163 research outputs found

    Multivariate analysis of granitic micromodelate: comparative interpretation on the gnamma genesis and development in old massifs

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    [Abstract] Statistic analysis results of two microforms samples from differentiated geomorphic environment (Ourense, Galicia, Spain) are displayed in this paper. Explanation test recent contributions about the genesis and development of granitic micromodelate. Conclusion summarize as a whole significant questions in opening process, depth increase and present stage of gnammas

    Referentes de identidad cultural en el espacio turĂ­stico del sur de Galicia

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    XII Coloquio de Geografía del Turismo, Ocio y Recreación de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles. Colmenarejo (Madrid), del 17 al 19 de junio de 2010.Este trabajo se desarrolla en el marco del proyecto de investigación "Turismo, territorio e identidad: procesos de revalorización de espacios y actividades en el medio rural español. Un anålisis comparado de los casos de Cataluña, Galicia y Murcia" (Plan Nacional de I+D+I), financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Referencia: CS02009-11793Publicad

    Development trends of tafoni forms (incipient stages)

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    [Abstract] Forms called tafoni, diversified in different stages, are complex natural systems. The systematic register of their measurements is performed in order to infer relative ages and to use the results to reconstruct landscape evolution. The analysis of depth measures of the cavities developed into several tafoni demonstrates, for incipient cases in Galicia (NW of Iberian Peninsula), trends with different evolutionary trajectories. Depth measures were processed with robust statistical techniques. The development of tafoni combines linear and non-linear phases. This behaviour is related to the increase of complexity through self-organisation

    Varied evidence and significant test on subaerial degradation on granitic minor forms: several case analysis

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    [Abstract] This paper deals with a whole significant questions on the subaerial evolution stage in the granitic minor forms, starting from several gnammas database. First, the ratio depth values (maximum/minimum) are inspect at their theoretical interpretation, related to the expected exposure time for the cavity; the following analysis test differential thresholds in order to establish development patterns, outcome from multivariate statistical techniques application on varied geomorphic environments. The results discussion and derived explanation show that gnamma degradative process is contemporary to the agradative process in epigenic conditions; the present observations variety is associated to special nature and temporary change of the different mechanism regulator components (lithology, morphometry, denudation magnitude, geomorphological evolution and microtopography)

    Control variables on the genesis and development of granitic modelate: analysis of microforms at the Macizo de Manzaneda (Galicia, NW Spain)

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    [Abstract] Morphometric analysis results from Manzaneda granitic massif(Galicia, Spain) is displayed. Field observations ofgnammas sample are subject to exploratory and multivariate techniques. Explanation results provide conclusion set to confirm the origin and development hypothesis ofthis micromodelate, weighting control variables involved in the same

    DTDA: An R Package to Analyze Randomly Truncated Data

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    In this paper, the R package DTDA for analyzing truncated data is described. This package contains tools for performing three different but related algorithms to compute the nonparametric maximum likelihood estimator of the survival function in the presence of random truncation. More precisely, the package implements the algorithms proposed by Efron and Petrosian (1999) and Shen (2008), for analyzing randomly one-sided and two-sided (i.e., doubly) truncated data. These algorithms and some recent extensions are briefly reviewed. Two real data sets are used to show how DTDA package works in practice.
