158 research outputs found

    The Skills of University Students in Educational Settings Assessed by Company Tutors: A Longitudinal Study in Italy

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    [EN] The paper aims at investigating what the fundamental characteristics of a trainee of the Courses of Studies in Education and Training Sciences of the University of Rome La Sapienza are, as identified by the company tutors who evaluate them during the traineeship. The aim is to understand whether trainees are trained to act in educational settings. The analysis of a particular item of the questionnaire addressed to the company tutors, has shown that the trainees in the educational field are well integrated in the institution where they do the treaineeship, thanks to the possession of “key skills” that we have deduced from the open responses of the tutors. These skills are also among the most requested ones by the world of work. We conclude that the traineeship is an important formative moment for the professions in the educational field and that it is possible to grasp the necessary link between theory and practice.De Santis, C.; Cecalupo, M.; Salerni, A. (2020). The Skills of University Students in Educational Settings Assessed by Company Tutors: A Longitudinal Study in Italy. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):391-398. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11071OCS39139830-05-202

    Integrated care for healthcare sustainability for patients living with rare diseases

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    The increasingly complex and multidimensional care request, combined with the presence of increasingly aware and demanding patients, accentuates the need for new strategies to preserve health systems economic sustainability. Therefore, integration mechanisms reveal an essential condition for ensuring continuity of care. The paper reviews the main literature available on the integration of heal services and relates it to rare diseases. The literature identifies several system levers for the effective design and implementation of integrated care frameworks, namely: political support and commitment, governance, stakeholder engagement, organisational change, leadership, collaboration and trust, workforce education and training, patient empowerment, financing and incentives, ICT infrastructure and solutions, monitoring and evaluation system

    Lean body weight-tailored Iodinated contrast Injection in obese patient. boer versus James Formula

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    Purpose. To prospectively compare the performance of James and Boer formula in contrast media (CM) administration, in terms of image quality and parenchymal enhancement in obese patients undergoing CT of the abdomen. Materials and Methods. Fifty-five patients with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35 kg/m2were prospectively included in the study. All patients underwent 64-row CT examination and were randomly divided in two groups: 26 patients in Group A and 29 patients in Group B. The amount of injected CM was computed according to the patient's lean body weight (LBW), estimated using either Boer formula (Group A) or James formula (Group B). Patient's characteristics, CM volume, contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) of liver, aorta and portal vein, and liver contrast enhancement index (CEI) were compared between the two groups. For subjective image analysis readers were asked to rate the enhancement of liver, kidneys, and pancreas based on a 5-point Likert scale. Results. Liver CNR, aortic CNR, and portal vein CNR showed no significant difference between Group A and Group B (all P ≥ 0.177). Group A provided significantly higher CEI compared to Group B (P = 0.007). Group A and Group B returned comparable overall subjective enhancement values (3.54 and vs 3.20, all P ≥ 0.199). Conclusions. Boer formula should be the method of choice for LBW estimation in obese patients, leading to an accurate CM amount calculation and an optimal liver contrast enhancement in CT

    Las especies argentinas del género Scelio I : (Hymenoptera , Proctotrupoidea Scelionidae)

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    En la presente comunicación se analizan las características de la especie Scelio y se muestran resultados de diferentes investigaciones sobre la misma.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinari

    Las especies argentinas del género Scelio I : (Hymenoptera, Proctotrupoidea, Scelionidae)

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    Este trabajo, subsidiado por la Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinaria, forma parte de un estudio más amplio acerca de las especies del género Scelio con miras al control biológico o integrado de las tucuras de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Es sabido que la especie más eficaz, como destructora de los desoves de estos acridoideos, es Scelio scyllinopsi Ogloblin pero que, no obstante ello, es incapaz por sí sola, para reducir la plaga a límites soportables. Todo esto ha hecho pensar en que es necesario recurrir a la introducción de alguna especie exótica que complemente la eficaz acción destructora que ejerce S. scyllnopsi. De acuerdo con los estudios que hasta el presente se han llevado a cabo, junto con la amplia bibliografía consultada, la especie neártica SL opacus (Provancher) sería la que más se prestaría para ello. Para concretarlo y de acuerdo con las exigencias de los países que marchan a la vanguardia en materia de control biológico de plagas (Terán, 1990), es necesario que previamente se hayan estudiado cuales son las especies que se encuentran en la provincia de Buenos Aires y el resto del país y también en la región Neotropical. Esto es lo que se realizado ahora con el estudio de los valiosos materiales que se conservan en las colecciones del Museo de La Plata, principalmente los reunidos por el Dr. Alejandro Oglobin, los que han hecho llegar los servicios provinciales y nacionales y los que se han recibido en calidad de préstamo del Instituto Entomológico de Salta. Es esta una primera contribución puesto que quedan en estudio otros materiales sobre los cuales se comunucará más adelante en una próxima contribución.Academia Nacional de Agronomía y Veterinari

