573 research outputs found

    Drafting Biological Material Transfer Agreement: A Ready-To-Sign Model for Biobanks and Biorepositories

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    Purpose: Due to the scarcity of publications, guidelines, and harmonization among national regulations, biobanks and institutions face practical and theoretical issues when drafting a material transfer agreement (MTA), the fundamental tool to regulate the successful exchange of biosamples and information. Frequently researchers do not execute MTAs because of a general lack of knowledge about this topic. It is thus critical to develop new models to prevent loss of traceability and opportunities both for researchers and biobanks, their exposure to various risks, and delays in transferring biomaterials.Methods: Through the involvement of institutional groups and professionals with multidisciplinary expertise, we have drawn up a ready-to-sign MTA for the CRO-Biobank (the biobank of the National Cancer Institute, CRO, Aviano), a standardized template that can be employed as a ready-to-use model agreement.Results: The team identified the essential components to be included in the MTA, which comprise i) permissions, liability and representations; ii) custodianship and distribution limitations; iii) appropriate use of materials, including biosafety concerns; iv) confidentiality, non-disclosure, and publications; v) intellectual property protection for both the provider and recipient.Conclusions: This paper aims to be an unabridged report (among the few works in the existing literature) providing a description of the whole process related to the formation of an MTA. Biobanks and institutions may consider adopting our ready-to-sign form as a standard model. The article discusses the most important issues tackled during the drafting of the document, thus proposing an operative approach for other institutions that face the same problems

    8-Chloro-Cyclic AMP and Protein Kinase A I-Selective Cyclic AMP Analogs Inhibit Cancer Cell Growth through Different Mechanisms

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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP) inhibits the proliferation of several tumor cells. We previously reported an antiproliferative effect of PKA I-selective cAMP analogs (8-PIP-cAMP and 8-HA-cAMP) on two human cancer cell lines of different origin. 8-Cl-cAMP, another cAMP analog with known antiproliferative properties, has been investigated as a potential anticancer drug. Here, we compared the antiproliferative effect of 8-Cl-cAMP and the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs in three human cancer cell lines (ARO, NPA and WRO). 8-Cl-cAMP and the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs had similarly potent antiproliferative effects on the BRAF-positive ARO and NPA cells, but not on the BRAF-negative WRO cells, in which only 8-Cl-cAMP consistently inhibited cell growth. While treatment with the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs was associated with growth arrest, 8-Cl-cAMP induced apoptosis. To further investigate the actions of 8-Cl-cAMP and the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs, we analyzed their effects on signaling pathways involved in cell proliferation and apoptosis. Interestingly, the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs, but not 8-Cl-cAMP, inhibited ERK phosphorylation, whereas 8-Cl-cAMP alone induced a progressive phosphorylation of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), via activation of AMPK by its metabolite 8-Cl-adenosine. Importantly, the pro-apoptotic effect of 8-Cl-cAMP could be largely prevented by pharmacological inhibition of the p38 MAPK. Altogether, these data suggest that 8-Cl-cAMP and the PKA I-selective cAMP analogs, though of comparable antiproliferative potency, act through different mechanisms. PKA I-selective cAMP analogs induce growth arrest in cells carrying the BRAF oncogene, whereas 8-Cl-cAMP induce apoptosis, apparently through activation of the p38 MAPK pathway

    High-Resolution 3D Fabrication of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Nanocomposite (FRPN) Objects by Two-Photon Direct Laser Writing

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    This paper reports on the nanofabrication of a fiber-reinforced polymer nanocomposite (FRPN) by two-photon direct laser writing (TP-DLW) using silica nanowires (SiO2 NWs) as nanofillers, since they feature a refractive index very close to that of the photoresist used as a polymeric matrix. This allows for the best resolution offered by the TP-DLW technique, even with high loads of SiO2 NWs, up to 70 wt %. The FRPN presented an increase of approximately 4 times in Young's modulus (8.23 GPa) and nanohardness (120 MPa) when compared to those of the bare photoresist, indicating how the proposed technique is well-suited for applications with higher structural requirements. Moreover, three different printing configurations can be implemented thanks to the use of silicon chips, on which the SiO2 NWs are grown, as fabrication substrates. First, they can be effectively used as an adhesive layer when the laser beam is focused at the interface with the silicon substrate. Second, they can be used as a sacrificial layer, when the laser beam is focused in a plane inside the SiO2 NW layer. Third, only the outer shell of the object is printed so that the SiO2 NW tangle acts as the internal skeleton for the structure being fabricated in the so-called shell and scaffold printing strategy

