47 research outputs found

    Exposure modeling and exposure measurement error correction in health outcome models with longitudinal data structure

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    The human organism is permanently exposed to various environmental factors, which influence its performance, e.g. climatic conditions, nutrition intake behavior or air quality. This thesis focuses on the human exposure to particulate matter. The “Augsburger Umweltstudie” (2007–2008) was conducted at the KORA study center in Augsburg and aimed at the investigation of the association between particulate matter and human health. An accompanying validation study was conducted in 2011 in order to collect information about the errors in the measurement of particulate matter. The complexity of these errors arises from different data sources: 1.) The usage of population-specific exposure measurements, e.g. from one or several fixed site measurement stations, instead of personal measurements involves a Berkson type error. The deviations between personal and populations–specific measurements are driven by the microenvironment of the person and the climatic conditions. In the first part of the work, a two–level exposure model is developed for the association between the fixed–site and the personal exposure measurements of the validation study including the selection of relevant covariates and the appropriate consideration of categorical covariates in the analysis of longitudinal data. 2.) The mobile devices used for personal exposure measurements exhibit classical measurement error, which is partially device–specific and autocorrelated. 3.) In order to use as much information as possible missing personal exposure measurements are filled in with population–specific exposure measurements resulting in a mixture of Berkson and classical measurement error. The second part of the work aims at the development and application of methods to include knowledge about Berkson, classical and mixture error into regression models of the health outcome. Therefore, the method–of–moments is extended to longitudinal data and to the different types of errors with individual–specific and autocorrelated structures. Validation studies and expert knowledge provide information about the size of the measurement error, but prior knowledge is often afflicted with uncertainty. Approaches for the adequate inclusion of prior knowledge about the measurement errors in the Bayesian health outcome model are evaluated in the third part of the thesis. The role of prior knowledge in regression models with an error–prone covariate differs from conventional Bayesian regression models and is strongly affected by the interaction between the parameters in the model. The thesis is closed with the application of the developed method–of–moments and Bayesian approach to the Augsburger Umweltstudie by integrating information from the validation studies

    Exposure modeling and exposure measurement error correction in health outcome models with longitudinal data structure

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    The human organism is permanently exposed to various environmental factors, which influence its performance, e.g. climatic conditions, nutrition intake behavior or air quality. This thesis focuses on the human exposure to particulate matter. The “Augsburger Umweltstudie” (2007–2008) was conducted at the KORA study center in Augsburg and aimed at the investigation of the association between particulate matter and human health. An accompanying validation study was conducted in 2011 in order to collect information about the errors in the measurement of particulate matter. The complexity of these errors arises from different data sources: 1.) The usage of population-specific exposure measurements, e.g. from one or several fixed site measurement stations, instead of personal measurements involves a Berkson type error. The deviations between personal and populations–specific measurements are driven by the microenvironment of the person and the climatic conditions. In the first part of the work, a two–level exposure model is developed for the association between the fixed–site and the personal exposure measurements of the validation study including the selection of relevant covariates and the appropriate consideration of categorical covariates in the analysis of longitudinal data. 2.) The mobile devices used for personal exposure measurements exhibit classical measurement error, which is partially device–specific and autocorrelated. 3.) In order to use as much information as possible missing personal exposure measurements are filled in with population–specific exposure measurements resulting in a mixture of Berkson and classical measurement error. The second part of the work aims at the development and application of methods to include knowledge about Berkson, classical and mixture error into regression models of the health outcome. Therefore, the method–of–moments is extended to longitudinal data and to the different types of errors with individual–specific and autocorrelated structures. Validation studies and expert knowledge provide information about the size of the measurement error, but prior knowledge is often afflicted with uncertainty. Approaches for the adequate inclusion of prior knowledge about the measurement errors in the Bayesian health outcome model are evaluated in the third part of the thesis. The role of prior knowledge in regression models with an error–prone covariate differs from conventional Bayesian regression models and is strongly affected by the interaction between the parameters in the model. The thesis is closed with the application of the developed method–of–moments and Bayesian approach to the Augsburger Umweltstudie by integrating information from the validation studies