    Project-design Didactics: A documentary approach to narrative identity configurations in the teaching of Architecture (FAUD, UNMD)

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    This article reports on the progress made in the context of a scholarship associated to a local Research Project in the School of Architecture, Urbanism and Design at Mar del Plata State University. Such Project delves into the analysis of the semantic webs university professors construct as they partake in practice communities devoted to the teaching of project design. The scholarship focuses on a particular kind of narrative: the formal curriculum presented by the three Chairs of a course in the Introductory Stage of the Architecture Undergraduate Program. Document analysis of such materials has enabled access to the symbolic landscape as a means to understand teaching practices and the reasons that seem to underlie or support them. Furthermore, light has been thrown on the specific didactics and the choreographies it assumes in this particular context

    Health systems sustainability in the framework of rare diseases actions. Actions on educational programmes and training for professionals and patients

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    Protection of early development contributes to health of next generations. Congenital anomalies (and other adverse reproductive outcomes) are an important public health issue and early indicator of public health risks, as early development is influenced by many risk factors (e.g., nutrition, lifestyles, pollution, infections, medications, etc). Effective primary prevention requires an integrated “One Health” approach, linking knowledge  and action. This requires surveillance of health events and potential health-damaging factors, science-based risk analysis, citizens’ empowerment and education of health professionals. From the policy standpoint, joint budgeting mechanisms are needed to sustain with equity intersectoral actions (involving policy domains of health, social affairs, education, agriculture and environment). States should devote resources to strengthen registries and systematic data collection for surveillance of congenital anomalies, to better inform national prevention strategies. Investing in primary prevention based on scientific evidence is essential to support sustainable and resilient health systems and sustainable development of the society

    Nota sobre un tisanóptero mirmecófilo hallado en nidos de aves (Insecta)

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    En un interesante artículo aparecido en 1976, el doctor Stannard (1976) se ha ocupado de los artrópodos que son mímicos de las hormigas y menciona a ciertos ácaros con el aspecto de las larvas de los formícidos y las Araneae de los géneros Mycaria, Myrmachne, Myrmecius, Sphecotypus y otros, a algunos coleópteros cerambícidos, seláfidos, estafilínidos y esciménidos, a hemípteros alídidos, ligeidos, míridos, enicocefálidos y redúvidos, a los himenópteros mutílidos, a las larvas de lepidópteros del género Homodes, a los ortópteros del género Eutycoryph y también a algunos rhantodeos y socópteros, todos los cuales tratan de imitar a los adultos. Agrega que entre los himenópteros también hay que citar el caso de hormigas que son mímicas de otras especies de hormigas.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Nota sobre un tisanóptero mirmecófilo hallado en nidos de aves (Insecta)

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    En un interesante artículo aparecido en 1976, el doctor Stannard (1976) se ha ocupado de los artrópodos que son mímicos de las hormigas y menciona a ciertos ácaros con el aspecto de las larvas de los formícidos y las Araneae de los géneros Mycaria, Myrmachne, Myrmecius, Sphecotypus y otros, a algunos coleópteros cerambícidos, seláfidos, estafilínidos y esciménidos, a hemípteros alídidos, ligeidos, míridos, enicocefálidos y redúvidos, a los himenópteros mutílidos, a las larvas de lepidópteros del género Homodes, a los ortópteros del género Eutycoryph y también a algunos rhantodeos y socópteros, todos los cuales tratan de imitar a los adultos. Agrega que entre los himenópteros también hay que citar el caso de hormigas que son mímicas de otras especies de hormigas.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica