39 research outputs found


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    Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di kelompok Peternak Harapan Maju I di Ogan Ilir, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Keguatan ini bertujuan agar Kelompok Peternak tersebut dapat memanfaatkan kotoran sapi dan bahan organik untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos.  Bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah pupuk kandang sapi, jerami padi, dolomit, bekatul, abu, Effektif mikroorganimme 4, gula dan air. Bahan-bahan tersebut dilakukan pencampuran menjadi satu dengan kadar air 50 – 70 %. Kemudian jerami tersebut dibuat penumpukan sampai 2-3 lapis tergantung banyaknya yang digunakan. Proses fermentasi berlangsung 21 hari, pembalikan dilakukan setiap 1 minggu sampai 3 minggu agar semua bahan dapat menyatu dan fermentasi dapat berlangsung dengan cepat. Setelah 3 minggu kemudian dibongkar dan dianalisis di laboratorium. Setelah diayak dan dimassukan dalam kantong plastik, kompos tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik atau dijual. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa peserta  sangat berminat dan antusias serta tingkat partisipasi anggota Kelompok Peternak Harapan Maju I sangat tinggi, karena mendapat ilmu tentang pembuatan kompos. Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa pH pupuk organik bersifat netral dengan nilai 6,88 dengan C-organik sangat tinggi dengan nilai 17,14%. Sementara itu kompos yang dihasilkan juga mengandung N,P dan K yang tinggi untuk dimanfaatkan tanaman.  Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan di kelompok Peternak Harapan Maju I di Ogan Ilir, Propinsi Sumatera Selatan. Keguatan ini bertujuan agar Kelompok Peternak tersebut dapat memanfaatkan kotoran sapi dan bahan organik untuk pembuatan pupuk kompos.  Bahan yang dibutuhkan adalah pupuk kandang sapi, jerami padi, dolomit, bekatul, abu, Effektif mikroorganimme 4, gula dan air. Bahan-bahan tersebut dilakukan pencampuran menjadi satu dengan kadar air 50 – 70 %. Kemudian jerami tersebut dibuat penumpukan sampai 2-3 lapis tergantung banyaknya yang digunakan. Proses fermentasi berlangsung 21 hari, pembalikan dilakukan setiap 1 minggu sampai 3 minggu agar semua bahan dapat menyatu dan fermentasi dapat berlangsung dengan cepat. Setelah 3 minggu kemudian dibongkar dan dianalisis di laboratorium. Setelah diayak dan dimassukan dalam kantong plastik, kompos tersebut dapat digunakan sebagai pupuk organik atau dijual. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan bahwa peserta  sangat berminat dan antusias serta tingkat partisipasi anggota Kelompok Peternak Harapan Maju I sangat tinggi, karena mendapat ilmu tentang pembuatan kompos. Hasil analisis laboratorium menunjukkan bahwa pH pupuk organik bersifat netral dengan nilai 6,88 dengan C-organik sangat tinggi dengan nilai 17,14%. Sementara itu kompos yang dihasilkan juga mengandung N,P dan K yang tinggi untuk dimanfaatkan tanaman.

    Efektivitas Elektroda pada Proses Elektrokoagulasi untuk Pengolahan Air Asam Tambang

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    Air limpasan dari aktivitas pertambangan batubara sangat berpotensi pada pembentukan air asam tambang. Air asam tambang yang berasal dari mine sump area tambang Air Laya PT. Bukit Asam (Persero), Tbk. mempunyai nilai pH rendah yaitu berkisar dari 3 sampai 5, kondisi ini akan melarutkan unsur-unsur logam seperti Fe dan Mn pada batuan yang dilalui oleh air asam tambang tersebut. Elektrokoagulasi merupakan metode untuk melakukan proses koagulasi dengan menggunakan tegangan listrik searah yang didasarkan pada peristiwa elektrokimia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan sistem batch skala laboratorium yaitu menggunakan volume air asam tambang 1,8 L, elektroda besi (Fe) 8 cm x 11 cm x 0,8 mm sebanyak 3 lempeng sebagai katoda dan elektroda aluminium (Al) 8 cm x 11 cm x 0,8 mm sebanyak 3 lempeng sebagai anoda. Percobaan dilakukan dengan interval waktu 15 menit, 30 menit, 45 menit dan 60 menit, lalu menggunakan tegangan 6 V, 12 V, dan 24 V untuk jarak elektroda yaitu 1,5 cm dan 2 cm. Dengan tetap mempertimbangkan faktor ekonomi maka diketahui waktu, jarak dan tegangan DC yang paling efektif digunakan untuk proses elektrokoagulasi adalah 12 Volt dan 45 menit yang akan menghasilkan persen peningkatan nilai pH = 32,96 ; persen penurunan logam Fe = 94,0111 ; dan persen penurunan logam Mn = 88,2878, akan tetapi faktor jarak antara elektroda tidak berpengaruh pada proses ini

