436 research outputs found

    « Subtilitez feminines » : l’art de la contradiction dans l’Ɠuvre d’HĂ©lisenne de Crenne

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    Dans son analyse des rapports entre les trois parties des Angoysses douloureuses et les Epistres familieres et invectives d'Hélisenne de Crenne, Martine Debaisieux indique le jeu des contradictions qu'entraßne le phénomÚne de répétition et de continuation exploité par l'auteure. En examinant le réseau de « subtiles inventions » et d'« artificieles mensonges » constitutifs de l'uvre, son analyse vise indirectement à faire ressortir les problÚmes de lecture et d'interprétation impliqués dans cette fiction féminine qui refuse de fixer le sens.In her analysis of the relation between the three parts of the Angoysses douloureuses and the Epistres familieres et invectives of Hélisenne de Crenne, Martine Debaisieux focuses on the play of contradictions that the repetitions and continuations exploited by the writer bring into existence. In her analysis of the grid of « subtle inventions » and « artificial lies » inherent in these works, her article illumines indirectly the reading and interpretive problems implied in this woman's fiction that refuses a fixed meaning

    Fonctionnement microsyntaxique de modifieur et fonctionnement macrosyntaxique en parataxe des constructions introduites par que et parce que en français parlé, avec extension au cas de perché et che en italien parlé

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    Atti del Convegno nazionale di Napoli, 13-15 febbraio 2003CD-Rom / a cura di Federico Albano Leoni, Francesco Cutugno, Massimo Pettorino, Renata SavyNational audienceLa présentation qui suit voudrait apporter une explication à ce paradoxe à partir de l'étude des morphÚmes « subordonnants » les plus fréquents : que et parce que. L'analyse sera étendue, dans la derniÚre partie au fonctionnement des morphÚmes perché et che dans des corpus d'italien parlé

    Constructions and context: when a construction constructs context

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    The aim of the paper is to address a case of a syntactic pattern involving context, which can be summed up by this assumption : a construction provides pieces of context that the speaker considers to be necessary for the addressee to get a relevant interpretation of the current utterance. There exist constructions which bring in background contextual information to maximize the "relevance" of the utterance they are added to. This piece of an utterance are not in fact part of the ongoing text, but have some kind of background status which makes them part of the context. At first glance, these pieces of utterances have, in the domain of speech, the same status as footnotes have in written uses of language. They are, strictly speaking, marginal to the text and nearer to context status than to plain text status. We will focus on a subgroup of these constructions, namely those which are introduced by grammatical devices (so called subordinators) and which appear as superficially synonymous with prototypical subordinate clauses

    Contraintes syntaxiques et discursives des emplois de quant à et en ce qui concerne en français parlé

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    L’article propose une analyse de quant Ă  et en ce qui concerne Ă  partir d’un corpus de français parlĂ©. L’auteur prĂ©sente tout d’abord une analyse macro-syntaxique unique pour les deux marqueurs qui ne peuvent ĂȘtre assimilĂ©s Ă  des faits de dislocation Ă  gauche. L’étude prĂ©sente ensuite une analyse comparative des fonctionnements discursifs des marqueurs Ă  la lumiĂšre des travaux menĂ©es sur l’écrit. L’hypothĂšse, qui s’appuie sur la notion de genre de texte, est qu’une des diffĂ©rences dĂ©coule du fait que les emplois de quant Ă  dans des textes planifiĂ©s obĂ©issent Ă  des rĂšgles de rhĂ©torique qui ne touchent pas les emplois de en ce qui concerne.This paper, which is based on the analysis of a one-million word corpus in spoken French, provides new insights into the functioning of two topic markers, quant Ă  and en ce qui concerne. Firstly, it presents arguments for a common syntactic analysis of the two expressions, since both introduce a root topic constituent and neither are involved in left dislocation phenomena. Secondly, differences in occurrence are traced back, as in previous studies on written style, to differences in their discourse functions. However, if a register-based approach is adopted, it can be hypothesised that the difference stems from the specific rhetorical value of quant Ă  in planned speech which does not apply to en ce qui concerne. This leads to the conclusion that quant Ă  is a learned and not an acquired morpheme

    Analysis of Signaling Endosome Composition and Dynamics Using SILAC in Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Neurons

