540 research outputs found

    Appropriate Physical Education Service for ALL Students

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    All students, including those with disabilities, deserve appropriate, safe, and meaningful physical education instructional programs as identified by Texas Education Agency (2006) and that are reflected in the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE, 2005) standards

    Measuring Damages to Marine Natural Resources from Pollution Incidents under CERCLA: Applications of an Integrated Ocean Systems/Economic Model

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    Several pieces of federal environmental regulation establish strict liability for damages from spills of oil and hazardous substances. This paper discusses the Natural Resource Damage Assessment Model for Coastal and Marine Environments (NRDAMICME), which is to be used for assessing damages from spills of oil or hazardous substances in coastal and marine environments under CERCLA and the Clean Water Act, as amended. The approach employs an integrated ocean systems/economic model to simulate the physical fates and biological effects of a spill and to measure the resulting economic damages. To illustrate application of the model, selected results are presented for hypothetical spills of a number of substances in a variety of environments. The results show that the damage function depends on the physical and chemical properties of the substance spilled, the season, and the environment in which the spill occurs.Environmental Economics and Policy, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Validation of Oil Trajectory and Fate Modeling of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

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    Trajectory and fate modeling of the oil released during the Deepwater Horizon blowout was performed for April to September of 2010 using a variety of input data sets, including combinations of seven hydrodynamic and four wind models, to determine the inputs leading to the best agreement with observations and to evaluate their reliability for quantifying exposure of marine resources to floating and subsurface oil. Remote sensing (satellite imagery) data were used to estimate the amount and distribution of floating oil over time for comparison with the model’s predictions. The model-predicted locations and amounts of shoreline oiling were compared to documentation of stranded oil by shoreline assessment teams. Surface floating oil trajectory and distribution was largely wind driven. However, trajectories varied with the hydrodynamic model used as input, and was closest to observations when using specific implementations of the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model modeled currents that accounted for both offshore and nearshore currents. Shoreline oiling distributions reflected the paths of the surface oil trajectories and were more accurate when westward flows near the Mississippi Delta were simulated. The modeled movements and amounts of oil floating over time were in good agreement with estimates from interpretation of remote sensing data, indicating initial oil droplet distributions and oil transport and fate processes produced oil distribution results reliable for evaluating environmental exposures in the water column and from floating oil at water surface. The model-estimated daily average water surface area affected by floating oil \u3e1.0 g/m2 was 6,720 km2, within the range of uncertainty for the 11,200 km2 estimate based on remote sensing. Modeled shoreline oiling extended over 2,600 km from the Apalachicola Bay area of Florida to Terrebonne Bay area of Louisiana, comparing well to the estimated 2,100 km oiled based on incomplete shoreline surveys

    Micro Grids Fabricated for Miniature Ion Thruster

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    Part of the research at Boise State is a miniaturized plasma propulsion thruster. The purpose of the thruster is to provide the necessary location realignments for small satellites in space. The grid creates an electrostatic field, which extracts plasma ions from an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) source. The ions are propelled toward a collector plate being a second identical grid, which in turn creates the desired thrust. The size and density of the openings in the grid are essential to optimizing the thrust produced. The grid geometry contributes to the ion departure angle (focusing) and the ion transparency. The Stainless Steel grids currently being made and tested are 26mm in diameter with an array of varying sized circular holes. Computer modeling of the thrust, which is to be created by the grids, is an integral part of the research to help establish the desired sizing and location of the holes within the grid. This presentation will primarily focus on the manufacturing process of the grids. Initially manufactured using a chemical etch process, the grids were not properly aligned and exhibited a rough surface finish. In this work, a more traditional machining process has been adapted with excellent results. A Computer Numerical Controlled (CNC) mill is programmed to drill and ream the grid and holes to the desired diameter. This gives a clean finish, which eliminates arcing. Data to illustrate the improved quality achieved will be presented in the form of images and functional thrust results

    Cervical carcinogenesis, bacterial vaginosis, HPV-mRNA test and relapse of CIN2+ after loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP)

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between bacterial vaginosis (BV) and relapse of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or more (CIN2+) after Loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). PATIENTS AND METHODS: One hundred four patients who underwent LEEP for CIN2+ were followed up every six months for three years. Fifty-three were negative for BV and fifty-one were positive. Each clinical control included Pap test, colposcopy, Amsel criteria test, HPV-DNA, and HPV-mRNA test. RESULTS: Patients’ age, presence of BV, positivity to HPV-DNA and HPV-mRNA tests were analyzed. The average age of patients was 42.5 ± 8.92 years (median: 42.5; range from 27 to 58 years). The minimum follow-up was 6 months and maximum 36 months (average: 22.8 ± 4.53; median: 24). The 10% of the patients with HPV-mRNA test negative had relapsed, compared to 45% of patients with HPV-mRNA test positive. Among the 53 patients without BV the 20% had relapsed compared with 23% of 51 patients with diagnosis of BV. CONCLUSIONS: There is no evidence for higher percentage of relapse in patients with BV, submitted to excisional procedure for CIN2+ associated to HPV-m-RNA test positivity. There is only a correlation among BV and relapse of CIN2+ lesions after LEEP

