8,141 research outputs found

    Dietary assessment methods for micronutrient intake in elderly people: a systematic review

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    The European micronutrient recommendations aligned (EURRECA) Network of Excellence seeks to establish clear guidelines for assessing the validity of reported micronutrient intakes among vulnerable population groups. A systematic literature review identified studies validating the methodology used in elderly people for measuring usual dietary micronutrient intake. The quality of each validation study selected was assessed using a EURRECA-developed scoring system. The validation studies were categorised according to whether the reference method applied reflected short-term intake ( <7 d), long-term intake ( = 7 d) or used biomarkers (BM). A correlation coefficient for each micronutrient was calculated from the mean of the correlation coefficients from each study weighted by the quality of the study. Thirty-three papers were selected, which included the validation of twenty-five different FFQ, six diet histories (DH), one 24-h recall (24HR) and a videotaped dietary assessment method. A total of five publications analysed BM, which were used to validate four FFQ, and one 24HR, presenting very good correlations only for vitamin E. The analysis of weighted correlation coefficients classified by FFQ or DH showed that most of the micronutrients had higher correlations when the DH was used as the dietary method. Comparing only FFQ results showed very good correlations for measuring short-term intakes of riboflavin and thiamin and long-term intakes of P and Mg. When frequency methods are used for assessing micronutrient intake, the inclusion of dietary supplements improves their reliability for most micronutrients

    Criação de um Programa de Reconhecimento e Participação nos Resultados em Instituições de Ensino Superior com base no BSC

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), percebendo o acirramento da concorrência, reconhecem a importância de repensar sua forma de gestão, buscando uma visão mais competitiva e continuada, bem como instrumentos que mobilizem e motivem todos os colaboradores. Nesse ambiente, a tarefa de criar um sistema de reconhecimento e premiação que possibilite a equalização dos interesses dos funcionários com os interesses da organização, de forma clara e objetiva, com objetivo de elevar o desempenho organizacional, torna-se uma tarefa de grande complexidade. Assim, com o intuito de contribuir para a gestão estratégica dessas instituições, especificamente as pertencentes à Associação Catarinense das Fundações Educacionais (ACAFE), utilizou-se nesse estudo a ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC) como peça essencial para a criação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação nos resultados. Foram apresentadas questões importantes que devem ser levadas em consideração para a implantação de um programa de reconhecimento e participação bem como a proposta de etapas para o mesmo fim

    Modelando o BSC para as Universidades do Sistema ACAFE

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    As Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES), percebendo o acirramento da concorrência, reconhecem a importância de repensar sua forma de gestão, buscando uma visão mais competitiva e continuada. Assim, com o objetivo de contribuir para a gestão estratégica dessas instituições, especificamente as pertencentes ao sistema ACAFE, foi utilizada neste estudo a ferramenta de gestão Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Algumas etapas foram necessárias à sua adequação às universidades fundacionais catarinenses. Apresentaram-se e identificaram-se algumas características existentes no ambiente das universidades fundacionais catarinenses e suas peculiaridades em relação a outras organizações que não integram esse setor; realizaram-se os ajustes necessários à ferramenta Balanced Scorecard às universidades do sistema ACAFE; bem como a proposta da ferramenta auxiliar denominado mapa estratégico. Por último demonstrou-se a possibilidade de se desenvolver e utilizar o BSC acadêmico institucional como forma de integrar mais de um campus a gestão focada na estratégia

    Mass accretion rates of clusters of galaxies: CIRS and HeCS

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    We use a new spherical accretion recipe tested on N-body simulations to measure the observed mass accretion rate (MAR) of 129 clusters in the Cluster Infall Regions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (CIRS) and in the Hectospec Cluster Survey (HeCS). The observed clusters cover the redshift range of 0.01<z<0.300.01<z<0.30 and the mass range of ∼1014−1015h−1 M⊙\sim 10^{14}-10^{15} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_\odot}}. Based on three-dimensional mass profiles of simulated clusters reaching beyond the virial radius, our recipe returns MARs that agree with MARs based on merger trees. We adopt this recipe to estimate the MAR of real clusters based on measurements of the mass profile out to ∼3R200\sim 3R_{200}. We use the caustic method to measure the mass profiles to these large radii. We demonstrate the validity of our estimates by applying the same approach to a set of mock redshift surveys of a sample of 2000 simulated clusters with a median mass of M200=1014h−1 M⊙M_{200}= 10^{14} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_{\odot}}} as well as a sample of 50 simulated clusters with a median mass of M200=1015h−1 M⊙M_{200}= 10^{15} {h^{-1}~\rm{M_{\odot}}}: the median MARs based on the caustic mass profiles of the simulated clusters are unbiased and agree within 19%19\% with the median MARs based on the real mass profile of the clusters. The MAR of the CIRS and HeCS clusters increases with the mass and the redshift of the accreting cluster, which is in excellent agreement with the growth of clusters in the Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 25 pages, 19 figures, 7 table

