26 research outputs found

    An optimization of inner structures of the drying chamber of high temperature pneumatic drum drier

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    In this paper an analysis of the influence of parameters of flights from inner drying chamber structure and drying chamber is given. The influence of the following parameters on dryer working process is analyzed: number, shape and width of flights, level of coverage of cross-section drying chamber by material, rpm and drying chamber diameter. In the analytical expression for determining the amount of material seized by a curved flight, depending on the current position of the flight during drum rotation, a new parameter is introduced, compared to expression for a rectilinear flight. The expanded analytical expression could be used for optimization


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    The data on the water temperature of the Sava in Serbia (hydrological stations Å abac and Belgrade, period 1961ā€“2015) were used for the research, as well as the data on the surface air temperature. The temperature trends were determined and the significance (at pā‰¤0.05 and pā‰¤0.01) was established on the basis of the t-test. The Pearson correlation coefficient (R) was used for the calculation of the correlation. Increasing trends of the water temperature of the Sava were recorded in all cases at both stations. However, in the case of the HS Å abac, the trends for 6 months (Februaryā€“April and Septemberā€“November) were not statistically significant. In the case of the HS Belgrade, all the calculations (except for April) showed statistically significant increasing trends, which can be explained by anthropogenic influence. High level of correlation between the surface air temperature and the water temperature was also determined. In this research, the lowest values of R were recorded for October (0.561 for Belgrade), and on the seasonal level, for autumn (0.625 for Å abac). The research on the correlation between the water temperature of the Sava River and the NAO index showed the highest values of R for January (0.512 for HS Å abac and 0.528 for HS Belgrade). On the seasonal level, the highest values were recorded for winter (0.422 for HS Å abac and 0.432 for HS Belgrade)

    Planning aspects of solar parks ā€“ experience of Germany and Serbia

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    Solarna energija predstavlja čist, besplatan i praktično neograničen izvor energije. Tehnička i tehnoloÅ”ka reÅ”enja kojima trenutno raspolažemo dovoljna su da se prikupi mnogo viÅ”e elektične energije, od one koju troÅ”imo. Solarni parkovi, odnosno fotonaponske elektrane su postrojenja namenjena za proizvodnju velike količine električne energije koja se, uglavnom, isporučuje u elektro mrežu. Za razliku od solarnih sistema koji koncentriÅ”u sunčeve zrake, fotonaponske elektrane, pored direktnog koriste i difuzno zračenje, kao važan izvor energije za oblasti na većim geografskim Å”irinama. Stoga, ne začuđuje činjenica da je Nemačka među prvim zemljama u svetu po proizvodnji električne energije dobijene od Sunca sa instalisanim fotonaponskim kapacitetom od 39,7 GW. Iako je potencijal globalnog zračenja u Srbiji oko 30% veći od Nemačke, ukupan fotonaponski kapacitet, od svega 10 MW, je neuporedivo manji. TroÅ”kove koje iziskuje eksploatacija solarne energije, mogu se lakÅ”e prevazići uz dobro osmiÅ”ljene mere i instrumente. U ovom radu je prikazano nekoliko uspeÅ”nih projekata u Nemačkoj, poput solarnog parka Finstervalsde, koji mogu obezbediti bolju osnovu za planiranje sličnih projekata u Srbiji. SuÅ”tina ovog rada je da pruži uvid u dosadaÅ”nje rezultate Srbije na polju solarne energije, kao i da odgovore na pitanja koja se tiču održivog planiranja solarnih parkova.Solar energy is a clean, free and virtually unlimited source of energy. Technical and technological solutions that are available right now are sufficient to collect much more electrical energy than we consume. Solar parks or photovoltaic power plants are facilities that produced large amounts of electricity which is mainly supplied to the electrical network. Unlike concentrated solar power systems, photovoltaic power station apart from direct radiation is using diffuse radiation, as an important source of energy for areas at higher latitudes. Therefore, it is not surprising that Germany is top-rated country in the world by production of electricity from the sun, with an installed PV capacity of 39.7 GW. Although the potential of global solar radiation in Serbia is about 30% greater than Germany, the total PV capacity of only 10 MW, is much smaller. Expenses for exploitation solar energy, can be overcome much more easier with well designed incentive measures and instruments. This paper describes some successful projects in Germany, such as a solar park Finstervalsde, which can provide a planning solution for similar projects in Serbia. The essence of this paper is to provide overview of current results of solar energy sector in Serbia, as well as to answer the questions that are related to sustainable planning solar parks

