1,240 research outputs found

    Improving key root traits in sugar beet: Fusarium resistance

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    The challenge of the twenty-first century is to produce enough food to meet population demands without extending land or damaging the environment. Combining a maximum number of desirable traits such disease resistance, greater yield, and high quality is a desirable goal for plant breeders. The development of resistant crop genotypes is essential to ensure global food security, make the plant more useful and avoid crop losses. The development of molecular markers linked to the target traits is needed to predict phenotypic variation based on genotype. Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) can reduce costs and the time required to obtain new cultivars by comparing selection only based on phenotypic evaluation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are widely used as genetic marker. Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is the second source of world sugar supply and is grown in all temperate zones. The crop is attacked by many pathogens and among these, the soil-borne fungus Fusarium oxysporum causes severe sugar beet damages. Two different formae speciales have been reported in sugar beet, F. oxysporum f. sp. betae that causes Fusarium yellows, and F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-betae that causes Fusarium root rot. Disease symptoms are characterized by wilt and yellow leaves that normally die as the disease progresses. Internal symptoms consist of a brown or grey brown vascular discoloration and in the case of root rot, there is a back external rot in the primary root. Sugar beet varieties are susceptible to F. oxysporum, which can cause a lower root yield and reduce sugar quality. No genetic studies have been done up to now, so no genes or quantitative trait loci (QTLs) conferring resistance to F. oxysporum in sugar beet have been reported. The aims of this work were (i) to investigate the response of a wide collection of sugar beet lines to F. oxysporum f. sp. betae, (ii) to identify resistant lines suitable for future breeding efforts and (iii) to discover molecular markers linked to the Fusarium resistance that could be considered for use in marker-assisted selection (MAS) programs. The first part of the thesis is a literature review of sugar beet breeding achievements, including the discovery of monogermity and cytoplasmic-genetic male sterility (CMS) that allowed the release of hybrid varieties. The review also focused on the breeding progresses against diseases obtained with classical and molecular methods using sources of resistance from wild beets. Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies with the recent release of the full sugar beet genome sequence are also reported. Incorporation of genomics into conventional sugar beet breeding programs is essential to obtain important yield achievements in sugar beet. The second part was aimed at screening a wide range of sugar beet lines to identify the different effect to F. oxysporum f. sp. betae inoculation and to select resistant and susceptible lines. To achieve this, 29 sugar beet lines were screened under greenhouse conditions with two highly virulent isolates belonging to different genetic sub-groups. The third part regards an experiment conducted to evaluate the response of different sugar beet breeding germplasm to isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. betae. In the previously tested lines, an unusual root rot was observed, normally reported in cases of infection with F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-betae. Eight susceptible lines, from USDA-ARS (US) and UNIPD (University of Padova, Italy), were inoculated with three different isolates of F. oxysporum f. sp. betae, the causal agent of Fusarium yellows. All inoculated lines developed disease symptoms, but severe root rot was observed only in the susceptible UNIPD lines inoculated with isolates that had never caused root rot in the USDA germplasm. In this work, an unusual root rot was reported for the first time that seems to be caused not only by the isolates, but is also due to a germplasm effect. The fourth part was aimed to identify molecular SNP markers linked to the Fusarium resistance in sugar beet. A candidate gene approach was used on susceptible and resistant lines to achieve this goal. Five resistant gene analogues were screened by means of a high-resolution melting (HRM) analysis and two allelic variants, within two genes, were significantly associated to Fusarium resistance. Sanger sequencing allowed the discovery of two SNP markers linked to the resistance. These two SNPs were significantly associated with the resistance and were mapped on the exon of Bv7_171470_ojty and Bv2_043450_zhxk, respectively

    Work in Multidisciplinary Teams: a Study about Mobilization of Knowledge and Learning in an Organization of Complex Products

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    This article, the result of a Master‟s thesis, has as the main objective to investigate how trainee-engineers from the Advanced Training Program for Engineers (ATPE), from a Brazilian organization called Challenge, working in multidisciplinary teams with the help of mentors, interact and mobilize their knowledge, resulting in learning. To accomplish this, a Theoretical Reference Model based on the studies of Nonaka and Takeuchi (1997); Crossan, Lane and White (1999); Choo (2000, 2001); Garvin (2002); Schwartz (2003); Zietsma, Winn, Branzei and Vertinsky (2002); Senge (2006) and Castañeda, Rios (2007) and Pérez-Acosta (2005) was built. The data of this qualitative study case was garnered by an open questionnaire, individual interviews and questionnaires with a closed scale, applied in October and November of 2008. The results show that ATPE is seen as a proper driver of the mobilization, interaction and exchange of knowledge between trainee-engineers and mentors, resulting in learning at individual and group levels. Mentors are professionals that stimulate attention, autonomy and promote integration in an environment that simulates the business one. These aspects were seen as facilitators of the interaction and learning in ATPE. At the end, 18 notions were related to learning in ATPE and appear portrayed in an Empirical Representation done by authors