    Potential impacts of offshore oil spills on polar bears in the Chukchi Sea

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    Sea ice decline is anticipated to increase human access to the Arctic Ocean allowing for offshore oil and gas development in once inaccessible areas. Given the potential negative consequences of an oil spill on marine wildlife populations in the Arctic, it is important to understand the magnitude of impact a large spill could have on wildlife to inform response planning efforts. In this study we simulated oil spills that released 25,000 barrels of oil for 30 days in autumn originating from two sites in the Chukchi Sea (one in Russia and one in the U.S.) and tracked the distribution of oil for 76 days. We then determined the potential impact such a spill might have on polar bears (Ursus maritimus) and their habitat by overlapping spills with maps of polar bear habitat and movement trajectories. Only a small proportion (1 -10%) of high-value polar bear sea ice habitat was directly affected by oil sufficient to impact bears. However, 27-38% of polar bears in the region were potentially exposed to oil. Oil consistently had the highest probability of reaching Wrangel and Herald islands, important areas of denning and summer terrestrial habitat. Oil did not reach polar bears until approximately 3 weeks after the spills. Our study found the potential for significant impacts to polar bears under a worst case discharge scenario, but suggests that there is a window of time where effective containment efforts could minimize exposure to bears. Our study provides a framework for wildlife managers and planners to assess the level of response that would be required to treat exposed wildlife and where spill response equipment might be best stationed. While the size of spill we simulated has a low probability of occurring, it provides an upper limit for planners to consider when crafting response plans

    Trichomonas vaginalis: Diagnosis and Clinical Characteristics in Pregnancy

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    Objective: The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the prevalance and characterize the symptomatology of Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection in pregnant women on entry into prenatal care in an inner-city population; 2) compare conventional microscopic methods vs. culture techniques in diagnosing TV in both symptomatic and asymptomatic pregnant patients; and 3) correlate wet mount microscopic and microbiologic characteristics of varying manifestations of trichomoniasis

    Trichomonas vaginalis Weakens Human Amniochorion in an In Vitro Model of Premature Membrane Rupture

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    Objective: Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) infection is associated with preterm rupture of membranes (PROM) and preterm birth. We evaluated the effects of TV growth and metabolism on preparations of human amniochorion to understand and characterize how TV may impair fetal-membrane integrity and predispose to PROM and preterm birth

    Oil fate and mass balance for the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

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    Based on oil fate modeling of the Deepwater Horizon spill through August 2010, during June and July 2010, ~89% of the oil surfaced, ~5% entered (by dissolving or as microdroplets) the deep plume (\u3e900 m), and ~6% dissolved and biodegraded between 900 m and 40 m. Subsea dispersant application reduced surfacing oil by ~7% and evaporation of volatiles by ~26%. By July 2011, of the total oil, ~41% evaporated, ~15% was ashore and in nearshore (\u3c10 m) sediments, ~3% was removed by responders, ~38.4% was in the water column (partially degraded; 29% shallower and 9.4% deeper than 40 m), and ~2.6% sedimented in waters \u3e10 m (including 1.5% after August 2010). Volatile and soluble fractions that did not evaporate biodegraded by the end of August 2010, leaving residual oil to disperse and potentially settle. Model estimates were validated by comparison to field observations of floating oil and atmospheric emissions

    Perspectives on Publication Among Highly Productive Women Adapted Physical Activity Scholars [Abstract]

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    The purpose was to examine perspectives on publication of highly productive women adapted physical activity scholars. In-depth interviews were conducted with 13 women from three countries, and data were analyzed utilizing constant comparison methodology. Profiles of two groups, significantly different on publication productivity, emerged and were named highest high producers (HHP) and other high producers (OHP). Similarities between the two groups included affective domain qualities, facilitating factors, and overcoming barriers. Differences were mainly in degree of self-determination, prioritization of writing relative to significant others, collaboration, and collegiality. Based on thematic analysis of interview data, we posited the following: high publication productivity of women adapted physical activity professionals is associated with internal motivation to write, which is enhanced by positive interactions with other professionals, supportive home environments, and supportive work environments.</jats:p
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