4,328 research outputs found

    Structure and energetics of extended defects in ice I-h

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)We consider the molecular structure and energetics of extended defects in proton-disordered hexagonal ice I-h. Using plane-wave density functional theory (DFT) calculations, we compute the energetics of stacking faults and determine the structure of the 30 degrees and 90 degrees partial dislocations on the basal plane. Consistent with experimental data, the formation energies of all fully reconstructed stacking faults are found to be very low. This is consistent with the idea that basal-plane glide dislocations in ice I-h are dissociated into partial dislocations separated by an area of stacking fault. For both types of partial dislocation we find a strong tendency toward core reconstruction through pairwise hydrogen-bond reformation. In the case of the 30 degrees dislocation, the pairwise hydrogen-bond formation leads to a period-doubling core structure equivalent to that seen in zinc-blende semiconductor crystals. For the 90 degrees partial we consider two possible core reconstructions, one in which the periodicity of the structure along the core remains unaltered and another in which it is doubled. The latter is preferred, although the energy difference between both is rather small, so that a coexistence of both reconstructions appears plausible. Our results imply that a mobility theory for dislocations on the basal plane in ice I-h should be based on the idea of reconstructed partial dislocations.852Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Measuring attitude towards Buddhism and Sikhism : internal consistency reliability for two new instruments

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    This paper describes and discusses the development and empirical properties of two new 24-item scales – one measuring attitude toward Buddhism and the other measuring attitude toward Sikhism. The scale is designed to facilitate inter-faith comparisons within the psychology of religion alongside the well-established Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity. Data were obtained from a multi-religious sample of 369 school pupils aged between 13 and 15 in London. Application of the two scales demonstrated that adolescents had a more positive attitude to Buddhism than Sikhism. The findings confirm the reliability of the scales and commend them for further use

    Diversification of clearwing butterflies with the rise of the Andes

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    Aim Despite the greatest butterfly diversity on Earth occurring in the Neotrop- ical Andes and Amazonia, there is still keen debate about the origins of this exceptional biota. A densely sampled calibrated phylogeny for a widespread butterfly subtribe, Oleriina (Nymphalidae: Ithomiini) was used to estimate the origin, colonization history and diversification of this species-rich group. Location Neotropics. Methods Ancestral elevation and biogeographical ranges were reconstructed using data generated from detailed range maps and applying the dispersal-ex- tinction-cladogenesis model using stratified palaeogeographical time slice matrices. The pattern of diversification through time was examined by compar- ing constant and variable rate models. We also tested the hypothesis that a change in elevation is associated with speciation. Results The Oleriina likely originated in the Andes in the Early to Middle Miocene and rapidly diversified to include four genera all of which also origi- nated in the Andes. These clades, together with four species groups, experi- enced varying spatial and temporal patterns of diversification. An overall early burst and decreasing diversification rate is identified, and this pattern is reflected for most subclades. Main conclusions Changes in the palaeogeological landscape, particularly the prolonged uplift of the Andes, had a profound impact on the diversification of the subtribe. The Oleriina mostly remained within the Andes and vicariant spe- ciation resulted in some instances. Dynamic dispersal occurred with the disap- pearance of geological barriers such as the Acre System and the subtribe exploited newly available habitats. Our results confirm the role of the Andean uplift in the evolution of Neotropical biodiversity

    Cellular responses of Candida albicans to phagocytosis and the extracellular activities of neutrophils are critical to counteract carbohydrate starvation, oxidative and nitrosative stress

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    Acknowledgments We thank Alexander Johnson (yhb1D/D), Karl Kuchler (sodD/D mutants), Janet Quinn (hog1D/D, hog1/cap1D/D, trx1D/D) and Peter Staib (ssu1D/D) for providing mutant strains. We acknowledge helpful discussions with our colleagues from the Microbial Pathogenicity Mechanisms Department, Fungal Septomics and the Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology Research Group at the Hans Kno¨ll Institute (HKI), specially Ilse D. Jacobsen, Duncan Wilson, Sascha Brunke, Lydia Kasper, Franziska Gerwien, Sea´na Duggan, Katrin Haupt, Kerstin Hu¨nniger, and Matthias Brock, as well as from our partners in the FINSysB Network. Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: PM HW IMB AJPB OK BH. Performed the experiments: PM CD HW. Analyzed the data: PM HW IMB AJPB OK BH. Wrote the paper: PM HW OK AJPB BH.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Adverse childhood experiences and suicide attempts in morbidly obese adults

