608 research outputs found

    Light Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries Using V2O5 Cathodes

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    Solar energy is one of the most actively pursued renewable energy sources, but like many other sustainable energy sources, its intermittent character means solar cells have to be connected to an energy storage system to balance production and demand. To improve the efficiency of this energy conversion and storage process, photobatteries have recently been proposed where one of the battery electrodes is made from a photoactive material that can directly be charged by light without using solar cells. Here, we present photorechargeable lithium-ion batteries (Photo-LIBs) using photocathodes based on vanadium pentoxide nanofibers mixed with P3HT and rGO additives. These photocathodes support the photocharge separation and transportation process needed to recharge. The proposed Photo-LIBs show capacity enhancements of more than 57% under illumination and can be charged to ∼2.82 V using light and achieve conversion efficiencies of ∼2.6% for 455 nm illumination and ∼0.22% for 1 sun illumination

    Structural Evolution of Electrochemically Lithiated MoS2_{2} Nanosheets and the Role of Carbon Additive in Li-Ion Batteries

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    Understanding the structure and phase changes associated with conversion-type materials is key to optimizing their electrochemical performance in Li-ion batteries. For example, molybdenum disulfide (MoS2_{2}) offers a capacity up to 3-fold higher (∼1 Ah/g) than the currently used graphite anodes, but they suffer from limited Coulombic efficiency and capacity fading. The lack of insights into the structural dynamics induced by electrochemical conversion of MoS2_{2} still hampers its implementation in high energy-density batteries. Here, by combining ab initio\textit{ab initio} density-functional theory (DFT) simulation with electrochemical analysis, we found new sulfur-enriched intermediates that progressively insulate MoS2_{2} electrodes and cause instability from the first discharge cycle. Because of this, the choice of conductive additives is critical for the battery performance. We investigate the mechanistic role of carbon additive by comparing equal loading of standard Super P carbon powder and carbon nanotubes (CNTs). The latter offer a nearly 2-fold increase in capacity and a 45% reduction in resistance along with Coulombic efficiency of over 90%. These insights into the phase changes during MoS2_{2} conversion reactions and stabilization methods provide new solutions for implementing cost-effective metal sulfide electrodes, including Li-S systems in high energy-density batteries.C.G and M.D.V acknowledge the support from ERC starting grant 337739-HIENA. A.J.M. acknowledges the support from the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability. Computational resources were provided by the Cambridge High Performance Computing service. M.H.M acknowledges the support from EPSRC Cambridge NanoDTC, EP/G037221/1

    Strain-engineered manufacturing of freeform carbon nanotube microstructures.

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    The skins of many plants and animals have intricate microscale surface features that give rise to properties such as directed water repellency and adhesion, camouflage, and resistance to fouling. However, engineered mimicry of these designs has been restrained by the limited capabilities of top-down fabrication processes. Here we demonstrate a new technique for scalable manufacturing of freeform microstructures via strain-engineered growth of aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Offset patterning of the CNT growth catalyst is used to locally modulate the CNT growth rate. This causes the CNTs to collectively bend during growth, with exceptional uniformity over large areas. The final shape of the curved CNT microstructures can be designed via finite element modeling, and compound catalyst shapes produce microstructures with multidirectional curvature and unusual self-organized patterns. Conformal coating of the CNTs enables tuning of the mechanical properties independently from the microstructure geometry, representing a versatile principle for design and manufacturing of complex microstructured surfaces.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final published version can be found in Nature Communications here: http://www.nature.com/ncomms/2014/140729/ncomms5512/full/ncomms5512.html. This paper will be under embargo until 29/1/15

    SU8 etch mask for patterning PDMS and its application to flexible fluidic microactuators.

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    Over the past few decades, polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) has become the material of choice for a variety of microsystem applications, including microfluidics, imprint lithography, and soft microrobotics. For most of these applications, PDMS is processed by replication molding; however, new applications would greatly benefit from the ability to pattern PDMS films using lithography and etching. Metal hardmasks, in conjunction with reactive ion etching (RIE), have been reported as a method for patterning PDMS; however, this approach suffers from a high surface roughness because of metal redeposition and limited etch thickness due to poor etch selectivity. We found that a combination of LOR and SU8 photoresists enables the patterning of thick PDMS layers by RIE without redeposition problems. We demonstrate the ability to etch 1.5-μm pillars in PDMS with a selectivity of 3.4. Furthermore, we use this process to lithographically process flexible fluidic microactuators without any manual transfer or cutting step. The actuator achieves a bidirectional rotation of 50° at a pressure of 200 kPa. This process provides a unique opportunity to scale down these actuators as well as other PDMS-based devices.BG is a Doctoral Fellow of the Research Foundation—Flanders (F.W.O.), Belgium. MDV acknowledges support from the ERC starting grant HIENA (no. 337739)

    3D Microstructured Carbon Nanotube Electrodes for Trapping and Recording Electrogenic Cells

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    Electrogenic cells such as cardiomyocytes and neurons rely mainly on electrical signals for intercellular communication. Microelectrode arrays (MEAs) have been developed for long-term recording of cell signals and stimulation of electrogenic cells under low-cell-stress conditions, providing new insights in the behavior of electrogenic cells and the operation of the brain. To date, MEAs are relying on flat or needle-shaped electrode surfaces, mainly due to limitations in the lithographic processes. This paper relies on a previously reported elasto-capillary aggregation process to create 3D carbon nanotube (CNT) MEAs. This study shows that CNTs aggregate in well-shaped structures of similar size as cardiomyocytes are particularly interesting for MEA applications. This is because i) CNT microwells of the right diameter preferentially trap individual cardiomyocytes, which facilitates single cell recording without the need for clamping cells or signal deconvolution, and ii) once the cells are trapped inside of the CNT wells, this 3D CNT structure is used as an electrode surrounding the cell, which increases the cell-electrode contact area. As a result, this study finds that the recorded output voltages increase significantly (more than 200%). This fabrication process paves the way for future study of complex interactions between electrogenic cells and 3D recording electrodes.This work was supported by the Research Foundation—Flanders (FWO, Belgium) under Project No. 11S1214N. Michael De Volder was supported by the ERC Starting Grant (337739)—HIENA and the Marie Curie Grant CANA (618250). Davor Copic was supported by the Marie Curie Grant EmuCam (660351)

    Hardware Sequencing of Inflatable Nonlinear Actuators for Autonomous Soft Robots

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    Soft robots are an interesting alternative for classic rigid robots in appli-cations requiring interaction with organisms or delicate objects. Elastic inflatable actuators are one of the preferred actuation mechanisms for soft robots since they are intrinsically safe and soft. However, these pneumatic actuators each require a dedicated pressure supply and valve to drive and control their actuation sequence. Because of the relatively large size of pres-sure supplies and valves compared to electrical leads and electronic control-lers, tethering pneumatic soft robots with multiple degrees of freedom is bulky and unpractical. Here, a new approach is described to embed hardware intelligence in soft robots where multiple actuators are attached to the same pressure supply, and their actuation sequence is programmed by the inter-action between nonlinear actuators and passive flow restrictions. How to model this hardware sequencing is discussed, and it is demonstrated on an 8-degree-of-freedom walking robot where each limb comprises two actua-tors with a sequence embedded in their hardware. The robot is able to carry pay loads of 800 g in addition to its own weight and is able to walk at travel speeds of 3 body lengths per minute, without the need for complex on-board valves or bulky tethers.ERC starting gran
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