3,432 research outputs found

    RETROCAM: A Versatile Optical Imager for Synoptic Studies

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    We present RETROCAM, an auxiliary CCD camera that can be rapidly inserted into the optical beam of the MDM 2.4m telescope. The speed and ease of reconfiguring the telescope to use the imager and a straightforward user interface permit the camera to be used during the course of other observing programs. This in turn encourages RETROCAM's use for a variety of monitoring projects.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A

    MACHO 96-LMC-2: Lensing of a Binary Source in the LMC and Constraints on the Lensing Object

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    We present photometry and analysis of the microlensing alert MACHO 96-LMC-2. The ~3% photometry provided by the Global Microlensing Alert Network follow--up effort reveals a periodic modulation in the lightcurve. We attribute this to binarity of the lensed source. Microlensing fits to a rotating binary source magnified by a single lens converge on two minima, separated by delta chi^2 ~ 1. The most significant fit X1 predicts a primary which contributes ~100% of the light, a dark secondary, and an orbital period (T) of 9.2 days. The second fit X2 yields a binary source with two stars of roughly equal mass and luminosity, and T = 21.2 days. The lensed object appears to lie on the upper LMC main sequence. We estimate the mass of the primary component of the binary system, M ~2 M_sun. For the preferred model X1, we explore the range of dark companions by assuming 0.1 M_sun and 1.4 M_sun objects in models X1a and X1b, respectively. We find lens velocities projected to the LMC in these models of v^hat_X1a = 18.3 +/- 3.1 km/s and v^hat_X1b = 188 +/- 32 k/ms. In both these cases, a likelihood analysis suggests an LMC lens is preferred over a Galactic halo lens, although only marginally so in model X1b. We also find v^hat_X2 = 39.6 +/- 6.1 k/ms, where the likelihood for the lens location is strongly dominated by the LMC disk. In all cases, the lens mass is consistent with that of an M-dwarf. The LMC self-lensing rate contributed by 96-LMC-2 is consistent with model self-lensing rates. (Abridged)Comment: 23 pages, including 3 tables and 6 figures; Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    The MACHO project: Microlensing Optical Depth towards the Galactic Bulge from Difference Image Analysis

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    We present the microlensing optical depth towards the Galactic bulge based on the detection of 99 events found in our Difference Image Analysis (DIA) survey. This analysis encompasses three years of data, covering ~ 17 million stars in ~ 4 deg^2, to a source star baseline magnitude limit of V = 23. The DIA technique improves the quality of photometry in crowded fields, and allows us to detect more microlensing events with faint source stars. We find this method increases the number of detection events by 85% compared with the standard analysis technique. DIA light curves of the events are presented and the microlensing fit parameters are given. The total microlensing optical depth is estimated to be tau_(total)= 2.43^(+0.39/-0.38) x 10^(-6) averaged over 8 fields centered at l=2.68 and b=-3.35. For the bulge component we find tau_(bulge)=3.23^(+0.52/-0.50) x 10^(-6) assuming a 25% stellar contribution from disk sources. These optical depths are in good agreement with the past determinations of the MACHO Alcock et al. (1997) and OGLE Udalski et al. (1994) groups, and are higher than predicted by contemporary Galactic models. We show that our observed event timescale distribution is consistent with the distribution expected from normal mass stars, if we adopt the stellar mass function of Scalo (1986) as our lens mass function. However, we note that as there is still disagreement about the exact form of the stellar mass function, there is uncertainty in this conclusion. Based on our event timescale distribution we find no evidence for the existence of a large population of brown dwarfs in the direction of the Galactic bulge.Comment: Updated references and corrected optical depth values. tau_tot= [2.91(+0.47/-0.45) -> 2.43^(+0.39/-0.38)] x 10^(-6) tau_bul = [3.88(+0.63/-0.60) -> 3.23^(+0.52/-0.50)] x 10^(-6

    Improving the Prospects for Detecting Extrasolar Planets in Gravitational Microlensing in 2002

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    Gravitational microlensing events of high magnification have been shown to be promising targets for detecting extrasolar planets. However, only a few events of high magnification have been found using conventional survey techniques. Here we demonstrate that high magnification events can be readily found in microlensing surveys using a strategy that combines high frequency sampling of target fields with online difference imaging analysis. We present 10 microlensing events with peak magnifications greater than 40 that were detected in real-time towards the Galactic Bulge during 2001 by MOA. We show that Earth mass planets can be detected in future events such as these through intensive follow-up observations around the event peaks. We report this result with urgency as a similar number of such events are expected in 2002.Comment: 11 pages, 3 embedded ps figures including 2 colour, revised version accepted by MNRA

    Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment. OGLE 2000-BUL-43: A Spectacular Ongoing Parallax Microlensing Event. Difference Image Analysis

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    We present the photometry and theoretical models for a Galactic bulge microlensing event OGLE-2000-BUL-43. The event is very bright with I=13.54 mag, and has a very long time scale, t_E=156 days. The long time scale and its light curve deviation from the standard shape strongly suggest that it may be affected by the parallax effect. We show that OGLE-2000-BUL-43 is the first discovered microlensing event, in which the parallax distortion is observed over a period of 2 years. Difference Image Analysis (DIA) using the PSF matching algorithm of Alard & Lupton enabled photometry accurate to 0.5%. All photometry obtained with DIA is available electronically. Our analysis indicates that the viewing condition from a location near Jupiter will be optimal and can lead to magnifications ~ 50 around January 31, 2001. These features offer a great promise for resolving the source (a K giant) and breaking the degeneracy between the lens parameters including the mass of the lens, if the event is observed with the imaging camera on the Cassini space probe.Comment: 14 pages (including 7 ps figures and 1 table). Additional data as plain text file needed to be downloaded in the source to view. LaTex, emulateap