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    Neurons require efficient transport mechanisms such as fast axonal transport to ensure neuronal homeostasis and survival. Neurotrophins and their receptors are conveyed via fast axonal retrograde transport of signaling endosomes to the soma, where they elicit transcriptional responses. Despite the essential roles of signaling endosomes in neuronal differentiation and survival, little is known about their molecular identity, dynamics, and regulation. Gaining a better mechanistic understanding of these organelles and their kinetics is crucial, given the growing evidence linking vesicular trafficking deficits to neurodegeneration. Here, we exploited an affinity purification strategy using the binding fragment of tetanus neurotoxin (HCT) conjugated to monocrystalline iron oxide nanoparticles (MIONs), which in motor neurons, is transported in the same carriers as neurotrophins and their receptors. To quantitatively assess the molecular composition of HCT-containing signaling endosomes, we have developed a protocol for triple Stable Isotope Labeling with Amino acids in Cell culture (SILAC) in embryonic stem cell-derived motor neurons. After HCT internalization, retrograde carriers were magnetically isolated at different time points and subjected to mass-spectrometry and Gene Ontology analyses. This purification strategy is highly specific, as confirmed by the presence of essential regulators of fast axonal transport in the make-up of these organelles. Our results indicate that signaling endosomes undergo a rapid maturation with the acquisition of late endosome markers following a specific time-dependent kinetics. Strikingly, signaling endosomes are specifically enriched in proteins known to be involved in neurodegenerative diseases and neuroinfection. Moreover, we highlighted the presence of novel components, whose precise temporal recruitment on signaling endosomes might be essential for proper sorting and/or transport of these organelles. This study provides the first quantitative proteomic analysis of signaling endosomes isolated from motor neurons and allows the assembly of a functional map of these axonal carriers involved in long-range neuronal signaling

    tu veux couper là faut dire pourquoi - Propositions pour une segmentation syntaxique du français parlé

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    International audienceCet article s'intĂ©resse Ă  une question thĂ©orique majeure : la segmentation de transcriptions de français parlĂ© en unitĂ©s syntaxiques fondamentales. A ce jour, cette question n'a pas encore trouvĂ© de rĂ©ponse satisfaisante. Du cĂŽtĂ© de l'analyse syntaxique de l'Ă©crit, on se tient habituellement Ă  la ponctuation pour laquelle les pratiques sont relativement fluctuantes et n'obĂ©issent pas Ă  des critĂšres stables. En effet, lorsque l'on ponctue un texte Ă  l'Ă©crit, on a vraisemblablement recours Ă  des critĂšres syntaxiques, sĂ©mantiques ou prosodiques (et d'autres encore) de façon variable selon les auteurs. Ce prĂ©supposĂ© est donc dĂ©jĂ  problĂ©matique pour l'analyse syntaxique de l'Ă©crit. Mais pour l'oral spontanĂ©, la question se pose de maniĂšre encore plus aigĂŒe en raison d'une architecture syntaxique moins bien connue et de l'absence de tradition unifiĂ©e de ponctuation, toutefois en partie compensĂ©e par les marqueurs prosodiques.Nous avons abordĂ© la problĂ©matique de la segmentation syntaxique de maniĂšre pratique Ă©tant donnĂ© que notre Ă©tude se situe dans le cadre d'un projet d'annotation syntaxique et prosodique de français parlĂ©, le projet ANR Rhapsodie . Dans ce papier, nous dĂ©crivons l'Ă©laboration de critĂšres reproductibles et opĂ©ratoires utilisĂ©s pour la segmentation des transcriptions brutes du corpus Rhapsodie, critĂšres qui ne prĂ©tendent pas rĂ©gler l'ensemble des problĂšmes thĂ©oriques. Cette segmentation est la premiĂšre Ă©tape indispensable pour une annotation syntaxique exhaustive et pour faciliter l'analyse syntaxique automatique des textes

    Quand un corpus rencontre un adjectif du troisiĂšme type. Etude distributionnelle de prochain

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    L’adjectif prochain fait partie de ces adjectifs que Schnedecker (2002a) nomme « les adjectifs du troisiĂšme type ». Ni qualificatifs ni relationnels, souvent marginalisĂ©s, ces derniers possĂšdent des caractĂ©ristiques qui n’ont fait l’objet d’aucune Ă©tude systĂ©matique sur corpus. Nous nous proposons de combler cette lacune en rĂ©alisant une analyse distributionnelle de prochain dans diffĂ©rents genres textuels (oraux et Ă©crits). Dans un premier temps, l’analyse portera sur les phĂ©nomĂšnes de sĂ©lection lexicale qui apparaissent dans les emplois attestĂ©s et qui semblent fortement conditionnĂ©s par la position de l’adjectif par rapport Ă  son nom recteur. Nous verrons Ă©galement que le nombre du nom recteur impose des contraintes d’emploi qui ont Ă©tĂ© peu dĂ©taillĂ©es dans les travaux antĂ©rieurs. Dans un deuxiĂšme temps, nous nous intĂ©resserons aux noms recteurs, tels fois, saison et siĂšcle, dont le fonctionnement diffĂšre. L’étude sera l’occasion de comparer la description sur corpus avec celle proposĂ©e par Berthonneau (2002), basĂ©e sur une analyse introspective. La comparaison permettra de mettre en Ă©vidence les spĂ©cificitĂ©s et les limites des deux approches. Une dĂ©marche similaire sera dĂ©veloppĂ©e Ă  partir des entrĂ©es de quelques dictionnaires. Au-delĂ  de l’analyse de dĂ©tail, l’article a pour objectif de prĂ©senter les bases descriptives permettant de problĂ©matiser le statut catĂ©goriel de prochain.When a corpus meets an adjective of the Third Kind. Distributional analysis of ‘prochain’ in FrenchProchain is one of those adjectives that Schnedecker (2002a) called « adjectifs du troisiĂšme type ». Neither qualifiers nor relational adjectives, often marginalized, they have characteristics that have been no systematic study on corpus. We propose to bridge this gap by an analysis of the prochain distribution in various genres (spoken and written French). Firstly, the analysis will focus on the lexical selection phenomena that appear in corpora. It seems strongly influenced by the position of the adjective from his head noun. We will also see that the grammatical number of head noun imposes constraints that were not detailed in previous work. Secondly, our study will focus on “special” head nouns like fois,saison and siĂšcle. In addition, we will compare our description with Berthonneau (2002), mainly based on introspection, which allows us to highlight the features and limitations of both approaches. We will do the same with some dictionary entries. Beyond the precise analysis, the paper aims to present the descriptive bases that enable the problematization of the categorial status of prochain

