23 research outputs found

    All in the mix

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    All in the mix: class, race and school choice considers how parents choose secondary schools for their children and makes an important intervention into debates on school choice and education. The book examines how parents talk about race, religion and class – in the process of choosing. It also explores how parents’ own racialised and classed positions, as well as their experience of education, can shape the way they approach choosing schools. Based on in-depth interviews with parents from different classed and racialised backgrounds in three areas in and around Manchester, the book shows how discussions about school choice are shaped by the places in which the choices are made. It argues that careful consideration of choosing schools opens up a moment to explore the ways in which people imagine themselves, their children and others in social, relational space

    Restorative justice as a way to approach lgbt hate crimes. Alongside a look on hate crimes regulation and prevention

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    Restorative justice is still developing as a way to handle offenses, despite of the remarkably good assessments that experts have given about it. This is a qualitative research that aims to investigate how restorative justice would operate in the case of LGBT hate crimes. In such offenses, both victims and offenders have certain characteristics and needs. The investigation tries to assess if these circumstances could be successfully dealt with by using restorative justice, and the opinion of LGBT people both educated and non educated in criminal justice is recognized as well. Other relevant areas that are examined are hate crime regulation in Spain and its application, other than LGBT people‟s opinion on the penalties for such offenses. LGBT hate crime prevention is also discussed, and after recognizing some setbacks or implementation problems that restorative justice might have, some proposals to improve its practice are presented. Also, a new project developed by the European Forum for Restorative Justice with a huge potential to improve its use in such crimes is briefly presented in the research

    Introducción: Comprender la investigación sobre migraciones (a través de fronteras nacionales y académicas) en Europa

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    Die Einleitung zu dieser FQS-Schwerpunktausgabe "Qualitative Migrationsforschung im Europa der Gegenwart" stützt sich auf das Argument, dass Zuwanderung ein Phänomen ist, welches Zeit und Raum transzendiert. Sie ist eine zeitlose menschliche Strategie zur Verbesserung der Lebensbedingungen und kann als "natürliches" Verhalten von Menschen definiert werden. Erst mit Prozessen der Nationalstaatsbildung, der Europäisierung, der Globalisierung und ökonomischen Polarisierung, für die sich im freien "Wandern" von Menschen ein Problem konstituiert, wird Migration zum Gegenstand wissenschaftlicher Forschung und Auseinandersetzung. Wissenschaftler und Wissenschafterinnen haben auf die Konstituierung der Migration als Forschungsgegenstand in einer Vielzahl von Disziplinen reagiert; heute greifen sie auf Erkenntnisse aus vielen Staaten und auf ein breites Spektrum angewandter Methoden zurück, um Migration allgemein und die Prozesse und Strukturen von Europas "neuer" Zuwanderung im Besonderen zu verstehen. Wissenschaft sieht sich zugleich einer verwirrenden Diversität von Wanderungsbewegungen und vorhandenen Minderheiten gegenüber, die daraus resultieren. Diese Komplexität, so argumentiert der vorliegende Beitrag, stellt eine neue Herausforderung für die europäische Migrationsforschung dar – insbesondere wenn sie die Wanderungsbewegungen und -prozesse auf gesamteuropäischer Ebene zu verstehen sucht. In diesem Sinne beruht die vorliegende Artikelsammlung auf der Intention, aus verschiedenen nationalen und disziplinären Perspektiven heraus die Anforderungen zeitgenössischer Migrationsforschung in Europa zu beleuchten, und die folgende Einleitung konstituiert den ersten Schritt. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs060339In this introduction to the special issue we argue that migration is a phenomenon that shifts space and time. It is an ageless human strategy to improve life and could be defined as a natural behaviour of human beings. What makes migration a subject of investigation are processes like nation-state-building, Europeanisation, globalisation and economic polarisation, which problematise the free movement of people. Academic researchers have responded to the challenges associated with this by drawing upon a range of disciplines, gathering evidence from a variety of countries, and employing an array of methodological tools to examine the emergent and evolving processes and patterns of Europe's new migration. Nonetheless, one is still faced with bewildering diversity in terms of migrant flows and the minority communities that form from these. This complexity, we argue, presents a new challenge for European migration research, particularly to those researchers attempting to understand patterns and processes of migration at a pan-European level and/or entering the field for the first time. The collection is an attempt to explore these challenges from different national and disciplinary perspectives and this introduction is designed to set the scene for this project. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs060339En esta introducción a este número especial defendemos que las migraciones son un fenómeno que traspasa tiempos y espacios; una inmemorial estrategia humana para mejorar la vida que podría ser definida como un comportamiento humano natural. Lo que convierte a las migraciones en un tema de investigación son procesos como la constitución de Estados-nación, la construcción europea, la globalización o la polarización económica, que problematizan el libre movimiento de las personas. Los investigadores académicos han respondido a este desafío partiendo de una diversidad de disciplinas, reuniendo datos de diferentes países y empleando un conjunto de herramientas metodológicas para examinar la emergencia y evolución de los procesos y de las características de las nuevas migraciones europeas. No obstante, seguimos enfrentándonos a una desconcertante diversidad de flujos migratorios y de comunidades inmigradas. Esta complejidad representa un nuevo desafío para la investigación sobre migraciones en Europa, particularmente para aquellos investigadores que intentan comprender patrones y procesos de migración en un nivel paneuropeo y/o accediendo al terreno por primera vez. Este número es un intento de explorar dichos desafíos desde diferentes perspectivas nacionales y disciplinares y esta introducción trata de fijar las bases de dicho proyecto. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs06033

