119 research outputs found

    Comparing Two Approaches for Thyroidectomy: A Health Technology Assessment through DMAIC Cycle

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    Total thyroidectomy is very common in endocrine surgery and the haemostasis can be obtained in different ways across surgery; recently, some devices have been developed to support this surgical phase. In this paper, a health technology assessment is conducted through the define, measure, analyse, improve, and control cycle of the Six Sigma methodology to compare traditional total thyroidectomy with the surgical operation performed through a new device in an overall population of 104 patients. Length of hospital stay, drain output, and time for surgery were considered the critical to qualities in order to compare the surgical approaches which can be considered equal regarding the organizational, ethical, and security impact. Statistical tests (Kolmogorov–Smirnov, t test, ANOVA, Mann–Whitney, and Kruskal–Wallis tests) and visual management diagrams were employed to compare the approaches, but no statistically significant difference was found between them. Considering these results, this study shows that the introduction of the device to perform total thyroidectomy does not guarantee appreciable clinical advantages. A cost analysis to quantify the economic impact of the device into the practice could be a future development. Healthy policy leaders and clinicians who are requested to make decisions regarding the supply of biomedical technologies could benefit from this research

    Efficacy and safety of therapies for COVID-19 in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Clinical evidence suggests that pregnant women are more vulnerable to COVID-19, since they are at increased risk for disease progression and for obstetric complications, such as premature labor, miscarriage, preeclampsia, cesarean delivery, fetal growth restriction and perinatal death. Despite this evidence, pregnant women are often excluded from clinical trials, resulting in limited knowledge on COVID-19 management. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is to provide better evidence on the efficacy and safety of available COVID-19 treatment in pregnant women. Methods: Four authors searched major electronic databases from inception until 1 st November-2022 for controlled trials/observational studies, investigating outcomes after the administration of anti-SARS-CoV-2 treatments in pregnant women affected by COVID-19. The analyses investigated the cumulative incidence of delivery and maternal outcomes in pregnant women, comparing those taking active medication vs standard care. Risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals were calculated. Statistical significance was assessed using the random effects model and inverse-variance method. This systematic review and meta-analysis was conducted in accordance with the updated 2020 Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The protocol has been registered in Prospero (number registration: CRD42023397445). Results: From initially 937 non duplicate records, we assessed the full texts of 40 articles, finally including ten studies. In six studies, including 1627 patients, the use of casirivimab/imdevimab (CAS/IMD), remdesivir, and IFN-alpha 2b significantly decreased the need of cesarean section ((RR = 0.665; 95%CI: 0.491–0.899; p = 0.008; I 2 = 19.5%;) (Table 1, (Fig. 1). Treatments did not decrease the risk of preterm delivery, admission to neonatal ICU, or stillbirth/perinatal loss (p-values > 0.50 for all these outcomes) and did not prevent the progression of disease towards severe degrees (k = 8; 2,374 pregnant women; RR = 0.778; 95%CI: 0.550–1.099; p = 0.15; I 2 = 0%). Moreover, the use of medications during pregnancy did not modify the incidence of maternal death in two studies (Table 2). Conclusions: To our analysis, CAS/IMD, remdesivir, and IFN alpha 2b reduced the number of cesarean sections but demonstrated no effect on disease progression and other obstetric and COVID-19 related outcomes. The inability to evaluate the influence of viral load on illness development in pregnant women was attributed to lack of data. In our systematic review, no major side effects were reported. Though, it is essential for the medical community to focus more on clinical trials and less on episodic case reports and case series, with standardization of fetal and maternal outcomes

    Effects of Oestrogen on MicroRNA Expression in Hormone-Responsive Breast Cancer Cells