    tu veux couper lĂ  faut dire pourquoi

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    Cet article s’intĂ©resse Ă  une question thĂ©orique majeure : la segmentation de transcriptions de français parlĂ© en unitĂ©s syntaxiques. Nous avons abordĂ© cette question de maniĂšre pratique dans le cadre d’un projet d’annotation syntaxique et prosodique de français parlĂ©, le projet ANR Rhapsodie. Dans cet article, nous dĂ©crivons l’élaboration de critĂšres reproductibles et opĂ©ratoires utilisĂ©s pour la segmentation des transcriptions brutes du corpus. Dans un premier temps, nous prĂ©sentons nos trois unitĂ©s d’analyse, Ă  savoir l’unitĂ© rectionnelle (UR), l’unitĂ© illocutoire (UI) et l’énoncĂ© mais aussi ce qui nous a conduits Ă  choisir trois unitĂ©s maximales plutĂŽt qu’une seule. Nous Ă©tudions ensuite diffĂ©rents types d’énoncĂ©s complexes, notamment les questions-rĂ©ponses, l’instanciation, le discours rapportĂ©, la greffe, le parallĂ©lisme entre Ă©noncĂ©s ou encore les Ă©noncĂ©s discontinus. Nous prĂ©sentons la segmentation proposĂ©e et quelques-uns des problĂšmes que nous avons rencontrĂ©s au cours de l’élaboration du manuel d’annotation

    Earlier initiation of antiretroviral treatment coincides with an initial control of the HIV-1 sub-subtype F1 outbreak among men-having-sex-with-men in Flanders, Belgium

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    Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) non-B subtype infections occurred in Belgium since the 1980s, mainly amongst migrants and heterosexuals, whereas subtype B predominated in men-having-sex-with-men (MSM). In the last decade, the diagnosis of F1 sub-subtype in particular has increased substantially, which prompted us to perform a detailed reconstruction of its epidemiological history. To this purpose, the Belgian AIDS Reference Laboratories collected HIV-1 pol sequences from all sub-subtype F1-infected patients for whom genotypic drug resistance testing was requested as part of routine clinical follow-up. This data was complemented with HIV-1 pol sequences from countries with a high burden of F1 infections or a potential role in the global origin of sub-subtype F1. The molecular epidemiology of the Belgian subtype F1 epidemic was investigated using Bayesian phylogenetic inference and transmission dynamics were characterized based on birth-death models. F1 sequences were retained from 297 patients diagnosed and linked to care in Belgium between 1988 and 2015. Phylogenetic inference indicated that among the 297 Belgian F1 sequences, 191 belonged to a monophyletic group that mainly contained sequences from people likely infected in Belgium (OR 26.67, 95% CI 9.59-74.15), diagnosed in Flanders (OR 7.28, 95% CI 4.23-12.53), diagnosed at a recent stage of infection (OR 7.19, 95% CI 2.88-17.95) or declared to be MSM (OR 34.8, 95% CI 16.0-75.6). Together with a Spanish clade, this Belgian clade was embedded in the genetic diversity of Brazilian subtype F1 strains and most probably emerged after one or only a few migration events from Brazil to the European continent before 2002. The origin of the Belgian outbreak was dated back to 2002 (95% higher posterior density 2000-2004) and birth-death models suggested that its extensive growth had been controlled (Re < 1) by 2012, coinciding with a time period where delay in antiretroviral treatment initiation substantially declined. In conclusion, phylogenetic reconstruction of the Belgian HIV-1 sub-subtype F1 epidemic illustrates the introduction and substantial dissemination of viral strains in a geographically restricted risk group that was most likely controlled by effective treatment as prevention.publishersversionpublishe
