4 research outputs found

    : A new Late Upper Palaeolithic site in southwestern France: Le Petit Cloup Barrat (Cabrerets, Lot)

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    International audienceDer Fundort Le Petit Cloup Barrat öffnet sich zum Rande einer kleinen Doline hin, in 800 m Entfernung vom Eingang der berühmten Bilderhöhle von Pech Merle. Bei den seit 2003 laufenden Ausgrabungen wurden zahlreiche lithische und organische Siedlungsreste zu Tage gefördert, die dem mittleren und frühen Magdalénien, dem Badegoulien und dem Solutréen zugeordnet werden können. Die ältesten Schichten der Stratigraphie sind noch zu ergraben.The site of Le Petit Cloup Barrat opens on the edge of a small doline, 800 meters from the entrance of the famous decorated cave, Pech Merle. Though partially excavated at the beginning of the 20th century, this site has never been published. A test pit was opened in 2003, followed by excavations since 2004. The stratigraphic sequence, the base of which is still unknown, has yielded abundant lithic and organic remains attributed to the Middle and Lower Magdalenian, Badegoulian and Solutrean. In the upper ensemble attributed to the Magdalenian, numerous flint blade tools (end scrapers, burins, borers and retouched blades) coexist with backed bladelets. The Badegoulian is identified based on flake tools, including raclettes and transverse burins. An original industry, characterized by the production of twisted bladelets backed on the right side made from carinate cores, can be attributed to a Lower Magdalenian distinct from the Badegoulian. Finally, the Solutrean, still little excavated, is characterised by fragmented shouldered points and one fragment of a willow leaf point. The organic industry includes eyed needles, retouchers on medium-sized ungulate diaphyses and antler projectile points. The body ornaments consist of grooved and/or pierced shells, especially Dentalium, and herbivore incisors (reindeer, ibex). A few fossils, some with distant origins, were also recovered. Archaeozoological analysis shows a strong presence of reindeer, while horse is also present in various levels. The osseous material preserved in the cave will allow precise analyses of the seasons of occupation, hunting strategies, and alimentary and technical priorities

    Etude de spectres proche infra-rouges de melanges binaire. Compte-rendu de resultats

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    * CR de Nantes. Laboratoire de Technologie Appliquee a la Nutrition, BP 527, 44026 Nantes Cedex Diffusion du document : CR de Nantes. Laboratoire de Technologie Appliquee a la Nutrition, BP 527, 44026 Nantes CedexNational audienc

    Innovative Approaches: Phyto-Probiotics as a Therapeutic Support for Managing Obesity-Linked Psoriasis

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    International audienceIntroduction: Obesity is a major health issue globally since it is linked to the development of chronic comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis, certain cancer types, and skin disorders such as psoriasis. Scientific evidence suggests that the possible link between obesity and psoriasis is multifactorial, with dietary habits, lifestyle, certain genetic factors, and the microbiome being key factors in the progression of both pathologies due to their association with a chronic pro-inflammatory state. Thus, inflammatory management during obesity is a promising target for psoriasis, not only because of the ill adipose tissue secretome profile, but also because of the link between obesity and the other immunological derangements involved with psoriasis beginning and persistence. The project aims to develop a novel therapeutic treatment for psoriasis that targets inflammation, obesity, and psoriasis-specific indicators. The extract utilized here is the result of a fermentation between a prebiotic and a probiotic strain, and we will refer to it as Phyto-probiotics 31 (PP31) for confidentiality reasons.Methods: The methods used were molecular biology on THP-1 to study 1) the impact of the extract (50 µg/ml) on the polarization of monocytes into MO or M1 macrophages by exploring the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, CXCL10, IL-8), and 2) protein assays of total blood leukocytes (Luminex®) to explore the effect of the extract (50 µg/ml) on PBMCs stimulated 24 h with LPS for the cytokines IFNγ, IL-12p70, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-23, IL-22, IL17a and Resistin. 3) investigate the expression of leptin, adiponectin, and HSL in mature adipospheroid made from women with obesity preadipocytes cells. 4) on human psoriatic keratinocytes by studying the production and expression of IL6, IL8, and filagrin.Results: 1) Treatment with the extract substantially lowered expression of TNF-α (RQ = 0.83±0.05), IL-6 (RQ = 0.76±0.02), IL-1β (RQ = 0.70±0.03), and CXCL10 (RQ = 0.71±0.01) genes in polarized macrophages with the M1 phenotype. 2) The extract significantly reduced IFNy, IL-12, IL-22, and IL-23 levels (-32%±5.66, -33%±7.67, -33%±8.4, and -60%±10.21, respectively) compared to the LPS control. 3) The extract significantly reduced leptin expression (RQ = 0.73±0.14) and increased HSL expression (RQ = 2.15±0.09). There was no substantial increase in adiponectin expression. 4) The extract significantly reduced IL-6 (-21%±0.02) and IL-8 (-28%±0.08) secretion, as well as IL-8 (RQ = 0.54±0.09) and increased filagrin (RQ = 2.04±0.32) expression.Conclusion: Results of this study reveal that this extract has anti-inflammatory properties, specifically on the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the polarisation of monocytes into M1 macrophages on human immune cells. In addition, the extract reduced Leptin expression and increased HSL expression in adult obese adipocytes. Finally, the extract demonstrated promising effects on chemokine production (IL-6 and IL-8) and filagrin expression in human psoriatic keratinocytes. The extract could therefore have a triple action by acting on obesity, inflammation and psoriasis markers. It may be useful in the treatment of psoriasis. We will now conduct co-culture research with adipospheroides cells generated from obese women and human psoriatic keratinocytes to investigate this micro-environment and its interactions.Key word : phyto-probiotics, obesity, inflammation, psoriasi

    Le Petit Cloup Barrat (Cabrerets, Lot) : un nouveau site du Paléolithique supérieur récent sur les plateaux du Quercy

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    National audienceNote sur la redécouverte et la fouille du Petit Cloup Barrat, gisement quercinois voisin de la grotte de Pech Merle. Les niveaux reconnus en 2005 couvrent une période comprise entre la fin du Solutréen et le Magdalénien moyen