4,268 research outputs found

    Les exposicions d’art a Barcelona durant el Sexenni, 1868-1870

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    La contribució de l'Ateneu barcelonès al desenvolupament de les arts plàstiques durant la restauració

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    Trabajo referido a la sección de Bellas Artes del Ateneo barcelonés y menciona la tarea que llevó a cabo en el ámbito de las Artes Plásticas (exposiciones, conferencias, publicaciones y otras actividades dentro y fuera de su sede) que permitió que un número más amplio de personas pudieran desarrollar un gusto y un interés hacia tales temas. Por consiguiente, esta institución contribuyó a crear un público y un mercado artístico de carácter burgués. Su labor fue importante porque tuvo lugar en un periodo en el cual había muy pocas salas destinadas a divulgar este tipo de eventos.This work refers to Beauty Arts section from Barcelona’s Ateneu and explains the task developed in Plastic Arts (exhibitions, conferences, publications and activities carried out inside and outside its head office) which helped to create a taste and an interest for the Art World within a wider audience. This attitude contributed to the appearance of a new public and a bourgeois art market. As a consequence, its effort was important because there weren’t so many spaces devoted to spread this type of events

    Caldereros barceloneses de la primera mitad del siglo XV

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    A report on the job of a coppersmith in Barcelona during the first half of the 15th century. Several aspects of these potters’s daily lives are analysed both in the social and in the family contexts (dowries and marriages, wills, censuses, etc.). Special attention is paid to their profession (how they did it, the types of contracts and associations they established, how they obtained the copper and the number of craftsmen).A report on the job of a coppersmith in Barcelona during the first half of the 15th century. Several aspects of these potters’s daily lives are analysed both in the social and in the family contexts (dowries and marriages, wills, censuses, etc.). Special attention is paid to their profession (how they did it, the types of contracts and associations they established, how they obtained the copper and the number of craftsmen)

    APARADOR. Antoni Puig Heras: terrisser

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    Onomástica y localización de algunos ceramistas y vidrieros barceloneses de los siglos XIV al XVII

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    This study is related to the names and Barcelona city places where ceramicists and glassblowers lived. It has been made collecting documentation from the Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat and the Arxiu Històric de Protocols. It also analyses the family´s place of birth and some features of surnames. It shows us the importance of each one of these artisanal works, their level of increasing or decreasing production from the XIVth to the XVIIth century

    Los negocios, la vida social y familiar de los ceramistas barceloneses del primer cuarto del siglo XV

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    This work deals with the family and social situation of ceramicists who lived in Barcelona during the first quarter of the fifteenth century and the context in which they did their job. Their commercial transactions, propieties (lands, homes, slaves), marital status, inheritance, lawsuits mentioned. The reason is to know how they adapted to the new changes, their position within their society and the other aspects which help us to understand their profession

    El retablo de San Miguel y San Juan Bautista de la iglesia parroquial de Sant Llorenç de Morunys (segle XV)

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    This article is a study about a gothic picture from the church of Sant Llorenç de Morunys dedicated to saint Michel and saint Jean Baptiste. I tried to find out who the artist was who did this work of art, to see the way saint Michel and saint Jean were represented in the Catalan iconography of the XVth century, to explain the history of the piece during our century and the system applied to restore It. Unfortunately,, It has not been possible to find the author, because we have not got the documents, but this study help us to discover more details and establish some trends and conclusions about this interesting piece
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