843 research outputs found

    A cross-sectional study on prevalence and predictors of burnout among a sample of pharmacists employed in pharmacies in Central Italy

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    Burnout is defined as an occupational phenomenon linked to chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed and included among the factors influencing health status or contact with health services. Although several studies were performed for assessing this phenomenon, there is a lack of data on the prevalence of burnout and associated predictors, due to different definitions of the syndrome and heterogeneity of assessment methods. One of the well-known evidences on burnout is related to the highest risk professions, which include policemen, firemen, teachers, psychologists, medical students, nurses, physicians, and other health professionals, such as pharmacists. Objective. The aims of the present study were to (1) assess the occurrence of burnout syndrome among a sample of pharmacists employed in public and private pharmacies located in Rome province (Latium Region; central Italy); (2) evaluate the role of some potential predictors for the development of the syndrome. Materials and Methods. A questionnaire elaborated ad hoc was administered online to 2,000 members of the Association of Professional Pharmacists of Rome and its province and employed in public or private pharmacies. The questionnaire included the 14-item Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure (SMBM) tool and questions on demographic characteristics and working conditions. Results. Physical exhaustion was the burnout dimension with the highest score; besides, approximately 11% of the studied pharmacists were categorized as having clinically relevant burnout levels (≥4.40). Several of the investigated variables significantly influenced the single burnout dimensions at the univariate analyses; multivariate analyses demonstrated that alcohol consumption and workplace location have a significant independent role on the overall SMBM index, while working time significantly influences clinically relevant burnout level. Conclusions. The results revealed that pharmacists are at risk of burnout, and thus, it is necessary to perform specific preventive intervention for managing this occupational threat

    Association between work related stress and health related quality of life: the impact of socio-demographic variables. A cross sectional study in a region of central Italy

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    The aim of this work is investigate relationship between health-related quality of life and work-related stress and the impact of gender, education level, and age on this relationship. A cross-sectional study was conducted among workers of various setting in Rome and Frosinone. Work-related stress was measured with a demand-control questionnaire and health-related functioning by SF (short form)-12 health survey. There were 611 participants. Men reported high mental composite summary (MCS) and physical composite summary (PCS). In multivariate analysis age, gender (p < 0.001) and job demand (0.045) predicted low PCS. Low MCS predicted poor PCS. Job demand and educational level resulted negatively associated with MCS. In an analysis stratified for age, gender, and educational level, gender and age resulted effect modifier for MCS, gender and education level for PCS. In women increase of decision latitude predict (p = 0.001) an increase in MCS; a low job demand predict high MCS in male (p ≤ 0.001). In younger workers, a lower level of job demand predicted high MCS (<0.001). For PCS, gender and education level resulted effect modifier. In women, high decision latitude predicted higher PCS (p = 0.001) and lower level of job demand results in higher PCS (p ≤ 0.001). Higher educational level resulted predictor of low PCS. Management of risk about work-related stress should consider socio-demographic factors

    Le Elezioni Politiche 2013

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    Le elezioni politiche del 24 e 25 febbraio 2013 hanno sancito un forte cambiamento della struttura del sistema partitico italiano. In un contesto di altissima volatilità elettorale e di accelerato declino della partecipazione al voto, il sistema è divenuto sostanzialmente tripolare, dopo vent’anni di strutturazione e tenuta del bipolarismo. A questo esito hanno concorso da un lato l’erosione dei principali schieramenti politici che a partire dal novembre 2011 avevano sostenuto l’esperienza del governo Monti (nonché la deludente prova elettorale dello stesso Presidente del Consiglio uscente), e dall’altro lo straordinario successo del Movimento 5 stelle. Quest’ultimo, al primo test elettorale di livello nazionale, ha raccolto un risultato sorprendente, giungendo ad oltre un quarto dei voti validi. Siamo di fronte ad una parentesi momentanea dovuta all’effetto combinato di crisi economica e crisi politica, oppure le contraddizioni interne alla Seconda Repubblica l’hanno condotta effettivamente al suo crepuscolo? Come uscirà il sistema partitico italiano da questa nuova fase di destabilizzazione? Questo quarto Dossier CISE, che raccoglie contributi apparsi sul sito web del Cise prima e dopo le elezioni, fornisce una prima analisi del voto, presentando elaborazioni su dati aggregati, stime dei flussi elettorali, alcune prime analisi su dati di sondaggio, nonché una panoramica dei nuovi eletti e un’appendice ricca di tabelle e mappe riassuntive del risultato elettorale. Come i precedenti Dossier, si tratta di uno strumento prodotto rapidamente all’indomani del voto, con l’intento di suggerire primi spunti di interpretazione da approfondire in seguito, cercando di contribuire alla lettura di un risultato elettorale cruciale, in una delicata fase di cambiamento del sistema partitico italiano

