1,558 research outputs found

    Antichain Algorithms for Finite Automata

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    We present a general theory that exploits simulation relations on transition systems to obtain antichain algorithms for solving the reachability and repeated reachability problems. Antichains are more succinct than the sets of states manipulated by the traditional fixpoint algorithms. The theory justifies the correctness of the antichain algorithms, and applications such as the universality problem for finite automata illustrate efficiency improvements. Finally, we show that new and provably better antichain algorithms can be obtained for the emptiness problem of alternating automata over finite and infinite words

    Mightyl: A compositional translation from mitl to timed automata

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    Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) was first proposed in the early 1990s as a specification formalism for real-time systems. Apart from its appealing intuitive syntax, there are also theoretical evidences that make MITL a prime real-time counterpart of Linear Temporal Logic (LTL). Unfortunately, the tool support for MITL verification is still lacking to this day. In this paper, we propose a new construction from MITL to timed automata via very-weak one-clock alternating timed automata. Our construction subsumes the well-known construction from LTL to Büchi automata by Gastin and Oddoux and yet has the additional benefits of being compositional and integrating easily with existing tools. We implement the construction in our new tool MightyL and report on experiments using Uppaal and LTSmin as back-ends

    Integrating discrete- and continuous-time metric temporal logics through sampling

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    Abstract. Real-time systems usually encompass parts that are best described by a continuous-time model, such as physical processes under control, together with other components that are more naturally formalized by a discrete-time model, such as digital computing modules. Describing such systems in a unified framework based on metric temporal logic requires to integrate formulas which are interpreted over discrete and continuous time. In this paper, we tackle this problem with reference to the metric temporal logic TRIO, that admits both a discrete-time and a continuous-time semantics. We identify sufficient conditions under which TRIO formulas have a consistent truth value when moving from continuous-time to discrete-time interpretations, or vice versa. These conditions basically involve the restriction to a proper subset of the TRIO language and a requirement on the finite variability over time of the basic items in the specification formulas. We demonstrate the approach with an example of specification and verification

    The placebo effect in the motor domain is differently modulated by the external and internal focus of attention

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    Among the cognitive strategies that can facilitate motor performance in sport and physical practice, a prominent role is played by the direction of the focus of attention and the placebo effect. Consistent evidence converges in indicating that these two cognitive functions can influence the motor outcome, although no study up-to-now tried to study them together in the motor domain. In this explorative study, we combine for the first time these approaches, by applying a placebo procedure to increase force and by manipulating the focus of attention with explicit verbal instructions. Sixty healthy volunteers were asked to perform abduction movements with the index finger as strongly as possible against a piston and attention could be directed either toward the movements of the finger (internal focus, IF) or toward the movements of the piston (external focus, EF). Participants were randomized in 4 groups: two groups underwent a placebo procedure (Placebo-IF and Placebo-EF), in which an inert treatment was applied on the finger with verbal information on its positive effects on force; two groups underwent a control procedure (Control-IF and Control-EF), in which the same treatment was applied with overt information about its inefficacy. The placebo groups were conditioned about the effects of the treatment with a surreptitious amplification of a visual feedback signalling the level of force. During the whole procedure, we recorded actual force, subjective variables and electromyography from the hand muscles. The Placebo-IF group had higher force levels after the procedure than before, whereas the Placebo-EF group had a decrease of force. Electromyography showed that the Placebo-IF group increased the muscle units recruitment without changing the firing rate. These findings show for the first time that the placebo effect in motor performance can be influenced by the subject\u2019s attentional focus, being enhanced with the internal focus of attention

    The trigger system of the CHORUS experiment

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    A new apparatus for detection of νμντ\nu_{\mu} \rightarrow \nu_{\tau} oscillation has been successfully constructed and operated by the CHORUS Collaboration for the CERN-WA95 experiment. The design , implementation and performance of the electronic trigger system is described. A trigger efficiency of 99%\% was measured for νμ\nu_{\mu} charged current events and 90%\% for neutral current e vents

    Faddeev Calculations of Proton-Deuteron Radiative Capture with Exchange Currents

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    pd capture processes at various energies have been analyzed based on solutions of 3N-Faddeev equations and using modern NN forces. The application of the Siegert theorem is compared to the explicit use of π\pi- and ρ\rho-like exchange currents connected to the AV18 NN interaction. Overall good agreement with cross sections and spin observables has been obtained but leaving room for improvement in some cases. Feasibility studies for 3NF's consistently included in the 3N continuum and the 3N bound state have been performed as well.Comment: Minor changes in notation, ps files for figure