163 research outputs found

    Knowledge And Behaviors Related To Safe Sex In Young Adults

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    Young adults engage in sexual behaviors that increase the risk of contracting human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and acquired immunodeficiency virus (AIDS), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and unwanted pregnancies. The focus of this descriptive study was knowledge and behaviors related to safe sex behaviors in young adults. Pender\u27s Health Promotion Model served as the theoretical framework for the study. The following research questions were answered: What are the knowledge level of young adults about safe sex and what effect does knowledge about safe sex have on sexual behaviors of young adults? The target population included young adults who answered questions via the World Wide Web. A sample of 63 completed the Safe Sex Behavior Questionnaire, Knowledge of Safer Sex Practices Questionnaire, and a demographic data form. Descriptive statistics including frequencies and percentages were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study indicated that young adults have knowledge of safe sex practices, but their behaviors confirm that they 1 1 1 do not always practice safe sex. Nurse practitioners need to keep an open attitude about untraditional sexual practices so they can talk openly to clients who participate in different sexual practices. The nurse practitioner should discuss sexual practices with clients and assess for unsafe sexual practices so that the client can be given information on the prevention of HIV/AIDS, STDs, and unwanted pregnancies. Recommendations for further research included further studies to determine factors that influence health-promoting behaviors, particularly safe sex behaviors

    Similar but not identical: cryptic speciation of Saxifraga rosacea

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    Numerous models have been proposed to explain how new species arise. Climate change is one of the mechanism known to apply strong selection pressures and increase the chance of speciation. During the Quaternary period, glacial advances and retreats redrafted landscapes by modifying the geographical ranges of plants and animals. Their distribution area were subjected to dramatic envionmental changes that could have accelerate the speciation rate, due to divergences selection, genetic drift or population isolation. In plant species, inability to quickly migrate with drastic climate space movements may have favor genome modifications like polyploidization, a well-known abrupt mode of speciation in angiosperm species by genome duplication. A higher number of genome copies thus a more divers set of alleles, may provide advantages to cope with harsher climatic conditions, contributing to species differenciation of plants with different cytotypes. This thesis investigates the ecological, demographical and taxonomical differences between two glacial plants relicts of Saxifraga rosacea with distinct distribution areas and different ploidy levels, the hexaploid Saxifraga rosacea subsp. sponhemica and the octoploid Saxifraga rosacea subsp. rosacea. The investigation of 22 populations of the two closely related Saxifraga cytotypes showed that plants of the octoploid Saxifraga occured in sites with lower mean annual temperature and were more cold tolerant than plants of the hexaploid Saxifraga. Also, plants performed better in their region of origin in a two transplant sites experiment with contasting conditions indicating local adaptation. But among populations of the octoploid, genetic differences in survival were larger than among populations of the hexaploids suggesting a greater genetic variability that may enable the Saxifraga taxa with a higher ploidy level to occupy a larger distribution range, as revealed by probabilities of occurence according to our Maxent niche modelling. Our results suggest that cytotypes differences may lead to ditribution segregation and a higher ploidy level may enable to occupy broader ecological niches. Differences in geographical distribution and habitat fragmentation may have consequences on population dynamics, as growth rate or population sturcture, and extinction risks of the two cytotypes thus require different conservation plans. Monitoring, for several years, the variability and demography dynamics of Saxifraga rosacea subsp. sponhemica populations and Saxifraga rosacea subsp. rosacea populations enlightened strong decline of population growth rates of both Saxifraga and this trend was stronger in sponhemica ssp. populations than in rosacea ssp. populations. Despite decade longevity of both Saxifraga plants and comparable population dynamics with few young and few old individuals, the two cytotypes may encounter different fates. Analyses of populations size-class structures showed that with current climatic conditions, populations of octoploids could remain stable but populations of hexaploids will decline due to low fecundities. Still, extinction risks models project negative futures for both Saxifraga and need management and conservation programs. This finding support the hypothesis that with similar habitat and demography characteristic, two closely related cytotypes may still have different fates with ongoing climate changes. Demographic studies are important to establishing suitable conservation actions for fragmented populations. Management of isolated populations of endangered species often includes genetic diversity and gene flow studies however taxonomy clarification should also be investigated, especially with closely related taxa. We studied the effects of within and between population crosses, hybridization and backcrosses of the two Saxifraga cytotypes on reproductive fitness, performances and taxonomical traits of two generations of offspring. Evidences of outbreeding depression were found at F1 generation on hybrids between the two cytotypes and drastic loss of fitness at F2 generation confirmed a reproductive isolation between the hexaploid Saxifraga rosacea subsp. sponhemica and the octoploid Saxifraga rosacea subsp. rosacea. Taxonomy of the two Saxifraga as subspecies should be revised, the two cytotypes should be established as two different species and their respective area of distribution should be reviewed. Taxonomical traits should also be reevaluated as two of three leaves morphological traits used in previous literature showed too important variations to remain reliable taxonomical criterion. It would be essential to reexamine the legal protection status of the two Saxifraga and to set up appropriate management plans. Artificial gene flow among the isolated populations of each cytotype could be considered to counter signs of inbreeding depression revealed by the hybrid vigor of between population crosses compared to within population crosses. Also the low performances of hybrids in the F2 generation could explain the absence of known mixed population thus mixing populations of the two cytotypes could subvert the conservation of wild populations of the two Saxifraga. Overall, the results of this thesis explore the performances of plants with different ploidy levels and provide new insights on the role of polyploidization in increasing the evolutionary potential of plant species to adapt to changing environmental conditions. It highlights the importance of using integrative approaches by combining ecological, demographical and taxonomical studies to establish appropriate management plans for the conservation of rare and endangered closely related plant species

