47 research outputs found

    Reflecting on Music and Erotic Agency: Sonic Resources and Socio-sexual action (Body & Society 1997)

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    It is nice to be invited to reflect on this essay. Thank you to the editors for the invitation. I am especially pleased to be appearing in Transposition along with Annegret Fauser and the other authors. This was a piece I published the year I began the research for Music in Everyday Life (DeNora 2000). I was a much younger scholar (and woman), it was a particular “moment” circa 1995, and I was teaching a final year course on gendered bodies. I thought the Goffmanian perspective applied to sex..

    How is extra-musical meaning possible. Music as a place and space for work

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    JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . It is a pervasive idea in Western culture that music is in some way capable of symbolizing emotions, images or ideas. Equally pervasive however, within the fields of philosophy, musicology, social psychology and linguistics, is the view that, in spite of increasing attention devoted to the topic, attempts to explain empirically music's communicative ability have met with relatively little success. Thus, from the outset, the issue of musical meaning is characterized by paradox: at the level of the listening experience music seems infinitely and definitely expressive while, at the level of taxanomic analysis, the same music seems perpetually capable of eluding attempts to pin it to semantic corollaries. There is, in other words, a tension between the apparent validity (at the level of listening) and the apparent invalidity (at the level of empirical analysis) of music's symbolic capacity. This "gap," as John Rahn (1972 p. 255) has put it, "between structure and feeling," is not necessarily problematic for the study of musical meaning. It can, as I shall argue below, be seen instead as a resource, making the study of musical meaning all the richer. Yet the conventional ways in which the paradoxical aspect of musical meaning has been attended to, have consisted, for the most part, of attempts to collapse the issue into one or the other of two equally unsatisfactory extremes. On the one hand the formalist position describes music as essentially abstract and expressionless whereas on the other, the expressionist position likens music to language in that its compositional elements may be said to possess extra-musical referents of one kind or another. As the sociologist of music Ivo Supicic has argued: American Sociological Association The scientific flaw of all formalist and expressionist concepts lies in their readiness to generalize, to put forward one principle and aspect and exclude all others, or at least to play down the value of other principles and aspects (pp. 198-199). The major consequence then, of framing the study of musical meaning in terms of formalism an

    Music and Erotic Agency – Sonic Resources and Social-Sexual Action

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    Comment l’ĂȘtre et le corps se nouent-ils dans une configuration culturelle ? Comment les produits culturels sont-ils mobilisĂ©s, et comment les textes, les images, les structures et les reprĂ©sentations sonores « entrent-elles en action » ? Ce sont lĂ  des questions fondamentales pour les Ă©tudes culturelles, la sociologie et la psychologie sociale. Pourtant elles n’ont guĂšre Ă©tĂ© abordĂ©es de front jusqu’ici, et elles ne sauraient faire l’objet d’une « mise Ă  l’épreuve empirique » Ă  partir d’une thĂ©orisation de l’agentivitĂ© dĂ©jĂ  complĂšte. Cet article suggĂšre que l’on peut dĂ©velopper une bonne thĂ©orie de l’agentivitĂ© en observant des milieux sociaux et des matĂ©riaux culturels particuliers. Dans ce but, aprĂšs quelques considĂ©rations thĂ©oriques sur les liens entre culture, nature et agentivitĂ© sociale, je pars de la question Ă©rotique pour dĂ©velopper un propos plus gĂ©nĂ©ral sur la relation entre les moyens expressifs et l’agentivitĂ© sociale. Plus spĂ©cifiquement, je me penche sur la question de comment l’agentivitĂ© Ă©rotique peut ĂȘtre « composĂ©e musicalement », c’est-Ă -dire comment l’agentivitĂ© peut se dĂ©ployer par des moyens musicaux.How does the cultural configuration of being and body happen? Just how are cultural products mobilized and how do texts, images, sonic structures and representations inform and thereby “get into” action? These are key questions for cultural studies, sociology and social psychology. They have so far not been addressed head on, and they by no means entail a mere “empirical implementation” of an otherwise already complete theorization of agency. In this article, I suggest that a good theory of agency can be developed through specific considerations of particular social realms, and with reference always to particular cultural materials. To this end, after some initial theoretical clarification of the links between culture, nature and social agency, I focus on the erotic, in order to pursue a more general concern with the interrelationship of expressive media and social agency. More specifically, I consider the question of how erotic agency maybe “musically composed”, by which I mean how agency may take shape with reference to musical media

    HEALTH AND MUSIC IN EVERYDAY LIFE – a theory of practice

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    Denne artikel er baseret pĂ„ isĂŠr to undersĂžgelser foretaget af medlemmer af Kunst-sociologi-gruppen ved Exeter University (UK). UndersĂžgelsernes fokus er almindelige menneskers anvendelse af musik (‘lay-musicking’) [Begrebet ‘musicering’ (musicking) refererer til C. Small m.fl.s tolkning af ‘musik’ som en interpersonlig aktivitet mere end et objekt]. Data fra undersĂžgelserne bruges som afsĂŠt for udvikling af en teori om musikkens psyko-kulturelle rolle og funktioner som et kommunikations- og regulerings-medie, og som et redskab til at skabe mening i dagliglivets specifikke, tidslige kontekster. Der trĂŠkkes forbindelser mellem de processer, der kan observeres i ‘lĂŠg-musicering’, og musikterapeutisk teori og praksis, og dette sker pĂ„ en mĂ„de, der understreger, hvad musiksociologien kan lĂŠre af musikterapien og af lĂŠgfolks musicering inden for sundhedsomrĂ„det