    Forest fires threaten biomass production in the EU: experiences from Portugal, Spain and France impose Preventive measures for Serbia

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    Države Evropske unije u poslednje vreme ulažu sredstva u obnovljive izvore energije, Å”to se posebno odnosi na Å”umsku biomasu. U Portugaliji, Å paniji i Francuskoj se povećava broj termoelektrana i kogenerativnih CHP postrojenja za sagorevanje i gasifikaciju Å”umske biomase. Sagorevanjem tradicionalne biomase oslobađa se količina CO2 koja je prethodno uzeta iz atmosfere, tako da je nivo emisije gasova sa efektom staklene baÅ”te niži u poređenju sa tradicionalnim elektranama na ugalj. U Portugaliji najveći deo Å”umske biomase dobija se iz borova i eukaliptusa. Pri tome, viÅ”e od 50% Å”umske biomase je iz proreda i čiŔćenja kultura borova i eukaliptusa. Potrugalija, Å panija i Francuska su države Evropske unije koje su posebno pogođene Å”umskim požarima. U periodu 1980-2014. godine zabeležen je trend porasta ukupne godiÅ”nje opožarene povrÅ”ine u Portugaliji, dok je u Å paniji i Francuskoj konstatovan trend smanjenja. Naročito velike Å”tete zabeležene su u Portugaliji 2003. godine, kada su požari zahvatili oko 5% teritorije ove države i kada je opožareno 280.000 hektara Å”uma. U ovom slučaju, problem takođe predstavlja i prisustvo lako zapaljivih vrsta drveća.The EU states have been recently investing in the funds for renewable energy sources, especially for forest biomass. In Portugal, Spain and France, the number of thermal power plants and cogenerative CHP plants for combustion and gasification of forest biomass is increasing. By combustion of traditional biomass, the amount of CO2 that has been previously taken from the atmosphere is released, so the level of greenhouse gases emission is lower in comparison with conventional coal power plants. In Portugal, the biggest part of forest biomass is obtained from the pines and eucalyptus. In addition, more than 50% of forest biomass originates from thinning and cleaning of pine and eucalyptus plantations. The EU countries especially affected by forest fires are Portugal, Spain and France. In the period 1980-2014 increasing trend of the total annual burned area was recorded in Portugal, while decreasing trend was registered in Spain and France. Particularly great damage was recorded in Portugal in 2003, when fires covered about 5% of state territory and 280,000 ha of forest were burnt. In this case, the problem is also the presence of flammable tree species

    An optimization of inner structures of the drying chamber of high temperature pneumatic drum drier

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    U radu se daje analiza uticaja parametara lopatica unutraÅ”nje ispune i komore za suÅ”enje. Analiziran je uticaj sledećih parametara na proces rada suÅ”are: broj, oblik i Å”irina lopatica, stepen popunjenosti materijalom poprečnog preseka komore za suÅ”enje, broj obrtaja i prečnik komore za suÅ”enje. U analitičkom izrazu za određivanje količine materijala koja se nalazi na krivolinijskoj lopatici u zavisnosti od trenutnog položaja lopatice pri obrtanju bubnja suÅ”are, uveden je novi član u odnosu na izraz za pravolinijsku lopaticu. ProÅ”ireni analitički izraz je poslužio i za optimizaciju.In this paper an analysis of the influence of parameters of flights from inner drying chamber structure and drying chamber is given. The influence of the following parameters on dryer working process is analyzed: number, shape and width of flights, level of coverage of cross-section drying chamber by material, rpm and drying chamber diameter. In the analytical expression for determining the amount of material seized by a curved flight, depending on the current position of the flight during drum rotation, a new parameter is introduced, compared to expression for a rectilinear flight. The expanded analytical expression could be used for optimization

