537 research outputs found

    Prevalence of molar incisor hypomineralization among school children in Rome, Italy

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    Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a highly prevalent condition associated with increased caries experience, dental pain and treatment need. Aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and severity of MIH in a group of 7–8 years old primary school children living in Rome, Italy; and to assess the association with caries experience and possible perinatal risk factors. A survey has been conducted in the city of Rome, between April 2019 and March 2020 with a total of 49 primary schools and 176 2nd grade primary school classes and a total of 3611 children being involved. Of these, a subset of 346 children of 21 primary schools was selected for the epidemiological investigation. The prevalence of MIH was of 18.2%, with girls showing twice the probability of being subject to a mild-severe condition. Molar location was present in 71.4%, while location on both molar plus incisor was present in 28.6% of cases. The mean DMFT was 0.44 ± 0.78, “D” was 0.17 ± 0.58; the mean dmft was 1.7 ± 2.56, “d” was 1.32 ± 2.21. Female gender, caries experience, insufficient oral hygiene were risk factors. The incidence of MIH is increasing in the pediatric population. Knowledge about diagnosis and treatment options should be disseminated among dental professionals.publishedVersio

    Branched-chain amino acids influence the immune properties of microglial cells and their responsiveness to pro-inflammatory signals

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    AbstractThe branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) valine, leucine and isoleucine are essential amino acids involved in several important brain functions. Although commonly used as nutritional supplements, excessive intake of BCAAs might favour the establishment of neurotoxic conditions as indicated by the severe neurological symptoms characterising inherited disorders of BCAA catabolism such as maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). Recent evidence indicates that BCAAs induce excitotoxicity through mechanisms that require the presence of astrocytes. In the present study, we evaluated the effects of BCAAs on microglia, the main immune cells of the brain. As an experimental model we used primary microglial cells harvested from mixed glial cultures that had been kept in normal or high BCAA medium (H-BCAA). We show that H-BCAA microglial cells exhibit a peculiar phenotype characterized by a partial skewing toward the M2 state, with enhanced IL-10 expression and phagocytic activity but also increased free radical generation and decreased neuroprotective functions. We suggest that such an intermediate M1/M2 phenotype might result in a less efficient microglial response, which would promote the establishment of a low grade chronic inflammation and increase the likelihood of neurodegeneration. Although based on in vitro evidence, our study adds on to an increasing literature indicating that the increasing use of dietary integrators might deserve consideration for the possible drawbacks. In addition to excitotoxicity, the altered immune profile of microglia might represent a further mechanism by which BCAAs might turn into toxicants and facilitate neurodegeneration

    effect of the daily ingestion of a purified anthocyanin extract from grape skin on rat serum antioxidant capacity

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    The aim of this work was to study the effect of the daily ingestion of a purified anthocyanin extract from red grape skin on rat serum antioxidant capacity (ORAC) and its safety for the intestinal epithelium. The study was carried out in rats orally administered with the extract for 10 days in either normal physiological conditions or exposed to a pro-oxidant chemical (CCl4). The oral administration of the extract significantly (P<0.05) enhanced the ORAC value of the deproteinised serum of about 50 % after 10 days of ingestion. Anthocyanin administration was also able to reverse completely the decrease in the serum ORAC activity induced by the CCl4 treatment. Experiments with Ussing chamber mounted intestine allowed to exclude any toxicity of the extract for the intestinal epithelium. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the purified anthocyanin extract from red grape skin enhances the total antioxidant capacity of the serum in either normal physiological condition or during oxidative stress induction, revealing a protective role against the decrease in the serum antioxidant capacity induced by a pro-oxidant compound

    Cost-effectiveness strategies in OSAS management: a short review

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    Lapnea ostruttiva del sonno (OSAS) è una malattia cronica eccessivamente sotto-diagnosticata con unalta prevalenza negli adulti. LOSAS sta diventando un problema sociale significativo perché associata ad un peggioramento della qualità della vita ed un aumento della mortalità. Il rapporto costo-efficacia nella gestione diagnostica e terapeutica dellOSAS è un problema strategico per contrastare la crescente domanda di test oggettivi. I pazienti OSAS che non presentano comorbilità clinicamente evidenti devono essere studiati utilizzando un sistema semplificato e poco costoso, come lHome Sleep Testing (HST). Al contrario, la Sleep Laboratory Polisomnography (PSG) rimane il gold standard per la gestione dei pazienti con OSAS in presenza di comorbidità. Occorre sottolineare che luso di HST potrebbe portare ad una diagnosi errata in soggetti OSAS non ben selezionati. Questa breve rassegna si propone di offrire argomenti di riflessione sulla corretta diagnosi e trattamento dellOSAS, in rapporto ai dati di prevalenza e alle ricadute sui costi/benefici sociali della malattia. Attualmente non può essere solo il rapporto costo/efficacia a definire il modello organizzativo adottato per la gestione dellOSAS, in quanto si rendono necessari ulteriori studi prospettici a lungo termine, volti a validare in maniera definitiva tale rapporto nonché il confronto tra il trattamento con modelli di gestione ospedaliera versus lassistenza domiciliare

    Formyl Peptide Receptor (FPR)1 Modulation by Resveratrol in an LPS-Induced Neuroinflammatory Animal Model

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    Among therapeutic approaches that have been investigated, targeting of receptors implicated in managing neuroinflammation has been described. One such family of receptors comprises the formyl peptide receptors (FPRs) whose ligands could play a role in host defense. The murine FPR gene family includes at least six members while in humans there are only three. The two most important members are the Fpr1 and Fpr2. Fpr1encodes murine FPR1, which is considered the murine orthologue of human FPR. Resveratrol, a non-flavonoid polyphenol rich in red wine and grapes, apart from its beneficial health effects and anti-inflammatory properties, has been reported to reduce neuroinflammation in different neurodegenerative disease models. Resveratrol anti-inflammatory responses involve the activation of the protein deacetylase sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) gene. In this work we have investigated in an LPS-based murine model of neuroinflammation the role of FPR1, examining not only if this receptor undergoes a reduction of its expression during neuroinflammation, but also whether treatment with resveratrol was able to modulate its expression leading to an amelioration of neuroinflammatory picture in a murine model of neuroinflammation. Results of this work showed that FPR1 together with SIRT1 resulted upregulated by resveratrol treatment and that this increase is associated with an amelioration of the neuroinflammatory picture, as demonstrated by the induction of IL-10 and IL1-RA expression and the downregulation of proinflammatory mediators, such as TNF-α and IL-1β. The expression and the modulation of FPR1 by resveratrol may be evaluated in order to propose a novel anti-inflammatory and pro-resolving therapeutic approach for the reduction of the detrimental effects associated with neuro-inflammation based neurodegenerative diseases and also as a promising strategy to promote human health by a diet rich in antioxidative bioactive compounds
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