    Music and talk in tandem. The production of micro-narratives in real time

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    In this text I explore the interrelationship between musical encounters and the selfperception, and self-report, of health-status and self-identity.1 I describe how music can be seen to interact and offer a basis for the type of action with which sociologists are most familiar—verbal action as a means of narrating, telling and consolidating social realities. For this task, I present two ‘worked examples’, the first illustrating how musical activity can prime, cue, or trigger forms of self-report, the second illustrating how wellness identities and wellness orientations can be built from the ways in which musical activity and self-reporting about that activity (for example in the form of narratives) make mutual reference. Overall, my aim will be to consider how music offers resources for making a change in wellness situations. As I will describe in the conclusion, the topic of musically-linked micro-narrative connects with a growing body of theoretical work devoted to the question of where and how music can ‘help’ as a medium of relational health (DeNora, 2007; Aasgaard, 2001; Ruud, 2010; Stige, Ansdell, Elefant & Pavlicevic, 2010; Ansdell & DeNora, 2012). In particular, the focus on micro-narratives and music can tell us about practical consciousness and its formation

    Quand la musique de fond entre en action

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    Les recherches actuelles en sociologie et psychologie sociale de la musique prĂ©sentent celle-ci comme un moyen de transmettre des ordres Ă  notre corps. En analysant trois exemples de musiques entendues dans la vie quotidienne (dans les magasins et pendant des cours de gymnastique), il est montrĂ© comment la musique est utilisĂ©e et peut ĂȘtre diffusĂ©e dans certains contextes pour entretenir ou modifier des sentiments, ou encore afin de nous remĂ©morer et faire revivre des expĂ©riences Ă©motionnelles passĂ©es. L’article suggĂšre en conclusion que « nous faisons les choses en musique », d’une maniĂšre consciente ou inconsciente. La musique constitue un ingrĂ©dient actif dans la formation d’une action et d’une efficacitĂ© sociales et esthĂ©tiques, en temps rĂ©el et dans tout un Ă©ventail de contextes sociaux.When background music gets into actionCurrent research in sociology and social psychology has described music as a medium for the ordering of bodily subjects. Three cases drawn from everyday life (of music in the retail sector and in fitness classes) show how music is diffused in social settings and in real time in order to maintain or change “feeling states”, or to recall emotions or make us relive past emotional experiences. We “do things with music”, consciously and unconsciously. Music actively enters into the formation of social and aesthetic agency across a range of social settings and in real time

    Music into action: Performing gender on the Viennese concert stage, 17901810. Poetics 30

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    Abstract Studies of music tend to emphasize either ''what'' music means or ''how'' music is produced. They often leave in shadow music as it comes to serve as a formative medium of social life. By contrast, I propose that we consider music in terms of what it may ''afford'' users, by which I mean how music may provide resources for structuration. I develop this argument with a case study of music and gender formation in the 19th century, focusing in particular on work in progress that deals with the performance of Beethoven's piano music and its association with masculine musical aesthetics circa 1800-1810. # 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V

    Pour quoi la musique est-elle bonne et pour qui ?

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    International audienc

    Music In Everyday Life = Music Dalam Kehidupan Sehari-Hari

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    Kajian dalam buku ini bertujuan mendokumentasikan berbagai penjelasan mengenai penggunaan musik dalam kehidupan sosial. Selama ini pengaruh sosial dengan musik dalam masyarakat Barat sangat jarang mendapatkan perhatian walaupun sepanjang sejarah musik dari jaman Plato hingga saat ini selalu ditemukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Sementara di jaman modern sekarang disadari atau tidak banyak orang yang merasakan kekuatan musik dan tentu saja sebagai sebuah produk yang tidak kelihatan membuatnya menjadi sulit untuk dispesifikasi secara empiris. Bab 1 buku ini membahas tentang peran aktif musik dalam kehidupan sosial dengan pendekatan kajian budaya serta teori dari kajian sosio-musikal oleh Adorno. Bab 2 membahas pengaruh praktek musik. Bab 3 mengupas tentang perspektif dalam praktik musik termasuk perannya terkait konstruksi diri, musik sebagai identitas, emosi dan memori. Bab 4 membahas refleksi hubungan antara musik dan tubuh serta pengembangan perspektif interdisiplin dalam berbagai sudut pandang. Bab 5 membahas peran yang dimainkan musik dalam situasi sosial serta penejelasan bagaimana musik digunakan sehingga dapat mengkonfigurasi situasi dan institusi sosial. Bab 6 memberi penekanan pada teori daya ubah terkait dengan budaya yang menjadi bagian dari bentuk estetika abad ke 20 dala paradigma sosial. Jadi isi buku ini memberiwacana baru mengenai musik dalam kehidupan sehari hari dalam kajian sosiologi musik yang saat ini sedang berkembang sebagai kajian kritis terkait seni dan budaya