    Observation of periodic variable stars towards the galactic spiral arms by EROS II

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    We present the results of a massive variability search based on a photometric survey of a six square degree region along the Galactic plane at (l=305l = 305^\circ, b=0.8b = -0.8^\circ) and (l=330l = 330^\circ, b=2.5b = -2.5^\circ). This survey was performed in the framework of the EROS II (Exp\'erience de Recherche d'Objets Sombres) microlensing program. The variable stars were found among 1,913,576 stars that were monitored between April and June 1998 in two passbands, with an average of 60 measurements. A new period-search technique is proposed which makes use of a statistical variable that characterizes the overall regularity of the flux versus phase diagram. This method is well suited when the photometric data are unevenly distributed in time, as is our case. 1,362 objects whose luminosity varies were selected. Among them we identified 9 Cepheids, 19 RR Lyrae, 34 Miras, 176 eclipsing binaries and 266 Semi-Regular stars. Most of them are newly identified objects. The cross-identification with known catalogues has been performed. The mean distance of the RR Lyrae is estimated to be 4.9±0.3\sim 4.9 \pm 0.3 kpc undergoing an average absorption of 3.4±0.2\sim 3.4 \pm 0.2 magnitudes. This distance is in good agreement with the one of disc stars which contribute to the microlensing source star population.Our catalogue and light curves are available electronically from the CDS, Strasbourg and from our Web site http://eros.in2p3.fr.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, accepted in A&A (april 2002

    Combined Analysis of the Binary-Lens Caustic-Crossing Event MACHO 98-SMC-1

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    We fit the data for the binary-lens microlensing event MACHO 98-SMC-1 from 5 different microlensing collaborations and find two distinct solutions characterized by binary separation d and mass ratio q: (d,q)=(0.54,0.50) and (d,q)=(3.65,0.36), where d is in units of the Einstein radius. However, the relative proper motion of the lens is very similar in the two solutions, 1.30 km/s/kpc and 1.48 km/s/kpc, thus confirming that the lens is in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The close binary can be either rotating or approximately static but the wide binary must be rotating at close its maximum allowed rate to be consistent with all the data. We measure limb-darkening coefficients for five bands ranging from I to V. As expected, these progressively decrease with rising wavelength. This is the first measurement of limb darkening for a metal-poor A star.Comment: 29 pages + 9 figures + 2 tables, submitted to Ap

    Discovery of a peculiar Cepheid-like star towards the northern edge of the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    For seven years, the EROS-2 project obtained a mass of photometric data on variable stars. We present a peculiar Cepheid-like star, in the direction of the Small Magellanic Cloud, which demonstrates unusual photometric behaviour over a short time interval. We report on data of the photometry acquired by the MARLY telescope and spectroscopy from the EFOSC instrument for this star, called EROS2 J005135-714459(sm0060n13842), which resembles the unusual Cepheid HR 7308. The light curve of our target is analysed using the Analysis of Variance method to determine a pulsational period of 5.5675 days. A fit of time-dependent Fourier coefficients is performed and a search for proper motion is conducted. The light curve exhibits a previously unobserved and spectacular change in both mean magnitude and amplitude, which has no clear theoretical explanation. Our analysis of the spectrum implies a radial velocity of 104 km s1^{-1} and a metallicity of -0.4±\pm0.2 dex. In the direction of right ascension, we measure a proper motion of 17.4±\pm6.0 mas yr1^{-1} using EROS astrometry, which is compatible with data from the NOMAD catalogue. The nature of EROS2 J005135-714459(sm0060n13842) remains unclear. For this star, we may have detected a non-zero proper motion for this star, which would imply that it is a foreground object. Its radial velocity, pulsational characteristics, and photometric data, however, suggest that it is instead a Cepheid-like object located in the SMC. In such a case, it would present a challenge to conventional Cepheid models.Comment: Correction of typos in the abstrac

    A step towards a computing grid for the LHC experiments : ATLAS data challenge 1

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    The ATLAS Collaboration at CERN is preparing for the data taking and analysis at the LHC that will start in 2007. Therefore, a series of Data Challenges was started in 2002 whose goals are the validation of the Computing Model, of the complete software suite, of the data model, and to ensure the correctness of the technical choices to be made for the final offline computing environment. A major feature of the first Data Challenge (DC1) was the preparation and the deployment of the software required for the production of large event samples as a worldwide distributed activity. It should be noted that it was not an option to "run the complete production at CERN" even if we had wanted to; the resources were not available at CERN to carry out the production on a reasonable time-scale. The great challenge of organising and carrying out this large-scale production at a significant number of sites around the world had therefore to be faced. However, the benefits of this are manifold: apart from realising the required computing resources, this exercise created worldwide momentum for ATLAS computing as a whole. This report describes in detail the main steps carried out in DC1 and what has been learned form them as a step towards a computing Grid for the LHC experiments