5,200 research outputs found

    Severe bloodstream infection due to KPC-producer e coli in a renal transplant recipient treated with the double-carbapenem regimen and analysis of in vitro synergy testing a case report

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    Transplant recipients are at high risk of infections caused by multidrug resistant microorganisms. Due to the limited thera- peutic options, innovative antimicrobial combinations against carbape- nem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae causing severe infections are necessary. A 61-year-old woman with a history of congenital solitary kidney underwent renal transplantation. The postoperative course was compli- cated by nosocomial pneumonia due to Stenotrophomonas maltophilia and pan-sensitive Escherichia coli, successfully treated with antimicrobial therapy. On postoperative day 22, diagnosis of surgical site infection and nosocomial pneumonia with concomitant bacteremia due to a Kle- bisella pneumoniae carbapenemase-producer E coli was made. The patient was treated with the double-carbapenem regimen (high dose of merope- nem plus ertapenem) and a potent synergistic and bactericidal activity of this un-conventional therapeutic strategy was observed in vitro. Despite a microbiological response with prompt negativity of blood cultures, the patient faced a worse outcome because of severe hemorrhagic shock. The double-carbapenem regimen might be considered as a rescue therapy in those subjects, including transplant recipients, in whom previous antimicrobial combinations failed or when colistin use might be discouraged. Performing in vitro synergy testing should be strongly encouraged in cases of infections caused by pan-drug resistant strains, especially in high-risk patients

    Higher levels of osteoprotegerin and immune activation/immunosenescence markers are correlated with concomitant bone and endovascular damage in HIV-suppressed patients

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    HIV-infected patients appear to have a significantly greater risk of non-AIDS comorbidities such as osteoporosis and atherosclerosis. Subjects with osteoporosis are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than those with normal bone mass, therefore a possible relation between these two conditions can be hypothesized. In the setting of HIV infection, several factors might contribute to bone disease and endothelial dysfunction. The aim of our study was to evaluate the relationship between bone and cardiovascular disease and to investigate the role of traditional factors, T-cell phenotype and osteoprotegerin in HIV positive subjects on effective antiretroviral therapy. We included 94 HIV positive subjects on antiretroviral therapy with virological suppression and 41 healthy subjects matched for age and gender as a control group. Carotid-Intima Media Thickness (c-IMT) and bone mineral density (BMD) were performed by ultrasound and DEXA, respectively. CD4+/CD8+ T-cell activation, senescence and osteoprotegerin plasma levels were measured by flow-cytometry and ELISA, respectively. Among HIV positive patients, 56.4% had osteopenia/osteoporosis and 45.7% had pathological c-IMT (>0.9mm). Subjects with pathological c-IMT and BMD exhibited higher CD4+ and CD8+ activated, CD8+ senescent and osteoprotegerin than subjects with normal c-IMT and BMD. HIV positive subjects with osteopenia/osteoporosis had higher c-IMT than subjects with normal BMD, and linear regression analysis showed a negative correlation between BMD and c-IMT. Several factors are implicated in the pathogenesis of non-AIDS comorbidities in HIV positive patients. Osteoprotegerin together with inflammation and immunosenescence in HIV positive patients could affect bone and vascular system and could be considered as a possible common link between these two diseases

    Nitrogen budget and statistical entropy analysis of the Tiber River catchment, a highly anthropized environment

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    Modern farming causes a decline in the recycling of the soil's inorganic matter due to losses by leaching, runoff, or infiltration into the groundwater. The Soil System Budget approach was applied to evaluate the net N budget at the catchment and sub-catchment levels of the Tiber River (central Italy) in order to establish the causes for different N budgets among the sub-catchments. Statistical Entropy Analysis (SEA) was used to evaluate the N efficiency of the Tiber River and its sub-catchments, providing information on the dispersion of different N forms in the environment. The total N inputs exceeded the total outputs, showing a low N retention (15.8%) at the catchment level, although some sub-catchments showed higher N retention values. The Utilized Agricultural Area was important in the determination of the N balance, as it was linked to zoo- and agricultural activities, although the Random Forest analysis showed that the importance ranking changed with the land use. The low N retention of the Tiber catchment was due to the soil characteristics (Cambisols and Leptosols), loads from atmospheric deposition, biological fixation, and the livestock industry. The SEA simulations showed a reduction of the N released into the atmosphere and groundwater compartments from 34% to 6% through a reduction of the N loads by 50%