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    Oestrogen receptor alpha (ERα) is a ligand-dependent transcription factor that mediates oestrogen effects in hormone-responsive cells. Following oestrogenic activation, ERα directly regulates the transcription of target genes via DNA binding. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) represent a class of small noncoding RNAs that function as negative regulators of protein-coding gene expression. They are found aberrantly expressed or mutated in cancer, suggesting their crucial role as either oncogenes or tumour suppressor genes. Here, we analysed changes in miRNA expression in response to oestrogen in hormone-responsive breast cancer MCF-7 and ZR-75.1 cells by microarray-mediated expression profiling. This led to the identification of 172 miRNAs up- or down-regulated by ERα in response to 17ÎČ-oestradiol, of which 52 are similarly regulated by the hormone in the two cell models investigated. To identify mechanisms by which ERα exerts its effects on oestrogen-responsive miRNA genes, the oestrogen-dependent miRNA expression profiles were integrated with global in vivo ERα binding site mapping in the genome by ChIP-Seq. In addition, data from miRNA and messenger RNA (mRNA) expression profiles obtained under identical experimental conditions were compared to identify relevant miRNA target transcripts. Results show that miRNAs modulated by ERα represent a novel genomic pathway to impact oestrogen-dependent processes that affect hormone-responsive breast cancer cell behaviour. MiRNome analysis in tumour tissues from breast cancer patients confirmed a strong association between expression of these small RNAs and clinical outcome of the disease, although this appears to involve only marginally the oestrogen-regulated miRNAs identified in this study

    Pharmacological Comparative Characterization of REL-1017 (Esmethadone-HCl) and Other NMDAR Channel Blockers in Human Heterodimeric N-Methyl-D-Aspartate Receptors

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    Excessive Ca2+ currents via N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) have been implicated in many disorders. Uncompetitive NMDAR channel blockers are an emerging class of drugs in clinical use for major depressive disorder (MDD) and other neuropsychiatric diseases. The pharmacological characterization of uncompetitive NMDAR blockers in clinical use may improve our understanding of NMDAR function in physiology and pathology. REL-1017 (esmethadone-HCl), a novel uncompetitive NMDAR channel blocker in Phase 3 trials for the treatment of MDD, was characterized together with dextromethorphan, memantine, (±)-ketamine, and MK-801 in cell lines over-expressing NMDAR subtypes using fluorometric imaging plate reader (FLIPR), automated patch-clamp, and manual patch-clamp electrophysiology. In the absence of Mg2+, NMDAR subtypes NR1-2D were most sensitive to low, sub-ΌM glutamate concentrations in FLIPR experiments. FLIPR Ca2+ determination demonstrated low ΌM affinity of REL-1017 at NMDARs with minimal subtype preference. In automated and manual patch-clamp electrophysiological experiments, REL-1017 exhibited preference for the NR1-2D NMDAR subtype in the presence of 1 mM Mg2+ and 1 ΌM L-glutamate. Tau off and trapping characteristics were similar for (±)-ketamine and REL-1017. Results of radioligand binding assays in rat cortical neurons correlated with the estimated affinities obtained in FLIPR assays and in automated and manual patch-clamp assays. In silico studies of NMDARs in closed and open conformation indicate that REL-1017 has a higher preference for docking and undocking the open-channel conformation compared to ketamine. In conclusion, the pharmacological characteristics of REL-1017 at NMDARs, including relatively low affinity at the NMDAR, NR1-2D subtype preference in the presence of 1 mM Mg2+, tau off and degree of trapping similar to (±)-ketamine, and preferential docking and undocking of the open NMDAR, could all be important variables for understanding the rapid-onset antidepressant effects of REL-1017 without psychotomimetic side effects

    Extending the temporal context of ethnobotanical databases: the case study of the Campania region (southern Italy)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ethnobotanical studies generally describe the traditional knowledge of a territory according to a "hic et nunc" principle. The need of approaching this field also embedding historical data has been frequently acknowledged. With their long history of civilization some regions of the Mediterranean basin seem to be particularly suited for an historical approach to be adopted. Campania, a region of southern Italy, has been selected for a database implementation containing present and past information on plant uses.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A relational database has been built on the basis of information gathered from different historical sources, including diaries, travel accounts, and treatises on medicinal plants, written by explorers, botanists, physicians, who travelled in Campania during the last three centuries. Moreover, ethnobotanical uses described in historical herbal collections and in Ancient and Medieval texts from the Mediterranean Region have been included in the database.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>1672 different uses, ranging from medicinal, to alimentary, ceremonial, veterinary, have been recorded for 474 species listed in the data base. Information is not uniformly spread over the Campanian territory; Sannio being the most studied geographical area and Cilento the least one. About 50 plants have been continuously used in the last three centuries in the cure of the same affections. A comparison with the uses reported for the same species in Ancient treatises shows that the origin of present ethnomedicine from old learned medical doctrines needs a case-by-case confirmation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The database is flexible enough to represent a useful tool for researchers who need to store and compare present and previous ethnobotanical uses from Mediterranean Countries.</p