    Muret – Boulevard de Peyramond

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    L’opération de diagnostic archéologique a été motivée par le projet de construction d’un lotissement sur les parcelles IB25, 26, 27 et 28. La surface totale de l’emprise est de 8 879 m2. Différentes phases d’occupations ont pu être mises en évidence. La plus ancienne est illustrée par des structures à galets chauffés et une meule qui ne sont attribuables qu’à une phase chronologique large, couvrant le Néolithique et la Protohistoire. Viennent ensuite des structures de La Tène finale. L’ensemb..

    Bilan avant induction de l’ovulation chez une femme à haut risque mammaire

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    Solitary Fibrous Tumors and So-Called Hemangiopericytoma

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    We have reviewed the literature data regarding the spectrum of tumors including solitary fibrous tumor and hemangiopericytoma with special focus on definition of the disease, discussion of the criteria for malignancy, and the key elements of standard treatment of localized disease. We have discussed the emerging concepts on the tumor biology and the different systemic treatments (chemotherapy and molecular-targeted therapies)

    Brachylaima spp. (Trematoda) parasitizing Cornu aspersum (Gastropoda) in France with potential risk of human consumption

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    The edible land snail Cornu aspersum, native to the Mediterranean coastlines of North Africa, is widely distributed on most continents and often invasive in areas where introduction is recent. This species could contribute to the geographic spread of parasites as demonstrated for Brachylaima spp. These cosmopolitan trematodes may represent a threat to human health, like in Australia where Brachylaima cribbi infects humans. In this study, we demonstrate for the first time the occurrence of Brachylaima spp. in two French populations of C. aspersum, Thorigné-Fouillard (Ille-et-Vilaine), and Arçais (Deux-Sèvres), with an overall prevalence of 10.4% (Thorigné-Fouillard) and 73.3% (Arçais), respectively and a metacercarial intensity on average three times higher in Thorigné-Fouillard (37) than in Arçais (11). Cornu aspersum may act as a first and second intermediate host, as demonstrated in Arçais. The morphometrics of metacercariae, particularly the great body length about 2 mm, discriminate our Brachylaima species from those already described in C. aspersum (B. cribbi in Australia, and B. aspersae, B. llobregatensis and B. mascomai in Europe). Molecular analysis, based on 28S and COI, suggests the occurrence of two species in our study, one of which is probably Brachylaima mesostoma, an intestinal parasite of passeriform birds described in Central Europe. We underline the need for further research to identify species of Brachylaima in France and measure the health hazard of consuming field-collected snails

    Une succession d’habitats ruraux médiévaux (VIe-XIIe siècle) sur la commune de Les Trois-Domaines (Lorraine, Meuse)

