8,286 research outputs found

    an em modeling for rescue system design of buried people

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    The development of a rescue system for buried persons is a subject of growing importance in case of occurrence of natural disasters such as earthquake, landslides, or avalanches. In this paper a fully analytical model has been developed to get some fundamental a priori design characteristics. The proposed system is based on the detection of the victim movements due to its respiratory activity: in particular, when an electromagnetic (EM) wave impinges on a human body, the analysis of the reflected wave parameters such as amplitude, frequency, phase, or delay time allows for the detection of the breathing frequency. The model is simple on purpose because the great uncertainty concerning the characterization of many environmental parameters of a general situation makes a very detailed model useless. However, it is accurate enough to provide useful information about system design, filling the gap in the literature concerning the electromagnetic formulation of such kinds of problems. A system prototype was built using laboratory equipment to experimentally validate the model, and subsequently breathing frequency measurements were carried on, both in a lossless laboratory environment and in a lossy realistic scenario

    New insights into the pharmacological, immunological, and CAR-T-cell approaches in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.

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    The tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) sorafenib continues to be the anchor drug in the treatment of advanced stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Other TKIs as well as immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have also been approved, however the response rates remain poor and heterogeneous among HCC patients, largely due to antitumor drug resistance. Studies aimed at identifying novel biomarkers and developing new strategies to improve the response to current treatment and to overcome drug resistance, are urgently needed. Germline or somatic mutations, neoantigens, and an immunotolerogenic state against constant inflammatory stimuli in the liver, are crucial for the anti-tumor response. A pharmacogenetic approach has been attempted considering germline polymorphisms in genes encoding for proteins involved in drug-targeted pathways. Single gene and comprehensive multi-gene somatic profiling approaches have been adopted in HCC to identify tumor sensitivity scores and immunogenic profiles that can be exploited for new biomarkers and innovative therapeutic approaches. However, the high genomic heterogeneity of tumors and lack of molecularly targeted agents, hamper the discovery of specific molecular markers of resistance to therapy. Adoptive cell therapy with chimeric antigen receptor redirected T (CAR-T) cells targeting specific tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) was proposed recently. The specificity of the chosen TAA, an efficient homing of CAR-T cells to the tumor site, and the ability of CAR-T cells to survive in the tumor microenvironment are central factors in the success of CAR-T therapy. The current review describes the principal systemic treatments for HCC and the molecular evidence regarding potential predictive host and somatic genetic markers, as well as the emerging strategy of liquid biopsy for disease monitoring. Novel immunotherapeutic approaches for HCC treatment, including the use of ICIs and CAR-T, as well as strategies to overcome drug resistance, are discussed

    Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrustingand folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): Revaluation of “seismicefficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust

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    tGeological studies and morphological analysis, compared with seismological and geodetic data, suggestthat a compressive regime currently occurs at crustal depth in the western sector of Mt. Etna, accommo-dated by shallow thrusting and folding at the front of the chain, south of the volcanic edifice. In particular,a large WSW-ENE trending anticline, interpreted as detachment fold, is growing west and north of Cata-nia city (the Catania anticline). Geological data suggest that during the last 6000 years the frontal foldhas been characterized by uplift rates of ∼6 mm/yr along the hinge, consistent with the interferometricdata (10 mm/yr) recorded in the last 20 years. Moreover, a NNW-SSE oriented axis of compression hasbeen obtained by seismological data, consistent with GPS measurements over the last 20 years whichhave revealed a shortening rate of ∼5 mm/yr along the same direction. Besides the activity related to thevolcanic feeding system, the seismic pattern under the Mt. Etna edifice can be certainly related to theregional tectonics. The compressive stress is converted into elastic accumulation and then in earthquakesalong the ramps beneath the chain, whereas on the frontal area it is accommodated by aseismic defor-mation along an incipient detachment within the clayish foredeep deposits. The high rate of shorteningat the aseismic front of the chain, suggests a greater “seismic efficiency” in correspondence of ramps atthe rear.Published32-412T. Tettonica attivaJCR Journalrestricte

    New Geological, seismological and geodetic evidence of active thrusting and folding south of Mt. Etna (eastern Sicily): revaluation of “seismic efficiency” of the Sicilian Basal Thrust