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    Introdução: As tentativas de suicídio surgem frequentemente associadas a problemas alimentares, tanto anorexia quanto bulimia. Do mesmo modo, tem-se verifi cado uma elevada ocorrência de suicídio entre obesos. Investigações têm mostrado que a adversidade na infância pode ser um fator de risco para as tentativas de suicídio. Objetivos: Caracterizar e compreender a relação entre experiências de adversidade na infância e tentativas de suicídio em 100 obesos mórbidos candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos: Um total de 100 pacientes foram selecionados de setembro de 2007 a outubro de 2007 e de janeiro de 2008 a janeiro de 2009, sendo que 20 pacientes eram do sexo feminino. A média de idade era de 38,89±9,87 anos, e a média do peso máximo era de 136,43±14 kg. O Questionário da História de Adversidade na Infância foi utilizado para avaliar experiências adversas. Resultados: 88% dos pacientes relataram a existência de pelo menos uma experiência de adversidade na infância, e 25% relataram já ter realizado pelo menos uma tentativa de suicídio. A adversidade na infância esteve associada a um risco aumentado para realizar tentativas de suicídio (odds ratio = 2,026). Conclusão: Esses dados devem ser levados em consideração na avaliação e no acompanhamento desses pacientes.Introduction: Suicide attempts are often associated with eating disorders, both anorexia and bulimia. Likewise, a high incidence of suicide has been observed among obese patients. Previous studies have shown that adverse experiences in childhood may be a risk factor for suicide attempts. Objectives: To characterize and to understand the relationship between adverse experiences and suicide attempts in 100 morbidly obese patients referred for bariatric surgery. Methods: A total of 100 patients were selected from September 2007 to October 2007 and from January 2008 to January 2009. Of these, 20 patients were females. Mean age was 38.89±9.87 years, and mean maximum weight was 136.43±14 kg. The Portuguese version of the Family ACE (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Questionnaire was used to assess the occurrence of adverse events. Results: 88% of the patients reported the existence of at least one adverse experience in childhood, and 25% reported at least one previous suicide attempt. Adversity in childhood was associated with an increased risk for suicide attempts (odds ratio = 2.026). Conclusion: These data should be taken into account in the assessment and monitoring of these patients.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT); (SFRH/BD/37069/2007)

    Brazilian gamma detection device for sentinel lymph node biopsy

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    OBJECTIVE: To test the effectiveness of an intra-operative gamma detection Brazilian device (IPEN) on sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) procedures. METHODS: Forty melanoma or breast cancer patients with indication for undergoing SLNB were studied. Lymphoscintigraphy was done 2 to 24 hours prior to surgery. Lymphatic mapping with vital dye and gamma detection were performed intraoperatively. For gamma detection Neoprobe ® 1500 was used followed by IPEN (equipment under test) in the first 20 patients and for the remaining half IPEN was used first to verify its ability to locate the sentinel node (SN). Measurements were taken from the radiopharmaceutical product injection site, from SN (in vivo and ex vivo) and from background. It was recorded if the SN was stained or not and if it was found easily by surgeon. RESULTS: There were 33 (82.5%) breast cancer and 7 (17.5%) melanoma patients. Ages varied from 21 to 68 year-old (median age of 46). Sex distribution was 35 (87.5%) women and 5 (12.5%) men. Sentinel node was found in all but one patient. There was no statistical difference between the reasons ex vivo/ background obtained with the measures of both equipments (p=0, 2583-ns). The SN was easily found by the surgeon with both devices. CONCLUSION: The SLNB was successfully performed using either equipment. It was possible to do SLNB with the Brazilian device developed by IPEN without prejudice for the patient.OBJETIVO: Testar a eficácia de equipamento de detecção gama intra-operatória (DGI) desenvolvido pelo IPEN (Brasil), em procedimentos de biópsia de linfonodo sentinela (BLS) no melanoma e no câncer de mama. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 40 pacientes portadores de melanoma ou câncer de mama com indicação para realização de BLS.Todos pacientes foram submetidos à linfocintilografia e a BLS ocorreu entre 2 a 24 horas após a mesma. Concomitantemente à DGI, realizou-se o mapeamento linfático com corante vital. Foram feitas leituras com o equipamento convencional Neoprobe® 1500 e com o equipamento em teste (IPEN) dos valores de captação do sítio de injeção do radiofármaco, do LS in vivo e ex vivo e da captação de fundo. Foi registrado se o LS estava corado e se o cirurgião teve facilidade para encontrá-lo. Nos primeiros 20 pacientes utilizou-se o equipamento convencional e depois o de teste; nos outros 20, utilizou-se primeiro o equipamento em teste, com objetivo de verificar se o mesmo identificava primariamente o LS. RESULTADOS: Dos quarenta pacientes, 33 eram portadores de tumor de mama e sete de melanoma cutâneo; variação da idade: 21 a 68 anos (mediana= 46 anos); 35 mulheres e 5 homens. Em apenas um paciente o LS não foi encontrado, nem pela DGI nem pelo corante vital. Não houve diferença estatística entre as razões ex vivo/fundo obtidas com os dois equipamentos (p=0, 2583-ns). CONCLUSÃO: É possível realizar o procedimento de BLS com o equipamento brasileiro desenvolvido pelo IPEN, com facilidade e sem prejuízo para o paciente.Hospital Israelita Albert EinsteinIPENUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)Faculdade de Medicina Anhembi-MorumbiUNIFESPSciEL