    Molecular analysis of the apoptotic effects of BPA in acute myeloid leukemia cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background:</p> <p>BPA (bisphenol A or 2,2-bis(4-hydroxy-phenol)propane) is present in the manufacture of polycarbonate plastic and epoxy resins, which can be used in impact-resistant safety equipment and baby bottles, as protective coatings inside metal food containers, and as composites and sealants in dentistry. Recently, attention has focused on the estrogen-like and carcinogenic adverse effects of BPA. Thus, it is necessary to investigate the cytotoxicity and apoptosis-inducing activity of this compound.</p> <p>Methods:</p> <p>Cell cycle, apoptosis and differentiation analyses; western blots.</p> <p>Results:</p> <p>BPA is able to induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in three different acute myeloid leukemias. Although some granulocytic differentiation concomitantly occurred in NB4 cells upon BPA treatment, the major action was the induction of apoptosis. BPA mediated apoptosis was caspase dependent and occurred by activation of extrinsic and intrinsic cell death pathways modulating both FAS and TRAIL and by inducing BAD phosphorylation in NB4 cells. Finally, also non genomic actions such as the early decrease of both ERK and AKT phosphorylation were induced by BPA thus indicating that a complex intersection of regulations occur for the apoptotic action of BPA.</p> <p>Conclusion:</p> <p>BPA is able to induce apoptosis in leukemia cells via caspase activation and involvement of both intrinsic and extrinsic pathways of apoptosis.</p

    Lines of Descent: Kuhn and Beyond

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    yesThomas S. Kuhn is famous both for his work on the Copernican Revolution and his ‘paradigm’ view of scientific revolutions. But Kuhn later abandoned the notion of paradigm (and related notions) in favour of a more ‘evolutionary’ view of the history of science. Kuhn’s position therefore moved closer to ‘continuity’ models of scientific progress, for instance ‘chain-of-reasoning’ models, originally championed by D. Shapere. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the debate around Kuhn’s new ‘developmental’ view and to evaluate these competing models with reference to some major innovations in the history of cosmology, from Copernicanism to modern cosmology. This evaluation is made possible through some unexpected overlap between Kuhn’s earlier discontinuity model and various versions of the later continuity models. It is the thesis of this paper that the ‘chain-of-reasoning’ model accounts better for the cosmological evidence than both Kuhn’s early paradigm model and his later developmental view of the history of science

    Model Risk Management. Le prassi e il modello a tendere.

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    I modelli hanno assunto un ruolo pervasivo nell’operativitĂ  bancaria configurandosi come driver essenziali nel decision making sia in ambito regolamentare che gestionale, e questa considerazione, seppur con caratterizzazioni diverse, risulta valida sia per banche “significant” che “less significant”. Si evidenzia che il numero e la complessitĂ  dei modelli hanno raggiunto un livello di ampiezza tale da richiederne una gestione dedicata e strumenti specifici per evitare che la base decisionale si poggi su algoritmi, dati o elaborazioni non adeguati. Oltre alla complessitĂ  intrinseca dei modelli, si aggiunge una crescente interconnessione tra gli stessi per cui le criticitĂ  di un modello possono riverberarsi sui modelli collegati con effetti poco prevedibili. Le mutevoli condizioni di contesto (accentuate dall’emergenza Covid), hanno ulteriormente amplificato l’esigenza di ridurre la distanza tra l’identificazione delle criticitĂ  sui modelli, la presa in carico delle azioni correttive, il relativo monitoraggio e il rilascio degli interventi. Una catena di trasmissione non adeguata comporta inevitabilmente tempi di risposta piĂč lunghi, con modelli che non sono in grado di rappresentare adeguatamente il contesto operativo

    Magnetic Resonance Imaging as a Predictor of Pathologic Response in Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Systemic Treatment for Operable Breast Cancer (TBCRC 017)

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    Increased pathologic complete response (pCR) rates observed with neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) for some subsets of patients with invasive breast cancer has prompted interest in whether patients with pCR can be identified preoperatively and potentially spared the morbidity of surgery. This multicenter retrospective study was performed to estimate the accuracy of preoperative MRI in predicting pCR in the breast