    L’ambiente carsico e l’idrogeologia dei gessi di Sassalbo (MS)

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    Nel Canale dell’Acqua Torbida (Alta Lunigiana), si trova il maggiore affioramento di evaporiti triassiche della Toscana. Rispetto ai gessi dell’Alta val Secchia (RE), di cui sono il lembo meridionale, appaiono molto meno tettonizzati. L’area carsica, che comprende in prevalenza calcari cavernosi, ha una superficie complessiva di circa 2,2 km2 in cui sono ben rappresentate forme carsiche superficiali, sia macro che micro. Anche i fenomeni carsici sotterranei sembrano essere ben sviluppati: la loro genesi è stata attribuita a periodi di avanzata e arretramento dei ghiacciai durante l’ultimo glaciale. Attualmente nel catasto toscano sono registrate 5 cavità, di cui 4 rilevate. Nell’ambito del Progetto Trias II (studio interdisciplinare svolto dalla Società Speleologica Italiana per conto del Parco Nazionale dell’Appennino Tosco-Emiliano) è stato possibile studiare l’area dal punto di vista morfologico, speleologico e idrochimico, monitorando in continuo alcune delle principali risorgenti carsiche parallelamente ai torrenti cui esse potevano risultare connesse. Nel presente lavoro, dopo breve illustrazione delle morfologie epigee ed ipogee, vengono presentati i risultati del monitoraggio idrologico. Le analisi hanno permesso di evidenziare come in molti casi le acque del carso di Sassalbo siano chimicamente molto simili a quelle del sistema ad ansa ipogea del Tanone della Gacciolina in Alta val di Secchia. Fanno eccezione altre sorgenti, alimentate quasi esclusivamente dalla serie marnoso arenacea e dal macigno, che presentano comportamenti idrodinamici differenti in funzione dei loro specifici bacini di alimentazione.Karst and hydrology of the Sassalbo Gypsa (Massa Carrara – Italy) The largest triassic evaporitic outcrop of Tuscany is located inside the Acqua Torbida creek (Upper Lunigiana). They represent the southernmost and less tectonized part of the Upper Secchia Gypsa (RE). The karst area (some 2,2) consists mostly of limestone (Calcari Cavernosi) with well developed macro – and micro – forms. The underground phenomena are mainly related to the mouventes of glacial tongues during the last Glacial. 5 cavities are presently known and inserted in the Tuscany Cadaster, 4 of which mapped. In the framework of the Trias II Project (an interdisciplinary study sponsored by the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park and performed by the Italian Speleological Society) this area has been investigated from the morphological, speleological, hydrochemical point of view while some of the major springs and related rivers were monitored. In the paper after a short description of the epigean and hypogean forms, the achieved result during the hydrological study are presented. This study evidenced that in many occurrences the behavior of the Sassalbo karst waters is very similar to that of the Tanone della Gacciolina cave in the Upper Secchia Valley. Only a few springs exhibit a different behavior being rather completely fed by the marnoso-arenacea and macigno formations

    Different patterns of lung recruitment maneuvers in primary acute respiratory distress syndrome: effects on oxygenation and central hemodynamics.