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    New geological, seismological and geodetic data indicate that a NNW-SSE compressive regime occurs in the southern and western sector of Mt. Etna, accommodated by aseismic folding at the front of the chain. In particular, a large WSW-ENE trending anticline (the Catania anticline) is growing west and north of Catania within a middle-late Pleistocene fold system. For its location, geometry and growth rate, it is consistent with detachment fold models. We exclude that this structure have developed in response to volcanic spreading, as proposed by previous authors. Looking at the earthquakes distribution , an interesting finding is a clear trend of the seismic events deepening from very shallow hypocenters, in the area south of Etna, down to a depth of about 35 km, towards the NNW. Moreover, most of the events are clustered. We computed the focal mechanisms for the major and best recorded earthquakes occurring in the area. One cluster located at few kilometers north-west of the summit craters shows fault mechanisms of the deeper events with nearly horizontal P-axes striking NNW-SSE. A segment of the Sicilian Basal Thrust, located at crustal depth under the northwestern sector of the volcano, could be the seismic source. We propose the occurrence of detachment folding at the chain front, as response of a surface frontal propagation of this regional structure, migrating within the clayish middle-late Pleistocene foredeep deposits or at the top of the buried Hyblean foreland sequence. Geological and morphometric analyses suggest a maximum up warp deformation along the anticline axis of 40 m in the last 6000-7000 yrs, with a vertical slip-rate of 5 - 7 mm/yr. These values are consistent with the growth rate of 9 - 10 mm/yr estimated by interferometric data and the horizontal shortening of 5 mm/yr obtained by GPS measurements. Our analysis confirms that, besides the activity related to the volcanic feeding system, the seismic pattern under Mt. Etna edifice can be certainly related to the regional dynamics. The compressive stress is converted into elastic accumulation and then in earthquakes along the ramps to the rear of the chain, whereas along the frontal detachment it is accommodated by aseismic ductile deformation. In fact, despite the high rates of convergence, the seismicity is moderate at the front of the chain and the “seismic efficiency" of the Sicilian Basal Thrust is greater in correspondence of ramps at the rear, where strong earthquakes can occur.Publishedhttp://www.geoscienze2014.it/1T. Geodinamica e interno della Terraope

    SIR-C/X-SAR data calibration and ground truth campaign over the NASA-CB1 test-site

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    During the Space Shuttle Endeavour mission in October 1994, a remote-sensing campaign was carried out with the objectives of both radiometric and polarimetric calibration and ground truth data acquisition of bare soils. This paper presents the results obtained in the experiment. Polarimetric cross-talk and channel imbalance values, as well as radiometric calibration parameters, have been found to be within the science requirements for SAR images. Regarding ground truth measurements, a wide spread in the height rms values and correlation lengths has been observed, which has motivated a critical revisiting of surface parameters descriptors

    Calidad del aceite de oliva virgen con relación a la zona de origen.

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    To elucidate the weight and the influence of the origin area on the analytical and compositional variables of olive oil, an investigation was carried out. Five Italian geographical zones were chosen. They were in the neighbour of the: (i) Faculty of Agriculture of University of Perugia (UNI-PG); (ii) the Olive Growing Institute-National Research Council of Perugia (NRC-PG); (iii) the Experimental Olive Growing Institute of Spoleto (EOI-SPOL); (iv) the Agricultural Technical Institute of Pescia (ATI-PES); and (v) the Faculty of Agriculture of University of Florence (UNI-FL). From these areas, Frantoio, Leccino and Moraiolo olive variety samples were taken, which were processed by a mini oil-mill. The research results showed that the quality, typicality and shelf-life parameters and the flavour of the oils were largely influenced by the origin zone, i.e., by the climatic and pedologic factors of the production environment. The influence exerted on some oil constituent groups, as phenols, tocopherols, aromatic volatile compounds, and fatty acids, should be emphasized as these components are closely related to the quality and typicality of product. Some oil genuineness parameters were affected as well by the environmental variables.Se ha realizado una investigación para evidenciar la importancia y la Influencia que la zona de origen tiene sobre las variables analíticas del aceite de oliva virgen. Han sido seleccionadas cinco zonas geográficas de Italia: (i) una cerca de la Facultad de Agraria de la Universidad de Perusa (UNI-PG); (ii) una cerca del Instituto para la Olivicultura - Consejo Nacional de las Investigaciones de Perusa (CNI-PG); (iii) una zona próxima al Instituto Experimental para la Olivicultura de Espoleto (lEO-ESP); (iv) una zona cerca Instituto Técnico Agrario de Pescia (ITA-PES); (v) una zona cerca de la Facultad de Agraria de la Universidad de Florencia (UNI-FL). De estas zonas han sido tomadas muestras de aceitunas de las variedades Frantoio, Leccino y Moraiolo, las cuales han sido procesadas con un micro-molino de aceite. Los resultados de la investigación, han puesto en evidencia que los parámetros de la calidad, tipismo y vida útil, y el flavor de los aceites estaban bastante influenciados por la zona de origen, es decir por los factores climáticos y pedológicos del medio agrícola. Se debe subrayar la influencia observada en algunos grupos de componentes, como fenoles, tocoferoles, compuestos volátiles aromáticos y ácidos grasos, puesto que estas substancias están estrechamente relacionadas con la calidad y el tipismo del producto. Algunos parámetros de la pureza están también influenciados por las variables ambientales

    CDK4/6 Inhibitors in Breast Cancer Treatment: Potential Interactions with Drug, Gene, and Pathophysiological Conditions

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    Palbociclib, ribociclib, and abemaciclib belong to the third generation of cyclin-dependent kinases inhibitors (CDKis), an established therapeutic class for advanced and metastatic breast cancer. Interindividual variability in the therapeutic response of CDKis has been reported and some individuals may experience increased and unexpected toxicity. This narrative review aims at identifying the factors potentially concurring at this variability for driving the most appropriate and tailored use of CDKis in the clinic. Specifically, concomitant medications, pharmacogenetic profile, and pathophysiological conditions could influence absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination pharmacokinetics. A personalized therapeutic approach taking into consideration all factors potentially contributing to an altered pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic profile could better drive safe and effective clinical use