    Amplitudes of thermal and kinetic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich signals from small-scale CMB anisotropies

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    While the arcminute-scale Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropies are due to secondary effects, point sources dominate the total anisotropy power spectrum. At high frequencies the point sources are primarily in the form of dusty, star-forming galaxies. Both Herschel and Planck have recently measured the anisotropy power spectrum of cosmic infrared background (CIB) generated by dusty, star-forming galaxies from degree to sub-arcminute angular scales, including the non-linear clustering of these galaxies at multipoles of 3000 to 6000 relevant to CMB secondary anisotropy studies. We scale the CIB angular power spectra to CMB frequencies and interpret the combined WMAP-7 year and arcminute-scale Atacama Cosmology Telescope (ACT) and South Pole Telescope (SPT) CMB power spectra measurements to constrain the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effects. Allowing the CIB clustering amplitude to vary, we constrain the amplitudes of thermal and kinetic SZ power spectra at 150 GHz.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Early clinical predictors and correlates of long-term morbidity in bipolar disorder

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    OBJECTIVES: Identifying factors predictive of long-term morbidity should improve clinical planning limiting disability and mortality associated with bipolar disorder (BD). METHODS: We analyzed factors associated with total, depressive and mania-related long-term morbidity and their ratio D/M, as %-time ill between a first-lifetime major affective episode and last follow-up of 207 BD subjects. Bivariate comparisons were followed by multivariable linear regression modeling. RESULTS: Total % of months ill during follow-up was greater in 96 BD-II (40.2%) than 111 BD-I subjects (28.4%; P=0.001). Time in depression averaged 26.1% in BD-II and 14.3% in BD-I, whereas mania-related morbidity was similar in both, averaging 13.9%. Their ratio D/M was 3.7-fold greater in BD-II than BD-I (5.74 vs. 1.96; P<0.0001). Predictive factors independently associated with total %-time ill were: [a] BD-II diagnosis, [b] longer prodrome from antecedents to first affective episode, and [c] any psychiatric comorbidity. Associated with %-time depressed were: [a] BD-II diagnosis, [b] any antecedent psychiatric syndrome, [c] psychiatric comorbidity, and [d] agitated/psychotic depressive first affective episode. Associated with %-time in mania-like illness were: [a] fewer years ill and [b] (hypo)manic first affective episode. The long-term D/M morbidity ratio was associated with: [a] anxious temperament, [b] depressive first episode, and [c] BD-II diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Long-term depressive greatly exceeded mania-like morbidity in BD patients. BD-II subjects spent 42% more time ill overall, with a 3.7-times greater D/M morbidity ratio, than BD-I. More time depressed was predicted by agitated/psychotic initial depressive episodes, psychiatric comorbidity, and BD-II diagnosis. Longer prodrome and any antecedent psychiatric syndrome were respectively associated with total and depressive morbidity

    Overview of methods used to evaluate the adequacy of nutrient intakes for individuals and populations

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    The objective of the present paper is to review the methods of measuring micronutrient intake adequacy for individuals and for populations in order to ascertain best practice. A systematic review was conducted to locate studies on the methodological aspects of measuring nutrient adequacy. The results showed that for individuals, qualitative methods (to find probability of adequacy) and quantitative methods (to find confidence of adequacy) have been proposed for micronutrients where there is enough data to set an average nutrient requirement (ANR). If micronutrients do not have ANR, an adequate intake (AI) is often defined and can be used to assess adequacy, provided the distribution of daily intake over a number of days is known. The probability of an individual's intake being excessive can also be compared with the upper level of safe intake and the confidence of this estimate determined in a similar way. At the population level, adequacy can be judged from the ANR using the probability approach or its short cut – the estimated average requirement cut-point method. If the micronutrient does not have an ANR, adequacy cannot be determined from the average intake and must be expressed differently. The upper level of safe intake can be used for populations in a similar way to that of individuals. All of the methodological studies reviewed were from the American continent and all used the methodology described in the Institute of Medicine publications. The present methodology should now be adapted for use in Europe
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