26 research outputs found

    Prosudba kliconoštva dermatofita u zdravih farmskih kunića i kunića kućnih ljubimaca.

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    The present study describes the occurrence of dermatophytes and their antifungal susceptibility in healthy rabbits kept on a farm or in a household as companion animals. Out of 614 animals examined, 146 samples (23.78%) were positive for dermatophytes by direct microscopic examination, and the dermatophytes were isolated from 112 samples (112/146, 76.71%). The four predominant species of dermatophytes isolated from healthy rabbits were Trichophyton mentagrophytes (37.5%), Microsporum gypseum (25%), Microsporum nanum (21.43%) and Microsporum canis (16.07%). The kits younger than 6 months of age showed a relatively higher occurrence rate, and male animals showed significantly higher occurrence than the females (P<0.05). Occurrence of dermatophytes in the studied rabbits was higher in summer and autumn than in spring and winter (P<0.05). Itraconazole (0.03-0.5 μg/mL), ketoconazole (0.06-0.5 μg/mL), miconazole at 0.03-0.5 μg/mL and 0.03-.25 μg/mL concentrations showed the lowest MIC values against T. mentagrophytes, M. canis, M. nanum and M. gypseum, respectively. However, fluconazole and griseofulvin showed the highest MIC value against the isolates, indicating antifungal resistance.U radu je opisan nalaz dermatofita i njihova osjetljivost na protugljivične lijekove u zdravih kunića držanih na farmi ili u domaćinstvu kao kućni ljubimci. Od 614 pretraženih životinja na dermatofite je bilo pozitivno 146 uzoraka (23,78%) izravnom mikroskopskom pretragom, a dermatofiti su bili izdvojeni iz 112 uzoraka (112/146, 76,71%). Dominantne vrste dermatofita izdvojene iz zdravih kunića bile su Trichophyton mentagrophytes (37,5%), Microsporum gypseum (25%), Microsporum nanum (21,43%) i Microsporum canis (16,07%). Stopa pojavnosti bila je relativno viša u mladunaca do 6 mjeseci, a u mužjaka je bila značajno viša nego u ženki (P<0,05). Dermatofiti su češće bili izdvojeni ljeti i u jesen nego u proljeće i zimi (P<0,05). Najmanja minimalna inhibicijska koncentracija (MIK) itrakonazola od 0,03-0,5 μg/mL dokazana je za T. mentagrophytes, ketokonazola od 0,06-0,5 μg/mL za M. canis, mikonazola od 0,03-0,5 μg/mL za M. nanum i od 0,03-0,25 μg/mL za M. gypseum. Flukonazol i grizeofulvin pokazivali su najvišu vrijednost MIK što govori o otpornosti izolata na te lijekove

    Efficient quantum image representation and compression circuit using zero-discarded state preparation approach

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    Quantum image computing draws a lot of attention due to storing and processing image data faster than classical. With increasing the image size, the number of connections also increases, leading to the circuit complex. Therefore, efficient quantum image representation and compression issues are still challenging. The encoding of images for representation and compression in quantum systems is different from classical ones. In quantum, encoding of position is more concerned which is the major difference from the classical. In this paper, a novel zero-discarded state connection novel enhance quantum representation (ZSCNEQR) approach is introduced to reduce complexity further by discarding '0' in the location representation information. In the control operational gate, only input '1' contribute to its output thus, discarding zero makes the proposed ZSCNEQR circuit more efficient. The proposed ZSCNEQR approach significantly reduced the required bit for both representation and compression. The proposed method requires 11.76\% less qubits compared to the recent existing method. The results show that the proposed approach is highly effective for representing and compressing images compared to the two relevant existing methods in terms of rate-distortion performance.Comment: 7 figure

    Identifying individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves using hyperspectral imaging

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    The efficiency of a vineyard management system is directly related to the effective management of nutritional disorders, which significantly downgrades vine growth, crop yield and wine quality. To detect nutritional disorders, we successfully extracted a wide range of features using hyperspectral (HS) images to identify healthy and individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves. Features such as mean reflectance, mean first derivative reflectance, variation index, mean spectral ratio, normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and standard deviation (SD) were employed at various stages in the ultraviolet (UV), visible (VIS) and near-infrared (N.I.R.) regions for our experiment. Leaves were examined visually in the laboratory and grouped as either healthy (i.e. control) or unhealthy. Then, the features of the leaves were extracted from these two groups. In a second experiment, features of individual nutrient-deficient leaves (e.g., N, K and Mg) were also analysed and compared with those of control leaves. Furthermore, a customised support vector machine (SVM) was used to demonstrate that these features can be utilised with a high degree of effectiveness to identify unhealthy samples and not only to distinguish from control and nutrient deficient but also to identify individual nutrient defects. Therefore, the proposed work corroborated that HS imaging has excellent potential to analyse features based on healthiness and individual nutrient deficiencies of grapevine leaves

    An experimental analysis of assessor specific bias in a programming assessment in multi-assessor scenarios utilizing an eye tracker