    Standardi u oblasti geoinformacija

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    The paper gives information about the standards that support current standardization initiatives in geoinformation field. Increasing the reliability of the goods and effectiveness of the services which we use depend on standardization level. Aim of standardization process is getting people to agree on an acceptable technical solution. Standards are an important basis for development and implementation of the infrastructure for geodata. They facilitate the development, sharing, and use of geospatial data. In fact, they are ensuring that electronic data content and services are implemented to common standards in order to become easily accessible data. Standardization into geosector has to be coordinated with ongoing work on formulation of the INSPIRE implementing rules and the data sets specifications. The Law on Standardization establishes the legal bases of standardization in the Republic Serbia and defining competence of participants, as well as regulates the principles of preparation and application of standardization normative documents. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia is the only recognized national standardization body with aim to develop and promote standards contributing improvement of products and services of Serbia. Republic Geodetic Authority has started an initiative for establishing standardization Committee. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia formed the Technical Committee for standards in the field of geographic information, marked KS I 211. This Committee deals with standards regarding geographic information through following work of the Technical Committee ISO/TC 211 and CEN/TC 287.U radu su date informacije o standardima koji podržavaju trenutne inicijative za standardizaciju u oblasti geoinformacija. Povećanje pouzdanosti dobara i efektivnosti usluga koje koristimo zavisi od nivoa standardizacije. Cilj procesa standardizacije je da se postigne dogovor između učesnika o prihvatljivom tehničkom reÅ”enju. Standardi su važna osnova za razvoj i implementaciju infrastrukture geopodataka. Oni omogućavaju razvoj, razmenu i koriŔćenje prostornih podataka. Zapravo, osiguranje da su sadržaj digitalnih podataka i servisa implementirani sa zajedničkim standardima radi lakÅ”eg pristupa podacima. Standardizacija u geosektoru mora biti koordinirana sa tekućim radom na formulisanju INSPIRE implementacionih pravila i tehničkih specifikacija za skupove podataka. Zakon o standardizaciji uspostavlja legalnu osnovu za standardizaciju u Republici Srbiji, definiÅ”e nadležnosti učesnika i reguliÅ”e načela pripreme i primene standarda. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, kao nadležno nacionalno telo za standardizaciju, razvija i promoviÅ”e standarde doprinoseći unapređenju proizvoda i usluga u Srbiji. Republički geodetski zavod je pokrenuo inicijativu za osnivanje komisije za standardizaciju. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije formirao je Komisiju za standarde iz oblasti geografskih informacija sa oznakom KS I 211. Predmet rada ove komisije su standardi iz oblasti geografskih informacija kroz praćenje rada tehničkih komiteta ISO/TC 211 i CEN/TC 287

    Standardi u oblasti geoinformacija

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    The paper gives information about the standards that support current standardization initiatives in geoinformation field. Increasing the reliability of the goods and effectiveness of the services which we use depend on standardization level. Aim of standardization process is getting people to agree on an acceptable technical solution. Standards are an important basis for development and implementation of the infrastructure for geodata. They facilitate the development, sharing, and use of geospatial data. In fact, they are ensuring that electronic data content and services are implemented to common standards in order to become easily accessible data. Standardization into geosector has to be coordinated with ongoing work on formulation of the INSPIRE implementing rules and the data sets specifications. The Law on Standardization establishes the legal bases of standardization in the Republic Serbia and defining competence of participants, as well as regulates the principles of preparation and application of standardization normative documents. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia is the only recognized national standardization body with aim to develop and promote standards contributing improvement of products and services of Serbia. Republic Geodetic Authority has started an initiative for establishing standardization Committee. The Institute for Standardization of Serbia formed the Technical Committee for standards in the field of geographic information, marked KS I 211. This Committee deals with standards regarding geographic information through following work of the Technical Committee ISO/TC 211 and CEN/TC 287.U radu su date informacije o standardima koji podržavaju trenutne inicijative za standardizaciju u oblasti geoinformacija. Povećanje pouzdanosti dobara i efektivnosti usluga koje koristimo zavisi od nivoa standardizacije. Cilj procesa standardizacije je da se postigne dogovor između učesnika o prihvatljivom tehničkom reÅ”enju. Standardi su važna osnova za razvoj i implementaciju infrastrukture geopodataka. Oni omogućavaju razvoj, razmenu i koriŔćenje prostornih podataka. Zapravo, osiguranje da su sadržaj digitalnih podataka i servisa implementirani sa zajedničkim standardima radi lakÅ”eg pristupa podacima. Standardizacija u geosektoru mora biti koordinirana sa tekućim radom na formulisanju INSPIRE implementacionih pravila i tehničkih specifikacija za skupove podataka. Zakon o standardizaciji uspostavlja legalnu osnovu za standardizaciju u Republici Srbiji, definiÅ”e nadležnosti učesnika i reguliÅ”e načela pripreme i primene standarda. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije, kao nadležno nacionalno telo za standardizaciju, razvija i promoviÅ”e standarde doprinoseći unapređenju proizvoda i usluga u Srbiji. Republički geodetski zavod je pokrenuo inicijativu za osnivanje komisije za standardizaciju. Institut za standardizaciju Srbije formirao je Komisiju za standarde iz oblasti geografskih informacija sa oznakom KS I 211. Predmet rada ove komisije su standardi iz oblasti geografskih informacija kroz praćenje rada tehničkih komiteta ISO/TC 211 i CEN/TC 287

