962 research outputs found

    Berjayanya bahasa Indonesia "di rumah sendiri" melalui politik bahasa

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    Tujuan khususnya adalah menjelaskan 1) politik BI di antara bahasa daerah dan asing; 2) politik BI di era glolablisasi dan MEA; 3) dampak politik BI di era glolablisasi dan MEA; 4) politik bahasa negara anggota MEA


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    Salah satu materi pengetahuan bahasa yang diberikan pada BIPA adalah imbuhan. Badan Pengembangan dan Pembinaan Bahasa (BPPB), Kemdikbud sudah merumuskan imbuhan untuk setiap peringkat  berdasarkan CEFR. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah mengkaji materi imbuhan yang dirumuskan BPPB. Metode yang digunakan deskriptif analitis. Objeknya silabus dan materi ajar yang dirumuskan BPPB. Temuannya adalah 1) pada level A1 diajarkan imbuhan ber-, namun kosakata berimbuhan meN-, meN-kan, meN-i, di-, di-kan, di-i, peN-, -an, ke-an, per-an, peN-an, ter-, banyak digunakan;2) pada level A2  tidak ada imbuhan  yang diajarkan; 3) pada level B1 kembali diajarkan imbuhan ber- yangdisejalankan dengan imbuhan meN-, pembentuk kata kerja pasif ter-, dan imbuhan ke-an; 4) pada level B2 diajarkan imbuhan meN-,ber- (terkait dengan kalimat aktif-pasif), ter- (pembentuk kata kerja pasif), dan  ke-an; 5)pada level C1  tidak ada imbuhan  yang diajarkan; 6) pada level C2 diajarkan imbuhan meN- dan –i;7) imbuhan meNper, meNper-an, meNper-i, berpeN-kan, berke-an, ber-an, kepeN-an tidak diajarkan pada semua level,tetapi kosakata turunan dari imbuhan ini banyak digunakan. Kesimpulannya adalah adanya imbuhan yang tidak diberikan  dan ada level yang tidak ada materi imbuhan.Kata kunci:  keterampilan berbahasa; imbuhan; BIPAOne of the content materials in BIPA (Teaching Indonesian for Non-natives) is affixes. Ministry of Education and Culture’s Language Development and Fostering Agency (BPPB) formulates affixes for each level based on CEFR. This paper aims at exploring affixes formulated by BPPB. Analytical descriptive method was adopted in the study, in which the syllabus and content materials formulated by BPPB were the data sources. The findings show that 1) Affix ber- was discussed in level A1; however, words using affix meN-, meN-kan, meN-i, di-, di-kan, di-i, peN-, -an, ke-an, per-an, peN-an, ter- were often used; 2) No affixes was taught in level A2; 3) in level B1, affix ber- was re-learned in line with affix meN-,passive verb maker ter-, and affix ke-an; 4) affixes meN-,ber- (passive-active voice), ter- (passive verb maker), andke-an were taught in level B2; 5) in level C1,there was no affixes taught; 6) affixes meN- and –i were learned in level C2;7) affixes meNper, meNper-an, meNper-i, berpeN-kan, berke-an, ber-an, kepeN-an were not discussed in any levels; nonetheless, derived words from these affixes were frequently used. In conclusion, not all affixes were discussed, and not all levels provided affixes as content materials.Keywords: language skill; affixes; teaching indonesian for non-native

    Student Assessment of Online Learning of MKWK Indonesian Language In The New Normal Era

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    The purpose of this study is to describe student assessment of the implementation of this lecture. This research is descriptive research with data collection techniques through Google Forms. The respondents were IPB Vocational School students for the 2021/2022 academic year. The number of students who filled out the questionnaire was 92. As a result, in blended learning, students preferred the offline one; the obstacles faced when online are internet connections and other supporting facilities, while offline is the distance traveled; the material that should be given offline is writing and speaking, while online is PUEBI; writing material is material that is difficult to understand both online and offline; boredom in learning caused by lecturer teaching techniques; activities that are carried out when there are obstacles and boredom vary. This research aims to find the causes of students' constraints and boredom in blended learning

    Do African Americans prefer to live in segregated communities?