    Pengaruh Komisaris Independen, Komite Audit, Dan Financial Distress Terhadap Integritas Laporan Keuangan

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    The purpose of this reseach is to examine the influence of independent commissioner, audit committee, and financial distress to integrity of financial statement of property and real estate companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange either partially or simultaneously for the years 2005-2014. This research was performed using panel data regression with the help of a computer program Eviews  version 8.0. The results of partially for the year 2005-2014, that only independent commissioner which has influence on the integrity of financial statements, while audit committee and financial distress has no effect on integrity of financial statements. While simultaneously independent commissioner, audit committee, and financial distress jointly have a significant impact on integrity of financial statements. Recommendation for next studies to added new independent variables that predicted influence to integrity of financial statements, such as independency and quality auditors and good corporate governance mechanism

    Zeolite Utilization as a Catalyst and Nutrient Adsorbent of an Organic Fertilizer Process From Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Raw Material

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    Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) cannot be directly used as an organic fertilizer source due to its high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) thus it is not  environmentally safely. To increase the high quality of organic fertilizer obtained, the liquid wastes are needed to be processed in order to decrease the BOD to degrade both the soluble and suspension materials of organic materials. The altenative process to be conducted to make a better quality of POME is by adding the adsorbent. The aim of the research was to study the effect of zeolite utilization and duration of hydrolysis process in order to increase the nutrients content and to decrease the BOD of POME. The research was conducted at  the PT Sumbertama Nusa Pertiwi Jambi, Indonesia in August 2012 until February 2013. The sample of POME was taken from the inlet of the factory’s  acidulating pool. There were several doses of zeolite  as treatments which were 0, 5, 10, 15% and several durations of hydrolysis process which were 1,2,3 and 4 weeks. Active zeolite was added to POME and then it was fermented with different hydrolysis duration times as mentioned above. The research showed that application of  zeolite  and  duration of hydrolysis process significantly affected the pH, N,  P, K, Al, Fe, BOD of  POME and the adsorption of  N, P, K, Al, Fe by zeolite. It can be concluded that 10% of zeolite incubated  in  two weeks duration of hydrolysis process produced higher nutrient of N, P, K  with BOD, Al, Fe and pH matched  with the waste quality standard. The highest efficiency of  N, P and K adsorbent was show by the 15% of zeolite  which was incubated for two weeks of hydrolysis process.Keyword: Hydrolysis process duration, nutrient content, palm oil mill effluent, zeolite. [How to Cite: Nursanti I, D Budianta, A Napoleon and Y Parto. 2013. Zeolite Utilization as a Catalyst and Nutrient Adsorbent of an Organic Fertilizer Process From Palm Oil Mill Effluent as Raw Material. J Trop Soils 18 (3): 177-184. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.177][Permalink/DOI: www.dx.doi.org/10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.177] REFERENCESAno AO and CI Ubochi. 2007. Neutralization of soil acidity by animal manures: mechanism of reaction. Afr J Biotechnol 6: 364-368.Budianta D. 2005. Potensi limbah cair pabrik kelapa sawit sebagai sumber hara untuk tanaman perkebunan. Dinamika Pert 20: 273-282 (in Indonesian).Djajadi B Helianto and N Hidayah. 2010. Pengaruh media tanam dan frekuensi pemberian air terhadap sifat fisik, kimia dan biologi tanah serta pertumbuhan jarak pagar. J Littri 16: 64-69 (in Indonesian).Dhayat NR. 2011. Bioremediasi lumpur minyak bumi dengan zeolit dan mikroorganisme serta pengujiannya terhadap tanaman sengon                                      (Paraserianthes falcataria).http://pustaka. unpad.ac.id/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/bioremediasi_lumpur_minyak_bumi_ dengan_zeolit_dan_mikroorganisme.pdf       (accessed on 23   December 2011).Ersoy B and MS Celik. 2003. Effect of hydrocarbon chain length on adsorption of cationic onto clinoptilolite. Clay Clay Miner 51: 173-181.Fungaro DA. 2002. Removal of toxic metals from waters using zeolites from coal. J Environ Qual 2: 116-120.Feuerstein M, RJ Accardi and RF Lobo. 2000. Adsorption of nitrogen and oxygen in the zeolit. J Phys Chem 104: 1082-1087.Gu Z, F Buyuksonmez, S Gajaraj and N Edward. 2011. Adsorption of phosphate by goethite and zeolite: effects of humic substances from green waste compost. ProQuest Agric J  19 : 197-204.Jabri A. 2008. 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    Respon Klon Karet terhadap Frekuensi Penyiraman di Media Tailing Pasir Pasca Penambangan Timah