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    Role of PET gamma detection in radioguided surgery: a systematic review

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    Purpose This systematic review aimed to collect published studies concerning intraoperative gamma detection of positronemitting tracers for radioguided surgery (RGS) applications. Methods A systematic literature search of studies published until October 2022 was performed in Pubmed, Web Of Science, Central (Cochrane Library) and Scopus databases, including the following keywords: “Positron Emission Tomography” OR “PET” AND “Gamma” OR “γ” AND “Probe” AND “Radioguided Surgery” OR “RGS”. The included studies had to concern RGS procedures performed in at least 3 patients, regardless of the administered radiopharmaceutical and the field of application. Results Among to the 17 selected studies, all published between 2000 and 2022, only 2 investigations were conducted with gallium-68 (68Ga)-labeled somatostatin analogues, with fluorine-18-fluoro-2-deoxyglucose ([ 18F]FDG) being the most commonly used agent for RGS applications. Almost all studies were performed in oncologic patients, with only one paper also including inflammatory and infectious findings. The analysis showed that the largest part of procedures was performed through the intraoperative use of conventional gamma probes, not specifically designed for the detection of annihilation photons (n = 9), followed by PET gamma probes (n = 5) and with only three studies involving electronic collimation. Conclusions Regardless of the intraoperative devices, RGS with positron emitters seems to lead to significant improvements in surgeons’ ability to obtain a complete resection of tumors, even if the nature of photons resulting from positron–electron collision still remains extremely challenging and requires further technical advances

    18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalized gold nanoparticles (GNPs) for plasmonic photothermal ablation of cancer. A review

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    The meeting and merging between innovative nanotechnological systems, such as nanoparticles, and the persistent need to outperform diagnostic-therapeutic approaches to fighting cancer are revolutionizing the medical research scenario, leading us into the world of nanomedicine. Photothermal therapy (PTT) is a non-invasive thermo-ablative treatment in which cellular hyperthermia is generated through the interaction of near-infrared light with light-to-heat converter entities, such as gold nanoparticles (GNPs). GNPs have great potential to improve recovery time, cure complexity, and time spent on the treatment of specific types of cancer. The development of gold nanostructures for photothermal efficacy and target selectivity ensures effective and deep tissue-penetrating PTT with fewer worries about adverse effects from nonspecific distributions. Regardless of the thriving research recorded in the last decade regarding the multiple biomedical applications of nanoparticles and, in particular, their conjugation with drugs, few works have been completed regarding the possibility of combining GNPs with the cancer-targeted pharmaceutical fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG). This review aims to provide an actual scenario on the application of functionalized GNP-mediated PTT for cancer ablation purposes, regarding the opportunity given by the 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG) functionalization

    Yield, quality, antioxidant, and sensorial properties of diced tomato as affected by genotype and industrial processing in Southern Italy

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    Research was carried out on processing tomato in Southern Italy in order to compare four round-prismatic type hybrids oriented to diced produce (4420, Miceno, Nemabrix, Impact as a control). The hybrid Nemabrix attained the highest marketable yield (180.9 t ha–1, due to both the highest number of fruit per plant and their mean weight (103.7 and 70 g, respectively), and it was not significantly different from the other genotypes in terms of processing efficiency both as a total and along dicing chain (67.8% and 65.6%, respectively). Lycopene attained the highest concentration in Nemabrix (155 mg kg–1), and β–carotene was most concentrated in 4420 and Miceno (2.8 mg kg–1). Significant differences arose between the genotypes with regard to the sensorial variables aspect, colour, taste, firmness, and fresh taste

    Antimicrobial effects of chemically functionalized and/or photo-heated nanoparticles

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    Antibiotic resistance refers to when microorganisms survive and grow in the presence of specific antibiotics, a phenomenon mainly related to the indiscriminate widespread use and abuse of antibiotics. In this framework, thanks to the design and fabrication of original functional nanomaterials, nanotechnology offers a powerful weapon against several diseases such as cancer and pathogenic illness. Smart nanomaterials, such as metallic nanoparticles and semiconductor nanocrystals, enable the realization of novel drug-free medical therapies for fighting against antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In the light of the latest developments, we highlight the outstanding capabilities of several nanotechnology-inspired approaches to kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Chemically functionalized silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles have been employed for their intrinsic toxicity, which enables them to exhibit an antimicrobial activity while, in a different approach, photo-thermal properties of metallic nanoparticles have been theoretically studied and experimentally tested against several temperature sensitive (mesophilic) bacteria. We also show that it is possible to combine a highly localized targeting with a plasmonic-based heating therapy by properly functionalizing nanoparticle surfaces with covalently linked antibodies. As a perspective, the utilization of properly engineered and chemically functionalized nanomaterials opens a new roads for realizing antibiotic free treatments against pathogens and related diseases
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