    Climatic and anthropogenic impacts on forest fires in conditions of extreme fire danger on sandy soils

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    Forests on sandy soils are particularly vulnerable to fire. The study area in this research was Deliblatska peŔčara (the Deliblato Sands), one of the most endangered areas in Serbia. The linear trends, the polynomial trends and the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) were applied. Statistically significant decrease in the number of forest fires was found, while the increasing trends of the burned area and burned forest area were not significant. There was also an increase in the air temperature during the same period. In a study of the connection between forest fires and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), significant values of r were statistically observed only for the annual number of fires. The highest values were recorded for June (-0.373) and July (-0.375), and for summer r = -0.374 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). As for the AMO in the main fire season (February-August), r = -0.331 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). In settlements in Deliblatska peŔčara area, there were trends of the decreasing number of inhabitants, agricultural population, and agricultural households in the investigated period. These trends contribute to the reduction of fire risk. The r value between the dynamics of the number of fires and the population is .50 (statistically significant at p ā‰¤ .01). The reduced agricultural activity contributes to the reduction of fire risk, while increased tourist presence is a risk factor

    Uticaj tretiranja semena suncokreta insekticidima na posetu opraŔivača i Ŕtetnih insekata

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    Sunflower yield is related to many factors and one of those factors is insecticide seed treatment. Aim of this research was to analyze the influence of insecticide seed treatment on pollinator and harmful insect visit, as well as on yield. Research was conducted at Rimski Å ančevi, during 2008. using a commercial sunflower hybrid NS-H-111. Impact of six different insecticides was tested throughout total number of plants, number of plants damaged by insects, pollinator visit and seed yield. Among pollinators, honeybees were much more frequent than bumblebees, hoverflies and solitary bees. Harmful insects were present very rarely and leaf surface damage intensity was low, not more than 10%. Derived results show that insecticide seed treatment did not significantly influence pollinator visit. To fully understand the impact of insecticide seed treatment on pollinators, insecticide concentrations in pollen and nectar should be measured and determine the influence on pollinators.Prinos suncokreta zavisi od niza faktora, a jedan od često prisutnih je i tretman semena insekticidima. Cilj ovog istraživanja je provera uticaja tretmana semena insekticidima na posetu opraÅ”ivača i Å”tetnih vrsta insekata, kao i njihov uticaj na prinos semena. Istraživanje je vrÅ”eno na lokalitetu Rimski Å ančevi, tokom 2008. godine na hibridu suncokreta NS-H-111. Testiran je uticaj Å”est različitih insekticida i određivan je ukupan broj biljaka, broj biljaka oÅ”tećenih od insekata, poseta opraÅ”ivača i prinos semena. Od prisutnih opraÅ”ivača najčeŔće su bile pčele koje su dominirale u odnosu na bumbare, muve lebdilice i solitarne pčele. Å tetni insekti su bili slabo prisutni i stepen oÅ”tećenja lisne mase nije prelazio 10%. Dobijeni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da tretmani insekticidima ne utiču značajno na posetu opraÅ”ivača. Da bi se u potpunosti sagledao uticaj insekticida na opraÅ”ivače potrebno je odrediti koncentracije insekticida u polenu i nektaru i odrediti njihov uticaj na opraÅ”ivače

    With food to health : proceedings of 11th International symposium

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    Proceedings contains 13 original scientific papers, 10 professional papers and 2 review papers which were presented at "10th International Scientific and Professional Conference WITH FOOD TO HEALTH", organised in following sections: Nutrition, Dietetics and diet therapy, Functional food and food supplemnents, Food safety, Food analysis, Production of safe food and food with added nutritional value