1,151 research outputs found


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    This paper analyses the impact of the 2003 CAP reform on Spanish agricultural sector in the context of the recent CAP Health Check and high food prices, using PROMAPA, a positive mathematical programming model for representative farms. The analysis compares the model results for base year 2002 to the findings for a scenario with the CAP reform measures in place, taking into account recent modifications. The effect of adopting a full decoupling scheme instead of the present partial decoupling is also studied. Brief descriptions are given of the PROMAPA model, the representative farm considered and the assumptions about both price variations and the policy measures simulated. The findings showed that the farming area for cereals grew substantially after abolition of the compulsory set-aside and that the impact of transition to full decoupling was scant, except in the sheep and rearing cattle sub-sectors, where it considerably steepened the already sizeable decline in livestock numbers induced by the partial decoupling scheme.CAP reform, CAP Health Check, Decoupling, Spanish agricultural sector., Agricultural and Food Policy, Q10, Q12, Q18,

    Quantum-information engines with many-body states attaining optimal extractable work with quantum control

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    We introduce quantum information engines that extract work from quantum states and a single thermal reservoir. They may operate under three general conditions—(1) unitarily steered evolution (US), driven by a restricted set of available Hamiltonians; (2) irreversible thermalization (IT), and (3) isothermal relaxation (IR)—and hence are called USITIR machines. They include novel engines without traditional feedback control mechanisms, as well as versions which also include them. Explicit constructions of USITIR engines are presented for oneand two-qubit states and their maximum extractable work is computed, which is optimal. Optimality is achieved when the notions of controllable thermalizability and density matrix controllability are fulfilled. Then many-body extensions of USITIR engines are also analyzed and conditions for optimal work extraction are identified. When they are not met, we measure their lack of optimality by means of newly defined uncontrollable entropies, which are explicitly computed for some selected examples. This includes cases of distinguishable and indistinguishable particles

    Estimación de la superficie quemada en los incendios forestales de Canarias en 2007 utilizando sinérgicamente imágenes MODIS y anomalías térmicas

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    El presente trabajo plantea una metodología rápida, precisa y económica para la estimación del área quemada en los incendios forestales utilizando técnicas de teledetección. El algoritmo utilizado se basa en la determinación o establecimiento de umbrales a partir de la banda del infrarrojo cercano. Se han utilizados los productos de reflectancia MODIS y las series temporales de anomalías térmicas proporcionadas por la NASA. Dicho umbral que separa área quemada de noquemada se ha basado en la búsqueda de la máxima coincidencia entre área quemada definida por la banda del infrarrojo cercano y zona de influencia de las anomalías térmicas. Los resultados muestran la utilidad de la metodología propuesta para la estimación de áreas quemadas y su importancia a la hora de localizar de una forma rápida las zonas de intervención prioritaria, así como para la planificación de futuros trabajos de restauración de la zona afectada

    Atlantic Cod Predation on Northern shrimp in Flemish Cap (NAFO Div. 3M)

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    The aim of this study is to estimate the predation on shrimp by Atlantic cod in Flemish Cap in the period 2000-2010 and the impact of the cod stock recovery in recent years on the prey stock. Stomach content samples of Atlantic cod were taken in the Flemish Cap survey (NAFO Div. 3M). The analysis was done jointly from all individuals, undifferentiated sexes. They were established four size groups of Atlantic cod with a different predation rate on shrimp: 10-79 cm, 80-89 cm, 90-109 cm and ≥110 cm. Results show a clear increasing trend in the daily consumption of shrimp by cod related with increasing of shrimp biomass. Males and females show the same pattern of consumption of this prey. However consumption changes with the predator size, being highest in individuals over 16 cm to 79 cm. Cod less than 16 cm does not consume shrimp. The maximum consumption of this prey was observed in the period 1999-2008; this period was followed by the fall of this prey biomass in recent years as the cod biomass increased

    Eficacia biodescontaminante obtenida mediante la aplicación de Virkon®, Perasafe® e hidróxido sódico sobre superficies de alto riesgo microbiológico

