562 research outputs found

    Compton Scattering on Light Nuclei

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    Compton scattering on light nuclei (A=2,3A=2,3) has emerged as an effective avenue to search for signatures of neutron polarizabilities, both spin--independent and spin--dependent ones. In this discussion I will focus on the theoretical aspect of Compton scattering on light nuclei; giving first a brief overview and therafter concentrating on our Compton scattering calculations based on Chiral effective theory at energies of the order of pion mass. These elastic γ\gammad and γ\gammaHe-3 calculations include nucleons, pions as the basic degrees of freedom. I will also discuss γ\gammad results where the Δ\Delta-isobar has been included explicitly. Our results on unpolarized and polarization observables suggest that a combination of experiments and further theoretical efforts will provide an extraction of the neutron polarizabilities.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures. Contribution to the proceedings of the IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Aug 31 - Sep 5, 2009, Bonn, German

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    Investigating Neutron Polarizabilities through Compton Scattering on 3^3He

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    We examine manifestations of neutron electromagnetic polarizabilities in coherent Compton scattering from the Helium-3 nucleus. We calculate γ3\gamma ^3He elastic scattering observables using chiral perturbation theory to next-to-leading order (O(e2Q){\mathcal O}(e^2 Q)). We find that the unpolarized differential cross section can be used to measure neutron electric and magnetic polarizabilities, while two double-polarization observables are sensitive to different linear combinations of the four neutron spin polarizabilities. [Note added in 2018] An erratum for this paper has been posted as arXiv:1804.01206. Overall conclusions are unchanged, but quantitative results are affected appreciably.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; version published in Phys. Rev. Let


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    Polyheterocycles such as polythiophene and its derivatives comprise an important class of conducting polymers used for electronic applications. They have been of great interest for use in electronic materials due to their increased environmental stability as well as novel electronic properties in their polymer states. We have been interested in exploring the electronic properties of organometallic analogues of the low-band-gap polymer poly(benzo[3,4-c]thiophene) (polyisothianaphthene) that incorporates η5-cyclopenta[c]thienyl monomers such as ferroceno[c]thiophene. First chapter of this dissertation involved synthetic attempts to ferroceno[c]thiophene. Exploring a shorter synthetic route to starting material, 1,2-di(hydroxymethyl)ferrocene was the first task. This was followed by attempts to synthesize an important precursor, 1,3-dihydroferroceno[c]thiophene to our target molecule, ferroceno[c]thiophene. In order to achieve our target precursor molecule, 1,3-dihydroferroceno[c]thiophene, we reacted 1,2-di(hydroxymethyl)ferrocene with H2S/H2SO4 and Na2S/HBF4 respectively. Reaction of 1,2-di(hydroxymethyl)ferrocene with either H2S/H2SO4 or Na2S/HBF4 results in 2,16-dithia[3.3](1,2)ferrocenophane instead of monomeric 1,3-dihydroferroceno[c]thiophene. Dehydration of 1,2-di(hydroxymethyl)ferrocene with dilute H2SO4 resulted in 2,16-dioxa[3.3](1,2)ferrocenophane. Formation of the five-membered tetrahydrothiophene or tetrahydrofuran rings is probably disfavored compared to formation of the ten-membered ferrocenophane rings because of greater strain in the five-membered rings. Thus, in order to achieve our target molecule ferroceno[c]thiophene, we took an alternate route. We decided to pursue the route with 1,4-dihydro-2,3-ferrocenodithiin being the precursor to our final target molecule. This was successfully accomplished. 1,2-Di(hydroxymethyl)ferrocene reacts with thiourea in the presence of catalytic trifluoroacetic acid to give a water-soluble thiouronium salt, which reacts with aqueous potassium hydroxide in air to give 1,4-dihydro-2,3-ferrocenodithiin, via oxidation of the intermediate 1,2 di(mercaptomethyl)ferrocene. 1,4-dihydro-2,3-ferrocenodithiin, an important precursor to our desired heterocyclic chemistry was synthesized. The increased emission of CO2, a greenhouse gas, to the atmosphere is a matter of serious worldwide concern. Every year a few gigatons of CO2 are added to the atmosphere by various anthropogenic activities like burning of fuel for electricity, running industry and transportation. Thus, developing ways to reduce the emission of CO2 to the atmosphere is of major importance. Although the amine-based absorption method is considered the most reliable, it is an expensive alternative. The catalyzed enhancement of CO2 absorption is a critical component to reduce the capital cost of CO2 capture. Specifically, an effective catalyst will increase the CO2 hydration rate, thereby decreasing the size of the absorber tower needed. In biological systems, CO2 hydration is catalyzed by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, which contains ZnII in its active site. Carbonic anhydrase typically is not stable enough to be used in an industrial process, therefore, there is a need to synthesize robust, inexpensive CO2 hydration catalysts. Majority work of this dissertation focuses on designing catalysts that show high CO2 hydration rate similar to carbonic anhydrase while showing superiority towards temperature, pH and inhibitors. We focused our efforts on complexes of Zn, Cu and Co with ligands such as 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (cyclen), 5,5,7,12,12,14-hexamethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane (teta and tetb), tris(benzimidazolylmethyl)amine (BIMA) and anionic tris(pyrazolylborate)s that mimic the enzyme, carbonic anhydrase. Several of these complexes have been reported for their interesting CO2 capture properties but they contain hazardous perchlorate ion. We desired to replace them with benign, non-coordinating counterions like PF6-, BF4-, Cl-, CH3COO-, NO3-, CF3SO3-, SiF62- that avoid the potentially explosive perchlorate salts. In order to test the activity of synthesized catalysts under industrial capture conditions, we designed a quick experimental screening pH drop method. [[Zn(cyclen)(H2O)][SiF6]•2H2O as well as a number of other catalysts have been synthesized and tested for their post-combustion CO2 capture enhancement capabilities in aqueous solvent mixtures under both pH-drop screening and stopped-flow conditions. [Zn(cyclen)(H2O)][SiF6]•2H2O, which has an unreactive counteranion, is found to catalyze CO2 hydration in aqueous solvent mixtures under both pH-drop screening and stopped-flow conditions. However, under pH-drop which has conditions similar to industrial post combustion capture, activity of Zn(cyclen)(H2O)][SiF6]•2H2O drops as compared to observed in stopped-flow conditions probably because of bicarbonate coordination to Zn active site in these systems. The Zn center is highly electron deficient and therefore easily coordinates anions, inhibiting the ability to reform hydroxyl species on the metal. Thus, we decided to test the catalysis of benchmark enzyme carbonic anhydrase under similar conditions to determine the threshold value. Carbonic anhydrases catalyze the hydration of carbondioxide at ambient temperatures and physiological pH with the highest known rate constant= 106 M–1 s–1, but in our system (CAER pH drop screening) came out to be 438797 M–1 s–1. The lower catalytic rate constant for carbonic anhydrase in 0.1000 M K2CO3, similar to Zn-cyclen, strengthens the conjecture that at high bicarbonate concentrations, HCO3– binding to the Zn(II) active site slows catalysis by inhibiting bicarbonate displacement with water to regenerate the active species. The complexes containing anionic ligands that donate electron density into the metal center may serve to remove anionic bicarbonates/carbamates from the secondary coordination sphere and away from the metal center, thereby facilitating bicarbonate/anion dissociation and increasing CO2 hydration rates. We studied catalysis of trispyrazolylborate molecule in 30% MEA and found the molecule to be catalytically active. We also developed an NMR-based method to see if the coordination of solvents to CO2 capture solvents can be studied