    Reservas naturais e desenvolvimento regional sustentável: o exemplo do parque nacional da Floresta da Baviera na Alemanha (“Bayerischer Wald”)

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    This paper focuses on some conceptional, practical and theoretical reflections on sustainable regional development in the context of extensive protected areas. It will be shown that in the course of the global debate on sustainability, protected areas with an integrative character are getting more and more significant. Three different categories of protected areas exist in Germany: natural parks, biosphere reserves and national parks. Transfrontier protected areas are the strength of Europe. The latest scientific discourse shows that in place of an unsophisticated way of thinking about ecology, a new kind of thinking trying to overcome the dichotomy of nature and culture is more and more attracting the notice. This change of perception has a deep impact on a purely nature-oriented sustainability, which especially applies to national parks in Germany. On the basis of an empirical study of the Bavarian Forest National Park, the opportunities and limits of integrative development strategies are identified by opposing the different interests of the affected actors and their contrary logic of economy and protection. It will be pointed out that the diverse perceptions of the actors are deeply constructivist and generate profound areas of conflict. These arising conflicts can just be minimised by an equal dialogue to solve the divergent interests. By elaborating the thesis of a “blocked change”, a socio-critical perspective is drawn on this blockade.Este artigo faz uma observação conceitual, prĂĄtica e teĂłrica, do desenvolvimento regional sustentĂĄvel no contexto de reservas naturais. Dentro do debate internacional sobre a sustentabilidade, percebemos que as reservas naturais com carĂĄter integrativo tĂȘm ganho um papel cada vez mais importante. Na Alemanha, existem trĂȘs categorias diferentes, sendo elas parque natural, reserva de biosfera e parque nacional. O ponto forte da Europa sĂŁo suas ĂĄreas protegidas. Os Ășltimos debates cientĂ­ficos demonstram como, neste processo, pensar “dentro e com o mundo” vem ocupando mais e mais o lugar da reflexĂŁo ecolĂłgica. Isto influencia na formulação de uma sustentabilidade estritamente focada na natureza, que se aplica especialmente aos parques nacionais da Alemanha. AtravĂ©s de um estudo empĂ­rico sobre o parque nacional Floresta da Baviera sĂŁo demonstradas as possibilidades e os limites das estratĂ©gias de desenvolvimento integrativo para os parques nacionais, contrapondo os diversos interesses aos seus princĂ­pios contrĂĄrios econĂŽmicos e de proteção. Perspectivas construtivistas geram muitas vezes conflitos e tensĂ”es, que sĂł podem ser reduzidos atravĂ©s de um verdadeiro diĂĄlogo que integre os diversos interesses. Sob a tese da chamada “mudança bloqueada” irĂŁo ser reveladas as bases sociolĂłgicas deste bloqueio.

    Individual meaning in life assessed with the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation: toward a circumplex meaning model

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    AbstractObjective:The experience of “meaning in life” (MiL) is a major aspect of life satisfaction and psychological well-being. To assess this highly individual construct, idiographic measures with open-response formats have been developed. However, it can be challenging to categorize these individual experiences for interindividual comparisons. Our study aimed to derive MiL categories from individual listings and develop an integrative MiL model.Method:University students were asked to rate 58 MiL providing aspects recently found in a nationwide study using the Schedule for Meaning in Life Evaluation (SMiLE), an MiL instrument allowing for open responses. Pearson's correlations and factor analyses were used to test the unidimensionality of subsequently derived higher-order MiL categories. Multidimensional scaling, cluster analysis, and factor analysis were performed to further analyze a latent MiL structure.Results:A total of 340 students participated in the study. Some 11 unidimensional categories consisting of 34 meaning-providing aspects were summarized into a circumplex model with four MiL domains: leisure/health, work/finances, culture/spirituality, and relationships (family, partnership, social relations).Significance of results:This model seems to incorporate a major portion of individual respondent-generated MiL listings. It may be useful for future idiographic MiL studies to help organize individual experiences of MiL and allow for higher-level interindividual comparisons. Further studies including different samples are necessary to confirm this model or derive other MiL domains, for example, in palliative care patients or patients who are confronted with a loss of meaning.</jats:sec

