56 research outputs found

    Exhumation of the ultra high-pressure Tso Morari unit in eastern Ladakh (NW Himalaya): a case study.

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    Exhumation processes of the ultra-high pressure (UHP) Tso Morari dome (NW-Himalaya) are investigated using structural, petrological and geochronological data. The UHP Tso Morari unit is bounded by the low-grade metamorphic Indus Suture Zone to the NE and Mata unit to the SW. Three deformation phases (D1, D2 and D3) are observed. Only D3 is common to the UHP unit and the surrounding units. In the UHP unit, the first deformation phase (D1) produced upright folds, under eclogitic conditions (> 20 kbar; 580 ± 60 °C). D1 is overprinted by D2 structures related to a NW-SE trending open anticline. This phase is characterized by blueschist mineral associations, and corresponds to the quasi-isothermal decompression from a depth of 90 km (eclogitic conditions) up to 30-40 km. The final exhumation phase of the Tso Morari unit is dominated by tectonic denudation and erosion (D3), associated with a slight temperature increase. Radiochronological analyses indicate that the UHP exhumation process began during the Eocene. Exhumation was fast during D1-D2 and slowed down through D3 in Oligocene time. The change in the deformation style from D1-D2 to D3 in the Tso Morari unit coincides with changes in the exhumation rates and in the metamorphic conditions. These changes may reflect the transition from an exhumation along the subduction plane in a serpentinized wedge, to the vertical uplift of the Tso Morari unit across the upper crust

    Three-dimensional surface displacement of the 2008 May 12 Sichuan earthquake (China) derived from Synthetic Aperture Radar: evidence for rupture on a blind thrust

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    International audienceThe Sichuan earthquake,Mw7.9, struck the Longmen Shan (LMS) range front,China, on 2008 May 12, affecting an area of moderate historical seismicity where little active shortening has been previously reported. Recent studies based on space geodesy have succeeded in retrieving the far field surface displacements caused by the earthquake, but the near field (±25 km from the faults) coseismic surface displacement is still poorly constrained. Thus, shallow fault geometry and shallow coseismic slip are still poorly resolved. Here, for the first time for this earthquake, we combine C and L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar offsets data from ascending and descending tracks to invert for the 3-D surface displacement in the near coseismic field of the Sichuan earthquake. Our data, coupled with a simple elastic dislocation model, provide new results strongly suggesting the presence of a blind thrust striking along the range front and being active at depth during the earthquake. The presence of a rupture on a blind thrust brings new evidence for an out-of-sequence thrusting event and new elements for interpreting the tectonic strain partitioning in the LMS, which has important implications both for seismic hazard assessment and long-term evolution of the mountain belt

    Reconstructing the total shortening history of the NW Himalaya.

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    The onset of India-Asia contact can be dated with both biostratigraphic analysis of syn-collisional sedimentary successions deposited on each side of the Indus Suture zone, and by radiometric dating of Indian crustal rocks which have undergone subduction to great depths in the earliest subduction-collision stages. These data, together with paleomagnetic data show that the initial contact of the Indian and Asian continental margins occurred at the Paleocene/Eocene boundary, corresponding to 55 ± 2 Ma. Such dating, which is consistent with all available geological evidence, including the record of magnetic anomalies in the Indian ocean and decrease of magmatic activity related to oceanic subduction can thus be considered as accurate and robust. The sedimentary record of the Tethys Himalaya rules out obduction of oceanic allochtons directly onto the Indian continental margin during the Late Cretaceous. The commonly inferred Late Cretaceous ophiolite obduction events may have thus occurred in intra-oceanic setting close to the Asian margin before its final emplacement onto the India margin during the Eocene. Granitoid and sedimentary rocks of the Indian crust, deformed during Permo-Carboniferous rifting, reached a depth of some 100 km about 1 Myr after the final closure of the Neo-Tethys, and began to be exhumed between 50 and 45 Ma. At this stage, the foreland basin sediments from Pakistan to India show significant supply from volcanic arcs and ophiolites of the Indus Suture Zone, indicating the absence of significant relief along the proto-Himalayan belt. Inversion of motion may have occurred within only 5 to 10 Myr after the collision onset, as soon as thicker and buoyant Indian crust chocked the subduction zone. The arrival of thick Indian crust within the convergent zone 50-45 Myr ago led to progressive stabilization of the India/Asia convergent rate and rapid stabilization of the Himalayan shortening rate of about 2 cm.yr-1. This first period also corresponds to the onset of terrestrial detrital sedimentation within the Indus Suture zone and to the Barrovian metamorphism on the Indian side of the collision zone. Equilibrium of the Himalayan thrust belt in terms of amount of shortening vs amount of erosion and thermal stabilization less than 10 Myr after the initial India/Asia contact is defined as the collisional regime. In contrast, the first 5 to 10 Myr corresponds to the transition from oceanic subduction to continental collision, characterized by a marked decrease of the shortening rate, onset of aerial topography, and progressive heating of the convergent zone. This period is defined as the continental subduction phase, accommodating more than 30% of the total Himalayan shortening