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    La investigación preparatoria como actividad realizada por las partes a fin de recabar información relativa a los hechos que fundamenten su pretensión, además de localizar y asegurar las fuentes de prueba, se configura como un elemento estructural esencial del proceso civil. Los diferentes sistemas procesales existentes configuran la regulación de esta fase de forma totalmente diferente, de manera que, durante décadas, los sistemas del llamado common law y civil law se han dado la espalda en este concreto aspecto procesal. Sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos, se han abierto líneas convergentes de ambos sistemas que benefician la eficiencia procesal de esta fase preprocesal. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo primordial analizar cuáles son esas convergencias en ambos sistemas, destacando las ventajas e inconvenientes de las mismas, en orden a mejorar la tutela judicial efectiva de los litigantes, sobre todo, en aquellos supuestos en los que existe una desigualdad intrínseca de los mismos y la asimetría informativa de los hechos y las fuentes de prueba para sostener sus respectivas pretensiones resulta absolutamente palmaria

    Estratégias de comunicação no mercado de luxo : uma análise sobre a Burberry

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    Este estudo tem como tema as estratégias de comunicação utilizadas pelo mercado de luxo. A marca de moda Burberry foi utilizada como objeto para compreender como o mercado de luxo possui estratégias diferenciadas para construir uma imagem de marca e ter um bom relacionamento com os seus públicos. O objetivo geral foi analisar o posicionamento de marca e as estratégias de comunicação da Burberry, no contexto do hiperconsumo e mercado de luxo. Inicialmente, realizou-se uma pesquisa exploratória com a finalidade de ter um conhecimento prévio sobre o assunto. Do ponto de vista metodológico, realizou-se pesquisa bibliográfica sobre hiperconsumo, marketing de luxo e cultura-mundo, marca, posicionamento, identidade e reputação. Como fonte de coleta de dados, realizou-se uma análise de conteúdo em postagens do Instagram, além de pesquisa documental, recorrendo ao site oficial da marca, à técnica de cliente oculto e informações e notícias publicadas em mídia digital. Por meio dos dados coletados, concluiu-se que a Burberry utiliza estratégias de comunicação que condizem e se relacionam com a sua identidade e essência de marca. Porém, apesar de realizar ações para ser considerada uma marca socialmente responsável, ainda tem dificuldade de abrir mão de hábitos que podem vir a prejudicar a sua reputação.This study focuses on the communication strategies used by the luxury market. The Burberry fashion brand was used as an object to understand how the luxury market has differentiated strategies to build a brand image and have a good relationship with its public. The overall goal was to analyze Burberry's brand positioning and communication strategies in the context of hyper-consumerism and the luxury market. Initially, an exploratory research was conducted in order to have prior knowledge about the subject. From the methodological point of view, a bibliographical research was carried out on hyper-consumerism, luxury marketing and culture-world, brand, positioning, identity and reputation. As a source of data collection, a content analysis was carried out on Instagram posts, as well as documentary research, using the brand's official website, the hidden client technique, and information and news published in digital media. Through the data collected, it was concluded that Burberry uses communication strategies that fit and relate to its identity and brand essence. However, despite taking actions to be considered a socially responsible brand, it still has a hard time giving up on habits that could undermine its reputation

    Investigation on the microbiological hazards in an artisanal soft cheese produced in northern Italy and its production environment in different seasonal periods

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    The present study aimed at assessing the occurrence of microbiological hazards (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157) in an artisanal soft cheese produced in northern Italy. In the same product total bacterial count, lactic acid bacteria and Enterobacteriaceae were enumerated, and pH and water activity measured in two batches sampled in summer and winter. Samples of raw materials, environmental swabs from the production processes and cheese during 15 days of storage at 2 and 8°C as well as dynamic temperature of 2°C for 5 days and 8°C for 10 days were collected and tested. The load of total bacterial count was significantly higher in the winter batch in comparison to the summer one, with a significant increase at the end of the storage period also noticed for lactic acid bacteria. Statistical higher values of pH were registered in raw materials and end of storage in winter batch. S. aureus was con-firmed only in the winter batch within samples (n=4) of stored cheese. On plates used for E. coli O157 detection, colonies of Klebsiella pneumoniae and Klebsiella oxy-toca were isolated. The results suggest that the highest bacterial population in the winter batch was associated to a higher pH in stored cheese and a higher number of bio-logical hazards identified. Their isolation started in the maturation room suggesting this step as relevant for possible cheese contamination