    Multi-Step Regulation of the TLR4 Pathway by the miR-125a~99b~let-7e Cluster

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    An appropriate immune response requires a tight balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. IL-10 is induced at late time-points during acute inflammatory conditions triggered by TLR-dependent recognition of infectious agents and is involved in setting this balance, operating as a negative regulator of the TLR-dependent signaling pathway. We identified miR-125a~99b~let-7e as an evolutionary conserved microRNA cluster late-induced in human monocytes exposed to the TLR4 agonist LPS as an effect of this IL-10-dependent regulatory loop. We demonstrated that microRNAs generated by this cluster perform a pervasive regulation of the TLR signaling pathway by direct targeting receptors (TLR4, CD14), signaling molecules (IRAK1), and effector cytokines (TNFα, IL-6, CCL3, CCL7, CXCL8). Modulation of miR-125a~99b~let-7e cluster influenced the production of proinflammatory cytokines in response to LPS and the IL-10-mediated tolerance to LPS, thus identifying this gene as a previously unrecognized major regulatory element of the inflammatory response and endotoxin tolerance

    Revealing the Therapeutic Potential of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A in Counteracting Paralysis and Neuropathic Pain in Spinally Injured Mice

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    Botulinum neurotoxin type A (BoNT/A) is a major therapeutic agent that has been proven to be a successful treatment for different neurological disorders, with emerging novel therapeutic indications each year. BoNT/A exerts its action by blocking SNARE complex formation and vesicle release through the specific cleavage of SNAP-25 protein; the toxin is able to block the release of pro-inflammatory molecules for months after its administration. Here we demonstrate the extraordinary capacity of BoNT/A to neutralize the complete paralysis and pain insensitivity induced in a murine model of severe spinal cord injury (SCI). We show that the toxin, spinally administered within one hour from spinal trauma, exerts a long-lasting proteolytic action, up to 60 days after its administration, and induces a complete recovery of muscle and motor function. BoNT/A modulates SCI-induced neuroglia hyperreactivity, facilitating axonal restoration, and preventing secondary cells death and damage. Moreover, we demonstrate that BoNT/A affects SCI-induced neuropathic pain after moderate spinal contusion, confirming its anti-nociceptive action in this kind of pain, as well. Our results provide the intriguing and real possibility to identify in BoNT/A a therapeutic tool in counteracting SCI-induced detrimental effects. Because of the well-documented BoNT/A pharmacology, safety, and toxicity, these findings strongly encourage clinical translation

    abCDEuropa: guida al wiki dei CDE italiani

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    Il wiki dei CDE italiani è uno strumento pensato e creato specificamente per l’uso online poiché ha una struttura reticolare di rimandi incrociati invece di un’esposizione lineare. Questa breve guida non intende quindi riproporre il wiki dei CDE, che è uno strumento dinamico in continua evoluzione e aggiornamento, bensì fornire in una pluralità di supporti oltre al web - carta, libro elettronico - indicazioni generali e sintetiche sui principali contenuti del wiki

    CARMA2sh and ULK2 control pathogen-associated molecular patterns recognition in human keratinocytes: psoriasis-linked CARMA2sh mutants escape ULK2 censorship

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    The molecular complexes formed by specific members of the family of CARMA proteins, the CARD domain-containing adapter molecule BCL10 and MALT1 (CBM complex) represent a central hub in regulating activation of the pleiotropic transcription factor NF-κB. Recently, missense mutations in CARMA2sh have been shown to cause psoriasis in a dominant manner and with high penetrancy. Here, we demonstrate that in human keratinocytes CARMA2sh plays an essential role in the signal transduction pathway that connects pathogen-associated molecular patterns recognition to NF-κB activation. We also find that the serine/threonine kinase ULK2 binds to and phosphorylates CARMA2sh, thereby inhibiting its capacity to activate NF-κB by promoting lysosomal degradation of BCL10, which is essential for CARMA2sh-mediated NF-κB signaling. Remarkably, CARMA2sh mutants associated with psoriasis escape ULK2 inhibition. Finally, we show that a peptide blocking CARD-mediated BCL10 interactions reduces the capacity of psoriasis-linked CARMA2sh mutants to activate NF-κB. Our work elucidates a fundamental signaling mechanism operating in human keratinocytes and opens to novel potential tools for the therapeutical treatment of human skin disorders.This publication was made possible by a NPRP award (NPRP 7-1189-3-304) from the Qatar National Research Fund (a member of The Qatar Foundation)
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