492 research outputs found

    El empleo de benzodiazepinas por mujeres atendidas en una Unidad de Salud de la Familia

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    Objective: Estimate the prevalence of benzodiazepine use by adult women at a Family Health Unit and identify the risk factors associated with this usage. Method: Quantitative cross-sectional study that employed secondary data developed at a Family Health Unit in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. We collected the data from the following sources: medical charts, registration forms, and the archive of prescriptions from the pharmacy at the referred health unit. We employed the chi-squared, Student’s t, and Mann-Whitney tests, as well as logistic regression analysis. Results: We identified 81 benzodiazepine users amongst 1,094 adult women (7.4%). Regarding the risk factors, the comparison between the groups of benzodiazepine users (n = 64) and non-users (n = 70) showed that having a chronic disease and using other psychotropic drugs were significantly associated with the use of benzodiazepines. Conclusion: The prevalence found was lower than the described in previous studies performed in Primary Health Units. The group that must receive greater attention regarding the consumption of benzodiazepines is that of middle-aged women or older, with low education levels, and chronic illnesses

    A visão platônica e o processo ensino-aprendizagem em matemática: o que significa entender alguma coisa?

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    Neste artigo pretendemos refletir sobre o que significa entender alguma coisa numa perspectiva platônica. Tomamos o Diálogo em Menôn de Platão, como base de tal propósito. Assim traçamos uma reflexão sobre a questão do paradoxo da aprendizagem/ensino presente neste diálogo, buscando analisar implicações com o processo ensino-aprendizagem em Matemática em sala de aula. Deste modo, iniciamos pontuando as raízes do pensamento filosófico sobre a possibilidade, ou não, de entender alguma coisa, em Heráclito e Parmênides. Seguidamente, aprofundamos nossa análise no pensamento de Platão e seu essencialismo. E, finalmente tecemos nossas considerações sobre os reflexos de uma visão platônica em sala de aula e relacionadas ao processo ensino-aprendizagem em matemática


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    Our objective is to draw a descriptive panorama of Scientific and Academic Production (2011-2019) resulting from training processes and research carried out in the Education Observatory Project focusing on Mathematics and Initiation in Science – OBEDUC – UFMT Pole. We present a mapping-out and the description of both thematic and methodological trends, related areas and sub-areas as well as sources for data collection. Methodologically, we carry out qualitative investigation with interpretative approach, supported by “state-of-the-art” typology research. This inventory can contribute to the construction of situated training processes, while we can review trends, analyze results, and reflect on the possibilities and limitations of programs such as OBEDUC.Nuestro objetivo es trazar un panorama descriptivo de la Producción Científica y Académica (2011-2019) resultante de los procesos de formación e investigación realizados en el Proyecto Observatorio Educativo con Enfoque Matemática e Iniciación a las Ciencias - OBEDUC - Polo UFMT. Presentamos el mapeo y descripción de tendencias temáticas y metodológicas, áreas y subáreas involucradas y fuentes para la recolección de datos. Metodológicamente, realizamos una investigación cualitativa con enfoque interpretativo, sustentada en investigaciones de tipología de “estado del arte”. Este inventario contribuye a la construcción de procesos de formación situados, al mismo tiempo que podemos revisar tendencias, analizar resultados y reflexionar sobre las posibilidades y limitaciones de programas como OBEDUC.Nosso objetivo é traçar um panorama descritivo da Produção Científica e Acadêmica (2011-2019) resultante de processos formativos e de pesquisas desenvolvidas no Projeto Observatório da Educação com Foco em Matemática e Iniciação em Ciências – OBEDUC – Polo UFMT. Apresentamos o mapeamento e a descrição das tendências temáticas e metodológicas, áreas e subáreas envolvidas e fontes para coleta de dados. Metodologicamente, realizamos investigação qualitativa de abordagem interpretativa, aportada em pesquisas de tipologia “estado da arte”. Este inventário contribui com a construção de processos formativos situados, ao mesmo tempo em que podemos rever tendências, analisar resultados e refletir sobre possibilidades e limitações de programas como o OBEDUC

    Bromodomain and Extraterminal Inhibition by JQ1 Produces Divergent Transcriptional Regulation of Suppressors of Cytokine Signaling Genes in Adipocytes

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    © Endocrine Society 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected]. The Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) signaling pathway has cell-specific functions. Suppressors of cytokine signaling (SOCS) proteins are negative-feedback regulators of JAK-STAT signaling. STAT5 plays a significant role in adipocyte development and function, and bromodomain and extraterminal (BET) proteins may be involved in STAT5 transcriptional activity. We treated 3T3-L1 adipocytes with the BET inhibitor JQ1 and observed that growth hormone (GH)-induced expression of 2 STAT5 target genes from the SOCS family, Socs3 and Cish, were inversely regulated (increased and decreased, respectively) by BET inhibition. Chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that changes in STAT5 binding did not correlate with gene expression changes. GH promoted the recruitment of the BET protein BRD2 to the Cish, but not Socs3, promoter. JQ1 treatment ablated this effect as well as the GH-induced binding of ribonucleic acid polymerase II (RNA Pol II) to the Cish transcription start site. BRD2 knockdown also suppressed GH induction of Cish, further supporting the role of BRD2 in Cish transcriptional activation. In contrast, JQ1 increased the binding of activated Pol II to the Socs3 coding region, suggesting enhanced messenger RNA (mRNA) elongation. Our finding that JQ1 transiently reduced the interaction between the positive transcription elongation factor (P-TEFb) and its inhibitor hexamethylene bis-acetamide inducible 1 (HEXIM1) is consistent with a previously described off-target effect of JQ1, whereby P-TEFb becomes more available to be recruited by genes that do not depend on BET proteins for activating transcription. These results demonstrate substantially different transcriptional regulation of Socs3 and Cish and suggest distinct roles in adipocytes for these 2 closely related proteins