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    Following Hurricane Katrina, many people were shocked by the extent of racial segregation in the New Orleans housing market. And yet, New Orleans is far from an isolated case. Forty years after passage of the Fair Housing Act, racially segregated neighborhoods are all too common in the United States. The reasons usually offered for this continued segregation include discrimination in the real estate and housing markets. Recently, these reasons have been challenged by a theory claiming that segregation exists because African Americans prefer to live together for positive reasons, such as to share and support a common heritage. In “Do African Americans Prefer to Live in Segregated Communities,?” Bob DeFina examines the evidence and notes that it casts doubt on the viability of the so-called self-segregation hypothesis.

    Sosialisasi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Kelurahan (PPMK) di Kelurahan Klender

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    Village community empowerment program (PPMK) aims to overcome poverty. Socialization of the programs to the community is one of the factors that can determine the participation of the community. Obtaining a description of socialization and community involvement is the purpose of this paper. The description of community participation in PPMK that was presented by Adi was analyzed with the definition of participation (community involvement in problem identification, decision-making process to solve problem, implementation of the result and evaluation on a development activity). This paper will also present the percentage of public knowledge about the program and the percentage of community involvement in the program


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    Covid-19 has an impact on various areas of life in all walks of life. This condition also has an impact on students, especially in their education. This study aimed to analyze the effect of problems, stress levels, and social support on the coping strategies of international students in Indonesia during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach—data were collected for two months, June-July 2020. The sample of this study was 88 foreign nationals who studied in Indonesia during the Covid-19 period. Findings, students had difficulty taking distance lectures because of weak signals and limited internet quota. Coping strategies used by this research sample in dealing with problems were spiritual support and rebuilding communication with family and friends online. The primary support in solving problems was family, especially parents. More than half of students fell into an average level of stress. The regression test results showed that income had a significant positive effect on coping strategies. This research implication suggests that the findings can be used to understand problems, stress levels, and coping strategies carried out by students during the Covid-19 pandemic to help stakeholders develop programs and policies related to learning problems during the Covid-19 pandemic


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    Dalam bahasa Indonesia, dikenal empat jenis kalimat berdasarkan predikatnya, yaitu: kalimat verbal, nominal, adjektival, dan preposisional. Materi jenis kalimat ini adalah salah satu materi yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa IPB pada Tingkat Persiapan Bersam

    The impact of unemployment on alternative poverty measures.

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    The analysis uses data from the March Current Population Survey to estimate state-level cross-section/time-series models of the effects of unemployment on alternative poverty indexes. The indexes include the official headcount rate and alternatives based on improved identification and aggregation procedures. The estimated effects turn critically on the measurement approaches, both for the total sample population and for selected sub-groups. For some broader, distribution-sensitive indexes, the declines in unemployment of the last decade had no significant impact on poverty. The findings thus provide important lessons for researchers exploring the links between economic conditions and poverty and for policymakers developing strategies to reduce poverty.Unemployment ; Poverty

    A comparison of poverty trends and policy impacts for working families using different poverty indexes

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    This study provides empirical evidence on recent trends in poverty among working families based on the headcount rate and a broader alternative that incorporates the headcount rate, the depth of poverty, and income inequality among the poor. Estimates reveal that the indexes produce significantly different trends. The headcount rate indicates a reduction in overall working poverty for the sample period, while the alternative index showed no statistically significant change. The same result was found for various population subgroups. Decompositions of the index changes show that tax changes contributed to lower values for both the headcount rate and the alternative index, largely due to recent expansions of the earned income tax credit. Changes in transfer payments added to measured poverty, mirroring the retrenchment of welfare and other transfer programs. Shifts in market-based income decreased both indexes.Poverty

    Extended theory of hydraulic hysteresis in open channel flow

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    The occurrence of hysteresis in a supercritical, open-channel flow approaching an obstacle has been recognized and investigated both experimentally and theoretically over the last few decades. However, the available theory and experimental investigations in the literature do not include the case when subcritical flow, controlled from downstream, can establish across the obstacle. The present work fills this gap by proposing a new theory that includes this occurrence and shows that two different steady flow states can establish for the same obstacle geometry and flow conditions\u2014one with supercritical to subcritical transition far downstream from the obstacle, and the other with supercritical to subcritical transition far upstream from the obstacle. The proposed, more general theory includes the existing theory as a special case. Finally, two specific examples are illustrated and discussed, i.e., the case of flow over a raised bed hump, and the case of flow through a channel contraction