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    La eficacia de la actividad biodescontaminante de los productos Virkon®, Perasafe® e hidróxido sódico, ha sido evaluada. Los compuestos fueron ensayados en boxes de laboratorios de contención con bioseguridad nivel 3 (NCB3), destinados a alojar animales de experimentación para el estudio de peste porcina africana (PPA), fiebre aftosa (FA) y virus del Nilo Occidental (VNO). Las muestras procedentes de diferentes puntos fueron obtenidas mediante placas RODAC, antes y después de la aplicación del tratamiento desinfectante sobre la superficie ensayada, y los resultados obtenidos fueron expresados como unidades formadoras de colonias por mililitro (ufc/ml). Los resultados obtenidos indican que todos los compuestos ensayados demostraron un alto nivel de eficacia biodescontaminante, pero sin embargo el efecto inducido el compuesto Perasafe® aportó un nivel de eficacia superior al obtenido con los otros compuestos. Así, estos resultados permiten afirmar la idoneidad de Perasafe® para la desinfección de espacios con nivel 3 de bioseguridad.Biodecontaminant effectiveness obtained in surfaces treated with Virkon®, Perasafe®, and sodium hydroxide has been evaluated. The selected compounds were used in boxes from Biosafety Level 3 containment laboratories (NCB3) for animals exposed to classical swine fever (CSF), foot and mooth disease (FMD), and west nile virus (WNV). The samples from selected points were obtained by mean RODAC plates, before and after to the use of selected compounds on surfaces, and the results obtained were expressed as colony-forming units per milliliter (cfu/ml). Results shown that all compounds assayed demonstrated high biodecontaminant efficacy levels; but however Perasafe® was more effective than others compounds assayed. Thus, these results allow affirming that Perasafe® is suitable for the disinfection of surfaces from NCB3 spaces

    Tagging and recapture activities carried out by the Spanish Confederation of Responsible Recreational fishing (ceprr) with the Scientific Coordination of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in the Mediterranean (2008-2011)

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    During the 2008-2011 period, 1548 specimens of tuna and tuna-like species were tagged by the Spanish Confederation of Responsible Recreational Fishing (CEPRR) with the scientific coordination of the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO). Of these, 1031 bluefin tuna were tagged with conventional tags, whereas 10 other specimens of the same species were tagged with pop-up satellite electronic tags in the Mediterranean. Five pop-up electronic tags remained on the adult specimens up to 110 days. In this period, the specimens stayed in the tagging area except for one of them, which reached Algerian waters in the winter. Similarly, 333 long-finned tuna and up to 184 specimens belonging to other species such as swordfish, little tunny, bonito, frigate tuna and spearfish, were also tagged. Eight bluefin tuna were recaptured, including one adult tuna which was found in the same area where it was tagged (Balearic Islands) 1343 days after release. A juvenile tuna tagged in the Mediterranean was recaptured more than two years after release in the Cantabrian Sea. Over the 2008-2011 period, the IEO provided a number of training courses on conventional and electronic tagging techniques at the different ports where tournaments and/or tagging and release campaigns were carried out. This promoted participation of the CEPRR in the tagging design of the GBYP-ICCAT Atlantic-wide Research Programme on Bluefin Tuna, as well as strategic and scientific interest.Postprin

    Paleopatología en la necrópolis mudéjar de El Raval (Crevillent, Alicante)

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Updated standardized joint CPUE index for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by Moroccan and Spanish traps for the period 1981- 2012.

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    Relative abundance indices of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) caught by the Moroccan and Spanish traps in the area close to the Strait of Gibraltar were estimated for the period 1981- 2013. Standardized CPUEs were estimated through a General Linear Modeling (GLM) approach under a negative binomial error distribution assumption.Versión del edito


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    A General Linear Modeling (GLM)approach to analysis of variance was used to analyze swordfish logged catch rates in number of fish from 24 , 239 trips carried out by the Spanish surface longline fleet addressed to this species in the Western Mediterranean f or the period 1988 - 2013.Postprin

    Updated standardized catch rates in number and weight for swordfish (Xiphias gladius L.) caught by the Spanish longline fleet in the Mediterranean Sea, 1988- 2013.

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    A General Linear Modeling (GLM) approach to analysis of variance was used to analyze swordfish logged catch rates in number of fish from 24,239 trips carried out by the Spanish surface longline fleet addressed to this species in the Western Mediterranean for the period 1988 -2013.Versión del edito