    Three dimensional surface displacement of the Sichuan earthquake (Mw 7.9, China) from Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    International audienceThe Sichuan earthquake, Mw 7.9, struck the Longmen Shan range front, in the western Sichuan province, China, on 12 May 2008. It severely affected an area where little historical seismicity and little or no significant active shortening were reported before the earthquake (e.g. Gu et al., 1989; Chen et al., 1994; Gan et al., 2007). The Longmen Shan thrust system bounds the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau and is considered as a transpressive zone since Triassic time that was reactivated during the India-Asia collision (e.g., Tapponnier and Molnar, 1977, Chen andWilson 1996; Arne et al., 1997, Godard et al., 2009). However, contrasting geological evidences of sparse thrusting and marked dextral strike-slip faulting during the Quaternary along with high topography (Burchfiel et al., 1995; Densmore et al., 2007) have led to models of dynamically driven and sustained topography (Royden et al., 1997) limiting the role of earthquakes in relief building and leaving the mechanism of long term strain distribution in this area as an open question. Here we combine C and L band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) offsets data from ascending and descending paths to retrieve the three dimensional surface displacement distribution all along the earthquake ruptures of the Sichuan earthquake. For the first time on this earthquake we present near field 3D co-seismic surface displacement, which is an important datum for constraining modelled fault geometry at depth. Our results complement other Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and field analyses in indicating that crustal shortening is one of the main drivers for topography building in the Longmen Shan (Liu-Zeng, 2009; Shen et al., 2009; Hubbard and Shaw, 2009). Moreover, our results put into evidence a small but significant amount of displacement in the range front that we interpret as due to slip at depth on a blind structure. We verify this hypothesis by inverting the data against a simple elastic dislocation model.We discuss this result and its implications for understanding strain partitioning during the Sichuan earthquake

    Mécanismes d'exhumation des roches de haute pression basse température en contexte de convergence continentale : Tso Morari, NO Himalaya

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    Au travers de l'étude pétrologique, géochronologique et structurale du dôme éclogitique du Tso Morari (E-Ladakh, Himalaya), les processus d'exhumation des roches de HP-BT sont discutés. La découverte d'éclogites à glaucophane, de métasédiments à jadéite-chloritoïde et de métagranites éclogitisés, implique la subduction du dôme du Tso Morari à plus de 70 km de profondeur (20 ± 3 kbar ; 580 ± 50°C). Son exhumation s'accompagne d'une décompression quasi-isothermale jusqu'à 40-30 km. Puis elle est associée à une augmentation de température (630 ± 30°C), et s'achève dans le faciès des Schistes Verts. Les unités adjacentes au dôme du Tso Morari sont peu métarmorphiques (faciès Schistes Verts ) et de nature différente. La chimie des basaltes montre une origine d'avant arc pour l'ophiolite de Nidar et d'OIB pour les unités de Drakkarpo et Ribil ; les roches basiques du Tso Morari sont au contraire des tholéiites continentales. L'origine indienne du Tso Morari est confirmée par les âges des orthogneisses à 458-457 Ma en Sm/Nd et Rb/Sr. La subduction de la marge indienne, est datée à 60-55 Ma par U-Pb et Lu-Hf. L'exhumation débute rapidement (≥ 4mm.an-1) entre 55 ± 7 Ma (Sm-Nd sur Grt-Gln-RT) et 48-45 Ma (Rb/Sr et 39Ar/40Ar sur des métapélites rétromorphosées), en contexte de subduction. L'exhumation se poursuit plus lentement (≈ 2 mm.an-1) de 48-45 Ma à 30 ± 1 Ma (âges 39Ar/40Ar sur micas), en contexte de collisions. Les structures (D1-D2), liées à l'extrusion verticale du dôme, sont indépendantes de celles des unités adjacentes. La transition entre D1, témoin d'un raccourcissement horizontal, et de D3 associé à du raccourcissement vertical , passe par un régime de déformation en constriction (D2). Les changements pétrologiques, structuraux et géochronologiques sont corrélés à des changements de géométrie à l'échelle des plaques. L'exhumation du Tso Morari débute par extrusion verticale à travers le coin mantéllique serpentinisé, en contexte de subduction continentale oblique. Puis le dôme est exhumé plus lentement à travers la croûte, à la faveur du sous-plaquage du cristallin du Haut Himalaya sous le Tso Morari, provoquant un épaississement crustal important, en contexte de collision. A partir de cette évolution, defférents modèles d'exhymations sont discutéspas de résum