    Synthesis and spectroscopic/DFT structural characterization of coordination compounds of Nb(V) and Ti(IV) with bioactive carboxylic acids

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    The reactions are reported of NbX5(X = Cl, Br), TiCl4and Ti(OiPr)4with a selection of carboxylic acids exhibiting a known biological role, in a chlorinated solvent. The reactions of NbX5with acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) proceeded with selective deacetylation of the organic reactant and formation of the salicylate complexes NbX4(C7H5O3) (1a, X = Cl; 1b, X = Br) in 60–65% yields. NbCl5reacted with diclofenac and ethacrynic acid (EA-CO2H) to give NbCl3[κ3O,O,N-O2CCH2(C6H4)NC6H3Cl2], 2 (80% yield), and NbCl4(O2C-EA), 3 (72% yield), respectively. Ti(OiPr)4reacted with ethacrynic acid giving Ti(OiPr)2(O2C-EA)2, 4, in 74% yield, as a mixture of two isomers. All the products were characterized by means of analytical and spectroscopic methods, moreover DFT studies were carried out to give insight into structural features

    Inflammaging at ocular surface: clinical and biomolecular analyses in healthy volunteers

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    PURPOSE. To assess the ocular surface in volunteers who consider themselves as healthy, in order to evaluate how para-inflammatory mechanisms fail with age, and thus investigate the phenomenon of "InflammAging.''METHODS. In this observational prospective cohort study, volunteers were categorized into three groups according to age: young (19-40 years), middle-aged (41-60 years), and older adults (61-93 years). Clinical assessments included tear breakup time (T-BUT) and Schirmer test type I. Dry eye symptoms were evaluated by the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) questionnaire. Conjunctival mRNA and protein expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), MUC5AC, and IL-8 were measured by real-time PCR and immunofluorescence.RESULTS. A total of 82 volunteers (38 males and 44 females) were enrolled. T-BUT decreased significantly with increasing age (young: 11.13 +/- 0.18 seconds; middle-aged: 10.83 +/- 0.56 seconds; older: 9.00 +/- 1.00 seconds, P < 0.05). Schirmer test values decreased significantly with age (young: 20.6 +/- 1.0 mm; middle-aged: 19.2 +/- 1.2 mm; older: 16.0 +/- 1.1 mm, P < 0.05). OSDI scores increased with age in both groups, but they were substantially higher in women. Conjunctival expression of inflammatory markers ICAM-1, IL-8, and MUC5AC increased with age.CONCLUSIONS. Clinical signs, symptoms, and biomarkers of chronic inflammation increased with age in a cohort of volunteers who considered themselves healthy, indicating an age-related progressive impairment of ocular surface system function

    Tumor derived Microvesicles enhance cross-processing ability of clinical grade Dendritic Cells

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    Tumor cells release extracellular microvesicles (MVs) in the microenvironment to deliver biological signals to neighbouring cells as well as to cells in distant tissues. Tumor-derived MVs appear to play contradictory role promoting both immunosuppression and tumor growth and both evoking tumor specific immune response. Recent evidences indicate that tumor-derived MVs can positively impact Dendritic Cells (DCs) immunogenicity by reprogramming DC antigen processing machinery and intracellular signaling pathways, thus promoting anti-tumor response. DCs are considered pivot cells of the immune system due to their exclusive ability to coordinate the innate and acquired immune responses, cross-present exogenous antigens and prime naïve T cells. DCs are required for the induction and maintenance of long-lasting anti-tumor immunity and their exploitation has been extensively investigated for the design of anti-tumor vaccines. However, the clinical grade culture conditions that are required to generate DCs for therapeutic use can strongly affect their functions. Here, we investigated the immunomodulatory impact of MVs carrying the MUC1 tumor glycoantigen (MVsMUC1) as immunogen formulation on clinical grade DCs grown in X-VIVO 15 (X-DCs). Results indicated that X-DCs displayed reduced performance of the antigen processing machinery in term of diminished phagocytosis and acidification of the phagosomal compartment suggesting an altered immunogenicity of clinical grade DCs. Pulsing DCs with MVsMUC1 restored phagosomal alkalinization, triggering ROS increase. This was not observed when a soluble MUC1 protein was employed (rMUC1). Concurrently, MVsMUC1 internalization by X-DCs allowed MUC1 cross-processing. Most importantly, MVsMUC1 pulsed DCs activated IFNγ response mediated by MUC1 specific CD8+ T cells. These results strongly support the employment of tumor-derived MVs as immunogen platforms for the implementation of DC-based vaccine