    La modificación de la capacidad de obrar. El internamiento no voluntario por razón de trastorno psíquico

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    La comunicación versa sobre la actual regulación del proceso civil para la modificación de la capacidad de obrar, así como la futura regulación del mismo en adaptación a la convención de nueva york de 2006 sobre los derechos de las personas con discapacidad. Asimismo, se abordan las garantías procesales exigidas por el tribunal constitucional para autorizar un internamiento civil por razón de trastorno psíquicoUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Tutela colectiva de consumidores y usuarios: la proyectada transposición al ordenamiento jurídico español de la directiva 2020/1828 sobre acciones de representación.

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    Uno de los últimos paradigmas en esa armonización europea del derecho procesal civil como es la Directiva (UE) 2020/1828 del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo de 25 de noviembre de 2020 relativa a las acciones de representación para la protección de los intereses colectivos de los consumidores, y por la que se deroga la Directiva 2009/22/CE. Los esfuerzos legislativos en torno a esta homogeneización son fruto de una evolución larga y complicada que finalmente ha desembocado en el instrumento que ahora analizamos , donde se establece un plazo de dos años para que los Estados adapten sus legislaciones. Dicho plazo finalizó en diciembre de 2022, momento en el que el Gobierno de España presentó un Anteproyecto de Ley de acciones de representación para la protección de los intereses colectivos de los consumidores, que se encuentra actualmente en tramitación. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo, no tanto el estudio de la propia Directiva, sobre la cual existen ya excelentes trabajos doctrinales que aquí reseñaremos debidamente, sino de la opción elegida por el prelegislador español para adaptar nuestros mecanismos de acceso a la justicia de consumidores y usuarios, de manera que se analizarán debidamente si se han cumplido los parámetros europeos en la armonización perseguida.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Impronte digitali

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    El reto de la proyectada especialización orgánica procesal en familia, infancia y capacidad

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    La especialización orgánica procesal en familia infancia y capacidad que prevé la futura reforma de la LOPJ presenta algunas luces y sombras que no va a paliar la desigualdad formal en el el acceso a la justicia de las personas. La proyectada especialización sigue estando prevista en función de la carga de trabajo de los tribunales, lo que no difiere de la situación actual en el ámbito de la justicia de familia. El presente trabajo pretende resaltar las consecuencias de aprobar un proyecto en los términos en los que se ha planteado, destacando la viabilidad de alguna de las propuestas que se plantean, como es la comarcalización de las futuras Secciones de Familia en los partidos judiciales, lo que podría servir como alternativa ante la insuficiencia de recursos para dotar de estas secciones a todos los partidos judiciales de España.Universidad de Málaga, Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    La evolución de la institución del "discovery" en las Federal Rules of Civil Procedure estadounidense: especial referencia a su tratamiento en la obra del profesor Angelo Dondi

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    El pretrial discovery, en el ordenamiento estadounidense, consiste en el procedimiento procesal a través del cual cada una de las partes del proceso puede obtener información de las otras, de cara a concretar el objeto de la controversia, determinar sus posiciones y recopilar prueba para el posterior proceso judicial. Regulado en las reglas 26 a 37 de las Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (en adelante, FRCP), la evolución de la institución desde que se implantara en el año 1938 ha sido oscilante y reveladora de la necesidad de depurar el mecanismo con vistas a evitar muchas disfunciones en el sistema que han contribuido a que el discovery sea visto en Europa con una visión asimétrica y quizás acontemporánea. A diferencia de la doctrina española en la que son puntuales las incursiones en el análisis comparado de la institución del discovery, la italiana ha sido más “revolucionaria” en este aspecto, dadas las tomas de posición de marca reformadora que asumen predominantemente forma de críticas en clave metodológica de las reformas frustradas. Para Dondi, el modelo estadounidense de dicha institución representa el punto de partida para un análisis comparado de las estrategias de defensa en la determinación de las características de una controversia civil en la fase preparatoria . Se trata de uno de los temas descubiertos por los representantes del enfoque reformador minoritario de la escuela italiana alrededor de la última década del siglo veinte , por lo que, a nuestro juicio, resulta altamente conveniente realizar un recorrido sobre la evolución de dicha doctrina, de gran interés científico para nosotros. Un profundo estudio de la institución del discovery y su evolución revela conclusiones interesantes que extrapolar al propio estudio de nuestros sistemas procesales.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech