229 research outputs found

    Diagnostic indicators for shipboard systems using non-intrusive load monitoring

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Ocean Engineering; and, (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 87-88).Field studies have demonstrated that the Non-Intrusive Load monitor (NILM) can provide real-time indication of the condition of electro-mechanical systems on board naval vessels. Results from data collected from engineering systems on board USCGC SENECA (WMEC-906), a 270-foot U.S. Coast Guard cutter, indicate that the NILM can effectively identify faults, failures and deviations from normal operating conditions on numerous shipboard engineering systems. Data collected from the sewage system identified metrics that can be applied, for example, to cycling systems (high pressure air, hydraulic systems, etc.) to differentiate between periods of heavy usage and fault conditions. Sewage system variability and randomness was minimized by employing a MATLAB simulation designed to permit exploration of system behavior that might not have been exposed during other conditions. Simulation data suggests that the presence, location and magnitude of a spike in the pump run distribution indicated the presence of a leak. Data from the actual shipboard system, when subjected to a quantifiable leak, displayed the same behavior. Data collected from the Auxiliary Seawater (ASW) System indicated that the NILM is able to predict the failure of a flexible coupling linking the pump and motor components.(cont.) The ASW motor-pump system was modeled using a 5th order induction motor simulation to explore the electro-mechanical relationships between the motor, coupling and pump. Changes to the mechanical parameters of the coupling were captured in the electrical signature of the motor in both the simulation and shipboard data. Frequency domain analysis of the ASW System data also suggested that the clogging of a heat exchanger on a critical shipboard system can be identified with the NILM, although the extent of diagnosis is dependent on the system flow patterns. Further development of hardware and software, along with continued research into the behavior of shipboard systems, will allow the NILM to augment existing monitoring systems and potentially serve as a stand-alone indicator of critical system performance.by Thomas W. DeNucci.S.M


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    Com este texto, objetiva-se avaliar os reflexos do novo art. 42-A do Código de Defesa do Consumidor sobre os boletos de cobrança

    O papel das IES na formação de uma cultura empreendedora no Brasil

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo identificar quais práticas as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras utilizam para contribuir na criação de uma cultura empreendedora no país. Com base nos conceitos de empreendedorismo e educação empreendedora e nos cenários do empreendedorismo e da educação do país, verificou-se a relevância que a educação empreendedora possui e como a mesma pode auxiliar na geração de riquezas e consequentemente no desenvolvimento social e econômico. Aplicou-se uma entrevista semiestruturada com duas IES com o intuito de verificar como essas promovem o empreendedorismo dentro das suas instituições e disseminam essa cultura entre seus alunos. A partir desses dados foi possível elencar ações como sugestão para que outras IES insiram atividades similares no seu meio acadêmico. Conclui-se que uma educação empreendedora de qualidade deve formar cidadãos com competências empreendedoras e geradores de riquezas para a sociedade em que vivem

    Mineração de dados aplicada ao enade

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2018.O Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (INEP) disponibiliza os dados recolhidos por pesquisas, avaliações e exames realizados. Os dados referentes ao exame nacional de desenvolvimento dos estudantes (Enade) são um exemplo disso. Esses dados contêm diversas informações sobre os estudantes que realizaram o exame. Neste trabalho foram aplicadas técnicas de visualização, análise e mineração de dados por meio de recursos como tabelas, gráficos e a ferramenta Weka. O Enade do ano de 2014 foi estudado de forma geral por ser o ano mais atual contendo os cursos de computação, mas houve um foco diferenciado para o curso de Ciência da Computação (Bacharel) e para os alunos da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Foram feitas diversas análises em cima dos dados como correlações entre colunas, classificação da nota com relação aos atributos e análise das respostas dos estudantes nos itens do exame. O objetivo dessas análises foi entender melhor o perfil dos estudantes do ensino superior no Brasil.The Anísio Teixeira National Institute for Educational Studies and Research (INEP) publishes data from various sources, including research, assessments, and past exams. One example is data on students from the National Assessment of Student Achievement (ENADE). This paper presents the results of applying visualization techniques, analyses, and data mining algorithms using resources like tables, charts, and the software Weka. The 2014 edition of ENADE was studied as a whole, but focused on comparing University of Brasilia (UnB) Computer Science bachelor’s degree students with students pursuing the same degree at other universities. Several analyses were made with this data with the goal of better understanding the profile of Brazilian college students. They include correlation between attributes, classification of scores based on those attributes, and analysis of the students’ answers on the exam

