1,820 research outputs found

    X-ray CT analysis after blast of composite sandwich panels

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    Four composite sandwich panels with either single density or graded density foam cores and different face-sheet materials were subjected to full-scale underwater blast testing. The panels were subjected to 1kg PE4 charge at a stand-off distance of 1 m. The panel with graded density core and carbon fiber face-sheets had the lowest deflection. Post-blast damage assessment was carried out using X-ray CT scanning. The damage assessment revealed that there is a trade-off between reduced panel deflection and panel damage. This research has been performed as part of a program sponsored by the Office of Naval Research (ONR)

    Kinetic profiling of therapeutic strategies for inhibiting the formation of amyloid oligomers

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    Protein self-assembly into amyloid fibrils underlies several neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It has become apparent that the small oligomers formed during this process constitute neurotoxic molecular species associated with amyloid aggregation. Targeting the formation of oligomers represents therefore a possible therapeutic avenue to combat these diseases. However, it remains challenging to establish which microscopic steps should be targeted to suppress most effectively the generation of oligomeric aggregates. Recently, we have developed a kinetic model of oligomer dynamics during amyloid aggregation. Here, we use this approach to derive explicit scaling relationships that reveal how key features of the time evolution of oligomers, including oligomer peak concentration and life-time, are controlled by the different rate parameters. We discuss the therapeutic implications of our framework by predicting changes in oligomer concentrations when the rates of the individual microscopic events are varied. Our results identify the kinetic parameters that control most effectively the generation of oligomers, thus opening the way for the systematic rational design of therapeutic strategies against amyloid-related diseases

    Evaluation of environmental design strategies for university buildings

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    This paper examines the performance of environmental strategies in seven recently constructed or refurbished university buildings in the UK. These buildings contain a range of administrative spaces, classrooms, libraries and studios, reflecting their often complex, multi-use, heterogeneous nature. The key features of each environmental strategy are described (including passive, mixed-mode or active systems), in the context of the occupants and spaces they serve and the level of interaction that they afford. Energy performance and occupant thermal comfort (assessed by user surveys) are analysed and compared with studies of other non-domestic buildings, which have typically focused on more predictable single administrative uses (e.g. government offices), and unusually effective operation scenarios (e.g. continuous monitoring by expert building managers). The paper concludes by examining two of the case studies that reflect an increasingly common model of ‘flexible’ environmental design in more detail, identifying key features of the strategies for each building that have had a significant impact on their performance. The design assumptions leading to these features will be explored, and key lessons identified, contributing towards the development of a more robust evidential basis for choosing appropriate environmental strategies for university and other non-domestic buildings in the UK

    An experimental methodology to characterise post-necking behaviour and quantify ductile damage accumulation in isotropic materials

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    The development of ductile damage, that occurs beyond the point of necking in a tensile test, can be difficult to quantify. An experimental methodology has been developed to accurately characterise the post-necking deformation response of a material through continuous monitoring of the specimens shape up until rupture. By studying the evolution of the neck geometry, the correct values of the local stress and strain have been determined in samples of grade 304L stainless steel and C110 copper. Notched bar specimens of various notch acuities were examined enabling the effects of stress triaxiality on ductile fracture to be determined. The methodology developed has provided a robust framework for macroscopic measurements of ductile damage during the necking process. To characterise the material degradation process, the elastic modulus reduction method was employed on hourglass-shaped specimens of the same materials. Stiffness degradation was measured using a small gauge extensometer during uninterrupted tensile tests with partial elastic unloadings. A metallographic study was conducted on progressively damaged specimens in order to validate the macroscopic damage measurements. A new non-linear ductile damage accumulation law has been developed and calibrated, which provides an advanced representation of the experimental results, and a significant improvement compared to linear accumulation models frequently employed. This realistic modelling approach considers the degradation of the material when it has undergone severe plastic deformation, and provides a more accurate representation of the near failure behaviour by considering the effects of stress triaxiality. The methodology provides accurate data for damage model development and calibration, to improve the predictions of remnant life from ductile damage in engineering components

    Symptom improvement and remission in untreated adults seeking treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common psychiatric condition that results in significant distress and impairment, and high societal costs. OCD is widely considered to be a chronic condition, however, our understanding of the chronicity of the disorder, and the incidence of spontaneous remission, has largely relied on longitudinal studies of individuals who have received treatment. The aim of the current study is to examine symptom improvement and rate of spontaneous remission in individuals with OCD who were assigned to a no-treatment control group within a randomized controlled trial using a meta-analytic approach. Twelve studies (n = 282; mean age = 35.52; 60.03 % female) were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled within-group effect size was negligible (g = -0.14; 95 % CI [-0.25, -0.04]) and only 4 % of participants demonstrated spontaneous remission across an average of 10.92 weeks (event rate = 0.04; [95 % CI: 0.01, 0.11]). Sample size and duration of OCD symptoms significantly moderated the effect size for symptom change. No moderators were found for symptom remission. The findings add to the small body of literature demonstrating that OCD has a chronic and unremitting course without treatment

    Assessing heat pumps as flexible load

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    In a future power system featuring significant renewable generation, the ability to manipulate domestic demand through the flexible operation of heat-led technologies such as heat pumps and micro-combined heat and power could be a critical factor in providing a secure and stable supply of electrical energy. Using a simulation-based approach, this study examined the linkage between the thermal characteristics of buildings and the scope for flexibility in the operating times of air source heat pumps. This was assessed against the resulting impact on the end-user’s comfort and convenience. A detached dwelling and flat were modelled in detail along with their heating system in order to determine the temporal shift achievable in the heat pump operating times for present-day and future dwellings. The simulation results indicated that the scope for shifting heat pump operating times in the existing building stock was limited, with time shifts of only 1–2 h achieved before there was a serious impact on the comfort of the occupant. However, if insulation levels were dramatically improved and substantial levels of thermal buffering were added into the heating system, sizable time shifts of up to 6 h were achievable without a significant impact on either space or hot water temperatures
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