    Hookworm Infection and Environmental Factors in Mbeya Region, Tanzania: A Cross-sectional, Population-based study.

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    Hookworm disease is one of the most common infections and cause of a high disease burden in the tropics and subtropics. Remotely sensed ecological data and model-based geostatistics have been used recently to identify areas in need for hookworm control. Cross-sectional interview data and stool samples from 6,375 participants from nine different sites in Mbeya region, south-western Tanzania, were collected as part of a cohort study. Hookworm infection was assessed by microscopy of duplicate Kato-Katz thick smears from one stool sample from each participant. A geographic information system was used to obtain remotely sensed environmental data such as land surface temperature (LST), vegetation cover, rainfall, and elevation, and combine them with hookworm infection data and with socio-demographic and behavioral data. Uni- and multivariable logistic regression was performed on sites separately and on the pooled dataset. Univariable analyses yielded significant associations for all ecological variables. Five ecological variables stayed significant in the final multivariable model: population density (odds ratio (OR) = 0.68; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.63-0.73), mean annual vegetation density (OR = 0.11; 95% CI = 0.06-0.18), mean annual LST during the day (OR = 0.81; 95% CI = 0.75-0.88), mean annual LST during the night (OR = 1.54; 95% CI = 1.44-1.64), and latrine coverage in household surroundings (OR = 1.02; 95% CI = 1.01-1.04). Interaction terms revealed substantial differences in associations of hookworm infection with population density, mean annual enhanced vegetation index, and latrine coverage between the two sites with the highest prevalence of infection. This study supports previous findings that remotely sensed data such as vegetation indices, LST, and elevation are strongly associated with hookworm prevalence. However, the results indicate that the influence of environmental conditions can differ substantially within a relatively small geographic area. The use of large-scale associations as a predictive tool on smaller scales is therefore problematic and should be handled with care

    SNP assay to detect the ‘Hyuuga’ red-brown lesion resistance gene for Asian soybean rust

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    Asian soybean rust (ASR), caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi Syd., has the potential to become a serious threat to soybean, Glycine max L. Merr., production in the USA. A novel rust resistance gene, Rpp?(Hyuuga), from the Japanese soybean cultivar Hyuuga has been identified and mapped to soybean chromosome 6 (Gm06). Our objectives were to fine-map the Rpp?(Hyuuga) gene and develop a high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) assay to detect this ASR resistance gene. The integration of recombination events from two different soybean populations and the ASR reaction data indicates that the Rpp?(Hyuuga) locus is located in a region of approximately 371 kb between STS70887 and STS70923 on chromosome Gm06. A set of 32 ancestral genotypes which is predicted to contain 95% of the alleles present in current elite North American breeding populations and the sources of the previously reported ASR resistance genes (Rpp1, Rpp2, Rpp3, Rpp4, Rpp5, and rpp5) were genotyped with five SNP markers. We developed a SimpleProbe assay based on melting curve analysis for SNP06-44058 which is tighly linked to the Rpp?(Hyuuga) gene. This SNP assay can differentiate plants/lines that are homozygous/homogeneous or heterozygous/heterogeneous for the resistant and susceptible alleles at the Rpp?(Hyuuga) locus