    Megaevents und favelas. Strategische Interventionen und sozialrÀumliche Effekte in Rio de Janeiro

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    HĂ€ußermann und Siebel konzeptionalisierten 1993 mit der Festivalisierungsthese die stadtpolitische Instrumentalisierung von Großereignissen. Seither haben sich die Events und die theoretische Auseinandersetzung verĂ€ndert. Hinsichtlich der Megaevents lassen sich derzeit zwei Trends beobachten: 1. der enorme ökonomische wie politische Bedeutungsgewinn der Events und 2. die Events finden immer hĂ€ufiger im ‚Globalen SĂŒden‘ statt. Dieser Beitrag untersucht die urbanen Bedingungen und Effekte von Megaevents am Beispiel Rio de Janeiros. Der Fokus liegt auf den in zumeist informell organisierten Wohngebieten einkommensschwacher Gruppen, auf den favelas, die sich als besonders sensibles Wirkungsfeld der Festivalisierung erweisen. Im Zuge der Auseinandersetzung mit den urbanen Effekten entwickeln wir eine analytische Perspektive, die sich auf andere GastgeberstĂ€dte im Globalen SĂŒden ĂŒbertragen lĂ€sst. Thematisiert werden exkludierende Strategien und marktimperiale Effekte der Eventvorbereitung. Im Fazit werden diese als anti-social legacy zusammengefasst

    Epidemiologic analyses with error-prone exposures: review of current practice and recommendations.

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    PURPOSE: Variables in observational studies are commonly subject to measurement error, but the impact of such errors is frequently ignored. As part of the STRengthening Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies Initiative, a task group on measurement error and misclassification seeks to describe the current practice for acknowledging and addressing measurement error. METHODS: Task group on measurement error and misclassification conducted a literature survey of four types of research studies that are typically impacted by exposure measurement error: (1) dietary intake cohort studies, (2) dietary intake population surveys, (3) physical activity cohort studies, and (4) air pollution cohort studies. RESULTS: The survey revealed that while researchers were generally aware that measurement error affected their studies, very few adjusted their analysis for the error. Most articles provided incomplete discussion of the potential effects of measurement error on their results. Regression calibration was the most widely used method of adjustment. CONCLUSIONS: Methods to correct for measurement error are available but require additional data regarding the error structure. There is a great need to incorporate such data collection within study designs and improve the analytical approach. Increased efforts by investigators, editors, and reviewers are needed to improve presentation of research when data are subject to error

    Comparing journalism cultures in Britain and Germany: confrontation, contextualization, conformity

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    Many British newspapers proclaim strongly partisan political and moral positions, with headlines such as ?Get Britain out of the EU.? In contrast, German newspapers, during national events such as the refugee crisis, often take on the role of reflective observers. Previous comparative research has shown a link between journalists? output and professional attitudes. Using data from the Worlds of Journalism Study, this article analyses the professional attitudes of British and German journalists (N=1475) across three constituents of journalism culture: societal, epistemological, and ethical. Our analysis shows significant differences in all three constituents. We conclude that British journalists conceive of their professional role as more confrontational to those in power than their German colleagues. We also find some evidence that German journalists believe it more important to provide context and analysis ? aiming to assist audiences in their civic roles ? and that they are more likely to conform to professional codes, although only in general terms. Our findings contradict some earlier comparative studies that claimed a more passive role for British journalists. Our findings may also hold interest for others engaged in international comparative research, showing how the two-country comparison can identify, and account for, what is hidden in multi-country research designs