    Determinación del ensamblaje genético de aislados axénicos colombianos de Giardia intestinalis

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    Objetivo. La giardiasis es un problema de salud pública que afecta especialmente a los niños que habitan en países en vías de desarrollo y que pertenecen a comunidades donde el saneamiento es deficiente. Giardia intestinalis es el parásito que causa esta enfermedad y presenta una gran variabilidad genética que se traduce en 8 diferentes grupos o ensamblajes genéticos nombrados de la letra A a la H. En humanos, todas las infecciones con Giardia son causadas por parásitos con ensamblaje A o B, los cuales tienen potencial zoonótico y han sido aislados de otros mamíferos. El objetivo de este estudio fue genotipificar muestras de Giardia aisladas de pacientes de tres regiones geográficas de Colombia. Materiales y métodos. Se examinaron 22 aislados de G. intestinalis, los primeros descritos cultivados axénicamente de origen colombiano, por medio del análisis del polimorfismo de longitud de fragmentos de restricción (RFLP), del gen glutamato deshidrogenasa (gdh). Resultados y conclusión. El patrón del RFLP mostró que todos los aislados pertenecían al ensamblaje A, específicamente al AI, resultado que fue confirmado por secuenciación. Con este estudio se pretende contribuir al conocimiento de los genotipos circulantes de Giardia intestinalis en Colombia

    ‘Terreiros’ Under Attack? Criminal Governance in the Name of God and Armed Dominion Disputes over Control in Rio de Janeiro

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    In this article we analyze acts of violence inflicted by armed groups on members of Afro-Brazilian religions in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro. Based on a media content survey, it was found that in less than 15 years these conflicts ceased to derive from proximity relations and evolved to confrontations over armed hegemony of popular spaces, controlled by drug traffickers and/or militia, who present themselves as members of Pentecostal churches. The criminal governance operated by “traficrentes” and “milicrentes” combines commercial, theological, and doctrinal imperatives with a political project of nation that directly impacts peoples’ ways of life, especially the followers of Afro-Brazilian religions. In this article we analyze acts of violence inflicted by armed groups on members of Afro-Brazilian religions in the Metropolitan Area of Rio de Janeiro. Based on a media content survey, it was found that in less than 15 years these conflicts ceased to derive from proximity relations and evolved to confrontations over armed hegemony of popular spaces, controlled by drug traffickers and/or militia, who present themselves as members of Pentecostal churches. The criminal governance operated by “traficrentes” and “milicrentes” combines commercial, theological, and doctrinal imperatives with a political project of nation that directly impacts peoples’ ways of life, especially the followers of Afro-Brazilian religions

    Epidemiological profile of hepatitis c patients: a descriptive study on a regional reference unit

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    Objective: characterizing the epidemiological profile of patients with hepatitis C registered in a Regional Reference Center for Viral Hepatitis in the countryside of the State of Minas Gerais. Method: a descriptive, documental study, with quantitative analysis. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, Opinion No 560 257. There were analyzed 128 reporting forms for viral hepatitis from 2007 to July 2014. Results: 66% of patients are male aged between 50-59 years old. 24,21% have completed elementary school and 21,09% university degree. Exposures to the virus reported by patients happened on dental treatment (92.9%) and on the use of injectable drugs (67,9%). Genotype 1 virus was predominant followed by genotype 3. Conclusion: most of the results found by the study is consistent with that described in the literature. It is believed to be important more researches regarding this area


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    A água é elemento essencial para a manutenção da vida, mas que pode carrear organismos patogênicos e substâncias químicas que representam risco à saúde humana. Desta forma é fundamental que a população tenha acesso a água com qualidade para suas necessidades diárias. No Brasil, o padrão de potabilidade da água para consumo humano é regulado pela Portaria GM/MS Nº 888/2021. Dados da vigilância da qualidade da água para consumo humano estão disponíveis para a população através do Sisagua, que é um instrumento importante no gerenciamento de riscos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi levantar dados a partir do portal de dados abertos do SIsagua sobre a qualidade da água que foi disponibilizada à população no Estado do Paraná e no município de Curitiba relacionados aos aspectos bacteriológicos. Registradas entre os anos de 2014 à 2022. A pesquisa mostrou que nem todos os municípios paranaenses registraram dados das análises dos parâmetros durante o período de estudo. Foi observado um aumento na detecção de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli em todo o Estado do Paraná e o maior percentual de coliformes totais foi detectado em soluções alternativas individuais de abastecimento e a maior parte das amostras positivas para Escherichia coli eram provenientes da zona rural. Destaca-se a necessidade de orientações quanto à adequação das condições estruturais das soluções alternativas além da manutenção e métodos corretos de desinfecção

    Complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD), executive function and attachment

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    Studies conducted with children and adolescents suggest that long-term exposure to adverse events and the lack of emotional and psychosocial support can lead to complex traumatizing conditions (C_PSPT), providing difficulties that affect emotional regulation, cognition, interpersonal relationships and the constitution of identity. The aim of this essay is to reflect on about the cognitive, more specifically executive function abilities, emotional, and attachment dimensions in children, who have been exposed to the experience of violence