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    It has been experienced and reported by academic institutions around the globe that marking of most subject’s assessment scripts vary when different assessors are utilized for a given subject. To understand the difference, we capture and analysis pattern while they are marking the scripts. For this, a Java programming assessment from a real life university examination is marked by independent assessors. The assessors marked the scanned assessment scripts on a computer screen in front of an Eye tracker machine and their eye gaze data were recorded real time. Data indicate that different assessors marked the same answer script differently and their visual pattern are also varied although they were given the exact same instructions which demonstrates bias to a degree. For quality marking, several findings including the number of assessors needed are also presented in this manuscript

    A Novel QoS-Aware MPEG-4 Video Delivery Algorithm over the Lossy IEEE 802.11 WLANs to Improve the Video Quality

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    Video traffic is bursty in nature and has different network requirements compared to other types of traffic (e.g. voice, data) in terms of bandwidth, delay, jitter, and loss etc. So it becomes important to manage video traffic on a WLAN carefully to achieve acceptable levels of Quality of Service (QoS). The unique contribution of this work is that it presents experimental and simulation studies of the performance of real video content streamed over WLAN networks. Under various test scenarios the performance of the WLAN network in terms of delay, loss, throughput etc. is analysed in the presence of background traffic. The effects of different types of server configurations and access contention between stations are also investigated for IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11e networks. This work specifically considers the IPB fame based nature of MPEG- 4 encoded video. A novel QoS aware MPEG-4 video delivery algorithm is proposed and evaluated using a computer model written in the C programming language. The model exploits two mechanisms namely frame retransmission (ReTx) and GOP truncation (GOPT). The ReTx mechanism effectively increases the QoS by minimising the transmission losses at the expense of an increased buffer overflow probability. The GOPT mechanism reduces the probability of buffer overflow at the expense of a reduced QoS. The QoS aware MPEG-4 video delivery algorithm aims to achieve an optimal trade off between these two mechanisms in order to eliminate buffer overflow and minimise transmission losses. The algorithm aims to replace uncontrolled packet loss due to buffer overflow, MAC collisions, and transmission errors by a controlled prioritized packet loss scheme that permits a graceful degradation in MPEG-4 video quality streamed over IEEE 802.11b networks. This ensures the realisation of the most favourable network conditions for the delivery of MPEG-4 video frames on WLANs. Through extensive simulations it has been shown to provide a significant improvement in the QoS performance for video streaming applications for both uplink and downlink network scenarios in the presence of background traffic

    The Effects of Contention among Stations on Video Streaming Applications over Wireless Local Area Networks: an Experimental Approach

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    Multimedia streaming applications have a large impact on the resource requirements of the WLAN. There are many variables involved in video streaming, such as the video content being streamed, how the video is encoded and how it is sent. This makes the role of radio resource management and the provision of QoS guarantees extremely difficult. For video streaming applications, packet loss and packets dropped due to excessive delay are the primary factors that affect the received video quality. In this paper, we experimentally analyse the effects of contention on the performance of video streaming applications with a given delay constraint over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. We show that as contention levels increase, the frame transmission delay increases significantly despite the total offered load in the network remaining constant. We provide an analysis that demonstrates the combined effects of contention and the playout delay constraint have on the video frame transmission delay

    The Effects of Contention among stations on Video Streaming Applications over Wireless Local Area Networks-an experimental approach

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    Abstract Multimedia streaming applications have a large impact on the resource requirements of the WLAN. There are many variables involved in video streaming, such as the video content being streamed, how the video is encoded and how it is sent. This makes the role of radio resource management and the provision of QoS guarantees extremely difficult. For video streaming applications, packet loss and packets dropped due to excessive delay are the primary factors that affect the received video quality. In this paper, we experimentally analyse the effects of contention on the performance of video streaming applications with a given delay constraint over IEEE 802.11 WLANs. We show that as contention levels increase, the frame transmission delay increases significantly despite the total offered load in the network remaining constant. We provide an analysis that demonstrates the combined effects of contention and the playout delay constraint have on the video frame transmission delay

    An Experimental Investigation of Parallel Multimedia Streams over IEEE 802.11e WLAN Networks using TXOP

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    In this paper we perform an experimental investigation of the IEEE 802.11 TXOP facility to enhance the transmission of parallel multimedia streaming sessions through efficient bandwidth reservation and explicitly consider both the audio and video streams. The delay constraints associated with the audio and video streams that comprise a multimedia session pose the greatest challenge since real-time multimedia is particularly sensitive to delay as the packets require a strict bounded end-to-end delay. We show how the TXOPlimit parameter can be efficiently dimensioned to reduce the tranmission delay for the video frames. Due to tis frame-based nature, video applications are considered to be bursty as each video frame is typically transmitted as a burst of packets. The size of the burst is related to the size of the video frame. The TXOP facility is particularly suited to efficiently deal with this burstiness since it can be used to reserve bandwidth for the duration of the packet burst. Through experimental investigation, we show that there is a significant performance improvement for the video streams by using the TXOPlimit parameter however there is no such improvement for the audio streams. We show that over-dimension the TXOPLimit parameter can cause the video stream to seize too much bandwidth which results in a deterioration in performance for the other competing traffic streams. This deterioration becomes more prominent as the number of parallel multimedia streams increases. We show that there is a performance improvement to all traffic streams by providing differentiated service to the constitutent I, P, and B video frame types in conjuction with the TXOP facility