    Characterization of building materials from the aqueduct of Antioch-on-the-Orontes (Turkey)

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    The Roman aqueduct of Antioch-on-the-Orontes (Turkey), a city located near the junction between the active Dead Sea fault and the East Anatolian fault, has been damaged several times due to historical earthquakes, as mentioned in ancient texts. The traces of repairs are studied in order to identify their potential seismic origin. The deformations of the structure were characterised thanks to a LIDAR scan. Several bricks were sampled on different parts of the city’s aqueducts, on the original structure and on repaired parts. The bricks were characterized through a petrological approach. 14C and archaeomagnetism were tested on the bricks in order to constrain the age of their production. The synthesis of all the data showed a local origin for the bricks, and led to the identification of several manufacturing techniques and several types of production, thus, confirming the potentiality of this approach to date and characterise post-seismic repairs.Archeosismicity along the Dead Sea Fault recorded by the Antioche-sur-Orontes aqueduc

    Gneiss domes of the Danba Metamorphic Complex, Songpan Ganze, eastern Tibet

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    International audienceIn this paper we address the formation and exhumation of the Danba Metamorphic Complex (DMC) that represents the deepest structural level of the Songpan Ganze terrane situated along the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau. The DMC comprises a variety of gneiss domes and offers a unique opportunity to decipher their development during orogenic evolution. For that purpose, PTtD paths of metamorphic rocks sampled at different structural levels have been reconstructed. The DMC is composed of Triassic metaturbidites of the Xikang group, Paleozoic metasedimentary cover and basement of the Yangtze craton. The DMC is structurally marked by transposition of the upright S1 foliation of the Triassic metaturbidites into a NW-SE trending S2 composite foliation dipping to the NE. Transposition is associated with a localized top-to-the-northeast shear zone along the northeastern edge of the DMC and with pervasive top-to-the-southwest shearing from the core to the border of the complex. These structures are consistent with extrusion of the core of the DMC relative to the lower grade Triassic metaturbidites. The position of the biotite isograd overlapping the structural boundary of the DMC suggests that the Triassic metaturbidites have been affected by an increase in temperature as a result of extrusion. Within the DMC, the position of the metamorphic index minerals relative to the composite S2 foliation reveals that biotite, garnet, staurolite and kyanite grew before the transposition into S2, in contrast with sillimanite which crystallizes in the hinge of F2 folds and along the axial planar S2 schistosity. The sillimanite isograd delineates regional-scale overturned F2 folds and cross-cuts the staurolite and kyanite isograds consistent with an increase in temperature during D2. The melt-in isograd characterizes the deepest structural level of the DMC. PT conditions for these metamorphic rocks, determined using pseudosections and conventional thermometry, indicate a temperature increase from 400 °C to more than 600 °C from the edge to the core of the DMC for a relatively homogeneous pressure ranging from 5 to 6.5 kbar suggesting that isograds and isotherms represent the syn-D2 thermal structure of the orogenic crust. Migmatites exposed in the deepest structural level of the DMC yield a pressure significantly lower than the surrounding metamorphic rock suggesting that they crystallized after D2 and after some exhumation of their hosts. Three different types of gneiss domes are distinguished on the basis of their position relative to the isograds, their structural characteristics, and their position relative to the margin of the Yangtze craton. Close to the craton and at the highest structural level, the Gezong dome represents a basement-rooted tectonic slice, in an intermediate position, the Gongcai dome corresponds to a basement-cored nappe, and further away and at the deepest structural level, the Bawang, Cunuchan and Qingaling domes are migmatite-cored domes. The presence at the current-day surface of this variety of gneiss domes reflects the difference in burial of the margin during the Mesozoic Indosinian orogeny