    Automated Fault Detection System for Wind Farms

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    Due to the pollution and health hazards of nonrenewable resource-based energy generation systems, now focus is on the use of renewable resources. This chapter aims as providing an automated fault-detection system for increasing the robustness of offshore located wind farms. The method is based on the use of flexible threshold for calculation of the collected sample values. A fuzzy inference system (FIS) is designed for the automatic real-time fault detection system named as FIS-based fault detection system (FFDS) for offshore wind farms. The method uses the concept of combination-summation (CS) and flow-directions to determine the extent of fault occurrence in the wind farm. Based on the working conditions of the wind farm, preventive or corrective measures are suggested to the remote observer. The performance of these methods is evaluated on MATLAB

    Kitchen waste management by vermicomposting using locally available epigeic earthworm species

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    A large quantity of kitchen waste is generated in India which is either burnt, left in open or landfilled posing a serious problem of its safe disposal. To mitigate this problem all the kitchen waste can be converted into highly valuable nutrient rich vermicompost using the locally available epigeic earthworms. The biodegradable kitchen waste like vegetables, fruits, food waste etc can be cultured with earthworms to form the vermicompost by using vermitechnology. Since these vermicomposts are rich in nutrients which can replace the chemical fertilizers.  In the present study the vermicomposting of kitchen waste has been attempted using locally available epigeic earthworm species of Jammu namely Amynthus diffringens, Metaphire houlleti and Octolasion tyrtaeum. The physico-chemical analysis of generated vermicomposts was carried out and compared with each other and with that of original soil sample that has been added in vermibeds prior to earthworm inoculation and addition of kitchen waste. The average values of macronutrients in the vermicompost produced by O. tyrtaeum were observed to be the highest among all types of vermicomposts i.e. Organic Carbon (OC)- 11.66 ± 0.34% , Nitrogen (N)- 1.17 ± 0.20%, Phosphorus (P)- 2.97 ± 0.32%, Potassium (K)- 1.18 ± 0.15%, Calcium (Ca)- 0.26 ± 0.04%, Magnesium (Mg)- 0.17 ± 0.04%
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