3,221 research outputs found

    Probing viscoelastic properties of a thin polymer film sheared between a beads layer and quartz crystal resonator

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    We report measurements of viscoelastic properties of thin polymer films of 10-100 nm at the MHz range. These thin films are confined between a quartz crystal resonator and a millimetric bead layer, producing an increase of both resonance frequency and dissipation of the quartz resonator. The shear modulus and dynamic viscosity of thin films extracted from these measurements are consistent with the bulk values of the polymer. This modified quartz resonator provides an easily realizable and effective tool for probing the rheological properties of thin films at ambient environment.Comment: submitted to ap

    A converse comparison theorem for backward stochastic differential equations with jumps

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    This paper establishes a converse comparison theorem for real-valued decoupled forward backward stochastic differential equations with jumps.Comment: The former version contains an error in the proof of the main theorem. This version presents a similar result, but for a more restricted class of equations, so that the error is now fixe

    Does rotation of B stars depend on metallicity? preliminary results from GIRAFFE spectra

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    We show the vsini distribution of main sequence B stars in sites of various metallicities, in the absolute magnitude range -3.34 < Mv < -2.17. These include Galactic stars in the field measured by Abt et al. (2002), members of the h & chi Per open clusters measured by North et al. (2004), and five fields in the SMC and LMC measured at ESO Paranal with the FLAMES-GIRAFFE spectrograph, within the Geneva-Lausanne guaranteed time. Following the suggestion by Maeder et al. (1999), we do find a higher rate of rapid rotators in the Magellanic Clouds than in the Galaxy, but the vsini distribution is the same in the LMC and in the SMC in spite of their very different metallicities.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure, poster presented at the ESO/Arcetri Workshop on "Chemical abundances and mixing in stars in the Milky Way and its satellites", 13-17 Sept. 200

    Recital: Clarence de Vaux-Royer, violin

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    Phase Space Formulation of Filtering. Insight into the Wave-Particle Duality

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    A phase space formulation of the filtering process upon an incident quantum state is developed. This formulation can explain the results of both quantum interference and delayed-choice experiments without making use of the controversial wave-particle duality. Quantum particles are seen as localized and indivisible concentrations of energy and/or mass, their probability amplitude in phase space being described by the Wigner distribution function. The wave or particle nature appears in experiments in which the interference term of the Wigner distribution function is present or absent, respectively, the filtering devices that modify the quantum wavefunction throughout the set-up, from its generation to its final detection, being responsible for the modification of the Wigner distribution function.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figure

    New distance and depth estimates from observations of eclipsing binaries in the SMC

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    A sample of 33 eclipsing binaries observed in a field of the SMC with FLAMES@VLT is presented. The radial velocity curves obtained, together with existing OGLE light curves, allowed the determination of all stellar and orbital parameters of these binary systems. The mean distance modulus of the observed part of the SMC is 19.05, based on the 26 most reliable systems. Assuming an average error of 0.1 mag on the distance modulus to an individual system, and a gaussian distribution of the distance moduli, we obtain a 2-sigma depth of 0.36 mag or 10.6 kpc. Some results on the kinematics of the binary stars and of the H II gas are also given.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, Proc. IAU Symp. No 256, The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas and Galaxies, eds. Jacco Th. van Loon & Joana M. Oliveir


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    Tiré de: Prospectives, vol. 15, no 3, oct. 1979.Titre de l'écran-titre (visionné le 24 janv. 2013

    A multiwavelength investigation of the massive eclipsing binary Cyg OB2 #5

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    The properties of the early-type binary Cyg OB2 #5 have been debated for many years and spectroscopic and photometric investigations yielded conflicting results. We have attempted to constrain the physical properties of the binary by collecting new optical and X-ray observations. We find that the orbital period of the system slowly changes though we are unable to discriminate between several possible explanations of this trend. The best fit solution of the continuum light curve reveals a contact configuration with the secondary star being significantly brighter and hotter on its leading side facing the primary. The mean temperature of the secondary star turns out to be only slightly lower than that of the primary, whilst the bolometric luminosity ratio is found to be 3.1. The solution of the light curve yields a distance of 925 +/- 25 pc much lower than the usually assumed distance of the Cyg OB2 association. Whilst we confirm the existence of episodes of higher X-ray fluxes, the data reveal no phase-locked modulation with the 6.6 day period of the eclipsing binary nor any clear relation between the X-ray flux and the 6.7 yr radio cycle. The bright region of the secondary star is probably heated by energy transfer in a common envelope in this contact binary system as well as by the collision with the primary's wind. The existence of a common photosphere probably also explains the odd mass-luminosity relation of the stars in this system. Most of the X-ray, non-thermal radio, and possibly gamma-ray emission of Cyg OB2 #5 is likely to arise from the interaction of the combined wind of the eclipsing binary with at least one additional star of this multiple system
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