    ‘Re-mediating’ the ruptures of migration: the use of internet and mobile phones in migrant women’s organizations in Ireland

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    There is a common conception that new information and communication technologies have the potential to achieve greater social equity; to empower migrants, particularly in the construction of diasporic spaces and agency. However, this achievement is not uniform: media are enmeshed in pre-existent power structures. Gender, class, and ‘race’ mark the lines of the technological divide. To explore these issues, we look at the case of migrant women in Ireland who are active in migrant organisations. Despite uneven access to mediated information flows, adaptive innovation in communication technology use is evident in these organisations. Mediatised communication and information are integral to their day-today management, in such a way as to both consolidate and expand existing ‘offline’ networks. While problematising notions of migrant belongings and affiliations, our research entails a critical rethinking of several commonplace preconceptions in popular discourse: the ‘migrant’, the ‘individual’ technology user, and the idea of technology access as a ‘pure good’

    Diaspora, gender and narrative journeys : Italian migrant women in Ireland

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    THESIS 8481Diaspora, Gender And Narrative Journeys: Italian Migrant Women In Ireland. This study concerns Italian migrant women in Ireland, who are the most invisible subjects of a forgotten yet ?exceptional? history of migration. It focuses on migrants? sense of belonging and affiliation, conceptualising the Italian women?s condition of being in migration as that of a ?double diaspora? (doubly invisible and removed, as migrant and as women but also as actors of a two-tiered sociality). The analysis is based on open-ended and unstructured interviews conducted with 29 Italian women of first, second and third-generation migrants and on document analysis, focusing on existing representations of Italian migrants in Ireland and on the politicisation of diasporic discourses in Italy. This study holds women?s personal narratives as informative of gendered meanings of migration, and as performative practices, which allow shifting gender norms to sustain the fluidity of diasporic identities. The analysis demonstrates that in diaspora, women\u27s narrative practices function as a social strategy to create collective (gender and diasporic) boundaries, which are both stable and shifting. Women?s narratives allow the women to forge new gender roles within their families and groups and to find a place in their diasporic destinations, supporting their migration process, providing them company and containing their isolation

    Quale co-partecipazione è possibile? Una riflessione critica sull'organizzazione e co-progettazione degli Usability Test e della sperimentazione pubblica di MICADO a Bologna

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    Quale co-partecipazione è possibile? Una riflessione critica sull’organizzazione e co-progettazione degli Usability Test e della sperimentazione pubblica di MICADO a Bologn

    Pero lo que es interesante es la historia de por qué y cómo ocurrieron las migraciones

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    Die Rezeption qualitativer Methodologien in der Migrationsforschung und ihre Anwendung verleiht der alten Frage nach der Rolle und der sozialen Lage der Forschenden sowie ihrer Bedeutung im Forschungsprozess neues Gewicht. Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen, die selbst Zuwanderung erfahren haben und/oder Mitglied einer Minorität sind, sind auf besonders interessante Weise in den qualitativen Forschungsprozess "involviert". Auf der Grundlage ihrer eigenen Forschungserfahrung und -position als Zuwanderer/Minderheiten-Forscher wurden Ronit LENTIN und Hassan BOUSETTA über die theoretischen und methodischen Implikationen der Reflektion eben dieser Stellung befragt. Der Fokus des Interviews liegt dabei auf der Möglichkeit, durch den reflexiven Umgang mit der Positionalität der Forschenden asymmetrische Machtverhältnisse in der Interviewsituation aufzubrechen. In besonderer Weise gewinnt die Rolle des Geschlechts in der Diskussion an Bedeutung. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0603139Qualitative methodologies in migration studies are bringing new emphasis on the old question of the role and positionality of the researcher. The researcher with an experience of migration and as a member of a minority community is positioned in a qualitative research process in a particularly interesting and revealing way. We ask Ronit LENTIN and Hassan BOUSETTA to consider the implications of such a positionality. The questions raised are focusing on their experiences as migrant/minority researchers, with particular emphasis placed on gender and on the potential of a reflexive engagement with positionality to disrupt asymmetrical power relations in the field. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs0603139Las metodologías cualitativas en los estudios sobre migraciones están dando un nuevo énfasis a la cuestión del papel y la posición del investigador. El investigador que posee una experiencia migratoria y/o como miembro de una comunidad minoritaria está "implicado" en el proceso de investigación cualitativa de una manera particularmente interesante. Pedimos a Ronit LENTIN y a Hassan BOUSETTA que reflexionen sobre las implicaciones de dicha posición. Nos concentramos en sus experiencias como investigadores inmigrantes o como miembros de una minoría, haciendo especial hincapié en las posibilidades de subvertir relaciones de poder asimétricas en este campo mediante un compromiso reflexivo con la posición del investigador. El papel del sexo del investigador aparece de manera predominante en la discusión. URN: urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs060313


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    This provocative collection of essays adds a new dimension to our understanding of nation-building through its examination of the role of intimate cultural processes. First, by exploring the private lives of migrants from Italy through biography, oral history, and ethnography, these essays suggest why and how—across cultures—Italianness has come to be associated with a particular kind of femininity and supposedly distinctive elements of domestic life symbolized by long-held stereotypes of the Italian mother. On a larger scale, while the editors and contributors share with previous works on the Italian diaspora a keen interest in the imagining of nations across national borders, here they refocus our attention to the significance of the domestic, particularly the lives of individual men and women, their families, and the communities they loved—and left behind