3 research outputs found

    La noche italiana ante la Covid-19

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    Este artículo describe y analiza el arribo y propagación de la pandemia de la COVID-19 en Italia durante los primeros tres meses del 2020. Al momento de escribir estas líneas el brote todavía no había concluido y no se conocía aún su alcance definitivo. Presenta una crónica de los hechos in situ, con interpretaciones teóricas de autores como Bruno Latour, Ulrich Beck o Deborah Lupton, a partir del primer contagio oficial, confirmado el 20 de febrero de 2020 en el norte del país, donde se concentraron las infecciones y defunciones. Resalta cómo el debilitamiento progresivo del sistema de sanidad, con los recortes de recursos impuestos en los últimos años, dejó impreparado al país para afrontar la emergencia. Destaca que con el 22.8% de su población mayor de 65 años (Tagliacozzo, 21 de abril de 2020), Italia era particularmente vulnerable al contagio, que se cebó en las residencias para ancianos. El artículo se refiere igualmente a los efectos disruptivos de la COVID-19 en la economía (Gopinath, 2020), el papel de las ciencias sociales para explicar el mundo poscoronavirus, en especial con la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías como instrumentos para monitorear la salud y el movimiento de las personas (Harari, 2020)

    Treating rheumatoid arthritis to target: Multinational recommendations assessment questionnaire

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    AIM: To measure the level of agreement and application of 10 international recommendations for treating rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to a target of remission/low disease activity. METHODS: A 10-point Likert scale (1=fully disagree, 10=fully agree) measured the level of agreement with each of 10 recommendations. A 4-point Likert scale (never, not very often, very often, always) assessed the degree to which each recommendation was being applied in current daily practice. If respondents answered ‘never’ or ‘not very often’, they were asked whether they would change their practice according to the particular recommendation. RESULTS: A total of 1901 physicians representing 34 countries participated. Both agreement with and application of recommendations was high. With regard to application of recommendations in daily practice, the majority of responses were ‘always’ and ‘very often’. A significant percentage of participants who were currently not applying these recommendations in clinical practice were willing to change their practice according to the recommendations. CONCLUSION: The results of this survey demonstrated great support of ‘Treating RA to Target’ recommendations among the international rheumatology community. Additional efforts may be needed to encourage application of the recommendations among certain clinicians who are resistant to changing their practice

    Proceso De Producciin De Ressmenes En Los Estudiantes De Ingenierra Meccnica De La Universidad Nacional Experimental Del TTchira - UNET. Trabajo Especial De Grado Inndito (Summaries Production Process Among Students in Mechanical Engineering From the National Experimental University of Tachira - UNET. Unpublished Degree Thesis)

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