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    Sand tailings derived from tin post-minings activities have high porosity, low water holding capacity, and low organic matter content. These conditions causes soil water deficit, especially in dry season. To increase the successful of sand tailings revegetation with rubber tree, it is important to select some rubber tree clones based on their adaptability on the sand tailings conditions, especially drought stress. This research aimed to study the response of several rubber tree clones to the frequency of watering on sand tailings. The experiment was conducted in a plastic house at the experimental station of Agrotechnology Study Program of Bangka Belitung University, Sungailiat for 4 months. The experimental design was a factorial randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the frequency of watering (every day, every 3 days, and every 5 days), the second factor was a combination of recommended rootstock clones and recommended latex clones (clone GT 1 + PB 260, GT 1 + IRR 118, and PB 260 + BPM 24). The results showed that watering every 5 days caused drought stress resulted in impaired growth of rubber in sand tailings media derived from tin post-mining. The combination of rootstocks and scions PB 260 + BPM 24 and PB 260 + IRR118 were categorized as moderately tolerant clones while GT 1 + PB 260 was categorized as sensitive clones to drought stress in the sand tailings media. Keywords: drought tolerance, watering frequency, rubber tree clones, sand tailing

    Revitalisasi Peran Karang Taruna sebagai Komunitas Penggerak Antimadat dan Seks Bebas (Kompas) Remaja di Kawasan Lokalisasi Dolly, Surabaya

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    Issues related to adolescent sexual deviation cases and drug abuse in Indonesia continues to increase. A total of 75 % of the 3.2 million drug users in Indonesia was a teenager . Of the 84 respondents who had experienced adolescent unwanted pregnancy , 60 % of whom have an abortion . The case with the teenagers in the Localization Dolly , Surabaya . The existence of Dolly contribute 71 % of the adolescent premarital sexual behavior in the vicinity. Meanwhile , youth are expected to play a role in movement and free sex antimadat in the region has not seen the real Dolly . This community service program aimed at restoring the role of youth organizations as an active community and helpless in society in movement and free sex antimadat promotive and preventive centered community -based approach , through the formation of peer educators . The method used is based on a theoretical framework Precede - PROCEED as a frame work development of health education programs . This program is proven to improve cognition in the Dolly teen population at risk as cases of sexual perversion and drug abuse . This activity produces an output in the form of the Youth Center as youth centers , triggering a re- active youth organizations in the target area . The key point of this program \u27s success is the involvement of the subject \u27s empowerment in decision-making that aims to arouse the internal motivation that makes the subject of empowerment as a necessity . Revitalization Role as Community Youth Activator Antimadat and Free Sex ( COMPASS ) Localization Region Youth Dolly , Surabaya is expected to be a best practice implementation of the empowerment of adolescent reproductive health , especially in the area of prostitutio

    Characterization of ancient beads - chemical analysis and statistical evaluation

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