    Le rôle des institutions d'enseignement supérieur dans la formation des jeunes entrepreneurs au Brésil

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    Cet article identifie quelles sont les pratiques des institutions d'enseignement supérieur (IES) qui contribuent à la mise en oeuvre d'une la formation la formation des jeunes entrepreneurs au Brésil. À partir des concepts d'entrepreneuriat et d'éducation entrepreneuriale, ainsi que de la situation de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'éducation au Brésil, il a été démontré que l'éducation entrepreneuriale est importante, qu'elle peut participer à la création de richesses, voire au développement social et économique du pays. Deux entretiens semi-structurés ont été faits auprès de deux IES dont le siège se trouve dans la capitale du pays, à Brasília – DF, afin de vérifier comment ces institutions développent l'entrepreneuriat et diffusent cette formation parmi leurs étudiants. Sur la base de ces données, il a été possible de proposer des actions et des suggestions pour que d'autres IES introduisent des activités semblables au sein du milieu académique. En conclusion, une éducation entrepreneuriale de qualité peut former des citoyens entreprenants et compétents, capables de produire des richesses pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent.6ème Conférence Annuelle ATLAS/AFM

    Rat Strain Differences in Susceptibility to Alcohol-Induced Chronic Liver Injury and Hepatic Insulin Resistance

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    The finding of more severe steatohepatitis in alcohol fed Long Evans (LE) compared with Sprague Dawley (SD) and Fisher 344 (FS) rats prompted us to determine whether host factors related to alcohol metabolism, inflammation, and insulin/IGF signaling predict proneness to alcohol-mediated liver injury. Adult FS, SD, and LE rats were fed liquid diets containing 0% or 37% (calories) ethanol for 8 weeks. Among controls, LE rats had significantly higher ALT and reduced GAPDH relative to SD and FS rats. Among ethanol-fed rats, despite similar blood alcohol levels, LE rats had more pronounced steatohepatitis and fibrosis, higher levels of ALT, DNA damage, pro-inflammatory cytokines, ADH, ALDH, catalase, GFAP, desmin, and collagen expression, and reduced insulin receptor binding relative to FS rats. Ethanol-exposed SD rats had intermediate degrees of steatohepatitis, increased ALT, ADH and profibrogenesis gene expression, and suppressed insulin receptor binding and GAPDH expression, while pro-inflammatory cytokines were similarly increased as in LE rats. Ethanol feeding in FS rats only reduced IL-6, ALDH1–3, CYP2E1, and GAPDH expression in liver. In conclusion, susceptibility to chronic steatohepatitis may be driven by factors related to efficiency of ethanol metabolism and degree to which ethanol exposure causes hepatic insulin resistance and cytokine activation

    Le rôle des institutions d'enseignement supérieur dans la formation des jeunes entrepreneurs au Brésil

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    Cet article identifie quelles sont les pratiques des institutions d'enseignement supérieur (IES) qui contribuent à la mise en oeuvre d'une la formation la formation des jeunes entrepreneurs au Brésil. À partir des concepts d'entrepreneuriat et d'éducation entrepreneuriale, ainsi que de la situation de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'éducation au Brésil, il a été démontré que l'éducation entrepreneuriale est importante, qu'elle peut participer à la création de richesses, voire au développement social et économique du pays. Deux entretiens semi-structurés ont été faits auprès de deux IES dont le siège se trouve dans la capitale du pays, à Brasília – DF, afin de vérifier comment ces institutions développent l'entrepreneuriat et diffusent cette formation parmi leurs étudiants. Sur la base de ces données, il a été possible de proposer des actions et des suggestions pour que d'autres IES introduisent des activités semblables au sein du milieu académique. En conclusion, une éducation entrepreneuriale de qualité peut former des citoyens entreprenants et compétents, capables de produire des richesses pour la société dans laquelle ils vivent