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    La découverte de vestiges d’habitats ruraux occupés sur une longue période, entre le VIe et le XIIe siècle, a été réalisée dans le cadre d’une fouille préventive menée en 2002 sur le tracé de la ligne LGV-Est dans le département de la Meuse. Cette installation médiévale, dégagée sur une surface d’environ un hectare, est circonscrite dans le bas de pente d’un vallon exploré sur une emprise totale de près de 4,5 ha et a révélé de nombreuses traces d’installations antérieures, depuis le Néolithique jusqu’à l’époque romaine. Le gisement médiéval comporte une vingtaine de bâtiments de morphologie très variée, ainsi qu’une centaine de fosses, des enclos fossoyés et un chemin. Des études de mobilier, associées à l’analyse de la faune et des graines carbonisées retrouvées sur le site, ont permis de cerner les principales activités agro-pastorales et domestiques de ses occupants.In 2002 rescue excavations on the track of the future high speed train line LGV-Est in the Meuse department, eastern France, led to the discovery of a medieval rural settlement, giving evidence of a long-lasting occupation during early and high medieval times (6th – 12th c. AD). This rural occupation, covering a total surface of about 1 hectare, was situated at the lower part of a slope leading to a small valley. In this valley 4,5 hectares were archaeologically surveyed by prospection trenches, giving evidence of human occupations dating from the Neolithic to Gallo-Roman times. The medieval occupation is evidenced by about 20 buildings, showing a wide range of different constructions, and by about hundred settlement pits, some trenched enclosures and a trackway. The study of the material culture and the analysis of archaeozoological and of carbonized archaeobotanical remains are revealing the domestic activities of the inhabitants and the agro-pastoral economy of the settlement. (J. Wiethold)Bei einer Notgrabung, die im Jahr 2002 auf der Trasse der künftigen Schnellbahnstrecke LGV-Est im Department Meuse in Ostfrankreich durchgeführt wurde, konnten umfangreiche Siedlungsreste des frühen und hohen Mittelalters (6-12. Jh. n. Chr.) freigelegt werden. Die Siedlung befand sich im Bereich des Unterhanges eines kleinen Tales und nahm rund einen Hektar Fläche ein. Das Tal wurde im Vorfeld der Bauarbeiten für die Schnellbahntrasse auf rund 4,5 Hektar archäologisch prospektiert. Dabei wurden auch zahlreiche ältere Besiedlungsspuren freigelegt, die aus einem aus einem Zeitraum vom Neolithikum bis zur Römerzeit stammen. Die mittelalterliche Besiedlung umfasste rund 20 Gebäude von sehr unterschiedlicher Konstruktionsweise (Pfostenbauten und Konstruktionen mit Fundamentgräbchen). Ferner konnten über hundert Gruben, einige Grabenanlagen und Einhegungen sowie ein Fahrweg freigelegt und dokumentiert werden. Die Auswertung des archäologischen Fundmaterials sowie die durchgeführten archäozoologischen und archäobotanischen Analysen gestatten es, das tägliche Leben in der Siedlung sowie die durch Ackerbau und Viehzucht geprägten Wirtschaftsgrundlagen zu rekonstruieren. (J. Wiethold

    Une succession d’habitats ruraux médiévaux (VIe-XIIe siècle) sur la commune de Les Trois-Domaines (Lorraine, Meuse)

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    La découverte de vestiges d’habitats ruraux occupés sur une longue période, entre le VIe et le XIIe siècle, a été réalisée dans le cadre d’une fouille préventive menée en 2002 sur le tracé de la ligne LGV-Est dans le département de la Meuse. Cette installation médiévale, dégagée sur une surface d’environ un hectare, est circonscrite dans le bas de pente d’un vallon exploré sur une emprise totale de près de 4,5 ha et a révélé de nombreuses traces d’installations antérieures, depuis le Néolithique jusqu’à l’époque romaine. Le gisement médiéval comporte une vingtaine de bâtiments de morphologie très variée, ainsi qu’une centaine de fosses, des enclos fossoyés et un chemin. Des études de mobilier, associées à l’analyse de la faune et des graines carbonisées retrouvées sur le site, ont permis de cerner les principales activités agro-pastorales et domestiques de ses occupants.In 2002 rescue excavations on the track of the future high speed train line LGV-Est in the Meuse department, eastern France, led to the discovery of a medieval rural settlement, giving evidence of a long-lasting occupation during early and high medieval times (6th – 12th c. AD). This rural occupation, covering a total surface of about 1 hectare, was situated at the lower part of a slope leading to a small valley. In this valley 4,5 hectares were archaeologically surveyed by prospection trenches, giving evidence of human occupations dating from the Neolithic to Gallo-Roman times. The medieval occupation is evidenced by about 20 buildings, showing a wide range of different constructions, and by about hundred settlement pits, some trenched enclosures and a trackway. The study of the material culture and the analysis of archaeozoological and of carbonized archaeobotanical remains are revealing the domestic activities of the inhabitants and the agro-pastoral economy of the settlement. (J. Wiethold)Bei einer Notgrabung, die im Jahr 2002 auf der Trasse der künftigen Schnellbahnstrecke LGV-Est im Department Meuse in Ostfrankreich durchgeführt wurde, konnten umfangreiche Siedlungsreste des frühen und hohen Mittelalters (6-12. Jh. n. Chr.) freigelegt werden. Die Siedlung befand sich im Bereich des Unterhanges eines kleinen Tales und nahm rund einen Hektar Fläche ein. Das Tal wurde im Vorfeld der Bauarbeiten für die Schnellbahntrasse auf rund 4,5 Hektar archäologisch prospektiert. Dabei wurden auch zahlreiche ältere Besiedlungsspuren freigelegt, die aus einem aus einem Zeitraum vom Neolithikum bis zur Römerzeit stammen. Die mittelalterliche Besiedlung umfasste rund 20 Gebäude von sehr unterschiedlicher Konstruktionsweise (Pfostenbauten und Konstruktionen mit Fundamentgräbchen). Ferner konnten über hundert Gruben, einige Grabenanlagen und Einhegungen sowie ein Fahrweg freigelegt und dokumentiert werden. Die Auswertung des archäologischen Fundmaterials sowie die durchgeführten archäozoologischen und archäobotanischen Analysen gestatten es, das tägliche Leben in der Siedlung sowie die durch Ackerbau und Viehzucht geprägten Wirtschaftsgrundlagen zu rekonstruieren. (J. Wiethold