710 research outputs found

    An Examination of the Factors and Characteristics that Contribute to the Success of Putnam Fellows

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    The William Lowell Putnam Mathematical Competition is an intercollegiate mathematics competition for students in the United States and Canada and is regarded as the most prestigious and challenging mathematics competition in North America (Alexanderson, 2004; AMS, 2020; Grossman, 2002; Reznick, 1994; Schoenfeld, 1985). Students who earn the five highest scores on the examination are named Putnam Fellows. Since its inception in 1938, only 306 individuals have won the competition and a select few have won multiple times. Clearly, being named a Putnam Fellow is a remarkable achievement and therefore, understanding the factors and characteristics that contribute to their success is important for students interested in mathematics and STEM-related fields. Twenty-five males who were named Putnam Fellows either four, three, or two times were recruited for the study. A 17-item questionnaire was created from various research sources (Campbell, 1996a, 1996b; Campbell & Wu, 1996; DeFranco, 1996), and used to collect information around four broad areas—personal experiences, formal educational experiences, the affective domain and the cognitive domain. Qualitative research techniques were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that four subcategories of personal experiences, five subcategories of formal educational experiences, seven subcategories involving the affective domain, and three subcategories of the cognitive domain all played an important role in the development of Putnam Fellows. Future research recommendations should examine the factors and characteristics of female Putnam winners and ways to promote and support them as well as the role that Pólya-like heuristics play in the development of Putnam winners

    Investigación de las causas de la explosión accidental de un autoclave

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    Se presenta el caso de una explosión de un autoclave utilizado para el curado de caucho de la banda de rodamiento en la reparación de neumáticos de gran diámetro de aplicación en la industria minera. El siniestro implicó la voladura de una tapa de acero a varios metros del equipo con consecuencias fatales para personal de la planta. Se realizaron tres visitas, la primera de carácter informativo, la segunda de inspección mecánica y eléctrica sin afectar los componentes por razones legales, y la tercera luego del peritaje oficial para realizar mediciones con mayor libertad de acción. En base a lo observado se informa que el accidente posiblemente se debió a la conjunción de uno o más fallos de componentes individuales (sensores de fin de carrera de cierre de aros, luces indicadoras de seguridad) con información incompleta sobre el sistema de seguridad, que indujeron al operador a continuar con la presurización del autoclave aun cuando la puerta no estaba correctamente trabada. Se concluye que, si bien la causa inmediata del accidente fue un error humano, el sistema de seguridad del que estaba provisto el autoclave no proveía su objetivo último de proteger al equipo de un error de operación.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Contrasting histoarchitecture of calcified leaflets from stenotic bicuspid versus stenotic tricuspid aortic valves

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    AbstractPreliminary findings from clinical trials of percutaneous balloon aortic valvuloplasty and intraoperative debridement of calcific deposits in patients with aortic stenosis have suggested that calcified, congenitally bicuspid aortic valves may be less amenable to these techniques than are calcified tricuspid aortic valves. Accordingly, we evaluated the histoarchitecture of calcific deposits in 30 operatively excised aortic valves. Light microscopic sections taken through the calcified aortic valve leaflets disclosed two principal types of histoarchitectitre. In 11 aortic valves nodular calcific deposits were superimposed on an underlying fibrotic aortic valve leaflet (type A); in 17 valves calcific deposits were diffusely distributed throughout the body (spongiosa) of the aortic valve leaflets (type B). Two aortic valves could not be classified histologically.These histologic subtypes were not randomly distributed with regard to gross valvular morphology. All 14 bicuspid valves (100%) were type B; in contrast, 11 (69%) of 16 tricuspld aortic valves were type A, and only 3 (19%) of 16 tricuspid valves were type B (p < 0.01). Both valves with nonclassifiable histologic features were tricuspid on the basis of gross examination.Thus, the histoarchitectural distribution of calcific deposits is different for bicuspid than for tricuspid stenotic aortic valves. The more diffuse distribution of calcium throughout the body of calcified bicuspid aortic valve leaflets may render these valves less amenable to operative and percutaneous valvuloplasty than are calcified tricuspid aortic valve leaflets on which calcific deposits are typically superimposed in nodular form

    Myeloid cells, BAFF, and IFN-γ establish an inflammatory loop that exacerbates autoimmunity in Lyn-deficient mice

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    Autoimmunity is traditionally attributed to altered lymphoid cell selection and/or tolerance, whereas the contribution of innate immune cells is less well understood. Autoimmunity is also associated with increased levels of B cell–activating factor of the TNF family (BAFF; also known as B lymphocyte stimulator), a cytokine that promotes survival of self-reactive B cell clones. We describe an important role for myeloid cells in autoimmune disease progression. Using Lyn-deficient mice, we show that overproduction of BAFF by hyperactive myeloid cells contributes to inflammation and autoimmunity in part by acting directly on T cells to induce the release of IFN-γ. Genetic deletion of IFN-γ or reduction of BAFF activity, achieved by either reducing myeloid cell hyperproduction or by treating with an anti-BAFF monoclonal antibody, reduced disease development in lyn−/− mice. The increased production of IFN-γ in lyn−/− mice feeds back on the myeloid cells to further stimulate BAFF release. Expression of BAFF receptor on T cells was required for their full activation and IFN-γ release. Overall, our data suggest that the reciprocal production of BAFF and IFN-γ establishes an inflammatory loop between myeloid cells and T cells that exacerbates autoimmunity in this model. Our findings uncover an important pathological role of BAFF in autoimmune disorders