3,265 research outputs found

    VLT observations of the Central Compact Object in the Vela Jr. supernova remnant

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    X-ray observations have unveiled the existence of enigmatic point-like sources at the center of young (a few kyrs) supernova remnants. These sources, known as Central Compact Objects (CCOs), are thought to be neutron stars produced by the supernova explosion, although their X-ray phenomenology makes them markedly different from all the other young neutron stars discovered so far.The aim of this work is to search for the optical/IR counterpart of the Vela Junior CCO and to understand the nature of the associated Halpha nebula discovered by Pellizzoni et al. (2002).}{We have used deep optical (R band) and IR (J,H,Ks bands) observations recently performed by our group with the ESO VLT to obtain the first deep, high resolution images of the field with the goal of resolving the nebula structure and pinpointing a point-like source possibly associated with the neutron star.Our R-band image shows that both the nebula's flux and its structure are very similar to the Halpha ones, suggesting that the nebula spectrum is dominated by pure Halpha line emission. However, the nebula is not detected in our IR observations, whick makes it impossible to to constrain its spectrum. A faint point-like object (J>22.6, H~21.6, Ks ~ 21.4) compatible with the neutron star's Chandra X-ray position is detected in our IR images (H and Ks) but not in the optical one (R > 25.6), where it is buried by the nebula background. The nebula is most likely a bow-shock produced by the neutron star motion through the ISM or, alternatively, a photo-ionization nebula powered by UV radiation from a hot neutron star.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, A&Aaccepte

    The SAMI Galaxy Survey: gravitational potential and surface density drive stellar populations -- I. early-type galaxies

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    The well-established correlations between the mass of a galaxy and the properties of its stars are considered evidence for mass driving the evolution of the stellar population. However, for early-type galaxies (ETGs), we find that gig-i color and stellar metallicity [Z/H] correlate more strongly with gravitational potential Φ\Phi than with mass MM, whereas stellar population age correlates best with surface density Σ\Sigma. Specifically, for our sample of 625 ETGs with integral-field spectroscopy from the SAMI Galaxy Survey, compared to correlations with mass, the color--Φ\Phi, [Z/H]--Φ\Phi, and age--Σ\Sigma relations show both smaller scatter and less residual trend with galaxy size. For the star formation duration proxy [α\alpha/Fe], we find comparable results for trends with Φ\Phi and Σ\Sigma, with both being significantly stronger than the [α\alpha/Fe]-MM relation. In determining the strength of a trend, we analyze both the overall scatter, and the observational uncertainty on the parameters, in order to compare the intrinsic scatter in each correlation. These results lead us to the following inferences and interpretations: (1) the color--Φ\Phi diagram is a more precise tool for determining the developmental stage of the stellar population than the conventional color--mass diagram; and (2) gravitational potential is the primary regulator of global stellar metallicity, via its relation to the gas escape velocity. Furthermore, we propose the following two mechanisms for the age and [α\alpha/Fe] relations with Σ\Sigma: (a) the age--Σ\Sigma and [α\alpha/Fe]--Σ\Sigma correlations arise as results of compactness driven quenching mechanisms; and/or (b) as fossil records of the ΣSFRΣgas\Sigma_{SFR}\propto\Sigma_{gas} relation in their disk-dominated progenitors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Accepted to Ap

    Exoplanets around G-K Giants

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    G and K giants are a class of radial velocity (RV) variables. One reason for this variability are planetary companions which are indicated in time series of stellar spectra. Since 2004 these spectra in the visual range were obtained with the high resolution coud\'e \'echelle spectrograph mounted on the 2m telescope of the Th\"uringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg (TLS) for a northern sample of 62 very bright K giants. In the South around 300 G and K giants were observed with HARPS mounted on the 3.6m telescope on La Silla. The TLS sample contains at least 11 stars (18 %) which show low-amplitude, long-period RV variations most likely due to planets. This percentage of planet frequency is confirmed by preliminary results of the HARPS study. Moreover the TLS survey seems to indicate that giant planets do not favour metal-rich stars, are more massive, and have longer periods than those found around solar-type host stars.Comment: Part of PlanetsbeyondMS/2010 proceedings http://arxiv.org/html/1011.660

    Asymmetric WIMP dark matter

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    In existing dark matter models with global symmetries the relic abundance of dark matter is either equal to that of anti-dark matter (thermal WIMP), or vastly larger, with essentially no remaining anti-dark matter (asymmetric dark matter). By exploring the consequences of a primordial asymmetry on the coupled dark matter and anti-dark matter Boltzmann equations we find large regions of parameter space that interpolate between these two extremes. Interestingly, this new asymmetric WIMP framework can accommodate a wide range of dark matter masses and annihilation cross sections. The present-day dark matter population is typically asymmetric, but only weakly so, such that indirect signals of dark matter annihilation are not completely suppressed. We apply our results to existing models, noting that upcoming direct detection experiments will constrain a large region of the relevant parameter space.Comment: 32 pages, 6 figures, updated references, updated XENON100 bounds, typo in figure caption correcte

    Recording provenance of workflow runs with RO-Crate

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    Recording the provenance of scientific computation results is key to the support of traceability, reproducibility and quality assessment of data products.Several data models have been explored to address this need, providing representations of workflow plans and their executions as well as means of packaging the resulting information for archiving and sharing.However, existing approaches tend to lack interoperable adoption across workflow management systems.In this work we present Workflow Run RO-Crate, an extension of RO-Crate (Research Object Crate) and Schema.org to capture the provenance of the execution of computational workflows at different levels of granularity and bundle together all their associated objects (inputs, outputs, code, etc.).The model is supported by a diverse, open community that runs regular meetings, discussing development, maintenance and adoption aspects.Workflow Run RO-Crate is already implemented by several workflow management systems, allowing interoperable comparisons between workflow runs from heterogeneous systems.We describe the model, its alignment to standards such as W3C PROV, and its implementation in six workflow systems.Finally, we illustrate the application of Workflow Run RO-Crate in two use cases of machine learning in the digital image analysis domain.A corresponding RO-Crate for this article is at https://w3id.org/ro/doi/10.5281/zenodo.1036898

    Gender and sexual orientation differences in cognition across adulthood : age is kinder to women than to men regardless of sexual orientation

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    Despite some evidence of greater age-related deterioration of the brain in males than in females, gender differences in rates of cognitive aging have proved inconsistent. The present study employed web-based methodology to collect data from people aged 20-65 years (109,612 men; 88,509 women). As expected, men outperformed women on tests of mental rotation and line angle judgment, whereas women outperformed men on tests of category fluency and object location memory. Performance on all tests declined with age but significantly more so for men than for women. Heterosexuals of each gender generally outperformed bisexuals and homosexuals on tests where that gender was superior; however, there were no clear interactions between age and sexual orientation for either gender. At least for these particular tests from young adulthood to retirement, age is kinder to women than to men, but treats heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals just the same