purpose: In medial open-wedge high tibial osteotomy (HTO) hinge axis and osteotomy plane influence the resulting anatomy, but accurate angular quantifications using 3D-planning-simulations are lacking. The objectives of this study were developing a standardized and validated 3D-planning method of an HTO and to perform several simulated realignments to explain unintended anatomy changes. Methods: The cutting direction of the main osteotomy was defined parallel to the medial tibial slope and the hinge axis 1.5 cm distal to the lateral plateau. For interobserver testing, this 3D planning was performed on 13 digital models of human tibiae by two observers. In addition, four different hinge axis positions and five differently inclined osteotomy planes each were simulated. The osteotomy direction ranged from medial 0°–30° anteromedial, while the tilt of the osteotomy plane compared to the tibial plateau was −10° to +10°. All anatomic angular changes were calculated using 3D analysis. Results: Multiple HTO plannings by two medical investigators using standardized procedures showed only minimal differences. In the 3D-simulation, each 10° rotation of the hinge axis resulted in a 1.7° significant increase in slope. Tilting the osteotomy plane by 10° resulted in significant torsional changes of 2°, in addition to minor but significant changes in the medial proximal tibial angle (MPTA). Conclusion: Standardized 3D-planning of the HTO can be performed with high reliability using two-observer planning. 3D-simulations suggest that control of the osteotomy plane is highly relevant to avoid unintended changes in the resulting anatomy, but this can be a helpful tool to modify specific angles in different pathologies in the HTO

    Stationary shapes of deformable particles moving at low Reynolds numbers

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    Lecture Notes of the Summer School ``Microswimmers -- From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour'', organised by the DFG Priority Programme SPP 1726 (Forschungszentrum J{\"{u}}lich, 2015).Comment: Pages C7.1-16 of G. Gompper et al. (ed.), Microswimmers - From Single Particle Motion to Collective Behaviour, Lecture Notes of the DFG SPP 1726 Summer School 2015, Forschungszentrum J\"ulich GmbH, Schriften des Forschungszentrums J\"ulich, Reihe Key Technologies, Vol 110, ISBN 978-3-95806-083-

    Physical fitness and nutritional anthropometric status of children from disadvantaged communities in the Nelson Mandela Bay region

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    Background: Information about the relationships between physical fitness, body composition and nutrition has increased in recent years; however, little is known about physical fitness and the coexistence of under-/overnutrition among children living in disadvantaged areas. Objectives: To determine the physical fitness status and its association with body composition, growth and selected socio- demographics in primary schoolchildren from disadvantaged communities in the Nelson Mandela Bay region. Methods: Nine hundred and sixty-five children (49% girls, M=9.5 years) participated in this cross-sectional study. Height and weight were measured to establish body mass index, and height-for-age z-scores. Physical fitness was assessed using tests from the Eurofit Physical Fitness test battery (flexibility, upper/lower body muscular strength and cardiorespiratory fitness). Between- group differences and cross-sectional associations were examined with univariate (Chi2-tests, analyses of variance) and multivariate methods (mixed linear/logistic regression). Results: Most children had normal weight (76.7%), while 4.5% were underweight and 18.7% were overweight/obese. Underweight children and children with stunted growth (11.5%) had lower average upper body strength (p<0.001). Overweight/obese children had lower scores in weight-bearing activities (p<0.001). Children with higher socio-economic status were more likely to be overweight and obese (p<0.001). In the multivariate analyses, sex, age, body mass index, and stunting were associated with children’s physical fitness. Conclusion: Fitness assessments seem to be a relevant measure of the current health status of children in disadvantaged settings. Compared to international norms, the children in this study had relatively low scores for both upper- and lower body muscular strength. Therefore, effective school-based intervention programmes should be developed to improve children’s physical fitness in disadvantaged schools

    Coherent control of solid state nuclear spin nano-ensembles

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    Detecting and controlling nuclear spin nano-ensembles is crucial for the further development of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and for the emerging solid state quantum technology. Here we present the fabrication of a ≈\approx 1 nanometre thick diamond layer consisting of 13^{13}C nuclear spins doped with Nitrogen-Vacancy centres (NV) embedded in a spin-free 12^{12}C crystal matrix. A single NV in the vicinity of the layer is used for polarization of the 13^{13}C spins and the readout of their magnetization. We demonstrate a method for coherent control of few tens of nuclear spins by using radio frequency pulses and show the basic coherent control experiments - Rabi oscillations, Ramsey spectroscopy and Hahn echo, though any NMR pulse sequence can be implemented. The results shown present a first steps towards the realization of a nuclear spin based quantum simulator