    Prothrombotic genetic risk factors in chronic daily headache

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    The aetiology of chronic daily or near-daily headache (CDH) is unknown. We evaluated prothrombotic genetic risk factors (factor V G1691A, factor II 20210 G/A, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutations and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4G/5G polymorphism) in 100 patients with CDH, and in 73 healthy controls. Patients did not differ from controls for the studied prothrombotic polymorphisms. These findings suggest that prothrombotic genetic risk factors do not play a role in the development of CDH

    Transcriptional activation of the miR-17-92 cluster is involved in the growth-promoting effects of MYB in human Ph-positive leukemia cells.

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    MicroRNAs, non-coding regulators of gene expression, are likely to function as important downstream effectors of many transcription factors including MYB. Optimal levels of MYB are required for transformation/maintenance of BCR-ABL-expressing cells. We investigated whether MYB silencing modulates microRNA expression in Philadelphia-positive (Ph+) leukemia cells and if MYB-regulated microRNAs are important for the MYB addiction of these cells. Thirty-five microRNAs were modulated by MYB silencing in lymphoid and erythromyeloid chronic myeloid leukemia-blast crisis BV173 and K562 cells; 15 of these were concordantly modulated in both lines. We focused on the miR-17-92 cluster because of its oncogenic role in tumors and found that: i) it is a direct MYB target; ii) it partially rescued the impaired proliferation and enhanced apoptosis of MYB-silenced BV173 cells. Moreover, we identified FRZB, a Wnt/β-catenin pathway inhibitor, as a novel target of the miR-17-92 cluster. High expression of MYB in blast cells from 2 Ph+leukemia patients correlated positively with the miR-17-92 cluster and inversely with FRZB. This expression pattern was also observed in a microarray dataset of 122 Ph+acute lymphoblastic leukemias. In vivo experiments in NOD scid gamma mice injected with BV173 cells confirmed that FRZB functions as a Wnt/β-catenin inhibitor even as they failed to demonstrate that this pathway is important for BV173-dependent leukemogenesis. These studies illustrate the global effects of MYB expression on the microRNAs profile of Ph+cells and supports the concept that the MYB addiction of these cells is, in part, caused by modulation of microRNA-regulated pathways affecting cell proliferation and survival. Copyright© 2019 Ferrata Storti Foundation

    Quantitative serological evaluation as a valuable tool in the COVID-19 vaccination campaign

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    Objectives: After exceptional research efforts, several vaccines were developed against SARS-CoV-2 which sustains the pandemic COVID-19. The Comirnaty vaccine showed high efficacy in clinical trials and was the first to be approved for its distribution to the general population. We evaluated the immune response induced by the first vaccine dose in different sex/age groups and subjects with or without naturally present anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Methods: As part of an Italian multicenter project (Covidiagnostix), serum samples from 4,290 health-professionals were serologically tested the day of the first vaccination dose, and 21 days later, using two different instrumentations (Siemens-Healthineers and Roche). Results: In total, 97% of samples showed the presence of specific antibodies 21 days after the vaccination dose; the percentage of non-responders increased with age in both genders. Remarkably, naturally seropositive individuals showed antibody persistence up to 11 months and an exceptionally higher vaccination response compared to subjects never infected by SARS-CoV-2. Conclusions: This study highlighted the importance of the serological test i) to identify naturally SARS-CoV-2 seropositive individuals and ii) to evaluate the antibody level elicited by the first vaccination dose. Both tests, highlighted differences in the immune response, when subjects were stratified by sex and age, and between naturally seropositive and seronegative subjects.The data obtained show how serological tests could play a crucial role in the triage of the population subjected to the vaccination campaign for COVID-19. The definition of suitable instrumentation-specific thresholds is needed to correctly follow eventually acquired post-vaccination immunity in the general population
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